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A simple filter-paper method forin vivo assessment of cytokines in intestinal mucosa of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) was developed and evaluated. Twenty-eight patients were included. Twenty-three patients had ulcerative colitis (UC) and five irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Inflammation was assessed endoscopically. Through a rectoscope, filter paper was applied to the macroscopically most inflamed area of the rectal mucosa until soaked. The filter paper was transferred to a buffer solution, and IL-1 and IL-1ra were assessed using ELISA. Positive correlations between endoscopic grading and ln(IL-1) (P<0.0001) and ln(IL-1ra) (P<0.001) and a negative correlation between endoscopic grading and ln(IL-1ra/IL-1) (P<0.02) were found. In measurements during and after a flare-up no significant change in IL-1ra but a significant decrease in IL-1 was detected, which is in agreement with investigations on biopsies. In conclusion, the filter-paper technique is an easily applicable, low-risk method that provides a means of monitoring cytokinesin vivo in UC.This work was sponsored by P. Carl Petersens fond and Fonden af 1860.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a multifactorial disease associated with dysregulated immunity. Recently, cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) gene polymorphisms have been reported in association with several autoimmune diseases in several populations. In the present study, the possible implication of the CTLA-4 gene as a risk factor for UC in the Iranian population was investigated. METHODS: One hundred UC patients and 100 healthy subjects were studied. CTLA-4 exon 1 position 49 (A/G: codon 17: Thr/Ala) polymorphisms were investigated by polymerase chain reaction single strand confirmation polymorphism method. Four of the patients and one of the healthy controls were excluded from the study because of incomplete DNA extraction. RESULTS: The allele frequencies of A and G in 96 patients (A: 66.1%; G: 33.9%) were not significantly different from the 99 control subjects (A: 63.1%; G: 36.9%, P > 0.05). No significant differences in the distribution of genotype frequencies were observed between A + 49G gene polymorphisms and UC in the Iranian population (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: CTLA-4 polymorphism is not associated with UC in the Iranian population.  相似文献   

Background—An imbalance between theproinflammatory cytokine interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and theanti-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) has beenpostulated as a pathogenic factor in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Aims—To study allelic frequenciesof novel polymorphisms in the genes for IL-1β and IL-1ra in patientswith IBD and to assess the relation between ex vivo cytokine productionand allelic variants of the IL-1β and IL-1ra genes.
Subjects—Two hundred and seventyhealthy controls, 74 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), 72 withCrohn's disease (CD), 40 with primary sclerosing cholangitis for theallelic frequencies, and 60 healthy individuals for the ex vivostimulation test.
Methods—Genotyping was performed bypolymerase chain reaction and subsequent cleavage with specificendonucleases (Mwo1, MspAI1, Alu1, Taq1, BsoF1) for five novelrestriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in the genes forIL-1ra and IL-1β.
Results—No significant differences were found inthe allelic frequencies or allele carriage rates of the markers in theIL-1β and IL-1ra genes between CD, UC, and healthy controls. Noassociation between the genetic markers and cytokine production levelswas observed. Patients with UC carried the combination of both the infrequent allele of the Taq1 RFLP and the Mwo1 RFLP significantly morefrequently (35.2% in UC versus 71.1% in controls).
Conclusions—UC is associatedwith carriage of both infrequent alleles of the Taq1 and Mwo1 RFLPs.However, it could not be confirmed whether the association reflects apathogenic mechanism underlying UC.


Objective. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection has been reported as an exacerbating factor in inflammatory bowel disease but the relationship between CMV infection and ulcerative colitis (UC) remains unclear. There has been no detailed research to elucidate the clinicopathologic features of CMV infection in UC using surgical specimens. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinicopathologic features of CMV infection in UC patients who had undergone colectomy.

Material and methods. Surgical specimens taken from UC patients were examined for CMV infection. The patients were divided into three groups: severe, refractory, and UC-associated dysplasia or cancer according to the operative indications. CMV infection rates were evaluated and a comparison of clinical parameters was made between CMV-positive and CMV-negative patients, and the risk factors for CMV infection were analyzed using multivariate analyses.

Results. It was found that 25% of 32 patients were positive for CMV in the severe UC group; 8.3% of 72 patients were positive for CMV in the refractory UC group. None of the 22 patients was positive for CMV in the UC-associated dysplasia or cancer group. The CMV-positive rate in the severe UC group was significantly higher than that in the other groups (p<0.05). Patients’ age at the time of operation was higher in the CMV-positive group than in the CMV-negative group among the patients with severe UC (p<0.01), and age at operation was an independent risk factor for CMV infection.

