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This article highlights the development of orthopaedic nurse education in Northern Ireland and how it equates with the United Kingdom and United States when focused on children's nursing. It also examines the historical development of initial preregistration nurse education and equates it to children's nursing where children are generally acknowledged as a vulnerable group. This article concludes by offering recommendations that may further enhance the development of Northern Ireland's orthopaedic nurse education that demonstrate standardization and equality for all practicing nurses within the specialty of orthopaedics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Whilst there is evidence in the literature to support the continuation of a children's nursing qualification, the distinction between generalist and specialist nursing is insufficiently comprehensive to distinguish children's nursing from other branches of nursing. AIM: To develop a definition of children's nursing and specialist children's nursing in terms of competencies as the basis for differentiating them from other forms of nursing. DESIGN: A multi-method comparative design incorporating a case study approach was used. This included a nominal group technique, focus groups, Delphi survey and semi-structured interviews. Two arms of data collection were undertaken concurrently (during 1998-2000) with children's nurses (n = 146) and specialist children's nurses (children's cancer nurses, n = 37) from a number of centres in the United Kingdom (UK). FINDINGS: The holistic competencies developed from the data exposed characteristics of knowledge, skills, abilities, values and qualities displayed in the context of professional work for both groups of nurses. A classification of competencies was developed inductively from the data by two independent researchers through the labelling, defining and ordering of competencies. The resulting hierarchy of competencies and sub-competencies illustrates relationships between children's nurses and specialist children's nurses and provides a detailed definition of children's nursing and specialist children's nursing. CONCLUSION: There is a significant common element in these two areas of nursing practice, and generalist preparation in children's nursing is the foundation of specialist children's nursing practice. Generalist knowledge and skills are expanded in specialist practice and there is also evidence of specialist practice that is beyond the scope of general nursing practice.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper aims to explore the influences on employment related decision making in respect of nurses over 50 in the United Kingdom. It investigates the retirement and labour market relationship through the diverse experiences of older nurses and stakeholders in nursing. BACKGROUND: The ageing of the United Kingdom nursing workforce constitutes a potential challenge for the National Health Services. There is evidence of increasing efforts to address this issue by encouraging older nurses to remain in the profession, dissuading early retirement and attracting nurses who have retired to return to nursing. However, decision-making by older nurses is influenced by a wide spectrum of factors and perceived employment options. BACKGROUND: The paper is based on research commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as part of its Transitions Over 50 programme. It derives from concern about inadequate knowledge of, and under-developed policy responses to, the ageing United Kingdom workforce and the specific implications of this age shift for the nursing labour market. The research consisted of interviews with nurses over 50 and key stakeholders in nursing in the United Kingdom. Stakeholders included employers, advisers and policy makers in nursing. METHOD: Interviews with older nurses and stakeholders in nursing were conducted over a period of 12 months. They included face-to-face and telephone semi-structured interviews with 84 nurses over 50 and 18 key stakeholders in nursing in the United Kingdom. Stakeholders included employers, advisers and policy-makers. FINDINGS: Employers, policy makers and advisers and older nurses all identified a range of influences on nurses' employment decisions including a lack of flexible hours, the stress of work, pension-related expectations and the pace of change. Some of these related to negative aspects of work that led nurses to leave ('push' factors), and others to the presence of positive factors in nursing or in pension options ('pull' factors). CONCLUSION: The study highlighted the need for increased implementation of more flexible hours of work and greater availability of part-time hours for older nurses. It revealed the salience of improved pay, adequate and flexible pensions provision, and opportunities for continued professional development to the recruitment and retention of older nurses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Parent participation is viewed as a pivotal concept to the provision of high quality nursing care for children and their families. Since the 1990's, the term 'partnership with parents' has increasingly been reported in the literature and adopted as a philosophy of care in most paediatric units in the United Kingdom. OBJECTIVES: To explore children's, parents', and nurses' views on participation in care in the healthcare setting. DESIGN: Using grounded theory, data were collected through in-depth interviews, and participant observation. Sample consisted of eleven children, ten parents and twelve nurses from four paediatric wards in two hospitals in England. RESULTS: Most nurses assumed that parents would participate in care and viewed their role as facilitators rather than 'doers'. Nurses reported that the ideology of partnership with parents did not accurately reflect or describe their relationships with parents. Parents could never be partners in care as control of the boundaries of care rested with the nurses. Parents felt compelled to be there and to be responsible for their children's welfare in hospital. CONCLUSIONS: The pendulum of parent participation has swung from excluding parents in the past to making parents feel total responsibility for their child in hospital. It is argued that the current models or theories on parent participation/partnership are inappropriate or inadequate because they do not address important elements of children's, parents' and nurses' experiences in hospital.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports a study whose aim was to describe how nurses in a paediatric unit promote the health of families of children with chronic conditions during the children's hospitalization. BACKGROUND: It is stressful for a family when a child has a chronic condition and hospitalized. Nurses have the opportunity to promote family health while a child is hospitalized, and previous studies contain a wealth of recommendations on how this should be done. However, there is little research evidence about family care and how nurses promote the health of a family with a chronically ill child. METHODS: Forty nurses who worked in two paediatric units providing care for children with chronic conditions and their families participated in the study. Data were collected in two Finnish hospitals in 2002 using group interviews, and nursing actions were observed in both units for a period of 84 hours. Data analysis was based on the grounded theory method, proceeding to the stage of axial coding. Data were collected until theoretical saturation was reached. FINDINGS: Family care was based on three distinctive strategies. Nurses used a systematic, selective or situation-specific strategy while promoting family health during a child's hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that nurses used different strategies while promoting family health during a child's hospitalization. The systematic way of working with families identified in the study seems a useful strategy. All three strategies of family nursing described here should be tested in other paediatric wards and in other geographical locations.  相似文献   

