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Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are a group of clonal haematological malignancies first described by Dameshek in 1957. The Philadelphia-negative MPN that will be described are polycythaemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythaemia (ET), pre-fibrotic myelofibrosis and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). The blood and bone marrow morphology are essential in diagnosis, for WHO classification, establishing a baseline, monitoring response to treatment and identifying changes that may indicate disease progression. The blood film changes may be in any of the cellular elements. The key bone marrow features are architecture and cellularity, relative complement of individual cell types, reticulin content and bony structure. Megakaryocytes are the most abnormal cell and key to classification, as their number, location, size and cytology are all disease-defining. Reticulin content and grade are integral to assignment of the diagnosis of myelofibrosis. Even with careful assessment of all these features, not all cases fit neatly into the diagnostic entities; there is frequent overlap reflecting the biological disease continuum rather than distinct entities. Notwithstanding this, an accurate morphologic diagnosis in MPN is crucial due to the significant differences in prognosis between different subtypes and the availability of different therapies in the era of novel agents. The distinction between “reactive” and MPN is also not always straightforward and caution needs to be exercised given the prevalence of “triple negative” MPN. Here we describe the morphology of MPN including comments on changes with disease evolution and with treatment.  相似文献   

Myeloproliferative neoplasms in blastic phase (MPN-BP) have a dreadful prognosis. We report the characteristics and outcomes of five MPN-BP patients treated with a never-before-described combination of azacytidine and venetoclax (to control BP transformation), added to ruxolitinib (needed to control constitutional symptoms). Median age was 76 years (range 72–84), and worst performance status was 2. The overall response rate was 80%, and the complete remission rate was 40%. With median follow-up of 10.0 months (range 4.2–13.4), median overall survival was 13.4 months (95% CI 4.2–13.4). We did not detect any unexpected treatment-related toxicity, and quality of life was improved.  相似文献   

Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), a group of haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) disorders, are often accompanied by myelofibrosis. We previously identified the fusion of the ETV6 gene to the LYN gene (ETV6-LYN) in idiopathic myelofibrosis with ins(12;8)(p13;q11q21). The introduction of ETV6-LYN into HSCs resulted in fatal MPN with massive myelofibrosis in mice, implicating the rearranged LYN kinase in the pathogenesis of MPN with myelofibrosis. However, the signalling molecules directly downstream from and activated by ETV6-LYN remain unknown. In this study, we demonstrated that the direct activation of STAT5 by ETV6-LYN is crucial for the development of MPN. ETV6-LYN was constitutively active as a kinase through autophosphorylation. ETV6-LYN, but not its kinase-dead mutant, supported cytokine-free proliferation of haematopoietic cells. STAT5 was activated in a JAK2-independent manner in ETV6-LYN-expressing cells. ETV6-LYN interacted with STAT5 and directly activated STAT5 both in vitro and in vivo. Of note, ETV6-LYN did not support the formation of colonies by Stat5-deficient HSCs under cytokine-free conditions and the capacity of ETV6-LYN to induce MPN with myelofibrosis was profoundly attenuated in a Stat5-null background. These findings define STAT5 as a direct target of ETV6-LYN and unveil the LYN-STAT5 axis as a novel pathway to augment proliferative signals in MPN and leukaemia.  相似文献   

The chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), including polycythaemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythaemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF), are clonal stem cell disorders characterized by dysregulated haematopoietic stem cell expansion and production of red cells, white cells and platelets alone or in combination. An acquired mutation JAK2V617F can be found in all three disorders and shows many of the phenotypic abnormalities of the diseases in murine models. The disease phenotype is also influenced by other unknown genetic or epigenetic factors. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are 18–24 nucleotide single‐stranded non‐protein‐coding RNAs that function primarily as gene repressors by binding to their target messenger RNAs. There is growing evidence that miRNAs regulate haematopoiesis in both haematopoietic stem cells and committed progenitor cells. Here, we review the field of miRNA biology and its regulatory roles in normal haematopoiesis with an emphasis on miRNA deregulations in MPNs. Continued research into how miRNAs impact JAK2V617F clonal expansion, differential haematopoiesis among different MPNs, disease progression and leukaemia transformation will lead to a better understanding of the development of these disorders, their clinical manifestations, and their treatment.  相似文献   

