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Two cases of cervical thorotrast granulomas (thorotrastomas) were evaluated with computed tomography. Computed tomography provided delineation of the precise extent of disease and the relationships of the larynx and carotid vessels to the thorotrastoma. This was helpful in planning surgical management. Computed tomography is of use in determining the extent of thorotrastomas and in planning their treatment.  相似文献   

In patients with liver cirrhosis a transjugularly placed intrahepatic portocaval shunt (TIPS) is a non-surgical portosystemic device which aims to reduce portal venons pressure. In comparison with Doppler sonography, we evaluated in 28 patients the diagnostic impact of liver perfusion scintigraphy (with technetium-99m diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid) in the assessment of changes in the hepatic blood flow after TIPS shunting. The arterial and portal contributions to hepatic flow were calculated from the areas under the biphasic timeactivity curve. In the course of TIPS shunting, patency is threatened by reocclusion. Angiography is the gold standard for TIPS shunt reassessment. However, there is a need for a less invasive diagnostic procedure, such as scintigraphy or Doppler sonography, for the early detection of shunt insufficiency. Scintigraphy demonstrated that prior to TIPS shunting the portal venons contribution to hepatic perfusion was reduced to 29.2%, this reduction being due to portal hypertension. After TIPS placement a significant increase in portal venous perfusion was observed (38.2%;P<0.02). TIPS shunt occlusion was identified in patients by a significant reduction in the scintigraphically measured portal venons contribution to hepatic blood flow. Hepatic perfusion scintigraphy appears to be a valuable method to determine the immediate effect of TIPS on hepatic blood flow. Post-TIPS follow-up studies of hepatic haemodynamics by liver perfusion scintigraphy appear able to contribute to the detection of TIPS shunt occlusion before the clinical consequences of this complication have become apparent.  相似文献   

Different degrees of artificial L5-S1 spondylolisthesis were created using a lumbar specimen. Lateral radiographs were obtained of each, with the specimen tilted and/or rotated. The true spondylolisthesis was determined stereophotogrammetrically. The slip, measured on the radiographs, was calculated according to two methods modified from Boxall et coll. No significant difference in accuracy was found between these two methods. The difference in calculated slip between examinations needs to be at least 20 per cent of the sagittal length of L5 to be regarded as a true progression. A true progress of slip of less than 20 per cent is difficult to detect with statistical certainty.  相似文献   

A case of cholangiocarcinoma observed in a woman of 38 following carotidographic examination with Thorotrast is described: the presence of radioactivity was also demonstrated by gamma spectrometry. The high mean dose absorbed by the liver (estimated at about 3,000 rad) together with the high relative biological effectiveness of the alpha contribution and the time lapse justify the hypothesis that the neoplasia was caused by irradiation.  相似文献   

A 37-year-old female with thrombocytopenia since childhood developed diffuse osteosclerosis followed by bone marrow aplasia 23 years after Thorotrast administration. Tissue deposition of Thorotrast was documented by radiospectroscopy (liver, bone) and autoradiography (bone). Bone marrow failure in this patient was clinically ascribed to diffuse myelofibrosis, but at autopsy marrow fibrosis was only focal. An unsuspected bone mineralization defect was manifested by thick osteoid seams. It is suggested that osteosclerosis, osteomalacia, and bone marrow aplasia represent a combined experession of Thorotrast cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Effects of long-term thorotrast exposure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

PURPOSE: Duplex Doppler ultrasound allows the evaluation of thyroid gland vascular flow by spectral analysis assessment. The objective of this prospective study was to employ Doppler ultrasound to evaluate the possible functional changes produced in normal subjects following intravenous iodized contrast medium injection. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was performed on 30 non-consecutive subjects, enrolled according to some inclusion criteria: male gender, age ranging between 19 and 70 years, absence of chronic liver disease, absence of thyroid disease, absence of sonographic changes in the thyroid gland, negative history for recent intravenous contrast medium administration. All patients were scheduled for a contrast-enhanced CT study. A non-ionic contrast medium (iomeprol) was employed at 350 mgI/mL concentration, 130-140 mL volume, and 2-4 mL/sec. injection rate. The Doppler ultrasound examination was carried out immediately before and about 30 minutes after the CT study. The systolic velocity, diastolic velocity, the resistive index, and the pulsatility index were measured at the level of one of the four thyroid arteries. RESULTS: In most cases a slightly increasing trend of the four parameters considered was noted but none of these showed a statistically significant change. The mean systolic velocity was of 33 cm/sec. in the basal measurement and of 39 cm/sec. in the post-contrast measurement. The variation was positive in 17 cases, negative in 12, and absent in 1. The mean diastolic velocity was of 13 cm/sec. in the pre-contrast evaluation and of 14 cm/sec. in the second evaluation. The change was positive in 14 cases, negative in 12, and absent in 4. The mean resistive index was of 0.55 in the basal analysis and of 0.59 in the post-contrast one. The variation was positive in 20 patients, negative in 9, and absent in 1. The mean pulsatility index was of 0.99 in the basal measurement and of 1.14 in the second measurement. The change was positive in 23 subjects, negative in 5, and absent in 2. CONCLUSION: Our series shows that no significant change in Doppler spectral analysis of thyroid flow is evident after administration of iodized contrast media, at least in euthyroid subjects and with the contrast doses and the examination intervals employed in our study. Doppler ultrasound is confirmed as an accurate and objective procedure in the evaluation of thyroid gland flow and may represent a useful tool in functional studies, as well as clinical applications in the assessment of thyroid gland disorders.  相似文献   

Summary Thorotrast is distributed in the cerebral subarachnoid space in a distinctive manner. Computed tomography is an excellent method for demonstrating this distribution.  相似文献   

Sonographic and computed tomographic evaluation of intrahepatic calculi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Intrahepatic calculi in non-Asian patients were studied by sonography and computed tomography (CT). Three patients were studied by CT cholangiography also. In two cases, the calculi were consecutive to Caroli disease, and in two others, the biliary stones were formed proximal to a stenosis of a previous surgical anastomosis. Five patients spontaneously developed intrahepatic calculi. All sonograms were abnormal. Image specificity was good, even when bile ducts were not dilated, if appropriate technique allowed identification of a double-arc-shadow pattern. Sonography strongly suggested the diagnosis in eight patients and was nonspecific in only one. On CT, calculi had various densities, and they were not visible in two patients. CT cholangiography was not particularly helpful. Finally, CT added little more information when performed after sonography. Both examinations strongly underestimate the number of stones, and direct cholangiography remains indicated if surgery is planned.  相似文献   

目的探讨磁共振血管成像(MRA)在经颈静脉肝内门体静脉分流术(TIPS)术前检查中的应用。方法对59例拟行TIPS治疗的患者行术前MRA检查,观察引起门静脉高压的病因、肝静脉及门静脉形态、走行,测量穿刺点处血管管径,并与正常对照组(50例)比较。结果门静脉高压组中单纯肝硬化49例,肝硬化合并肝癌4例,单纯门静脉血栓3例,脾静脉狭窄1例,布-加综合征2例。门静脉高压组与正常对照组肝静脉分型(3支型∶2支型∶1支型)分别为14∶39∶12、12∶34∶14 肝右静脉、肝中静脉、肝左静脉穿刺点管径符合数为52∶40∶28、46∶34∶23。门静脉右支和左支安全穿刺点分别位于(16.2&#177;3.1)mm、(14.2&#177;3.8)mm以远。结论MRA是一种有价值无损伤的检查方法,对TIPS术前疾病诊断及血管定位有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

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