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In order to set the stage for the later discussion of future directions, this Consensus Conference began by reviewing some of the existing research on conducting resuscitation studies using an exception from informed consent. That research is described in this article. The authors conclude that, based on the experiences reported by researchers and institutional review boards, resuscitation research may be ethically and legally conducted under the current regulations, but such research requires substantial effort, financial resources, and personnel. Federal regulations have set the bar appropriately high, and this may pose significant difficulties for small sponsors and individual investigators. However, further study of the experiences of subjects, researchers, and the regulatory process is warranted.  相似文献   

The challenge of effectively communicating with communities about research is particularly salient for investigators who are conducting emergency research with an exception from informed consent. The authors discuss the ethical basis for the community consultation requirement and describe the nature and extent of the consultative process required to achieve these ethical purposes. The findings of the consensus conference are summarized as follows. 1) The requirements for community consultation and public disclosure for exception from informed consent studies serve important ethical purposes and should be retained. 2) Community consultation allows investigators and institutional review boards to obtain input from the community regarding planned research. The process serves to facilitate understanding, promote trust, ensure justice, and protect research participants. 3) Community consultation is a process that requires active participation by community members; however, it does not require their approval, consent, or consensus. The practical challenges involved in conducting meaningful community consultation are also discussed: defining the community and its appropriate representatives, methods to actively engage the community, the lack of uniformity among institutional review boards in required community consultation activities, and the lack of measures to evaluate the adequacy and appropriateness of community consultation. The recommendations of the consensus conference regarding future research about community consultation are summarized. Priorities include identifying best practices; defining effectiveness and developing measures to evaluate community consultation; evaluating alternative models and potential infrastructures to facilitate, conduct, and/or oversee effective community consultation processes; and developing educational modules for community members to empower their active participation in discussions about emergency research in their communities.  相似文献   

The application of basic ethical principles to resuscitation research and other research in the emergency and critical care settings presents a particular challenge. The emergency exception from informed consent (EFIC) rule (21 CFR 50.24 and 45 CFR 46.101[i]) addresses a particular vulnerability: that which occurs when persons cannot consent due to acute loss of decisional capacity. The question arises as to whether populations defined as “vulnerable” are unique within studies to which EFIC applies. This report details the proceedings of a breakout session of the 2005 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference, “Ethical Conduct of Resuscitation Research,” that dealt with this issue. Topics addressed were 1) the applicability of the term “vulnerable” in research using EFIC; 2) the relationship between vulnerability, exploitability, and capacity; 3) the significance of vulnerability in research design; 4) the adaptation of the informed consent process to the emergency setting; and 5) the role of the institutional review board. Ten consensus recommendations emerged from the discussion. Of particular importance was the endorsement of the idea that research using EFIC is as important in vulnerable populations as in the general population and that the systematic exclusion of vulnerable populations from resuscitation research is inappropriate.  相似文献   

Although subject protection is the cornerstone of medical ethics, when considered in the context of research using emergency exception from informed consent, its success is debatable. The participants of a breakout session at the 2005 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference discussed the issues surrounding subject protection and advanced the following recommendations. 1) There are no outcome measures that define “protection”; therefore, it is not currently known whether or not subjects are protected under the current rules. 2) Care must be taken to protect not only the individual from harm during research but also to protect society from unregulated research in other countries and an inability to appropriately advance medical knowledge. 3) Some surrogate markers/methods of protection whose efficacies are debatable include data safety monitoring board activity, the community consultation and public notification (CC/PN) process, and institutional review board approval. 4) Minimal‐risk studies should be held to different standards of protection than those that involve more significant risk to the subject. 5) A handful of studies have been published regarding community consultation and notification, and the majority are case studies. Those that are specifically designed to discover the most successful methods are hindered by a lack of formal outcomes measures and tend to have negative results. 6) Follow‐up data from the CC/PN process should be disclosed to the Food and Drug Administration and incorporated into study designs. 7) Focus groups and/or random‐digit dialing have been suggested as promising methods for fulfilling the CC/PN requirements. 8) Studies need to be funded and performed that formally investigate the best means of CC/PN. 9) More funding for this research should be a priority in the emergency medicine and critical care communities. More data regarding terminated studies should be made available to the research community. 10) Quantifiable markers of success for CC/PN must be validated so that research may determine the most successful methods. 11) Data regarding subjects' and family members' experiences with exception from informed consent studies need to be obtained.  相似文献   