Political and managerial attention has focused on the consequences of the failure of community services to provide effective care to a small number of people with severe mental illness. However, the nature and value of care in hospitals have received less scrutiny. This paper addresses deficiencies in our knowledge about nursing care in acute psychiatric wards. It reports the findings from a recently completed study for the United Kingdom Department of Health. Four key developments are identified which, together, pose significant problems for nursing in acute wards: the increasingly diverse patient mix in wards; the volume of administrative duties performed by nurses; the weakness of multidisciplinary team working; and inappropriate education. In conclusion, the challenges for managers and clinicians responsible for local policy and practice and, by extension, those at the centre responsible for such services, are examined.  相似文献   

Grade mix within the district nursing team in the United Kingdom has changed markedly over the last 10 years but the relationship between grade mix and skill mix has received only intermittent research attention. This study adopted an ethnographic approach and aimed to explore the way in which grade and skill are taken into account in the delegation of nursing care. After gaining ethical approval, a total of 76 members of 21 district nursing teams in two areas were observed and interviewed. Delegation practices were found to vary both within and between areas and considerable differences were uncovered in the responsibilities allocated to more junior and unqualified team members. The developing role of nursing auxiliaries is discussed in relation to the role of the G grade sister, resource constraints and the standards of patient care. The paper concludes by arguing that the supervision and leadership role provided by the G grade sister should be fully recognized and safeguarded.  相似文献   

