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The types of layer III neurons in cat primary auditory cortex (AI) projecting to the contralateral AI were studied with horseradish peroxidase or horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin. Injections between the anterior and posterior ectosylvian sulci retrogradely labeled both pyramidal and non-pyramidal somata in contralateral cortical layers III, V, and VI in AI, and in the ventral nucleus of the ipsilateral medial geniculate body. Three-quarters (72%) of the retrogradely labeled cells were found in layer III and one-quarter (28%) lay in layers V and VI. Every part of AI was innervated by commissural neurons. The topographical distribution of the labeled cells varied systematically. Injections in the caudal part of AI labeled cells in the caudal part of the opposite AI, while more rostral injections labeled cells in the contralateral, rostral AI. Injections covering the rostro-caudal extent of AI labeled cells throughout the opposite AI. Each part of AI thus projects most strongly to a contralateral, homotypic area, and less strongly to other, adjacent sectors of AI. The types of labeled cells were distinguished from one another on the basis of size, somatic and dendritic morphology, laminar distribution, and nuclear membrane morphology. Their somatodendritic profiles were compared to, and correlated with, those in Golgi-impregnated material from adult animals. Among the pyramidal cells of origin were small, medium-sized, and large neurons, and star pyramidal cells. The non-pyramidal cells of origin included bipolar and multipolar cells. Thus, at least six of the 12 kinds of neurons, as defined by morphological methods, participate in the interhemispheric pathway. Pyramidal cells comprised 65% of the cells of origin, 14% of the labeled cells in layer III were non-pyramidal, and 21% of the neurons could not be classified. It is unknown if these different types of commissural neurons have the same laminar or cytological targets in AI, or if they represent more than one functional or parallel pathway within AI. In any case, cytologically diverse layer III neurons contribute to the commissural system.  相似文献   