Conclusions. CMV is found more frequently in severe UC than refractory UC and UC-associated cancer or dysplasia. Higher age can be a risk factor for CMV infection in patients with severe UC. However, a high steroid dose may not always be a risk factor for CMV infection.  相似文献   

Thromboembolic complications, such as deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, are well recognized in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We describe three cases of cerebral venous thrombosis complicating ulcerative colitis. Cerebral venous thrombosis is a rare but potentially devastating complication of IBD, and the diagnosis needs to be considered in any patient with IBD presenting with neurological symptoms.  相似文献   

There is an increased influx of activated eosinophils to the intestinal mucosa in active ulcerative colitis, and an increased release of eosinophil-derived proteins, such as ECP, has also been observed. These findings indicate that eosinophils may contribute to tissue damage and intestinal inflammation in this disease. The relative importance of different chemotactic factors and the impact of steroid treatment on their effect in active ulcerative colitis are not known. We measured the eosinophil chemotactic activity in perfusion fluids from 11 patients with ulcerative colitis before and after steroid treatment and from 7 control patients. The effect of neutralizing antibodies to IL-5 and -8, RANTES, eotaxin, MCP-3, TNF-, GM-CSF was investigated. The chemotactic activity was higher in perfusion fluids from patients than from controls (P = 0.0043). Anti-IL-5 (P = 0.005) and -TNF- (P = 0.017) inhibited the activity in perfusion fluids obtained before treatment. Steroid treatment prevented the effect of all antibodies but had no significant effect on the chemotactic activity. The chemotactic activity correlated with the levels of eosinophil granule proteins in the perfusion fluids. In conclusion, in ulcerative colitis, eosinophils are attracted to the intestinal tissue by chemotactic factors, of which IL-5 and TNF- may be the most prominent steroid-sensitive ones. The steroid-insensitive chemotactic activities remain unidentified.  相似文献   

Background—Interleukin 1 (IL-1) α and β arepotent cytokines which play key roles in inflammation. They arecontrolled by IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra).
Aims—To investigate the influence of mucosalinflammation and IL-1ra genotype on the IL-1ra:IL-1 balance.
Patients and methods—IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-1rawere measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in biopsyspecimens taken from inflamed and non-inflamed colon of 60 patientswith Crohn's disease (CD), 34 with ulcerative colitis (UC), 15 inflammatory controls, and 103 non-inflamed controls. IL-1ra genotypewas determined by polymerase chain reaction and gel electrophoresis.
Results—IL-1α and IL-1β were significantlyincreased in inflamed mucosa in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (CD:53.5 (22.4) and 409.9 (118.7) pg/mg protein, respectively; UC: 18.9 (6.8) and 214.5 (78.2) pg/mg, respectively) and non-IBD patients (19.2(7.4) and 281.4 (121.0) pg/mg, respectively; p<0.0001) compared withnormal controls (2.8 (0.6) and 30.6 (5.6) pg/mg, respectively). In CDIL-1α and β were also significantly increased in non-inflamed mucosa (6.1 (1.3) pg/mg and 88.7 (17.4) pg/mg, respectively;p<0.0012). IL-1ra:(IL-1α+β) ratios were significantly decreased ininflamed mucosa of patients with CD (182 (45); p<0.0001), UC (425 (136); p=0.0018) and without IBD (221 (76); p<0.0001), and innon-inflamed mucosa in CD (369 (149); p<0.0001) compared with normalcontrols (1307 (245); p<0.0001). Patients with IL-1ra genotype 2 hadslightly but significantly reduced mucosal IL-1ra concentrations(p=0.003). The greatest difference was seen in colonic biopsy specimensfrom patients with inflamed Crohn's disease.
Conclusion—Mucosal inflammation can modulate thebalance of the IL-1:IL-1ra system in colonic mucosa.

Keywords:interleukin 1; interleukin 1 receptor antagonist; inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn's disease; mucosal inflammation; genotype


Frequent minor side effects are associated with sulfasalazine. The realization that it is the 5-aminosalicylic acid moiety that is the active component of sulfasalazine and that the side effects are probably due to the sulfapyridine has prompted the search for a similar but safer compound. Olsalazine, consisting of two molecules of 5-ASA without sulfasalazine may avoid the problems due to sulfasalazine. One hundred one patients were entered into a double-blind placebo-controlled study of the use of olsalazine 92 g daily) in preventing relapse in patients who had recently recovered from an acute attack of ulcerative colitis. Patients were treated for 12 months. Forty-nine were randomized to olsalazine (39 with limited and 10 with extensive disease) and 52 to placebo (42 with limited and 10 with extensive disease). Life-table analysis showed that the median time to relapse in patients on olsalazine was 342 days, which was significantly longer than the 100 days in the placebo group (P=0.024). The most important side effect experienced with olsalazine that necessitated withdrawal from the study was drug-induced diarrhea in 16% (8/49). There was a similar incidence of minor side effects reported in the two groups, and in no patients were major or dangerous side effects reported. In patients who did not develop diarrhea, olsalazine was well tolerated and successfully prevented rapid relapse in the recently ill patients entered into this study.  相似文献   

