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Vomeronasal receptors from the V1R and V2R gene families mediate the detection of chemical stimuli such as pheromones via the vomeronasal organ (VNO). The differential expression of vomeronasal receptors might contribute in part to a variety of pheromonal effects, which are different sexually, developmentally and even individually. However, little is known about the mechanisms controlling vomeronasal receptor expression. Cultured vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs) bear phenotypic resemblance to the intact VNO but they remain immature. Because indices of VSN maturation are increased by coculture with the target cells for VSNs, accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) neurons, AOB neurons may regulate vomeronasal receptor expression and functional maturation in VSNs. To test this hypothesis, we examined the expression of V2R-type vomeronasal receptors (VR1 and VR4) and chemosensory responsiveness in VNOs cocultured with AOB neurons. Immunoblot and immunocytochemical analysis revealed that the coculture of VNOs with AOB neurons resulted in a greater expression of VR1 and VR4 after 10 days than VNOs cultured alone. Moreover, calcium imaging analysis showed that cocultured VNOs responded to urine components applied iontophoretically into their cavities with a time course similar to the V2R expression, in contrast to singly cultured VNOs that displayed no response. These results demonstrate that AOB neurons induce the expression of vomeronasal receptors in VSNs, allowing them to function.  相似文献   

Central olfactory and vomeronasal pathways were studied in salamanders of the families Salamandridae and Plethodontidae by means of the HRP method. HRP was injected into the olfactory and accessory olfactory bulb as well as into the lateral/dorsal pallium, the main termination areas of secondary olfactory projections. Fibers leaving the olfactory bulb constitute two main tracts, the lateral olfactory tract (LOT), which is mostly restricted to the ipsilateral telencephalon, and the anterior olfactory habenular tract (AOHT), which represents the main contralateral connection. Fibers of the LOT project to the lateral pallium, dorsal striatum and the habenula. Efferent connections of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOT) terminate within the amygdala pars lateralis. No interspecific differences concerning the targets of central olfactory and vomeronasal projections were observed, but the number of olfactory tracts and their separation from each other varies.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled pheromone receptor neurons (V1R and V2R) of the vomeronasal organ (VNO) are continually replaced throughout the lifetime of the mouse. Moreover, active signalling of V2Rs via the transient receptor potential 2(TRPC2) channel is necessary for regeneration of receptors, as the TRPC2 null mutant mouse showed a 75% reduction of V2Rs by the age of two months. Here we describe V2R mediated signalling in a neuronal line established from vomeronasal stem cells taken from postnatal female mice. Cells were immunoreactive for Galpha(o) and V2R, whereas V1R and Galpha(i) immunoreactivity could not be detected. Biological ligands (dilute urine and its protein fractions) were found to increase proliferation and survival of these neurons. Dilute mouse urine but not artificial urine also induced ERK, Akt and CREB signalling in a dose dependent way. The volatile fraction of male mouse urine alone was without effect while the fraction containing peptides (> 5 kDa) also stimulated ERK and Akt phosphorylation. The ERK, Akt and CREB phosphorylation response was sensitive to pertussis toxin, confirming the involvement of V2R linked Galpha(o). Dilute mouse urine or its high molecular weight protein fraction increased survival and proliferation of these neurons. Hence, urinary pheromones, which signal important social information via mature neurons, also promote survival and proliferation of their regenerating precursors. These data show that regenerating V2Rs respond to urine and the urinary peptides by activation of the Ras-ERK and PI3-Akt pathways, which appear to be important for vomeronasal neural survival and proliferation.  相似文献   

Vomeronasal nerve (VNN) fibers and their terminations in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) were studied immunohistochemically using 3 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). One MAb (R2D5) labeled all VNN fibers. Another MAb (R4B12) labeled a subgroup of the VNN fibers which terminated in the rostrolateral glomeruli in the AOB. The third MAb (R5A10) recognized a complementary subgroup of the VNN which terminated in the caudomedial portion of the AOB. These results for the first time show occurrence of subtypes in the VNN axons with segregated terminations in the AOB.  相似文献   

