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洪源  冯建民  何川 《国际骨科学杂志》2011,32(4):219-220,234
股骨假体旋转力线是影响全膝关节置换术预后的极其重要环节.以哪条轴线作为术中参照轴才能够最大程度地保证股骨假体旋转轴线对位准确,目前仍存有争议.该文就全膝关节置换术中各种股骨假体旋转定位参照轴的可靠性等作一综述.  相似文献   

目的探讨术前CT扫描对全膝关节置换(TKA)中股骨假体旋转力线精确确定的作用。方法将200例(252膝)TKA患者随机分为两组:①经验组(64例):TKA术中根据术者触摸外科股骨上髁轴线联合Whi-teside线联合确定股骨假体外旋角度;②CT扫描组(136例):术前CT扫描确定股骨后髁角,术中采用可调外旋定位器复制CT确定的外旋角度,其余TKA手术操作相同。两组术后均行CT扫描确定股骨假体旋转不良角度并对其绝对值进行比较。结果经验组TKA术后股骨假体旋转不良角度为2.8°±0.14°,CT扫描组为1.2°±0.04°,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=4.18,P<0.01)。经验组股骨假体旋转不良率为32.1%,CT扫描组为18.5%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.47,P<0.01)。结论术前CT扫描确定股骨远端后髁角可以有效提高TKA手术股骨假体旋转力线,方法简单、有效、重复性良好。  相似文献   

目的综述人工全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)中股骨假体旋转评估研究进展,以减少假体旋转不良导致的术后并发症。方法查阅近年TKA术中股骨假体旋转定位参考轴线的基础及临床研究相关文献,并进行综合分析。结果股骨假体旋转不良可造成屈曲间隙不平衡和髌骨轨迹不良,术前应采用不同方法确定股骨假体旋转力线,并通过影像学技术及计算机导航技术进行手术前后评估,保证股骨假体的旋转位置良好,使术后膝关节功能获得最大程度的恢复。结论近年发展了多种手术技巧和新技术以确定股骨假体旋转力线,临床应用并获得较好效果。  相似文献   

胫骨假体旋转对线是影响全膝关节置换术后膝关节功能和假体生存的重要因素。至今尚无明确的胫骨假体旋转对线的定位方法。目前常用的旋转对线定位方法包括关节外胫骨假体旋转参考标志和自我形合技术等,但关节外旋转对线不可靠,易受到膝关节内外翻畸形的影响,自我形舍技术一般会导致胫骨假体过度外旋,两者易导致胫骨假体旋转不良。近年有文献报道使用胫骨截骨面解剖标志来确定胫骨假体旋转对线,其中胫骨平台Akagi前后线及胫骨髁间棘间沟线较为可靠,易于术中定位,是目前全膝关节置换术中值得采用的方法。  相似文献   

目的对国内外有关全膝关节置换术中胫骨假体旋转定位方法的研究及应用进行综述。方法广泛查阅近年来关于全膝关节置换术中胫骨假体旋转定位方法的文献,并进行总结与分析。结果传统的解剖标志线受到多种因素的影响缺乏准确性,因此不存在统一的线性定位。结论胫骨结节内侧缘至中内1/3线被认为是最理想的胫骨假体旋转定位区间,线性的定位应根据患者膝关节内外翻畸形的程度而定。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨CT扫描技术检测全膝关节置换术(TKA)中对髌股关节轨迹不良股骨旋转截骨角度确定的作用。[方法]将72例(74膝)TKA中髌股关节轨迹不良患者随机分为两组:(1)CT扫描组35例(36膝):术前CT扫描确定股骨后髁角,术中采用CT确定的股骨后髁角进行股骨外旋截骨,其余TKA手术操作相同;(2)对照组37例(38膝):术中采用与后髁轴线呈固定外旋3°进行股骨外旋截骨,两组术后均行CT扫描分析股骨假体旋转不良角度并对其绝对值进行比较。[结果]术后随访时间24120个月,平均53.6个月。CT扫描组KSS功能评分从术前的平均35分提高到术后平均81分;对照组KSS功能评分从术前的平均34分提高到术后平均83分,两组比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。CT扫描组:TKA术后股骨假体旋转不良角度为1.4°±0.06°,对照组为2.5°±0.14°,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=4.18,P<0.01)。CT扫描组股骨假体旋转不良率为12.5%,经验组为24.6%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(x2=16.58,P<0.01)。[结论]术前CT扫描确定股骨假体旋转参考轴,可用于指导全膝关节置换术中股骨旋转截骨角度,有效提高TKA手术股骨假体旋转力线的准确性。  相似文献   

旋转对线不良是目前全膝关节置换术(TKA)失败的主要原因之一。各种常用的胫骨假体旋转对线方法中,Insall线存在过度外旋倾向;Akagi线虽是目前认可度最高的解剖轴,但仍存在一定内旋倾向。胫骨后髁轴不适合对称型假体,而曲面重叠技术则不适合解剖型假体。此外,参考任何固定解剖标志放置胫骨假体均不能保证伸膝位胫股假体的旋转...  相似文献   