The non-pyramidal cells in layer III of cat primary auditory cortex (AI)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The form and location of non-pyramidal neurons in layer III of the primary auditory cortex (AI) of adult cats is described in Golgi, Nissl, and other material. The cells were compared to the profiles of retrogradely labeled, commissurally interconnected cells. A principal finding is that certain non-pyramidal and pyramidal cells project interhemispherically to AI; a second conclusion is that the retrogradely labeled commissural cells form small clusters or narrow strips separated by unlabeled patches even after massive injections in the opposite AI. The non-pyramidal cells of origin have not yet been conclusively identified, but they must include one (or more) of the following six types of cells observed in Golgi-impregnated material: tufted or bitufted cells with a radially elongated dendritic arbor; sparsely spinous stellate neurons with thin, smooth dendrites and vertically disposed axonal branches; small stellate cells with varicose dendrites, a restricted dendritic field, and a profusely branched local axon; bipolar neurons with long, thin dendrites; medium-sized multipolar cells with radiating, sparsely branched dendrites; and small stellate neurons with smooth dendrites and a tiny dendritic field. These non-pyramidal cells are found throughout layer III but are more numerous in the upper part, layer IIIa, where they mingle with the small pyramidal neurons. As a rule the axonal branches of non-pyramidal cells are more numerous than those arising from layer III pyramidal neurons, and although they have many axonal collaterals, most project locally and vertically in narrow radial strips. In contrast, pyramidal cell axons have ascending and descending components which invade large, lateral territories in many cortical layers. Layer III non-pyramidal neurons are similar to those in layer IV in certain respects, although their dendritic fields are more spherical and less tufted than those of layer IV cells, and their axons have more local, limited targets. These axons appear to contribute but little to the conspicuous, lateral fiber striae in layer III. The primary intrinsic targets of non-pyramidal cell axons appear to be the apical dendrites of medium-sized and large layer III pyramidal cells, and recurrent branches to the parent cell; their fine, distal branches fortify the vertical plexus in layer III, and certain axons may descend into layer IV. Since layer III in AI receives both commissural and thalamic input, it is possible that these parallel, afferent channels are to some degree segregated, and to some degree convergent, onto particular types of cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The organization of layer VI in cat primary auditory cortex (AI) was studied in mature specimens. Golgi-impregnated neurons were classified on the basis of their dendritic and somatic form. Ipsilateral and contralateral projection neurons and the corticogeniculate cells of origin were labeled with retrograde tracers and their profiles were compared with the results from Golgi studies. Layer VI was divided into a superficial half (layer VIa) with many pyramidal neurons and a deeper part (layer VIb) that is dominated by horizontal cells. Nine types of neuron were identified; four classes had subvarieties. Classical pyramidal cells and star, fusiform, tangential, and inverted pyramidal cells occur. Nonpyramidal neurons were Martinotti, multipolar stellate, bipolar, and horizontal cells. This variety of neurons distinguished layer VI from other AI layers. Pyramidal neuron dendrites contributed to the vertical, modular organization in AI, although their apical processes did not project beyond layer IV. Their axons had vertical, intrinsic processes as well as corticofugal branches. Horizontal cell dendrites extended laterally up to 700 μm and could integrate thalamic input across wide expanses of the tonotopic domain. Connectional experiments confirmed the sublaminar arrangement seen in Nissl material. Commissural cells were concentrated in layer VIa, whereas corticocortical neurons were more numerous in layer VIb. Corticothalamic cells were distributed more equally. The cytological complexity and diverse connections of layer VI may relate to a possible role in cortical development. Layer VI contained most of the neuronal types found in other layers in AI, and these cells form many of the same intrinsic and corticofugal connections that neurons in other layers will assume in adulthood. Layer VI, thus, may play a fundamental ontogenetic role in the construction and early function of the cortex. J. Comp. Neurol. 404:332–358, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The commissural projections between 13 areas of cat auditory cortex (AC) were studied using retrograde tracers. Areal and laminar origins were characterized as part of a larger study of thalamic input and cortical origins of projections to each area. Cholera toxin beta subunit (CTbeta) and cholera toxin beta subunit gold-conjugate (CTbetaG) were injected separately within an area or in different areas in an experiment. The areas were identified independently with SMI-32, which revealed differences in neurofilament immunoreactivity in layers III, V, and VI. Each area received convergent AC input from 3 to 6 (mean, 5) contralateral areas. Most of the projections (>75%) were homotopic and from topographically organized loci in the corresponding area. Heterotopic projections (>1 mm beyond the main homotopic projection) constituted approximately 25% of the input. Layers III and V contained >95% of the commissural neurons. Commissural projection neurons were clustered in all areas. Commissural divergence, assessed by double labeling, was less than 3% in each area. This sparse axonal branching is consistent with the essentially homotopic connectivity of the commissural system. The many heterotopic origins represent unexpected commissural influences converging on an area. Areas more dorsal on the cortical convexity have commissural projections originating in layers III and V; more ventral areas favor layer III at the expense of layer V, to its near-total exclusion in some instances. Some areas have almost entirely layer III origins (temporal cortex and area AII), whereas others have a predominantly layer V input (anterior auditory field) or dual contributions from layers III and V (the dorsal auditory zone). A topographic distribution of commissural cells of origin is consistent with the order observed in thalamocortical and corticocortical projections, and which characterizes all extrinsic projection systems (commissural, corticocortical, and thalamocortical) in all AC areas. Thus, laminar as well as areal differences in projection origin distinguish the auditory cortical commissural system.  相似文献   

The morphology of electrophysiologically identified neurons was examined in the primary auditory cortex (AI) of the cat. After stimulation of the medial geniculate nucleus (MG), second auditory cortex, posterior ectosylvian gyrus, contralateral AI, or corpus callosum, intracellular potentials were recorded from AI neurons, which were then injected intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase and recovered. Layer IV neurons, which receive MG fibers monosynaptically, are spiny and nonspiny stellate cells, small and medium-sized nonspiny tufted cells, and fusiform cells. They send their axons to layer III of the AI. Corticocortical AI neurons are medium-sized pyramidal cells in layer III. They receive axons from layer IV neurons of the AI and send their axons to layers I, II, IV, and V of the AI. Horizontal cells in layer I receive slow-conducting MG fibers monosynaptically, and send their axons to layer II of the AI. Stellate cells and small pyramidal cells in layer II receive afferent inputs polysynaptically from the MG. Layer II pyramidal cells receive afferent inputs from the MG via AI neurons in layers I and III, and send their axons to layers V and VI. The axons of layer II stellate cells were distributed within layer II. Pyramidal cells which send their axons to the MG are located in layers V and VI, distributing their axon collaterals to layers III-VI of the AI.  相似文献   