As feeding and mating are mutually-exclusive goal-orientated behaviours, we investigated whether brief food deprivation would impair the display of sexual behaviour of male rats. Analysis of performance in a sexual incentive motivation test revealed that, similar to fed males, food-deprived males preferred spending time in the vicinity of receptive females rather than nonreceptive females. Despite this, food-deprived males were more likely to be slow to mate than normally-fed males, and a low dose of the satiety peptide α-melanocyte-stimulating-hormone attenuated the effect of hunger. Using Fos immunocytochemistry, we compared neuronal activity in the vomeronasal projection pathway in response to oestrous cues from receptive females between food-deprived and fed males. As in fed males, more Fos expression was seen in the rostral part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and in the medial preoptic area in food-deprived males, confirming that food-deprived males can recognise and respond to female oestrous cues. However, although there was also an increase in Fos expression in the bed nucleus of the accessory tract and in the posteromedial amygdala in fed males, no increases were seen in these areas in food-deprived rats. We also found selective attenuation in the activation of lateral posterior paraventricular nucleus (lpPVN) oxytocin neurones in food-deprived males. Taken together, the data show that, although food-deprived males can still become sexually motivated, copulation is delayed, and this is accompanied by variations in neuronal activity in the vomeronasal projection pathway. We propose that, in hungry rats, the lpPVN oxytocin neurones (which project to the spinal cord and are involved in maintaining penile erection) facilitate the transition from motivation to intromission, and their lack of activation impairs intromission, and thus delays mating.  相似文献   

The accessory olfactory system mediates intraspecies pheromonal communication. Two subsets of spatially segregated vomeronasal sensory neurons, presumably handling functionally and structurally different sets of ligand molecules, can be distinguished. The two subsets of sensory neurons project their axons to segregated zones of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) and connect with zonally separated mitral/tufted (M/T) cells, suggesting that the accessory olfactory system is divided into two distinct pathways up to the level of the AOB. To examine whether the segregation is maintained at the accessory olfactory cortical (AOC) regions, we selectively tracer-labelled mitral/tufted cells located in the rostral, caudal or in both zones of the adult mouse AOB. The results demonstrate that the axonal projection patterns of rostral zone and caudal zone M/T cells were indistinguishable in the AOC regions. Mitral/tufted cell axons from either zone of the AOB covered the entire area of all four AOC regions: the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract, the medial amygdaloid nucleus, the posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Therefore, over the entire area of each AOC region, ensembles of cortical neurons receive input from both zonal subsets of M/T cells of the AOB. However, the present results do not rule out the possibility that individual cortical neurons sample information from M/T cells of a single zone. These results are consistent with the idea that the segregation of zonal pathways collapses in the AOC regions. Clusters of cortical neurons in each AOC region may combine information from both families of pheromone receptors and thus handle signals from structurally and functionally different categories of pheromone molecules.  相似文献   

