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Hemispheric Asymmetry in Conditioning to Facial Emotional Expressions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present experiment, we report a right hemisphere advantage for autonomic conditioning to facial emotional expressions. Specifically, angry, but not happy, facial expressions showed significantly more resistance to extinction when presented initially to the right as compared to the left hemisphere. Slides of happy and angry faces were used as conditioned stimuli (CS+ and CS-) with shock as the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Half of the subjects (n = 15) had the angry face as CS+ (and the happy face as CS-), the other half had the happy face as CS+ (and the angry face as CS-). During acquisition, the CSs were presented foveally. During extinction, using the Visual Half-Field (VHF) technique, half of the CS+ and CS- trials were randomly presented in the right visual half-field (initially to the left hemisphere), and half of the trials were presented in the left half-field (initially to the right hemisphere). Stimuli were presented for 210 ms during acquisition, and for 30 ms during extinction. Bilateral skin conductance responses (SCRs) were recorded. The results showed effects of acquisition only for the angry CS+ group. During extinction, there was a significant Conditioning X Half-field interaction which was due to greater SCRs to the CS+ angry face when it was presented in the left half-field. It is concluded that the present results reveal hemisphere asymmetry effects in facial emotional conditioning.  相似文献   

Ulf  Dimberg Arne  Öhman 《Psychophysiology》1983,20(2):160-167
The present two Experiments demonstrate that the orientation of angry facial expressions is a critical cue when faces serve as conditioned stimuli during aversive electrodermal conditioning. Experiment 1 demonstrated that responses conditioned to angry faces directed toward the subjects showed significant resistance to extinction whereas responses conditioned to angry faces directed away extinguished immediately during extinction. Experiment 2 was designed to investigate whether the orientation factor was effective only during extinction, i.e. whether the orientation was a performance variable, or if the observed effect originated from factors active during acquisition, i.e. if the orientation primarily influenced learning. When the orientation was shifted between the acquisition and the extinction phase, it was found that it did not matter what direction the faces had during acquisition; it was only during extinction that the faces needed to be directed toward the subjects to evoke persistent responding. These results suggest that the subjects acquired a conditioned response to the angry face regardless of its direction, but that this learning effect remained only when the angry face was directed toward the subject during extinction.  相似文献   

This study examined heart rate, finger pulse volume, and skin conductance responses in subjects conditioned to fear-relevant (snakes and spiders) and fear-irrelevant (flowers and mushrooms) slide stimuli by an electric shock unconditioned stimulus. A differential conditioning paradigm with an interstimulus interval of 8 sec was used. There were 4 habituation, 8 acquisition, and 20 extinction trials with each of the two cues. The results demonstrated reliable acquisition for finger pulse volume and skin conductance responses, with superior resistance to extinction for the fear-relevant conditioned stimuli. The heart rate data showed no differentiation between reinforced and nonreinforced cues during acquisition and extinction, and no effect of fear-relevance. This discrepancy between skin conductance and finger pulse volume responses, on the one hand, and heart rate, on the other, was interpreted as due to differences in innervation, with the former measures mainly reflecting sympathetic and the latter parasympathetic effects.  相似文献   

Don  Shearn  Erik  Bergman  Katherine  Hill  Andy  Abel  Lael  Hinds 《Psychophysiology》1990,27(6):687-693
Little work on the psychophysiology of blushing has been done since Darwin's 1872 observations. Facial vascular and temperature changes have been largely ignored in psychophysiology. We had 16 female and 16 male undergraduate volunteers watch a videotape intended to produce blushing (the individual's singing recorded the previous day), and a videotape not intended to produce blushing, but elicit physiological responses for comparison (a segment from Hitchcock's movie Psycho). Four people were present as a subject watched these video segments. Cheek and ear coloration, measured photoplethysmographically, cheek temperature, and finger skin conductance responses were significantly greater during stimulation intended to elicit blushing than during comparison stimulation. Gender interacted statistically with kind of stimulation only in cheek temperature. Only video segments of the subject's face that coincided with maximal cheek coloration during stimulation intended to produce blushing were judged reliably as blushing, and then more often in females than in males.  相似文献   

In this experiment, a lateralized right hemisphere effect was found for electrodermal associative learning to facial emotional expressions. Sixty-two subjects were presented simultaneously with a slide of a happy face in the right or left visual half field (VHF) and a slide of an angry face in the opposite VHF. Four groups were formed by the combination of the two VHF positions of angry/happy faces and the administration/omission of shock unconditioned stimuli. The results showed that simultaneous presentation of the angry face to the right hemisphere and the happy face to the left hemisphere, together with shock, resulted in a strong conditioned association with the angry face and a relatively weak association with the happy face. Furthermore, simultaneous presentation of the angry face to the left hemisphere and the happy face to the right hemisphere, together with shock, resulted in a relatively weak association with both stimuli. No significant differences were found for the no-shock control groups. The present results confirm previous findings of a right hemisphere advantage for representation of associative learning.  相似文献   