Chronic illnesses represent one of the most significant health challenges in all developed countries and currently there is considerable debate about how to meet the rehabilitative needs of chronically ill and disabled people. The literature suggests that nursing has a potentially significant, but largely unrealized, role to play in addressing areas of current deficit. However, to fulfil this potential it is vital that the educational preparation of nurses at both qualifying and post-qualifying levels equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills. This paper describes a study which analysed curriculum documents from an extensive range of courses in the United Kingdom (UK) in order to determine the emphasis placed on rehabilitation, chronic illness and disability. The results reveal the overall lack of attention given to these important areas and the superficial manner in which key concepts are addressed. The need to identify more clearly the nursing contribution to rehabilitation is highlighted and indicative areas of knowledge and skill required to develop an expanded role are presented.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. This paper examines how nurses are prepared to be clinically competent and safe at registration, so that they are fit for practice and purpose. It follows up two papers on competence published in 1997 and 1998 and investigates subsequent developments. Background. In 1979, major changes in nursing affected nurse education and preparation for competence. In the following two decades, it became clear that nurses lacked clinical skills. This paper examines subsequent changes and asks the question whether this crucial shortcoming has now been remedied. This paper considers the background and context of change in nursing and nurse education in the 1980s. It looks at the new ideology, to prepare the ‘knowledgeable doer’ and examines the consequences of the change on nursing competency from the 1990s to the present day. Methods. This is a position paper. Professional policy documents from the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting and Nursing and Midwifery Council, government reports and legislation on nursing and relevant nursing literature are examined and critically analysed and conclusions drawn. Conclusions. From 1923–1977, mandatory nursing syllabuses set by the General Nursing Council of England and Wales required the registered nurse to have acquired certain specific clinical skills. These were rigorously tested to an explicit standard set by the General Nursing Council before a nurse was awarded state registration. Twenty‐five years later, the loss of this system for ensuring this competence and the implications of this loss, have been widely recognised. As a result, many nurse training institutions have introduced clinical skills laboratories, simulation of practice and the Objective Structured Clinical Examination. However, to the authors’ surprise and contrary to their initial expectations, the Nursing and Midwifery Council has not made these systems uniform or mandatory and so still has no way of ensuring all nurse training is producing safe nurses in the United Kingdom. The authors conclude that the untested educational ideology that brought root and branch change to nurse training in 1983 and which failed to produce nurses ‘fit for practice and purpose’ may still prevail. Relevance to clinical practice. The present paper demonstrates that United Kingdom nurse training still has no uniform and mandatory system in place to ensure, as far as is possible, that all registered nurses are clinically competent and safe to practice.  相似文献   

? In the light of current political and professional debate in the United Kingdom concerning preparing nurses for competence, this paper takes an historical perspective, and considers how nursing competence was defined historically through an analysis of statutory syllabuses and nursing textbooks 1874–1977. ? Competence was perceived by nursing textbook writers to have four facets. Firstly, it involved the moral character of the nurse; secondly, it required technical knowledge, practical skill and procedure; thirdly, it depended on the role of the ward sister; and fourthly, it relied on the professional etiquette of right relationships. ? The analysis shows that the traditional system of nursing competence presumed a clearly defined purpose: the production of the bedside nurse, whose function was to care for the sick person. This raises a fundamental question for nursing today: what is the purpose of the modern nurse?  相似文献   

ALI P.A. & WATSON R. (2011) The case for graduate entry to the United Kingdom nursing register. International Nursing Review 58 , 312–318 Aim: The recent decision of the United Kingdom Nursing and Midwifery Council to make nursing a degree profession is contentious and has generated debate among nurses and other stakeholders. We argue why nurses need a degree to nurse and what the implications of making a degree in nursing obligatory at the point of registration will be. Background: Nurses work at the forefront of any healthcare system. The complexity of their role and demands on them are increasing. To fulfil demands and expectations of employers, the public and the profession, and to be able to work collaboratively with other healthcare professions, nurses need critical thinking, problem‐solving and decision‐making skills, which can help them to work as independent practitioners. We argue that this can only be assured if the level of education for nurses is raised from diploma to degree, making this a prerequisite for registration as a nurse. Conclusions: The increasingly complex role of nurses, the changing landscape of the healthcare needs and a need to improve the image and status of nursing as a profession to make it an attractive career choice are some of the important reasons that justify nursing in becoming a degree‐only profession.  相似文献   

Aim To report a literature study of leadership for learning in clinical practice in the United Kingdom. Background Previous research in the United Kingdom showed that the ward sister was central to creating a positive learning environment for student nurses. Since the 1990s, the ward mentor has emerged as the key to student nurses’ learning in the United Kingdom. Methods A literature study of new leadership roles and their influence on student nurse learning (restricted to the United Kingdom) which includes an analysis of ten qualitative interviews with stakeholders in higher education in the United Kingdom undertaken as part of the literature study. Results Learning in clinical placements is led by practice teaching roles such as mentors, clinical practice facilitators and practice educators rather than new leadership roles. However, workforce changes in clinical placements has restricted the opportunities for trained nurses to role model caring activities for student nurses and university based lecturers are increasingly distant from clinical practice. Conclusions and implications for practice Leadership for learning in clinical practice poses three unresolved questions for nurse managers, practitioners and educators – what is nursing, what should student nurses learn and from whom? Implications for nursing management Leadership for student nurse learning has passed to new learning and teaching roles with Trusts and away from nursing managers. This has implications for workforce planning and role modelling within the profession.  相似文献   