Although recent studies in squamate reptiles have importantly clarified how chemical information is processed in the reptilian brain, how the amygdala relays chemosensory inputs to the hypothalamus to influence chemically guided behaviors is still poorly documented. To identify these chemosensory pathways, the amygdalo-hypothalamic projections, intra-amygdaloid circuitry and afferents from the lateral cortex (LC) to the amygdala were investigated by injecting conjugated dextran-amines into the hypothalamus, amygdala, and LC of garter snakes. The amygdala was divided into olfactory recipient (ventral anterior and external amygdalae), vomeronasal recipient (nucleus sphericus, NS, and medial amygdala, MA), and nonchemosensory (e.g., posterior dorsal ventricular ridge, PDVR, and dorsolateral amygdaloid nucleus, DLA) subdivisions. Rostroventral (LCrv) and dorsocaudal subdivisions of the LC were distinguished. In addition to receiving afferents from the main olfactory bulb, the olfactory amygdala receives afferents from NS and projects to the NS, PDVR, and dorsal hypothalamus. The NS has only a minor projection to the lateral hypothalamus, whereas the MA, which receives afferents from the LCrv and NS, has projections to the ventromedial hypothalamic (VMH) and lateral posterior hypothalamic nuclei. Among the nonchemosensory amygdaloid structures, the PDVR receives afferents from the LCrv and the olfactory amygdala and projects to the VMH, whereas DLA receives afferents from the LCrv and NS, and projects to the periventricular hypothalamus. These results substantially clarify the olfactory and vomeronasal tertiary connections and demonstrate that parts of the nonchemosensory amygdala play a major role in relaying chemosensory information to the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The mechanism of amblyopia in children with congenital cataract is not understood fully, but studies in macaques have shown that geniculate synapses are lost in striate cortex (V1). To search for other projection abnormalities in amblyopia, the pathway from V1 to V2 was examined using a triple-label technique in three animals raised with monocular suture. [(3)H]proline was injected into one eye to label the ocular dominance columns. Cholera toxin B subunit conjugated to gold (CTB-Au) was injected into V2 to label V1 projection neurons. Alternate sections were processed for cytochrome oxidase (CO) and CTB-Au, or dipped for autoradiography. Eight fields of CTB-Au-labeled cells in V1 opposite injection sites were plotted in layers 2/3 or 4B. After thin stripe injection, labeled cells were concentrated in CO patches. Despite column shrinkage, cells in deprived and normal columns were equal in size and density in both layers 2/3 and 4B. After pale or thick stripe injection, labeled cells were concentrated in interpatches. Only 23% of projection neurons originated from deprived columns. This reduction exceeded the degree of column shrinkage, a result explained by the fact that column shrinkage causes disproportionate loss of interpatch territory. These data indicate that early monocular form deprivation does not alter the segregation of patch and interpatch pathways to V2 stripes or cause selective loss or atrophy of V1 projection neurons. The effect of shrinkage of geniculocortical afferents in layer 4C following visual deprivation is not amplified further by attenuation of the amblyopic eye's projections from V1 to V2.  相似文献   

An endogenous antipyresis has been observed around parturition in several species, including rats. It has been proposed that the neuropeptide vasopressin is responsible for this antipyresis via an action on the V(1a) receptor subtype, but this concept is controversial. We therefore addressed the question of the regulation of V(1a) receptor expression within the rat hypothalamus around parturition, to assess its possible involvement in the antipyresis phenomenon observed at term. We analyzed V(1a) receptor mRNA and protein levels in the hypothalamus/preoptic area of female rats at Days 15 and 22 (parturition) of gestation, and at Day 5 of lactation. We used quantitative RT-PCR to assess the mRNA levels and designed a semiquantitative Western blot assay to analyze changes in protein levels between the three stages studied. No significant changes either in V(1a) receptor mRNA or protein levels were observed between the three stages, suggesting that variations in the hypothalamic V(1a) receptor expression levels alone cannot account for the endogenous antipyresis observed at term.  相似文献   