A comprehensive characterization of autonomic and somatic responding within the auditory domain is currently lacking. We studied whether simple types of auditory change that occur frequently during music listening could elicit measurable changes in heart rate, skin conductance, respiration rate, and facial motor activity. Participants heard a rhythmically isochronous sequence consisting of a repeated standard tone, followed by a repeated target tone that changed in pitch, timbre, duration, intensity, or tempo, or that deviated momentarily from rhythmic isochrony. Changes in all parameters produced increases in heart rate. Skin conductance response magnitude was affected by changes in timbre, intensity, and tempo. Respiratory rate was sensitive to deviations from isochrony. Our findings suggest that music researchers interpreting physiological responses as emotional indices should consider acoustic factors that may influence physiology in the absence of induced emotions.  相似文献   

Mats  Fredrikson 《Psychophysiology》1981,18(4):456-465
The aim of this study was to compare cardiovascular and electrodermal responses from subjects conditioned to fear-relevant stimuli with responses from phobics selected to fear the same stimuli. In the first session of the conditioning group slides of either a snake or a spider were presented. One of these served as a CS+ reinforced by an electrical shock and the other as a CS-, which was never followed by shock. In addition the conditioning group was exposed to two neutral pictures (flowers and mushrooms). The phobic group viewed the same type of stimuli and were administered some electrical shocks uncorrelated with the slides. In the second session, randomly formed halves of each group were shown (a) slides of a spider and a snake, or (b) two neutral ones. There were reliable acquisition effects in the conditioning group with the CS+ evoking larger palmar than dorsal skin conductance responses (SCRs) whereas the reverse was true for the CS-. During extinction differential responding to CS+ and CS- was maintained but palmar/dorsal differentiation disappeared. In the phobic group, feared and non-feared cues elicited differential responding with larger palmar SCRs for the feared cue only. The conditioning group failed to evidence heart rate differentiation during acquisition when all heart rate responses (HRRs) were collapsed into a single trial block (TB). When HRRs were grouped into 2 TBs, responses shifted from deceleration to CS+ on TB1 to acceleration on TB2 whereas responses to CS- were unaffected. During extinction, HR exhibited deceleration to both cues but more to CS+ than to CS-. The phobic group's heart rate accelerated to the feared cue and decelerated to the unfeared cues in both sessions. There was no difference between groups' responses to neutral cues during the second session. The results partially validate a conditioning analogue for specific phobias and the inconsistent aspects are discussed in terms of different coping strategies.  相似文献   

Arne  Öhman  Helge  Nordby  Giacomo  d''Elia 《Psychophysiology》1989,26(1):48-61
Groups of schizophrenics and normal controls were exposed to different series of tones of constant (80dB) and variable intensity (60, 80, and 100 dB). Measurements included bilateral skin conductance, finger pulse volume, and heart rate. Both groups were split on the common median in skin conductance response to constant intensity tones to form matched patient and control groups of low and high responsivity. The low and high responsive schizophrenic groups were more clearly separated than the two control groups in rate of spontaneous skin conductance fluctuations, skin conductance magnitudes, and skin conductance levels, primarily because of generalized hyperactivity in high responsive patients. This pattern was clearest for the most intense tone and left hand recordings. High responsive schizophrenics also showed larger response amplitudes, shorter rise and recovery times, and a smaller ratio of elicited to spontaneous responses, than high responsive controls. Finger pulse volume responses recorded from the left hand were smaller in the patient groups, whereas patients and controls did not differ in right hand recordings. High skin conductance responsive subjects showed more heart rate deceleration than low responsive subjects, and schizophrenics had more decelerative responses than controls.  相似文献   

Emotional imagery and physical anhedonia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

目的 通过面部表情反馈实验,探索面部表情的调节对心理亚健康的影响.方法 运用亚健康自评量表和症状自评量表(SCL- 90)进行问卷调查筛选,选取21名被试通过匹配分成实验组1、实验组2、控制组进行面部表情反馈实验研究.结果 实验组1与控制组的后侧比较,实验组1在躯体化,人际敏感,焦虑和精神病性上显著低于控制组(t=-2.25,-2.45,-2.42,-2.39;P<0.05);实验组2与控制组的后侧比较,实验组2在躯体化上,人际敏感和焦虑显著低于控制组(t=-2.06,-2.16,-2.23;P<0.05);而实验组1和实验组2相比没有显著差异.结论 面部表情反馈对大学生心理亚健康有明显的影响.  相似文献   