Inhibitory interneurons constitute ~20% of auditory cortical cells and are essential for shaping sensory processing. Connectivity patterns of interneurons in relation to functional organization principles are not well understood. We contrasted the connection patterns of parvalbumin-immunoreactive cells in two functionally distinct cortical regions: the tonotopic, narrowly frequency-tuned module [central narrow band (cNB)] of cat central primary auditory cortex (AI) and the nontonotopic, broadly tuned second auditory field (AII). Interneuronal connectivity patterns and laminar distribution were identified by combining a retrograde tracer (wheat-germ agglutinin apo-horseradish peroxidase colloidal gold) with labeling of the Ca(2+) binding protein parvalbumin (Pv), a marker for the GABAergic interneurons usually described physiologically as fast-spiking neurons. In AI, parvalbumin-positive (Pv+) cells constituted 13% of the retrograde labeled cells in the immediate vicinity of the injection site, compared to 10% in AII. The retrograde labeling of Pv+ cells along isofrequency countours was confined to the cNB. The spatial spread of labeled excitatory neurons in AI was more than twice that found for Pv+ cells. By contrast, in the AII, the spread of Pv+ cells was nearly equal to that of excitatory neurons. The retrograde labeling of Pv+ cells was anisotropic in AI and isotropic in AII. This demonstration of inhibitory networks in auditory cortex reveals that the connections of cat GABAergic AI and AII cells follow different anatomical plans and thus contribute differently to the shaping of neural response properties. The finding that local connectivity of parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in AI is closely aligned with spectral integration properties demonstrates the critical role of inhibition in creating distinct processing modules in AI.  相似文献   

Structure of layer II in cat primary auditory cortex (AI)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cytoarchitecture, myeloarchitecture, neuronal architecture, and intrinsic and laminar organization of layer II were studied in the primary auditory cortex (AI) of adult cats. The chief goal was to describe the different types of cells and axons to provide a framework for experimental studies of corticocortical connections or of neurons accumulating putative neurotransmitters. A further goal was to differentiate layer II from layer III. Layer II extends from 150-200 micron to about 400 micron beneath the pia and has two subparts. The superficial stratum, layer IIa, has many small, chiefly non-pyramidal neurons, primarily with round or oval perikarya, and a sparse, fine, and irregularly arranged axonal plexus. Layer IIb somata are larger and more densely packed and there is a more developed vertical and lateral axonal plexus. The border with layer III was marked by numerous large pyramidal cells with a thicker apical dendrite with more developed basal dendritic arbors than those of layer II pyramidal cells. Eight varieties of neurons were recognized in Golgi-impregnated material. These included small and medium-sized pyramidal cells, whose apical dendrites often ramified in layer I; bipolar and bitufted cells with polarized, sparse dendritic arbors; small smooth or sparsely spinous multipolar cells with radiating dendrites and small dendritic fields; spinous multipolar cells, whose large dendritic fields had more extensive apical than basal arbors; large sparsely spinous multipolar cells with smooth, robust apical dendrites; tufted multipolar cells with highly developed apical dendrites and some dendritic appendages; and extraverted multipolar cells with a broad, candelabra-shaped dendritic configuration, and with most dendrites oriented at right angles to the pia. The axons of the different cell types had the following general dispositions: those arising from the pyramidal cells could often be traced into the white matter but had many local branches as well; those of the other neurons had more or less extensive local axonal collateral systems and fewer branches which appeared to be corticofugal. However, the complete trajectory of the axons was not always impregnated in the adult material.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cortical stratification of callosal neurons in the primary auditory cortex (AI) of cat was studied by means of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Two main groups of callosal neurons were revealed. The first group comprising 60% of all AI callosal neurons consisted predominantly of layer III large pyramidal neurons. Average area of these pyramidal neuron perikaryon profiles was 261.8 +/- 8.8 microns2. The number of HRP-labelled callosal neurons in layer III was 22% of all cells in this layer. The second group comprising 27% of all AI callosal neurons consisted mainly of large cells of layers V and VI which could not be classified as pyramidal neurons. Average area of these nonpyramidal neuron perikaryon profiles was 250.3 +/- 8.4 microns 2. In layer I callosal neurons were not revealed, in layers II and IV accordingly 6% and 7% of AI callosal neurons were located.  相似文献   