In dipteran insects, the lobula plate neuropil provides a major efferent supply to the premotor descending neurons that control stabilized flight. The lobula plate itself is supplied by two major parallel retinotopic pathways from the medulla: small-field, magnocellular afferents that are implicated in achromatic motion processing and Y cells that connect the medulla with both the lobula plate and the lobula. A third pathway from the medulla involves transmedullary (Tm) neurons, which provide inputs to palisades of small-field neurons in the lobula. Although, in their passage to the brain, many output neurons from the lobula plate are separated physically from their counterparts in the lobula, there is an additional class of lobula complex output neurons. This group is composed of retinotopic lobula plate-lobula (LPL) and lobula-lobula plate (LLP) cells, each of which has dendrites in both the lobula and the lobula plate. The present account describes the anatomy and physiology of exemplars of LPL and LLP neurons, a wide-field tangential neuron that is intrinsic to the lobula complex, and representatives of the Tm- and Y-cell pathways. We demonstrate novel features of the lobula plate, which previously has been known as a motion-collating neuropil, and now also can be recognized as supporting direction- or nondirection-specific responses to local motion, encoding of contrast frequency, and processing of local structural features of the visual panorama. J. Comp. Neurol. 396:84–104, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The anatomical pathways between the hypothalamus and cell groups of the lower medulla that are involved in the neural control of endocrine pancreas activity were investigated. As part of this control system the descending pathways originating from lateral, dorsomedial and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei towards the dorsal motor vagus and ambiguus nuclei, were studied by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. Very small injections of the tracer, by means of the iontophoretic delivery method, were placed in the dorsal motor vagus, ambiguus and solitary tract nucleus as well as in the various nuclei of the medullary reticular formation. Subsequent retrograde labeling was studied in the hypothalamus and the brainstem. The appearance of considerable retrograde labeling in mesencephalic periventricular grey and rostral mesencephalic reticular formation indicated a possible role for these structures as intermediates in an indirect hypothalamo-medullary control circuitry. This led us to extend the peroxidase injections to these mesencephalic areas after which the hypothalamus was investigated for retrograde labeling. All data combined indicated the existence of three descending pathways, direct and indirect, between hypothalamus and the parasympathetic motor nuclei of the lower medulla.  相似文献   

The flow of visual information is clear at the earliest stages: the retina provides the driving (main signature) activity for the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), which in turn drives the primary visual cortex (V1). These driving pathways can be distinguished anatomically from other modulatory pathways that innervate LGN and V1. The path of visual information after V1, however, is less clear. There are two primary feedforward projections to the secondary visual cortex (V2), one from the lateral/inferior pulvinar and the other from V1. Because both lateral/inferior pulvinar and V2 cannot be driven visually following V1 removal, either or both of these inputs to V2 could be drivers. Retinogeniculate and geniculocortical projections are privileged over modulatory projections by their layer of termination, their bouton size, and the presence of vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (Vglut2) or parvalbumin (PV). It has been suggested that such properties might also distinguish drivers from modulators in extrastriate cortex. We tested this hypothesis by comparing lateral pulvinar to V2 and V1 to V2 projections with LGN to V1 projections. We found that V1 and lateral pulvinar projections to V2 are similar in that they target the same layers and lack PV. Projections from pulvinar to V2, however, bear a greater similarity to projections from LGN to V1 because of their larger boutons (measured at the same location in V2) and positive staining for Vglut2. These data lend support to the hypothesis that the pulvinar could act as a driver for V2. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:813–832, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Apically and basally located receptor neurons in the vomeronasal sensory epithelium express G(i2 alpha)- and G(o alpha)-proteins, V1R and V2R vomeronasal receptors, project to the anterior and posterior accessory olfactory bulb and respond to different stimuli, respectively. The extent to which secondary projections from the two portions of the accessory olfactory bulb are convergent in the vomeronasal amygdala is controversial. This issue is addressed by using anterograde and retrograde tract-tracing methods in rats including electron microscopy. Injections of dextran-amines, Fluoro Gold, cholera toxin-B subunit and Fast Blue were delivered to the anterior and posterior accessory olfactory bulb, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, dorsal anterior amygdala and bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract/anteroventral medial amygdaloid nucleus. We have demonstrated that, apart from common vomeronasal-recipient areas, only the anterior accessory olfactory bulb projects to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, posteromedial part, and only the posterior accessory olfactory bulb projects to the dorsal anterior amygdala and deep cell layers of the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract and the anteroventral medial amygdaloid nucleus. These results provide evidence that, excluding areas of convergence, the V1R and V2R vomeronasal pathways project to specific areas of the amygdala. These two vomeronasal subsystems are therefore anatomically and functionally separated in the telencephalon.  相似文献   