In this study, I examined emotional modulation of the eyeblink, skin conductance, and cardiac responses to an acoustic startle (103 dB[A] white noise) probe. Twenty-five female and 17 male undergraduates imagined pleasant, neutral, and fearful situations in a tone-cued imagery procedure. Both the eyeblink and skin conductance responses to startle probes were potentiated (larger magnitude, shorter latency) during fear as compared with neutral and pleasant imagery. The amount of emotional modulation in these two response systems was significantly correlated both between and within subjects. The startle probe interrupted ongoing cardiac deceleration during the imagery task, but this interruption was not related to the emotional content of imagery.  相似文献   

Previous authors suggested that the electrodermal orienting response to stimulus onset (OR) reflects cognitive processes related to the content of a stimulus while responses to stimulus offset (TOR) reflect processes related to stimulus duration. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that the OR and TOR are special cases of Ss responding to whatever part of the stimulus contains information necessary to make the requested judgment. The results clearly supported this alternative hypothesis. The Ss responded to stimulus onset when asked to judge the pitch (content) of a constant tone and to stimulus offset when asked to judge the terminal pitch of a varying tone. They responded to both the onset and offset of a stimulus when asked to compare the onset and offset pitch and when asked to judge stimulus duration. Experiment 2 partially replicated Experiment 1 in an attempt to assess the OR-TOR phenomenon in a second sensory modality (vision) and with a second dependent measure. The patterns of both electrodermal and heart rate responses were similar to those of Experiment 1 and to those observed by other authors.  相似文献   

Electrodermal Lability and Myocardial Reactivity to Stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Robert M.  Kelsey 《Psychophysiology》1991,28(6):619-631
The relationship between electrodermal lability and myocardial reactivity to stress was examined in male undergraduates, who were classified as electrodermally labile (n = 19) or stabile (n = 19) based on the frequency of nonspecific skin conductance responses at rest. Heart rate, pre-ejection period, cardiac output, and skin conductance responses were recorded at rest, during task instructions, and during two mental arithmetic tasks that varied in level of difficulty. As predicted, labiles exhibited greater myocardial reactivity to the task instructions and the tasks than did stabiles, with more persistent group differences emerging for pre-ejection period and cardiac output than for heart rate. The group differences did not vary as a function of task difficulty, but did decline over time. These results support a positive relationship between electrodermal lability and beta-adrenergic myocardial reactivity to stress, particularly under conditions of task novelty or uncertainty, and suggest that electrodermal lability is related fundamentally to arousal and reactivity processes.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of affective intensity and thematic content of foreground photographic stimuli on various physiological response systems. This was accomplished by assessing responses to pictures that varied systematically in these parameters. Along with overall effects of picture valence reported in previous work, we found effects of thematic content (i.e., specific nature of objects/events depicted) for all measures except heart rate. In addition, we found that the magnitude of startle blink, skin conductance, and corrugator muscle reactions increased with increasing affective intensity of pictures. Additionally, for these three measures, intensity effects also interacted with effects of picture content. These results indicate that stimulus parameters of intensity and thematic content exert separate-and in some cases interactive-modulatory effects on physiological reactions to emotional pictures.  相似文献   

Facial electromyography (EMG) was recorded from left and right zygomatic and corrugator muscle regions in response to reflective questions and during voluntary facial expressions. Both muscle regions showed consistent responses to five emotions (happiness, excitement, neutral, sadness, and fear) evoked in the involuntary condition (i.e. reflective questions) and four emotional facial expressions (happiness, excitement, sadness, and fear) self-generated in the voluntary condition. Lateralized responses were found for the zygomatic muscle in the involuntary condition: positive emotion questions elicited relatively greater right muscle activity than left muscle activity, while negative emotion questions elicited relatively greater left muscle activity than right muscle activity. Lateralized responses were found for the corrugator muscle in the voluntary condition, but were not significantly related to type of emotional expression. Sex differences indicating greater lateralization for females were found in some of the measures. The results are consistent with the hypothesized specialization of the left and right cerebral hemispheres for the mediation of positive and negative emotions, respectively.  相似文献   