AIM: To summarize key evidence on nursing skill mix in acute care hospitals and their limitations; and identify the gaps in current literature vis-à-vis Singapore's nursing workforce. BACKGROUND: Nursing skill mix has been theorized to be a factor influencing patient, nurse and organizational outcomes. While there is a growing body of literature explicating associations between nursing skill mix and positive outcomes, the evidence does not as yet provide firm directions in determining the best configuration. In addition, differences in nursing workforce characteristics also make it difficult to apply findings from one healthcare setting to another. CONCLUSIONS: In reviewing key evidence from the United States of America and Canada, this paper highlights three critical gaps in the nursing skill mix literature when examined in the context of Singapore's nursing workforce. Issues related to the interface between local and foreign nurses, the impact of speciality education, and the possible effects that work roles and distribution may have on quality of care need to be further examined. This knowledge should provide a robust evidence base with which to inform national policy on skill mix and maximize nursing resources in order to achieve optimal outcomes.  相似文献   

There is currently debate about how the professional register for nurses is organized in the UK. Children's nurses, like the other minority registrants of mental health and learning disabilities nurses felt threatened with the potential loss of a separate register. Children's nurses should be able to articulate their own unique body of knowledge. Using Fawcett's framework for the hierarchy of contemporary nursing knowledge, the development of children's nursing knowledge is examined to determine if, indeed, children's nursing is a separate discipline, by having its own metaparadigm of children's nursing, philosophy, conceptual model of nursing, nursing theories and, finally, empirical indicators. Although some levels of knowledge appear to have been developed, it is considered that children's nursing is still lacking in some levels of knowledge, thus suggesting that the continuing development of children's nursing knowledge is necessary.  相似文献   

Aim:  To incorporate basic aspects of acute care into the undergraduate nursing programme by providing an opportunity for the development of knowledge and skills in the early recognition and assessment of deteriorating patients on general hospital wards.
Background:  Acute care initiatives implemented in the hospital setting to improve the identification and management of 'at risk' patients have focused on the provision of education for trained or qualified staff. However, to ensure student nurses are 'fit to practice' at the point of registration, it has been recommended that acute care theory and skills are incorporated into the undergraduate nursing curriculum.
Practice development initiative:  An 'Integrated Nursing Care' module was incorporated into year 3 of the undergraduate nursing programme to introduce students to acute care theory and practice. Module content focuses on the early detection and management of acute deterioration in patients with respiratory, cardiac, neurological or renal insufficiencies. We used a competency-based framework to ensure the application of theory to practice through the use of group seminars. High-fidelity patient-simulated clinical scenarios were a key feature. The United Kingdom Resuscitation Council Intermediate Life Support course is also an important component of the module.
Conclusions:  Incorporating the Integrated Nursing Care module into the undergraduate nursing curriculum provides pre-registration students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in acute care.
Relevance to clinical practice:  The provision of undergraduate education in care of the acutely ill patient in hospital is essential to improve nurses' competence and confidence in assessing and managing deteriorating patients in general wards at the point of registration.  相似文献   

Drawing on a wealth of primary documents, this historical research describes nurses' efforts regarding early 20th century pediatric tuberculosis care in Virginia. Virginia nurses played a leadership role in designing a template for children's care. Ultimately, however, their legacy is a mixed one. They helped forge a system funded by a complicated, poorly coordinated, race- and class-based mix of public and private support that is now delivered through an idiosyncratic web of community, state, and federal programs. However, they also took courageous action, and their efforts improved the lives of many children. By so doing, they helped invent pediatric nursing.  相似文献   

A historical study of men in nursing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study outlines a brief history of men as nurses in the United Kingdom. It uses a variety of historical sources, primary archival, oral history and secondary sources to retell the history of nursing with emphasis on the frequently neglected place of men within it. History appears to indicate that men have had a place in nursing for as long as records are available, but their contribution has been perceived as negligible, largely because of the dominant influence that the 19th century female nursing movement has had on the occupation's historical ideology. The study indicates that men have an equally valid historical role within nursing, and that this should be acknowledged when considering male nurses' position within the nursing profession.  相似文献   

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