Interleukin-10 (IL-10) has a key role in regulating mucosal inflammation. The role of functional polymorphisms at positions –627 and –1117 in the IL-10 gene as candidate susceptibility loci in inflammatory bowel disease and their importance in determining disease extent were evaluated in 159 patients with ulcerative colitis (83 left-sided; 76 extensive), 90 patients with Crohn's disease (22 small bowel; 29 large bowel; 39 both), and 227 controls. Genotyping was performed either by PCR-RFLP assays (–627 site) or SSCP analysis (–1117 site). An excess of –627A allele was observed in patients with left-sided colitis (52%) compared with controls (33%; P = 0.004) suggesting that IL-10 may influence the extent of the disease. These results were not replicated in a newly recruited group (N = 100) of patients with UC. We conclude that polymorphisms at –627 and –1117 sites in the IL-10 gene do not contribute to the susceptibility to IBD or determining the extent of the disease in our population.  相似文献   

Clinical experience suggests that there is a cohort of patients with refractory colitis who do have faecal stasis that contributes to symptoms. The underlying physiology is poorly understood, partly because until recently the technology to examine segmental colonic motility has not existed. Patients are given little information on how proximal faecal stasis can complicate colitis. Treatment guidelines are scanty and many patients are offered little apart from laxatives and advice on increasing fibre intake, which often makes symptoms worse. This article aims to review the history, pathology and management, and create impetus for future research on this underappreciated condition.  相似文献   

PAF-acether (PAF) is a phospholipid synthesized by numerous inflammatory cells. PAF can produce several pathological changes in various organs, especially in the colon. In animals PAF causes colonic ulceration and inflammation, which are similar to the anatomic lesions seen in human ulcerative colitis. The aim of this study was to measurein vivo colonic production of PAF in active ulcerative colitis using a modified colonic perfusion method. Ten patients with active ulcerative colitis and six control patients were investigated. A colonic segment was continuously perfused with a buffer and the liquid was recovered 20 cm distally, after a 45-min period of equilibration, at 20-min intervals. PAF, lysoPAF, and acetylhydrolase were measured in the colonic samples. PAF and lysoPAF outputs were significantly higher in patients with active ulcerative colitis compared to controls patients. There was a significant correlation between colonic PAF output and, respectively, macroscopic mucosal lesions and myeloperoxidase colonic output. We thus conclude: (1) the colonic perfusion method allowsin vivo study of the metabolism of PAF during ulcerative colitis and could also be used to study the efficiency of PAF antagonists in UC; and (2) colonic production of PAF is increased during ulcerative colitis and correlated to local injury and inflammation. Whether or not PAF plays a role in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis remains open for further investigations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) and its natural antagonist have been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Both cytokines influence bone formation. IL-1beta stimulates osteoclast activity while interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) enhances bone formation. AIMS: To determine whether the decreased bone mass in IBD is related to gene polymorphisms coding for IL-1beta and IL-1ra, and thus identify patients with an increased risk. METHODS: Bone mineral densitometry was performed at the femoral neck, lumbar spine, and the distal third of the radius in 75 IBD patients (34 men/41 women; 40.3 (1.6) years) and in 58 healthy controls (HC; 28 men/30 women; 32.4 (1.2) years). Values were correlated with the TaqI and AvaI gene polymorphisms in the IL1B and the variable number of tandem repeats gene polymorphism in the IL1RN gene. RESULTS: In IBD patients, but not in HC, carriers of allele 2 at the AvaI gene polymorphism (IL1B-511*2) had significantly lower Z scores at the lumbar spine (-0.82 (0.13) v -0.29 (0.21) p=0.03) and the femoral neck (-0.59 (0.14) v 0.15 (0.19); p=0.003) than non-carriers. These patients also had a higher risk for osteopenia or osteoporosis at the femoral neck (odds ratio 3.63 (95% confidence interval 0.95-13.93)). No association was found between bone mass and the other gene polymorphisms analysed in IBD patients or in HC. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that genetic variability may be a major determinant of bone loss in IBD. Carriers of IL1B-511*2, who are hypersecretors of IL-1beta, have a higher risk of presenting with low bone mass in IBD. Screening for this allele may contribute to determination of the risk of bone loss at the time of disease onset.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence rates of inflammatory bowel disease in the different races in Singapore. METHODS: The patients studied consisted of 58 people with an established diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) as determined by a combination of clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histological criteria. The patients were residents of a well-defined geographical area in the northern part of Singapore and had been referred to the single regional hospital. Epidemiological data including sex, age, ethnicity, family history and disease type and extent were collected from case records and patient interviews. RESULTS:There were 37 UC and 21 CD patients. Of the patients with UC, 67.5% were Chinese, 13.5% were Malay and 19% were Indian. The CD group consisted of 81% Chinese, 9.5% Malay and 9.5% Indian patients. The study population from which the patients were drawn was approximately 0.5 million in size. CONCLUSIONS: The overall prevalence of UC was 6 per 100,000 and of CD was 3.6 per 100,000 in Singapore. There were disproportionately more Indians suffering from UC, with a prevalence of 16.2 per 100,000 in comparison with six per 100,000 for Chinese and seven per 100 000 for Malays. The relative risk of UC in Indians is 2.9-fold greater than for the Chinese (CI= 1.25-6.7) which was statistically significant. This trend was not seen for CD.  相似文献   