Relaxation training procedures used in systematic desensitization are abbreviated forms of procedures developed by Jacobson to decrease muscle tension level and assumed by Gellhorn to affect autonomic balance. Autonomic response effects of relaxation training are sometimes considered secondary to either cognitive or autonomic level change. In the present experiment, specific instruction and training was provided in making relaxation responses to a cue stimulus which was used subsequently in two mild anxiety conditions. Brief relaxation training did not significantly affect either verbal report of anxiety or autonomic level following training, but did affect autonomic response in the anxiety conditions. The results suggest that autonomic response modification can be accomplished by instruction and relatively minimal training. Also, the results indicate that autonomic response effects need not be accompanied by either verbal report of greater relaxation or autonomic level modification. These results are difficult to account for by any theoretical model of desensitization which considers autonomic response change secondary to either cognitive or autonomic level change.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis was used to define three groups of subjects whose conditioned heart rate response emphasized either acceleration, deceleration, or moderate deceleration. A subject pool (N = 148) was generated from four separate studies of differential classical conditioning in which colored slides served as conditioned stimuli (CSs) and the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) was aversive auditory noise. Both the statistically generated Accelerator and Decelerator groups responded with a significant late interval deceleration to CS+. However, only Accelerators also displayed a significant mid-interval heart rate increase to CS+. Conditioned electrodermal responses were significantly more resistant to extinction for Accelerators than for the other two cluster groups. Accelerators also differed from Decelerators in that their affective judgments of the slide stimuli became less positively valent and less dominant from pre- to post-conditioning, effects not found for Decelerators. Moderate Decelerators produced mixed results across the several psychophysiological and verbal measures of conditioning, resembling Accelerators in their verbal report change, and Decelerators in their rapid electrodermal extinction. It is suggested that cluster assignment may reflect subjects' pre-conditioning learning set. All successfully conditioned subjects appear to learn a relationship between stimuli such that the appearance of the CS+ prompts an anticipatory orienting response (late interval heart rate deceleration). Accelerators differ from the other two groups in that they also condition a defensive response which is associated with a change in emotional judgments of the stimuli and may represent covert preparation for avoidance. The relationships between defensive responding, avoidance, and the concept of fear are considered, and the problem of desynchrony in emotional change (i.e., the Moderate Decelerators) is addressed. Finally, parallels are drawn between results from classical conditioning and clinical studies of fear and phobia, and further suggestions are made for utilizing the conditioning paradigm in the study of emotion.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the pattern of startle reflex modulation and autonomic responses for individuals high in animal or blood-injury fear when viewing pictures of their feared objects. Sixteen individuals in each fear group and 16 low-fear control individuals viewed 32 color slides depicting fear-relevant, unpleasant but fear-unrelated, neutral, and pleasant scenes. Free viewing times were assessed in a second phase of the procedure as an index of avoidance behavior. Exposure to pictures of feared objects resulted in a consistent startle reflex potentiation and behavioral avoidance in both fear groups. This activation of the basic aversive system was independent of the autonomic pattern of the fear responses, which differed for the high-fear groups. These results suggest that the probe startle response indexes the organism's basic motivational disposition and add new information to the assessment of fear.  相似文献   

Long‐term stability of individual differences in stress responses has repeatedly been demonstrated in adults, but few studies have investigated the development of stability in adolescence. The present study was the first to investigate the stability of individual differences in heart rate, parasympathetic (RMSSD, pNN50, HF), sympathetic (LF/HF, SC), and HPA‐axis (salivary cortisol) responses in a youth sample (8–19 years). Responses to public speaking were measured twice over 2 years. Stability was moderate for absolute responses and task delta responses of HR, RMSSD, pNN50, and HF. Stability was lower for SC and task delta responses of LF/HF and cortisol. Anticipation delta responses showed low stability for HR and cortisol. The latter was moderated by age or puberty, so that individual differences were more stable in more mature individuals. The results support the suggestion that stress responses may be reset during adolescence, but only for the HPA axis.  相似文献   

The present study reports the use of maternal physiologic responses as an index of maternal attention to infant signals. Thirty-two women, each of whom had a 3-month-old infant, were shown 10-sec silent images on a videotape monitor of a 3-month-old infant, en face, exhibiting either a smiling or a crying facial expression. Heart rate and skin conductance were recorded continuously while each woman viewed a sequence of 6 identical episodes of one expression followed by 6 episodes of the other expression. Both cardiac and skin conductance responses to the smile expression decreased following repeated presentations of the cry stimulus. Cardiac deceleration to the cry was prolonged following the viewing of the smiling infant. Mothers' perception of their own infants' temperament assessed by the Carey Infant Temperament Questionnaire (1970) was systematically related to maternal heart rate response. Mothers who described their infants as more difficult were physiologically less sensitive to changes in infant expressions. Results are discussed in terms of the impact of infant signals upon developing mother-infant reciprocity.  相似文献   

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