目的 比较髓内定位与髓外定位法全膝关节置换术(TKA)后获得胫骨假体力线的情况.方法 测量106膝膝骨性关节炎(髓内定位组54膝,髓外定位组52膝)行TKA术后胫骨假体后倾角及胫骨角,并采用t检验对比分析.结果 髓内定位组、髓外定位组术后假体胫骨角平均度数分别为1.5°、2.5°,差异有统计学意义(P=0.021<0.05);术后胫骨假体后倾角分别为3.5°、3.1°,差异无统计学意义(P =0.06>0.05).结论 胫骨髓内定位法获得假体力线优于髓外定位法.  相似文献   

全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)能够有效的恢复膝关节生理力线、解除膝关节疼痛、恢复膝关节正常的功能,是治疗终末期膝骨性关节炎的有效的方法[1~3]。拟行TKA的患者通常伴有股骨远端解剖标志不清和形态的改变。TKA术中股骨假体的旋转力线是影响术后膝关节功能和假体使用寿命的重要因素,股骨假体旋转不良可导致术后髌骨轨迹异常、膝前区疼痛、胫股假体部件间剪切扭转应力增加和屈膝不稳定等[4-5]。因此如何精确定位股骨远端各  相似文献   

目的通过对旋转平台全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)术中胫骨假体自行确定的旋转中立位与胫骨结节内侧缘、胫骨结节中内1/3等解剖标志点相互位置关系的比较,探讨TKA术中胫骨假体的正确旋转放置位置。方法2006年3月至2008年3月,对30例患者行初次单膝关节置换术,女21例,男9例;年龄54—77岁,平均62岁。术前诊断:骨关节炎23例,类风湿关节炎7例。所有手术均采用旋转平台膝关节假体。胫骨假体的旋转放置以胫骨前后轴为参照。假体试件安装完毕、关节复位后,全范围内屈伸膝关节数次,使旋转平台在股骨假体的导引下自行确定其伸直位时的旋转中立位。借助于试件前方的刻度标志测量胫骨平台旋转试件相对于金属托中心(胫骨结节内侧缘)的旋转角度。结果胫骨旋转平台试件的中点相对于胫骨结节内侧缘的平均旋转角度为外旋2.3°±3.4°,其中男性平均为2.2°±3.6°,女性平均为2.4°±3.4°,男、女性比较差异无统计学意义。膝内、外翻平均外旋角度分别为2.9°±3.0°和1.4°±3.9°,膝内翻外旋角度大于膝外翻。本次研究的结果显著小于国人胫骨前后轴与后十字韧带中点胫骨结节中内1/3连线的夹角。结论国人TKA术中采用固定平台膝关节假体时,以胫骨结节中内1/3为标准行胫骨假体旋转放置时,有导致胫骨假体相对于股骨假体外旋过度的可能,满意的胫骨假体旋转安放位置应位于胫骨结节内侧缘稍外侧。  相似文献   

The rotational axis of the tibial component in total knee arthroplasty described by Insall is generally accepted, but rotational mismatch between the femoral and the tibial components can occur because the alignment of each component is determined separately. We developed a connecting instrument to synchronise the axis of the tibia to the axis of the femur. We compared the rotational axis of the tibial component using our method and medial one third of tibial tuberosity (Insall’s reference) in 70 consecutive TKAs. The rotational axis of the tibial component from the femoro-tibial synchronisation was rotated internally 13.8° ± 5.8° (range, 2° – 24°) more than the axis of Insall’s reference. Eighty three percent of patellae tracked centrally and the patellae tilt measured 2.2° on average. More attention should be given to the rotational congruency between the femoro-tibial components, because the recent prosthetic design has more conforming articular surfaces.
Résumé La rotation axiale du composant tibial dans la prothèse totale du genou décrite par Insall est généralement acceptée mais elle peut poser problème lorsqu’il existe un trouble de rotation sur le composant fémoral et le composant tibial du fait d’une détermination séparée de la position de chaque composant au moment de l’implantation. Nous avons pour cela développé un instrument qui permet de synchroniser l’axe du tibia et l’axe du fémur. Nous avons comparé la rotation axiale du composant tibial en utilisant notre méthode à propos de 70 prothèses totales consécutives du genou. L’axe de rotation après synchronisation des deux composants a été noté en rotation interne. Cette rotation interne est plus importante que celle prévue par l’axe de référence d’Insall qui est représenté par le tiers interne de la tubérosité tibio-intérieure. 83% des rotules avaient une course normale et un accrochage rotulien a été noté dans 2,2% en moyenne. Une attention particulière doit être portée à la congruence en rotation des éléments fémoro-tibiaux pendant l’implantation d’une PTG d’autant que cette congruence est plus importante dans les nouveaux dessins de prothèses totales du genou récentes.