The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine believes that protection of human subjects is vital in emergency medicine research and that, whenever feasible, informed consent is at the heart of that protection. At the same time, the emergency setting presents unique barriers to informed consent both because of the time frame in which the research is performed and because patients in the emergency department are a vulnerable population. This report reviews the concept of informed consent, empirical data on patients' cognitive abilities during an emergency, the federal rules allowing exemption from consent under certain circumstances, issues surrounding consent forms, and the new Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations as they relate to research. The authors conclude that, in many circumstances, informed consent is possible if the researcher is diligent and takes time to adequately explain the study to the potential subject. In cases in which it is possible to obtain consent, precautions must be taken to ensure that subjects have decision-making capacity and are offered time to have their questions answered and their needs met. Sometimes resuscitation and other emergency medicine research must be conducted without the ability to obtain consent. In these cases, special protections of subjects under the exception from consent guidelines must be followed. Protection of research subjects is the responsibility of every researcher in emergency medicine.  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation research is a vital area of research that has made significant contributions to medical care over the last several decades. Abundant information currently exists in the medical literature, as a result of research in the areas of cardiac arrest and outcomes, physiology of cardiac arrest, pharmacologic treatments, mechanical interventions, and societal and ethical issues. Despite numerous clinical trials demonstrating physiologic benefit of various interventions, few interventions have had as much impact on outcomes of cardiac arrest as have improvements in out-of-hospital response times and rapid availability of medical treatment. Although abundant information exists regarding physiologic aspects of resuscitation, relatively little information exists about ethical, psychological, and social aspects of resuscitation. In addition to attempts to improve outcomes of cardiac arrest, researchers should also strive to improve the experiences of patients and families involved. These realities provide future strategies and directions for the best use of resuscitation research resources; although physiologic and pharmacologic research will always have significant roles in the improvement of medical care, the rapid delivery of out-of-hospital care and ethical issues will be indispensable areas of research focus in the future.  相似文献   

An Ethical Analysis of Exception from Informed Consent Regulations   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Federal regulations enacted in 1996 allow clinical research with an exception from informed consent in select emergency circumstances. Such research is only permitted when the therapy may directly benefit the research participant and it is not possible to conduct the research with informed consent. Among others, protective mechanisms include a process of community consultation and public disclosure and the establishment of a mandatory data safety monitoring board. Although the regulations do not preserve the right of self‐determination of the research participant, the author argues that they do provide an ethical means to advance the science of resuscitation.  相似文献   