The mouse vomeronasal organ is specialized in the detection of pheromones. Vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs) express chemosensory receptors of two large gene repertoires, V1R and V2R, which encode G‐protein‐coupled receptors. Phylogenetically, four families of V2R genes can be discerned as follows: A, B, C, and D. VSNs located in the basal layer of the vomeronasal epithelium coordinately coexpress V2R genes from two families: Approximately half of basal VSNs coexpress Vmn2r1 of family C with a single V2R gene of family A8‐10, B, or D (‘C1 type of V2Rs’), and the other half coexpress Vmn2r2 through Vmn2r7 of family C with a single V2R gene of family A1‐6 (‘C2 type V2Rs’). The regulatory mechanisms of the coordinated coexpression of V2Rs from two families remain poorly understood. Here, we have generated two mouse strains carrying a knockout mutation in Vmn2r1 by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. These mutations cause a differential decrease in the numbers of VSNs expressing a given C1 type of V2R. There is no compensatory expression of Vmn2r2 through Vmn2r7. VSN axons coalesce into glomeruli in the appropriate region of the accessory olfactory bulb in the absence of Vmn2r1. Gene expression profiling by NanoString reveals a differential and graded decrease in the expression levels across C1 type of V2Rs. There is no change in the expression levels of C2 type of V2Rs, with two exceptions that we reclassified as C1 type. Thus, there appears to be a fixed probability of gene choice for a given C2 type of V2R.  相似文献   

Recent advances in optogenetic methods demonstrate the feasibility of selective photoactivation at the soma of neurons that express channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), but a comprehensive evaluation of different methods to selectively evoke transmitter release from distant synapses using optogenetic approaches is needed. Here we compared different lentiviral vectors, with sub-population-specific and strong promoters, and transgenic methods to express and photostimulate ChR2 in the long-range projections of paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) neurons to brain stem cardiac vagal neurons (CVNs). Using PVN subpopulation-specific promoters for vasopressin and oxytocin, we were able to depolarize the soma of these neurons upon photostimulation, but these promoters were not strong enough to drive sufficient expression for optogenetic stimulation and synaptic release from the distal axons. However, utilizing the synapsin promoter photostimulation of distal PVN axons successfully evoked glutamatergic excitatory post-synaptic currents in CVNs. Employing the Cre/loxP system, using the Sim-1 Cre-driver mouse line, we found that the Rosa-CAG-LSL-ChR2-EYFP Cre-responder mice expressed higher levels of ChR2 than the Rosa-CAG-LSL-ChR2-tdTomato line in the PVN, judged by photo-evoked currents at the soma. However, neither was able to drive sufficient expression to observe and photostimulate the long-range projections to brainstem autonomic regions. We conclude that a viral vector approach with a strong promoter is required for successful optogenetic stimulation of distal axons to evoke transmitter release in pre-autonomic PVN neurons. This approach can be very useful to study important hypothalamus-brainstem connections, and can be easily modified to selectively activate other long-range projections within the brain.  相似文献   

Area MT/V5 is reciprocally connected with both V1 and V2; but, despite extensive anatomical and physiological investigations, detailed information on the feedback component of these connections is still not available. The present report uses serial section reconstruction of single axons, labeled by anterograde tracers injected in area MT of squirrel monkeys, to characterize these connections further. As with other feedback systems, MT axons terminating in both areas V1 (n = 9) and V2 (n = 6) are widely divergent. In area V1, MT fields are larger than those from V2 and are about comparable to those from V4 or TEO. Terminations in V1, unlike other feedback connections described so far, terminate in several laminar combinations: only layer 1 (n = 2); only layer 4B (n = 3); layers 1 and 4B (n = 1); and layers 1, 4B, and 6 (n = 3). In V2, they occur mainly in layers 1 and 5 or 6. Terminations have two patterns even within a single axon: strung along collateral segments and grouped within small clusters. There are no apparent differences in the size, shape, or density of terminal specializations in V1 or V2, and, consistently with previous double-labeling experiments (Kennedy and Bullier [1985] J Neurosci 5:2815-2830), some axons can branch to both areas. This result, along with the laminar evidence for subtypes of feedback connections, argues against an exclusively hierarchical organization based on "pairwise" connectivity. For V1 and MT, there may be directly reciprocal loops between feedforward and feedback projecting neurons, but this is less likely to be so for V2 and MT.  相似文献   