Long-term potentiation in the cat somatosensory cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intracellular, in-vivo recordings were used to identify neurons in the cat somatosensory cortex in which long-term potentiation (LTP) was induced. Amplitudes of EPSPs produced by microstimulation in the motor cortex (area 4 gamma) were recorded before and after tetanic stimulation (200 Hz, 20 s). In 8/13 cells (62%), EPSP amplitudes increased significantly following the tetanic stimulation. LTP was induced exclusively in cells which produced monosynaptic EPSPs. Six of these cells were labeled by intracellular injections of biocytin. All the cells in which LTP was induced were pyramidal neurons, and were located exclusively in layers II or III of the somatosensory cortex; cells in deeper cortical layers were not potentiated. These data substantiate our previous findings demonstrating LTP in corticocortical pathways and suggest that these pathways play an important role in cortical synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Theories of information processing and plasticity in mammalian cortex often rely on knowledge of intracortical networks studied in rodent cortex. Accordingly, the contribution of all cells involved in this circuitry is potentially significant, including connections from a subset of neurons that persist from the developmental subplate, called subgriseal neurons in the present study. Ascending corticocortical connections from subgriseal neurons were identified by using in vivo transport of fluorescent retrograde tracers from discrete applications confined to cortical layer I (approximately 1 mm2) or from injections placed into superficial cortical layers. Applications restricted to cortical layer I can be identified by a subsequent retrograde labeling pattern that includes neurons in layers II/III and V but not those in layer IV. In contrast, when retrograde tracer is deposited in layers II/III, layer IV cells are also labeled. By using this identification technique in juvenile and adult rats, widespread interareal projections to superficial layers, including unequivocal connections to cortical layer I, were found to originate from a tangential band of neurons directly below the conventionally identified gray matter (i.e., subgriseal) and from a smaller number of cells in the white matter (WM) proper. Subgriseal and WM neurons were labeled below application and injection sites in somatosensory, auditory, visual, motor, frontal, and adjacent areas at distances of more than 4 mm. However, the subgriseal-to-superficial pathway was not sensitive to nonfluorescent retrograde tracers including horseradish peroxidase. Because neurons in the deeper cortical layers can be strongly influenced through input to their apical dendritic extensions in cortical layer I, the widespread connections described in the present study indicate that the ascending subgriseal projections should be considered in models of mature cortical function.  相似文献   

The number of Thioflavine S-positive neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and neuritic plaques (NP) was determined in visual and auditory cortical regions of 8 patients with Alzheimer's disease. On both a regional and laminar basis, NFT exhibited very distinctive and consistent distribution patterns. The mean (+/- SEM) number of NFT in a 250-micron-wide cortical traverse was very low in area 17, primary visual cortex (0.9 +/- 1.0), increased 20-fold in the immediately adjacent visual association cortex of area 18 (19.7 +/- 3.6), and showed a further doubling in area 20, the higher-order visual association cortex of the inferior temporal gyrus (35.5 +/- 8.8). Similar differences in NFT number were present between primary auditory (1.6 +/- 0.5) and auditory association (18.9 +/- 5.4) regions. On a laminar basis, NFT were predominantly present in layers III and V, although there were striking regional differences in the proportion of NFT in these 2 layers. Layer III contained 79% of the NFT in layers III and V in area 18, 41% in area 20, and only 27% in area 22. In contrast, NP showed different, and less specific, regional and laminar distribution patterns. Total NP number was similar in the 3 visual areas, although there were marked regional differences in the type of NP present. Nearly 80% of the NP in area 17 was of the NPc type (i.e., contained a dense, brightly fluorescent core), whereas over 70% of the NP in both areas 18 and 21 was of the NPnc type (i.e., lacked a dense, brightly fluorescent core). NP were present in every cortical layer but were most numerous in layers III and IV. The distinctive distribution patterns of NFT are very similar to the regional and laminar locations of long corticocortical projection neurons in homologous regions of monkey neocortex. This association suggests that NFT reside in the cell bodies of a subpopulation of pyramidal neurons, namely, those that furnish long corticocortical projections. In contrast, the distribution patterns of NP suggest that multiple neuronal systems contribute to their formation.  相似文献   