Background People with severe intellectual disability are considered vulnerable to exploitation in research. Discovery of exploitative practices in recent history has motivated the development of guidelines for informed consent and proxy decision‐making procedures when involving these individuals in research. Methods Issues for determining capability to provide informed consent and the proxy decision process are reviewed according to the literature, current ethics guidelines and recent legislature in Victoria, Australia. Results The complex process of involving in research people with severe intellectual disability who are particularly vulnerable by virtue of their institutionalized residential status is discussed within the context of a recent project into examining potential nutritional determinants of Pica behaviour (i.e. the eating of inedible items). Conclusions This example serves to highlight the role of legislation, various government bodies and researchers in balancing principles of protection of vulnerable groups and rights to self‐determination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess public views on emergency exception to informed consent in resuscitation research, public awareness of such studies, and effective methods of community consultation and public notification. METHODS: A face-to-face survey was conducted in two academic Level I trauma center emergency departments (EDs) in Oregon and Minnesota from June through August 2001. RESULTS: Five hundred thirty people completed the survey, with an 82% response rate. The mean age of the respondents was 41 years (range 18-95) with a standard deviation of 14.5; 46% were female and 64% white. Most (88%) believed that research subjects should be informed prior to being enrolled, while 49% believed enrolling patients without prior consent in an emergency situation would be acceptable and 70% (369) would not object to be entered into such a study without providing prospective informed consent. Informing and consulting the community as a substitute for patient consent in emergency research was thought to be reasonable by 45% of the respondents. Most respondents would prefer to be informed about a study using emergency exception from informed consent by radio and television media (42%). Two hundred fifty-eight respondents (49%) stated they would attend a community meeting; the less educated were more likely to attend than those with college degrees (OR = 0.53; 95% CI = 0.33 to 0.85, p = 0.008). However, only 5% knew of ongoing studies in their community using emergency exception from informed consent. CONCLUSIONS: Most respondents disagreed with foregoing prospective informed consent for research participation even in emergency situations; however, many would be willing to participate in studies using emergency exception from informed consent. Most respondents would not attend community meetings, and would prefer to rely upon the media for information. Very few were aware of emergency exception from informed consent studies in their community. This suggests that current methods of community notification may not be effective.  相似文献   

The survival of patients who present to the emergency department with severe injury or illness is dismal. Resuscitation researchers are interested in advancing the science of resuscitation, and clinical studies must be conducted to determine the best treatment protocols. These studies must reflect good science and must balance individual patient autonomy and safety with scientific progress that benefits society as a whole. Researchers find the present federal guidelines on waiver of and exception from informed consent to be time consuming and expensive. They see variability in the requirements as interpreted by institutional review boards. There is confusion regarding the requirements for public notification and response to community consultation. They believe that the majority of the public, as well as health care professionals, want resuscitation research to progress, but a minority of people and governmental regulators are uncomfortable with waiver of and exception from informed consent for research studies. There is concern and some evidence that the federal guidelines have impeded the advancement of resuscitation science. Several strategies have been suggested to improve the situation. These include 1) better education of resuscitation researchers regarding the federal guidelines, 2) a toolbox for resuscitation researchers clarifying the guidelines, 3) advocacy for the advancement of resuscitation science as a public good, and 4) a national research advisory board that provides unbiased reviews of clinical studies and guidelines for local institutional review boards regarding risks, benefits, and communication strategies for waiver of and exception from consent proposals.  相似文献   

This article reflects the proceedings of a breakout session, “Using the Regulations in Research” at the 2005 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference, “Ethical Conduct of Resuscitation Research.” There have been two organized studies, and a number of anecdotal reports, describing the decline in cardiac arrest resuscitation research in the United States since the implementation of the Final Rule. Paradis and colleagues found that the volume of human cardiac arrest research published in the United States was significantly less in a four‐year period after the Final Rule was adopted as compared to the earlier period. Nichol and colleagues reported that both the absolute number of US‐based randomized cardiac arrest trials and the proportion of US‐based trials (vs. foreign trials, based on the mailing address of the first author) decreased by about 15% annually. Despite the concern about a negative impact, there are at least five published trials, one in progress and one in planning that have been or are being conducted under the regulations. Those completed include the Diaspirin Cross‐Linked Hemoglobin, Public Access Defibrillation, Multicenter Vest CPR, Brain‐CPR, and Pre‐Hospital Treatment of Status Epilepticus trials. Reports of how investigators met the regulations and their experience in doing so are reviewed. A summary table of the federal regulations is provided. Participants discussed what additional information and research about using the regulations would be helpful for the promotion of quality resuscitation and emergency care research in the United States. Areas suggested for further investigation include: impact on the quality as well as quantity of such research; current level of understanding of the regulations by investigators, regulatory/IRB personnel and potential subjects (the general public); costs incurred: additional time required for preparation, approval and conducting community consultation and public disclosure; impact on research on non–life‐threatening conditions; value and cost of a registry; use of a standard reporting template for issues regarding meeting the requirements in individual clinical trials; whether more specific guidance would be helpful or restrictive; what constitutes effective community consultation and public disclosure; and whether titration of community consultation and public disclosure based on the risk of the proposed intervention to subjects is feasible and acceptable.  相似文献   