Chu XB  Wu HS  Wu YL  Xu CM  Tao K  Zhou XB 《中华外科杂志》2006,44(8):523-526
目的分析和探究造成全膝置换术中胫股关节旋转对线不良的可能原因,指导术中选择正确的确定假体部件旋转的方法,以减少术后并发症。方法选择40例正常人的膝关节作为研究对象,男、女各20例,年龄18~42岁。应用螺旋CT扫描(层厚0.5mm)获取膝关节的横断面图像,采用Autocad2004软件测量股骨假体的旋转轴与胫骨假体的旋转轴之间的关系,运用统计学方法分析临床上选择临床上髁轴、外科上髁轴、股骨后髁轴等方法可能存在的潜在的胫股旋转对线不良及其影响程度。结果术中胫骨假体旋转以胫骨结节内、中1/3交界处来确定,而股骨假体旋转分别以临床上髁轴、外科上髁轴、股骨后髁轴外旋3°来确定,可能产生的胫股旋转对线不良的交角平均值分别为2.94°、6.50°、6.83°。结论全膝置换术中利用骨性解剖标志各自独立地确定胫骨假体、股骨假体的旋转对线必然会产生胫股旋转对线不良,而临床上髁轴产生的影响较小。  相似文献   

Background and purpose — There are many techniques for placing the femoral component in correct rotational alignment in total knee arthroplasty (TKA), but only a few have been tested against the supposed gold standard, rotation determined by postoperative computed tomography (CT). We evaluated the accuracy and variability of a new method, the clinical rotational axis (CRA) method, and assessed the association between the CRA and knee function.

Patients and methods — The CRA is a line derived from clinical judgement of information from the surgical transepicondylar axis, the anteroposterior axis, and the posterior condylar line. The CRA was used to guide the rotational positioning of the femoral component in 80 knees (46 female). At 3 years follow-up, the rotation of the femoral component was compared with the CT-derived surgical transepicondylar axis (CTsTEA) by 3 observers. Functional outcome was assessed with the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), the Oxford Knee Score (OKS) and patient satisfaction (VAS).

Results — The mean (95% CI) rotational deviation of the femoral component from the CTsTEA was 0.2° (–0.15°–0.55°). The standard deviation (95% CI) was 1.58° (1.36°–1.85°) and the range was from 3.7° internal rotation to 3.7° external rotation. No statistically significant association was found between femoral component rotation and KOOS, OKS, or VAS.

Interpretation — The CRA method was found to be accurate with a low grade of variability.  相似文献   

Poor clinical results following total knee arthroplasty like flexion gap instability or anterior knee pain may be related to femoral component rotational malalignment. The transepicondylar axis has been recommended as a landmark to consistently recreate a balanced flexion gap. However, the reproducibility to identify the transepicondylar axis intraoperatively is low. In this feasibility study we wanted to find out whether fluoroscopy-based CT scans obtained by a motorized mobile C-arm (Iso C 3D) may be useful to asses the transepicondylar axis intraoperatively. Following the femoral resections the Iso C 3D was used intraoperatively in ten knees with mild to severe deformities. On multiplanar reconstructions of the distal femur the clinical epicondylar axis as well as the angle to the posterior cut (condylar twist angle) could be easily measured. The scanning time was 40 s and the extra time needed for the whole setup about five to ten minutes. The Iso C 3D was helpful to intraoperatively identify the transepicondylar axis and the condylar twist angle, especially in cases with severe deformity or dysplasia when standard landmarks are difficult to determine. Florian Geiger and Dominik Parsch contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated 623 total knee arthroplasties to determine the relationship between sagittal plane position of the femoral component and the final range of motion of the prosthetic knee. Two different prostheses were evaluated (Posterior Cruciate Condylar and A.G.C.) radiographically and functionally. Variation in sagittal plane position ranged from 20 degrees flexion to 20 degrees extension. No correlation between the sagittal plane position of the femoral component in either prosthesis and the final knee range of motion could be found. Sagittal plane femoral component position in the prostheses studied did not affect final range of motion when component position was between 20 degrees flexion and 20 degrees of extension.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨应用陀螺仪股骨髓外定位截骨行全膝关节置换的可行性及临床疗效.[方法]回顾性分析2019年3月-2020年1月行初次全膝关节置换的53例患者(61膝)的临床资料,其中27例使用陀螺仪髓外定位股骨侧截骨行全膝关节置换术(髓外组),34例行传统髓内导向杆定位股骨侧截骨全膝关节置换术(髓内组),比较两组临床疗效.[...  相似文献   

Patellar component positioning in total knee arthroplasty   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five human anatomic specimen knees were used to determine the effect of patellar component position on patellofemoral kinematics, contact pressures, and contact areas after total knee arthroplasty using a polyethylene, domed patellar component. Each patellar component was positioned at the anatomic center of the resected patellar surface and then repositioned 5 mm proximally, distally, medially, and laterally. Patellar tilt was greatest with medial positioning of the patellar component and least with central and lateral positioning. At higher knee flexion angles, patellofemoral joint contact pressures increased at the medial facet with the medialized component and at the lateral facet for the lateralized component. The centralized component had the most evenly balanced patellar facet contact pressures. Distally positioned patellar components resulted in decreased patellar component loading at higher knee flexion angles. Central positioning of the patellar component results in optimal patellofemoral mechanics when maximal coverage of the resected patella is desired.  相似文献   

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