The pyramidal neurons in layer III of cat primary auditory cortex (AI)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neuronal architecture of pyramidal cells in layer III of the primary auditory cortex (AI) of adult cats was examined as a prelude to connectional and fine structural studies; in a further paper, the results of parallel studies of non-pyramidal layer III cells are presented. Layer III is about 400 micron thick, comprises about one-quarter of the thickness of AI, and lies some 400-800 micron deep to the pial surface. It is distinguished in Nissl, fiber, and Golgi preparations from layers II and IV, and also on connectional grounds, since its neurons are one of the principal inputs to the contralateral AI. Layer III may be divided into two roughly equal tiers on the basis of its neuronal and cytoarchitecture. Layer IIIa is populated by small cells with oval somata and many tiny pyramidal cells; the fiber architecture is dominated by radial bundles of medium-sized axons interspersed among columns of apical dendrites arising from deeper-lying pyramidal cells. In layer IIIb medium-sized and large pyramidal cells are more numerous, and the fiber architecture has a different, much denser texture, including extensive lateral components which invade layer IV, and large contingents of descending, probably corticofugal, axons. Five kinds of pyramidal neurons occur in Golgi preparations. Most numerous are the small, medium-sized, and large pyramidal cells; the two types of star pyramidal neurons are less common. The small pyramidal cell has a limited dendritic field and rather delicate dendrites; all but the apical one usually end in layer III. The medium-sized pyramidal cell is the most common neurons, and its rich basilar dendritic arbors are conspicuous, with their many dendritic appendages, in the layer III neuropil; their distal dendrites spread into layer IV. The largest pyramidal cells lie mainly in layer IIIb, and their lateral dendrites often mark the layer IIIb-IVa border. The apical dendrites of medium-sized and large pyramidal cells often extend to layer Ib, where they branch obliquely. The axons of these cells branch laterally after descending through layer III and toward the white matter. Often secondary or tertiary branches reascend to layer IV and more superficially; there is considerable stereotypy in this branching pattern. These numerous secondary branches contribute heavily to the layer IIIb-IVa lateral fiber plexus. The fourth variety of pyramidal cell has a round soma and a stellate dendritic field whose distal branches extend from layer V to layer I, but whose axon is chiefly in layer III. Finally, a star pyramidal cell with long lateral basilar arbors but rather smooth dendrites completes the picture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Glutamate-positive neurons in the somatic sensory cortex of rats and monkeys   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The morphology and laminar distribution of neurons labeled with an antiserum prepared against glutamic acid (Glu) conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin have been studied in the somatic sensory cortex of rats and monkeys. In both species, the vast majority of immunostained neurons are pyramidal; some nonpyramidal neurons are also present. Positive neurons are observed in all cortical layers, although variations are found in the percentage of Glu-positive neurons in the different layers. In rats they are most numerous in layer V (36%), followed by layer II (33%), layer III (32%), and layer VI (29%). In layer IV, 13% of all neurons are positive. Immunoreactive neurons are very sparse in layer I. In monkeys, Glu-positive neurons represent 51% of all neurons in layer V, 49% in layer III, 40% in layers II and VI, and 19% in layer IV. No differences are evident in the laminar distribution of Glu-positive neurons among cytoarchitectonic areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2. As in rats, Glu-positive neurons are very sparse in layer I. Since Glu and GABA metabolisms are closely related, double-labeling experiments were performed in which thin, adjacent paraffin sections were stained alternately with the anti-Glu serum and with an anti-GABA serum. The 2 populations are almost completely segregated, even though a small fraction of neurons (less than 5%) are labeled by the antisera against both antigens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Area 18 of cat visual cortex was examined for intrinsic axons following small, columnar injections of an anterograde tracer,Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). Locally projecting axons radiated from the injection site and branched to form 10–15 discrete, approximately circular patches 500–750 μm in diameter consisting of many bouton-studded terminal arborizations. Labeled fibers and boutons ramified densely in layers I, II/II, V, and VI, and were noticeably less dense in layer IV. Afferent and efferent pathways originating from the same cortical columns were studied by injecting a mixture of PHA-L and wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). Between 10 and 15 patches of cells retrogradely labeled by WGA-HRP surrounded each injection site. Within a patch, labeled cells were found in all layers and included both pyramidal and non-pyramidal cells. The distribution of PHA-L labeling was similar to that obtained when PHA-L was injected alone. Most often, the labeled patches resulting from injections of such mixtures contained both anterograde and retrograde labeling. However, patches consisting of retrograde labeling alone and of anterograde labeling alone were also observed, indicating that the local connections linking neighboring cortical columns were not always reciprocal.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution of neurons containing immunoreactivity for three calcium-binding proteins, calbindin, parvalbumin and calretinin, as well as nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein, in cortical areas along the ventral and dorsal cortical visual pathways, and in ventrally-directed somatosensory and auditory cortical pathways. Calbindin-immunoreactive pyramidal neurons showed the most prominent regional differences. They were largely restricted to layers II and III and their number monotonically increased from the primary sensory areas to the anteroventral areas along the ventral visual pathway and along the ventrally-directed somatosensory and auditory pathways. The number of calbindin-immunoreactive pyramidal neurons in layers II and III also increased along the dorsal visual pathway, but the number in the last recognized stage of the dorsal visual pathway (area 7a) was significantly smaller than that at the corresponding stage in the ventral visual pathway (TE). The number of calbindin-immunoreactive pyramidal neurons was highest in layers II and III of areas 35/36, TG, and TF/TH, which represent terminal cortical regions of the pathways. These results show neurochemical differences between cortical areas located at early and late stages along serial corticocortical pathways, as well as confirming differences between pyramidal neurons in the supragranular and infragranular layers.  相似文献   