Medical research involving critically ill and injured subjects unable to provide informed consent can only be conducted under federal regulations that attempt to balance the need to develop lifesaving treatments with protection of research subjects' rights. Regulators, researchers, and medical ethicists have all struggled to define the conditions under which an emergency exception from informed consent is appropriate. Although research has been successfully conducted under the current regulations, confusion remains regarding the meaning of the regulations, the applicable conditions, and the best ways to balance the needs of future patients and the rights of research subjects. In May 2005, at the Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference “Ethical Conduct of Resuscitation Research,” a breakout session was held on the research conditions that qualify for the emergency exception from informed consent process. Several recommendations emerged: 1) The definition of “life‐threatening condition” should be broadly interpreted to include serious disability as well as death. 2) Existing therapies should be considered “unsatisfactory,” even if partially effective, when serious risk of morbidity or mortality remains even with the best available treatment or when the adverse effects of the best available treatment are serious. 3) Research with the emergency exception should be performed only if sufficient evidence exists that the proposed intervention has a reasonable chance of benefit. 4) More evaluation is needed to determine the degree to which the current rules impede research. 5) Application of the current regulatory framework for abbreviated or waived consent in emergency research should be encouraged. 6) Further study should also address variability among institutional review boards, the goals of community involvement, and how best to engage and educate the public in research efforts using emergency exception from informed consent.  相似文献   

Objectives:  To determine population characteristics, outcomes, and reasons for unsuccessful enrollment among potential study subjects approached for written, informed consent in a minimal-risk emergency department (ED) study. The authors hypothesized that the prevalence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) would be lower among study participants and that medical acuity and refusal to provide a blood sample would be the most common reasons for nonparticipation.
Methods:  The authors requested prospective, written, informed consent for a blood sample and follow-up from consecutive ED patients undergoing evaluation for pulmonary embolism (PE) and recorded spontaneously stated reasons for refusal. VTE was diagnosed or excluded using a combination of D-dimer testing and selective computed tomography (CT) angiography of the chest with venography of the lower extremities. The primary outcome was defined by the number of CT scans positive for VTE among ED patients evaluated for PE.
Results:  Over 16 weeks, 260 of 287 (91%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 87 to 94%) eligible patients were approached and consent was obtained from 183 patients (64%, 95% CI = 58% to 69%). The prevalence of VTE was 6% among participants and 13% among nonparticipants (95% CI [of the difference] = 1% to 15%). The proportions of African Americans, uninsured, and Medicaid patients were significantly higher among nonparticipants. No significant differences were found in the proportions of nonparticipants who disliked or distrusted research or desired financial reimbursement, compared to those not enrolled due to medical acuity or refused a blood sample.
Conclusions:  These data implicate the written, informed consent process as a significant source of bias on estimated disease prevalence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess views about clinical research, drawing current opinion from an urban, largely minority population within the authors' emergency department (ED). METHODS: Two focus groups of ED patients and visitors were conducted. These data informed the development of a 27-item interview examining views about clinical research and knowledge of human subjects protections. RESULTS: The authors interviewed a total of 172 patients and visitors within an adult ED. Study participants reflected the diverse patient population: 38% were African American, 32% Hispanic, 25% white, and 6% other. When asked why one might choose to participate in medical research, 46% said to benefit mankind, 26% said to improve one's own health, 18% cited access to medical care, 17% said financial incentive, and 11% said curiosity. When asked why one might decline research participation, 38% cited fear, 24% cited lack of interest in research, 10% cited medical mistrust, 9% indicated not wanting to feel like a "guinea pig," 6% indicated lack of time, and 5% suggested privacy concerns. When asked about the meaning of informed consent, 32% did not know. Many respondents (26%) were unaware that they could withdraw from a study. Although the majority (96%) endorsed a statement about the potential benefit of research for themselves or their loved ones, a sizable proportion of respondents (49%) equated research subjects to "human guinea pigs." CONCLUSIONS: Although many individuals tend to view clinical research favorably, a level of medical mistrust exists. The concerns about human experimentation and the limited understanding of human subject protections underscore the need to improve informed consent.  相似文献   



