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蒋英姿 《航空航天医药》2006,17(4):F0003-F0003
在知识信息、科学技术、网络信息资源服务向社会化、国际化飞速发展的今天,医院图书馆工作也显得日益重要起来,它不仅影响着医院的医疗和科研水平,而且对树立医院的形象、医院的建设和发展起着重要的作用.另外随着网络通讯技术的飞速发展以及电子出版物种类和数量的急剧增加,电子阅览室的建立成为必然趋势[1].  相似文献   

社会信息化对图书馆工作提出了新的挑战,未来图书馆将向馆藏数字化方向发展。本简要论述了数字图书馆内涵及构成,数字图书馆与传统图书馆的对比,重点对数字图书馆如何促进信息服务的发展进行了分析。  相似文献   

2011年《三级综合医院评审标准》指出,医院图书馆设置和藏书数量能满足临床科研教学需求,有医学图书馆工作制度和医学图书馆信息服务制度,能提供网络版医学文献数据库检索服务。  相似文献   

郑砾 《西南国防医药》2005,15(3):331-332
随着社会信息化进程的加快,个性化服务将是信息化时代的一个特征,是21世纪各个服务领域的必然趋势。不同层次读者的需求不同,图书馆应根据不同的读者对象提供相对应的服务。  相似文献   

基于多元化服务对象的医学图书馆服务模式创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息多元化时代的来临,医学图书馆信息服务的对象及读者信息需求也呈现出多元化趋向,广大读者及其需求是图书馆产生和发展的源动力,没有读者,图书馆就失去了存在的意义.所以医学图书馆要不断变革和创新服务模式,才能满足不同层次用户的需求.  相似文献   

Internet上有丰富的医学信息资源 ,虽然通过搜索引擎可检索到大量的医学信息 ,但它们往往不加选择地收录任何人提供的信息 ,造成检出结果庞杂 ,学术价值良莠不齐 ,且误解率较高。为了方便广大医教研人员快捷地获取网上具有学术价值的医学信息资源 ,下面介绍几种网络医学资源及医学信息的查找方法。1 互联网上Pubmed检索  Pubmed在网上免费开通向读者提供服务 ,由于它用户界面友好 ,收录文献范围广 ,数据库更新速度快 ,链接点多 ,部分还可在网上免费直接获得全文 ,于是成为网上检索生物医学文献使用频率最高的Fre…  相似文献   

社会信息化对图书馆工作提出了新的挑战,未来图书馆的馆藏数字化方向发展。本文简要论述了数字图书馆内涵及构成,数字图书馆与传统图书馆的对比,重点对数字图书馆如何促进信息服务的发展进行了分析。  相似文献   

随着信息化、网络化的迅猛发展,现代社会要求图书馆成为一个获取信息、储存信息、处理信息及传播信息为一体的现代化知识信息中心。面对这一发展要求,必须在知识管理、信息组织及传递利用等方面,对图书馆传统管理模式进行改革,实现管理机制和管理理念的重大转变,而能否实现转型的关键之一,就在于是否拥有创新理念。为此,笔者就网络环境下医学图书馆管理模式的创新与发展,作如下探讨。1社会信息层面的挑战1.1信息环境的新特征与新变化在当今科学技术迅猛发展的信息时代,社会信息大环境发生新的变化,其特征是:电子文献的出现与发展,使图书馆文…  相似文献   

网络环境下中小型医学图书馆面临的问题与发展思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息化、网络化的迅猛发展,我国图书馆事业面临的社会大环境发生了深刻的变化,图书馆工作处在一个挑战与机遇并存,困难与优势同在的发展机遇期。因此,适应环境。抓住机遇,寻找对策,谋求发展,是目前中小型医学图书馆(以下简称专业馆)的当务之急。  相似文献   

随着信息化、网络化的迅猛发展,我国图书馆事业面临的社会大环境发生了深刻的变化,图书馆工作处在一个挑战与机遇并存,困难与优势同在的发展机遇期.因此,适应环境,抓住机遇,寻找对策,谋求发展,是目前中小型医学图书馆(以下简称专业馆)的当务之急.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In 2007 Defence Medical Service (DMS) Medical Officers (MOs) applying to train within hospital based specialities were selected using the Medical Training Application Service (MTAS). Recognising the problems being reported about MTAS, the Defence Postgraduate Medical Deanery (DPMD) conducted an evaluation in order to assess whether DMS MOs had also experienced problems with the MTAS process. METHODS: DMS MO applicants were sent an email questionnaire, requesting both graded (Likert scale) and narrative responses, to gauge their opinion about the application service. The questionnaire covered the technical aspects of the process, the support available and the ability to demonstrate appropriate knowledge and skills. RESULTS: Only 42 responses (32%) were received. However, having considered areas of potential bias, the graded questionnaire results and thematic analysis of the narrative responses showed a clear consensus amongst the applicants in many areas. More than three quarters (78%) of DMS applicants criticised the opportunity to record their abilities and achievements, and 91% recorded that the questions were unable to differentiate between candidates. These views were mirrored in the narrative responses, with more than 130 statements covering five topic areas highlighting areas for improvement. Strong support was recorded for the work and advice provide by DPMD in support of the candidates. CONCLUSIONS: DMS MOs presented very negative opinions of their experiences of MTAS, highlighting their perceptions that they were unable to record their particular skills and experiences and that the questions were unable to discriminate between specialties. Particular difficulties were reported in presenting non-NHS experiences and skills.  相似文献   

Atlas MC 《Medicine and law》2000,19(3):463-473
The American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights states that "Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation." Medical ethicists question the use of data derived from experimentation that may have involved inhuman and degrading treatment of subjects or disrespect of a human corpse. Thus conflict between the upholding of ethical standards of research and freedom of information occurs. This conflict was brought to attention of the medical and library communities when journal articles purported that the source of the subjects for the illustrations in the classic anatomy atlas, Eduard Pernkopf's Topographische Anatomie des Menschen, were victims of the Nazi holocaust. While there has never been any dispute about the accuracy or educational value of the work, efforts were made to remove the book from medical libraries. Were these efforts a violation of the Library Bill of Rights or is it the responsibility of the library to discard those items that do not meet current standards of medical ethics? Librarians made different choices about what to do with the controversial Pernkopf title.  相似文献   

介绍了知识管理的概况,探讨了新时期医学图书馆知识管理的角色定位,归纳分析了医学图书馆知识管理的特征, 并针对其特征对如何实施医学图书馆知识管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

No studies had been conducted about Spanish HEMS programs, so we conducted a nationwide survey by phone from January to June 1999. We identified 18 HEMS programs in 13 regions, which transported 4870 patients in 1998. The primary/interhospital missions ratio was 51.25/48.75. In 78% of responding programs, the medical crew was a physician and a nurse. Only 33% of HEMS had standard medical equipment; most lacked noninvasive blood pressure monitors, and one-third of the medical personal were correctly protected with flight helmets and flight suits. It is necessary to study the cost-effectiveness of the Spanish model of HEMS.  相似文献   

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