Neuronal connections in the primary auditory cortex (AI) of the cat were studied electrophysiologically by using intracellular recording techniques. Fast-conducting fibers from the medial geniculate nucleus (MG) projected monosynaptically onto AI neurons in layers III-VI (mainly in layer IV), whereas slow-conducting MG-fibers projected monosynaptically onto AI neurons in layer I. AI neurons which received monosynaptic inputs from the auditory association cortices (AII and Ep) and/or from the contralateral AI were distributed in all layers of the AI; the commissural fibers from the contralateral AI were divided into fast- and slow-conducting ones. AI neurons were categorized into seven types: type I neurons which received monosynaptic inputs from slow-conducting MG-fibers were located in layer I. Type II neurons which received polysynaptic inputs from the MG were located in layers II-VI. Type III neurons which sent their axons to the AII or Ep were mainly located in layer III. Type IV neurons which sent their axons to the contralateral AI were located mainly in layer III. Type V neurons which received monosynaptic inputs from fast-conducting MG-fibers were located mainly in layer IV. Type VI neurons which projected onto the inferior colliculus were located in the upper part of the layer V. Type VII neurons which projected onto the MG were located in layers V and VI.  相似文献   

Phosphate-activated glutaminase (PAG) is the major enzyme involved in the synthesis of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate in cortical neurons of the mammalian cerebral cortex. In this study, the distribution and morphology of glutamatergic neurons in cat visual cortex was monitored through immunocytochemistry for PAG. We first determined the specificity of the anti-rat brain PAG polyclonal antibody for cat brain PAG. We then examined the laminar expression profile and the phenotype of PAG-immunopositive neurons in area 17 and 18 of cat visual cortex. Neuronal cell bodies with moderate to intense PAG immunoreactivity were distributed throughout cortical layers II-VI and near the border with the white matter of both visual areas. The largest and most intensely labeled cells were mainly restricted to cortical layers III and V. Careful examination of the typology of PAG-immunoreactive cells based on the size and shape of the cell body together with the dendritic pattern indicated that the vast majority of these cells were pyramidal neurons. However, PAG immunoreactivity was also observed in a paucity of non-pyramidal neurons in cortical layers IV and VI of both visual areas. To further characterize the PAG-immunopositive neuronal population we performed double-stainings between PAG and three calcium-binding proteins, parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin, to determine whether GABAergic non-pyramidal cells can express PAG, and neurofilament protein, a marker for a subset of pyramidal neurons in mammalian neocortex. We here present PAG as a neurochemical marker to map excitatory cortical neurons that use the amino acid glutamate as their neurotransmitter in cat visual cortex.  相似文献   

Details of the distribution of terminal sites of the projection fibers from area 2 of the sensory cortex to the motor cortex were studied and compared with the distribution of terminals from the ventrolateral (VL) nucleus of the thalamus to the motor cortex. The results obtained were as follows: Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) in area 2 produced measurable short-latency EPSPs only in neurons located in layers II and III of the motor cortex, whereas VL stimulation produced short-latency EPSPs in neurons throughout the depths of the motor cortex. The time from the beginning to the peak of the EPSPs was not significantly different for area 2- and VL-elicited EPSPs suggesting that there was no systematic difference between effective terminal sites for both inputs. However, there was a difference when a given neuron received both inputs suggesting that there was a segregation between the two inputs within a given cell. The majority of area 2-elicited EPSPs were smooth and monophasic, but some (40%) of them showed double peaks indicating that some neurons received mono- and disynaptic inputs from area 2. Intracellular injections of HRP suggested that neurons receiving input from area 2 were predominantly multipolar non-pyramidal neurons in layers II and III whereas neurons receiving thalamic input were pyramidal as well as non-pyramidal cells. Field potentials in the motor cortex evoked by area 2 stimulation did not change polarity in the depths of the cortex and therefore, differed from the VL-evoked potentials suggesting differences in the mechanisms of generating the electrical fields. It is concluded that association fibers effective for producing EPSPs terminate primarily on non-pyramidal cells in layer II and III whereas VL fibers terminate not only on pyramidal but also on non-pyramidal cells in layers III and V. This study provided a basis for examining the modifiability of association fibers after elimination of VL input to the motor cortex which is reported in the following paper.  相似文献   