The reported higher risk of maternal and fetal complications in women with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) poses challenge during pregnancy. A national prospective study of maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnant women with a diagnosis of MPN was undertaken via the United Kingdom Obstetric Surveillance System between January 2010 and December 2012. Fifty‐eight women with a diagnosis of MPN were identified; 47 (81%) essential thrombocythaemia, five (9%) polycythaemia vera, five (9%) myelofibrosis and one (2%) MPN‐unclassified. There were 58 live births. The incidence of miscarriage was 1·7/100 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0·04–9·24) and the perinatal mortality rate was 17/1000 (95% CI: 0·44–92·36) live and stillbirths. Incidence of maternal complications was 9% (5/57) pre‐eclampsia, 9% (5/57) post‐partum haemorrhage and 3·5% (2/57) post‐partum haematoma. There were no maternal deaths or thrombotic events. Delivery was induced in 45% (24/53) of women and the Caesarean section rate was 45% (24/53). The majority (85%, 45/53) delivered at term (>37 weeks gestation). Twenty‐two percent (12/54) of neonates were below the 10% centile for growth and 13% (7/54) required admission to a neonatal care‐unit; there were no neonatal deaths. The findings of this large, UK prospective study suggests women with MPN appear to have successful pregnancies with better outcomes than would be anticipated from the literature.  相似文献   

At present, very few data are available on deferasirox (DFX) in the treatment of patients with Philadelphia‐negative myeloproliferative neoplasms in fibrotic phase (FP‐MPN) and transfusion dependence. To address this issue, a retrospective analysis of 28 patients (22 male and 6 female) with FP‐MPN and iron overload secondary to transfusion dependence was performed, based on patients enrolled in the database of our regional cooperative group who received treatment with DFX. DFX was started after a median interval from diagnosis of 12.8 months (IR 7.1–43.1) with median ferritin values of 1415 ng/mL (IR 1168–1768). Extra‐hematological toxicity was reported in 16 of 28 patients (57.1%), but only two patients discontinued treatment due to toxicity. Among 26 patients evaluable for response (≥6 months of treatment), after a median treatment period of 15.4 months (IR 8.1–22.3), 11 patients (42.3%) achieved a stable and consistent reduction in ferritin levels <1000 ng/mL. As for hematological improvement, 6 of 26 patients (23%) showed a persistent (>3 months) rise of Hb levels >1.5 g/dL, with disappearance of transfusion dependence in four cases. Treatment with DFX is feasible and effective in FP‐MPN with iron overload. Moreover, in this setting, an erythroid response can occur in a significant proportion of patients.  相似文献   

Increased bone marrow angiogenesis estimated as bone marrow microvessel density (MVD), or as serum angiogenic factor levels and/or immunohistochemical expression of these factors in bone marrow biopsy has been demonstrated in a variety of hematological disorders including chronic myeloproliferative diseases (MPDs). The aim of this study was to investigate the MVD in 25 cases of myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (MMM). MVD was estimated by CD34 immunohistochemical expression in bone marrow biopsies. A control group of 27 patients without bone marrow disease, eight cases of polycythemia vera (PV), 41 cases of essential thrombocythemia (ET) and nine cases of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) were also studied. Moreover, in cases with MMM, MVD was correlated with clinical, laboratory, histological parameters and the outcome of the patients. Our study confirmed a significantly higher degree of angiogenesis in MMM, PV, ET and CML compared with controls (P < 0.001, P = 0.0007, P < 0.001 and P = 0.0008, respectively). Angiogenesis was higher in MMM than PV, ET and CML cases (P < 0.001, P < 0.001 and P = 0.008). Increased angiogenesis was correlated with hypercatabolic symptoms in MMM patients (P = 0.009). No correlation with other clinicopathological parameters or clinical outcome was found. However, definitive conclusions regarding the prognostic value of increased angiogenesis may require additional follow-up and a larger group of patients.  相似文献   

The term myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/MPN) refers to a group of clonal hematopoietic neoplasms with overlapping clinical, morphologic and genetic myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative features observed at the time of first presentation. Impaired hematopoiesis morphologically associated with evidence of myelodysplasia manifests clinically with cytopenia/s. Simultaneously, myeloproliferation is seen within the bone marrow and leads to cytosis in the peripheral blood.The diagnostic category of MDS/MPN encompasses a heterogeneous group of diseases which share similarities among them, but at the same time have distinct clinical and pathologic features and eventually diverse prognosis; such differences justify their separation in a classification scheme.In the era of genetic and genomic tests, their distinction from conventional myelodysplastic syndromes or myeloproliferative neoplasms still relies on close clinocopathological correlation, with evaluation of both peripheral blood and bone marrow samples being essential in this sense. A multiparametric integration of clinicopathologic data and cytogenetics and molecular genetics results is the preferred diagnostic approach.  相似文献   

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