To describe the development and testing of a module to improve consent administrators’ skills when obtaining research consent from culturally and linguistically diverse and low literacy populations.


Development and psychometric testing of video module including community vignettes.


Following initial content, face, and construct validity testing by experts, a field trial was conducted with pre‐ and postknowledge tests and satisfaction surveys completed by 112 consent administrators.


Mean score out of a possible 10 on pretest was 8.6 (±standard deviation [SD], 1.55) and on posttest was 9.1 (±SD, 1.2; paired t‐test 95% confidence interval of difference: –0.18 to –0.88; two‐tailed p = 0.003). The average years of experience with obtaining consent was 6.42 years (range: 0–35), but years of experience was not significantly associated with either pre‐ or posttest scores (p = 0.82 and 0.44, respectively). Most user evaluations were positive, although suggestions for improvements were made.


Although pretest scores were relatively high, training needs of research consent administrators for consenting diverse and low literacy populations may be unmet. We urge that institutional review boards, researchers, policymakers, educators, and bioethicists address the training needs of research consent administrators and we offer this training module as one potential resource and adjunct to such training.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore community attitudes toward the federal regulations that allow investigators to conduct emergency research without obtaining informed consent from participants. Methods: Focus‐group participants were recruited from residential sites in New York City that were enrolled in the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial. The PAD Trial, a National Institutes of Health–funded, randomized trial in which laypersons were trained to treat cardiac arrest, was granted an exception from informed consent under these rules. Community residents and those who had been trained as lay responders in the PAD Trial were asked about the ethical issues raised by the conduct of research without consent (RWC), their definition of community, and appropriate methods of community consultation regarding RWC studies. Grounded theory content analyses were conducted on focus‐group data. Results: Seventeen (40%) men and 25 (60%) women from 15 buildings participated in six focus groups: four in English; two in Spanish. Definitions of “community” varied widely among and across groups; no strategy for community consultation was consistently endorsed by the participants. There were significant support and occasional adamant opposition to conducting RWC; participants often recounted specific personal experiences as the basis for both positive and negative opinions. Individuals with negative attitudes toward RWC often voiced strong support for specific RWC scenarios. Conclusions: There is no consensus regarding the definition of “community” or appropriate methods of consultation. Community members' attitudes toward RWC are often shaped by their personal experiences, and their general attitudes often differ from their reactions to specific RWC protocols.  相似文献   

Background:  The emergency department (ED) environment presents unique barriers to the process of obtaining informed consent for research.
Objectives:  The objective was to identify commonalities and differences in informed consent practices for research employed in academic EDs.
Methods:  Between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007, an online survey was sent to the research directors of 142 academic emergency medicine (EM) residency training programs identified through the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
Results:  Seventy-one (50%) responded. The average number of simultaneous clinical ED-based research projects reported was 7.3 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 5.53 to 9.07). Almost half (49.3%) of respondents reported that EM residents are responsible for obtaining consent. Twenty-nine (41.4%) participating institutions do not require documentation of an individual resident's knowledge of the specific research protocol and consent procedure before he or she is allowed to obtain consent from research subjects.
Conclusions:  It is common practice in academic EDs for clinical investigators to rely on on-duty health care personnel to obtain research informed consent from potential research subjects. This practice raises questions regarding the sufficiency of the information received by research subjects, and further study is needed to determine the compliance of this consent process with federal guidelines.  相似文献   

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