Using the retrograde fluorescent tracers Fast Blue and Diamidino Yellow we have studied the callosal and ipsilateral corticocortical connections between the cat's area 17/18 border region and the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian visual area (PMLS), as well as the callosal connections of each of these regions with its contralateral homologue. The main goal was to determine whether single cortical neurons project with branching axons to more than one cortical target. In addition, the double-labeling technique enabled us to examine, within a single section of cortical tissue, the relative distributions of neurons with different cortical targets. Most corticocortical neurons labeled in the area 17/18 border region and in area PMLS projected to only one of the cortical injection sites tested. When two callosal neuron types were labeled in the same area, no double-labeled neurons were found. When ipsilateral corticocortical and callosal neurons were labeled in combination, a few double-labeled neurons were found in both cortical regions examined. The most common type of double-labeled neuron was located in area PMLS and projected bilaterally to the area 17/18 border region. Our findings regarding the laminar distributions of ipsi- and contralaterally projecting neurons are in agreement with previous studies. In addition, we have found that, for callosal neurons within the upper layers of areas 17 and 18, neurons projecting to the contralateral area 17/18 border are located in the lower half of layer II/III and in upper layer IV, whereas neurons projecting to contralateral area PMLS are restricted to the lower portion of layer II/III. In addition, for callosal neurons within the deep layers of area PMLS, neurons projecting to contralateral area PMLS are located throughout layers V and VI, whereas neurons projecting to the contralateral area 17/18 border are restricted to layer VI. There are numerous other possible targets for axon collaterals not examined in this paper. However, the scarcity of neurons with multiple projections demonstrated in this study reflects the high degree of specificity of cortical connectivity. This anatomical organization may be the basis for a precise channeling of differential information at the single neuron level.  相似文献   

Layer I of the neocortex is a dense synaptic zone consisting of horizontal corticocortical and widespread layer VII projections, in addition to thalamic inputs. In order to determine the origin and extent of corticocortical and thalamocortical projections to layer I of the frontal/premotor area M2 of the rat neocortex, we have used fluorescent anatomical tracing methods to determine the precise sources of cortical and thalamic input to the rostral and caudal aspects of layer I of M2. Retrograde tracer diamidino yellow (DY), applied directly to the pial surface on rostral or caudal areas of rat M2 (RM2 and CM2, respectively) labeled cells ipsilaterally throughout layers II/III, V, and VII of the adjacent primary motor area and the parietal areas (SI and SII). In addition, retrograde transport labeled contralateral CM2 or RM2 in layers II/III and V at sites homotopic to either CM2 or RM2 application sites. Contralateral layer VII was retrogradely labeled by the application to layer I of CM2, but not by the RM2 application. Retrograde DY transport from layer I of RM2 or CM2 of was seen in the ventral medial (VM), ventral lateral (VL), and posterior (Po) thalamic nuclei. However layer I transport from CM2 additionally labeled the thalamic central medial (CM) nucleus, while the RM2 labeled the mediodorsal (MD) thalamic nucleus. Upon determination that thalamic nuclei VM and VL were of primary interest in this study, due to their dense retrograde labeling, injections of anterograde tracer rhodamine dextranamine (RDA) into VM or VL were performed in order to study the projection patterns of these nuclei to layer I of the frontal cortex. RDA injections into VM labeled fibers extending through layer I of both RM2 and CM2 and throughout the cingulate cortex. Injections of RDA into VL consistently labeled dense fibers in layer I of both CM2 and RM2, although labeling was sharply decreased anterior to CM2. This study adds to a growing body of evidence that projections to layer I from all sources of cortical input make a significant contribution to integration throughout the neocortex.  相似文献   

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