Three patterns of pretectal organization can be discerned morphologically in teleosts. The taxonomic distribution of these pretectal patterns suggests that the intermediately complex pattern (seen in most teleost groups) has given rise to both the elaborate pattern (seen in percomorphs) and the simple pattern (seen in cyprinids). Two pretectal patterns (intermediately complex and elaborate) form part of similar, homologous visual pathways to the hypothalamus; the third pattern is involved in a nonhomologous pathway to the hypothalamus. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry was used in the present study in order to characterize these pretectal patterns further. It is demonstrated that AChE is a highly selective and reliable interspecific marker for all divisions of the superficial pretectum, the nucleus corticalis, the posterior pretectal nucleus (or nucleus glomerulosus) and portions of the inferior lobe. Therefore, the histochemical data support the hypothesis of a homology between the three patterns of pretectal organization in teleosts. Furthermore, the present data provide a basis for more specific investigations regarding the involvement of acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter within the visual pathways to the hypothalamus in teleosts.  相似文献   

The distribution of neurons containing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in the baboon hypothalamus and forebrain was studied immunocytochemically by light and electron microscopy. GnRH was present in the perikarya, axonal and dendritic processes of immunoreactive neurons. Three populations of GnRH neurons could be distinguished. Most of the GnRH neurons which are assumed to directly influence the anterior pituitary were in the medial basal hypothalamus. Other cells that projected to the median eminence were found scattered throughout the hypothalamus. A second, larger population of neurons apparently was not involved with control of the anterior pituitary. These neurons were generally found within afferent and efferent pathways of the hypothalamus and forebrain, and may receive external information affecting reproduction. A few neurons projecting to the median eminence were also observed sending collaterals to other brain areas. Thus, in addition to their neuroendocrine role, these cells possibly have neuroregulatory functions. The inference is made that these bifunctional neurons, together with the widely observed GnRH-GnRH cellular interactions may help to synchronize ovulation and sexual behavior.  相似文献   

In a series of three studies, we have begun to explore the sequence of visual information processing along the pathway from striate cortex (V1), through MT, into the parietal lobe. In this first study, we sought to establish the relationships among MT, the heavily myelinated zone of the superior temporal sulcus (STS), and the V1 and V2 projection fields in the STS. Autoradiographic material from seven hemispheres of six macaques injected with tritiated amino acids into either V1 or V2 was analyzed in detail, and the results were plotted onto two-dimensional reconstructions of the STS. Autoradiographic material from eight additional macaques with V2 injections was also examined. The results indicate that the central visual field representations of both V1 and V2 project into the heavily myelinated zone in the lower bank and floor of the STS, confirming prior studies, whereas the far peripheral representations of both V1 and V2 project into the cortex medial to this zone on the upper bank of the sulcus. There is no evidence that this medial cortex is a separate area that receives projections from V1 and V2 in parallel with the projections these areas send to the heavily myelinated zone. Rather, there seems to be a single projection field of V1 and V2 whose central representation lies within the heavily myelinated zone and whose most peripheral representation lies medial to it. Because of the difference in myelination between the central and peripheral field representations as well as visuotopic anomalies between them, we retain the term "MT" for the heavily myelinated zone and apply the term "MTp" to the far peripheral projection zone. Both MT and MTp are required to process the complete outputs of V1 and V2 within the STS and thus should probably be regarded as two distinctive parts of a single visual area. The difference in myelination between MT and MTp suggests that there is a difference in visual processing between the central and peripheral visual fields. The average size of MT is estimated to be 62 mm2, and the average size of MT and MTp combined to be 76 mm2, which is consistent with estimates derived from several other studies.  相似文献   

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