Infliximab for treatment of steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Success achieved in two subtypes of Crohn's disease has persuaded a few investigators to experiment the monoclonal anti-tumour necrosis factor antibody infliximab in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. So far, however, the results (achieved in some 30 steroid-refractory patients included in two independent full-papers) indicate a rate of initial response of 50% and of remission of 25%. AIMS: To analyse data of an open trial conducted on consecutive steroid-refractory severely ill patients admitted to our referral Unit. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 9 months, infliximab was given to 8 patients (4 male, 4 female aged 20-60 years) with uncontrolled ulcerative colitis of whom 6 were non-responders to parenteral steroids. All received the first infliximab dose as an intravenous infusion of 5 mg/kg. RESULTS: Of the 8, 4 (50%) did not respond to the first injection and were submitted to urgent colectomy; the other four responded clinically. Two have maintained clinical remission for 7 months, without the need for steroids; both have received daily azathioprine at 2 mg/kg, and only one has received two further infliximab injections. Of the other two, one received a second injection at week 5, despite this relapsed, and underwent elective colectomy at that time; the other relapsed at 6 months and showed a partial response to a repeat infliximab infusion. Thus, the rate of sustained response is 2/8 (25%) in this study. CONCLUSION: These results, achieved in an open uncontrolled fashion, seem to reflect those of other independent studies. In our opinion, these findings warrant an in-depth reappraisal of the indication to use infliximab as rescue treatment for refractory ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   

The cytokines IL-1 and IL-6 appear to be important in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Recently, a naturally occurring interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, designated IL-1ra, which inhibits IL-1 activityin vitro andin vivo has been described. The purpose of the present study was to assess the circulating levels and relative relationships of IL-1ra, IL-1, and IL-6 in children with IBD of varying severity. Serum/plasma samples were obtained from 32 children with ulcerative colitis, 45 with Crohn's disease, and 24 control patients. Cytokine assays were performed by enzymelinked immunoassay. IL-1ra levels were significantly elevated in children with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease of moderate/severe activity compared to patients with inactive/mild IBD or control subjects (P<0.001). IL-1 was only detectable in the circulation of two subjects with severe colitis (one ulcerative colitis, one Crohn's disease), and both had extremely elevated IL-1ra levels. IL-1ra levels were significantly related to IL-6 levels for patients with IBD (P<0.00001). Our results suggest that circulating IL-1ra appears in increasing concentrations in children with mounting degrees of disease severity as determined by clinical scoring methods as well as by the level of IL-6. Future work will need to address the clinical and prognostic value of measuring circulating IL-1ra in individuals with inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic, idiopathic, inflammatory disease of the colon and rectum that may be associated with growth failure, nutritional derangements and psychosocial ramifications in affected children. Multiple medical options are available to achieve disease remission; however, some of these medications can have unwanted side effects, especially in younger patients. With increased understanding of the etiology of the disease, newer therapeutic alternatives have arisen in the form of biologic therapies, namely monoclonal antibodies targeted to a specific protein or receptor. Specifically, infliximab, an anti-TNF-α agent, has been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of moderate-to-severe pediatric ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   

Introduction: Tracheobronchitis is a rare extraintestinal manifestation of ulcerative colitis (UC) and is often mis‐diagnosed and treated as asthma. Objective: We report a case of tracheobromchitis in a patient with long‐standing UC, who had been treated for asthma for many years with a poor response to standard asthma management. Only very few cases are reported and in the majority of them tracheobronchitis developed after colectomy. Methods: Subsequent investigations of unremitting respiratory symptoms in our patient revealed tracheobronchitis. His UC remained quiescent for more than 20 years on medical treatment having never required a bowel resection. Results: On thoroughly investigating the aetiology for his pulmonary pathology, it was thought to be an extraintestinal manifestation of UC, which makes this case noteworthy. Conclusion: Pulmonary complications can develop many years after the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, without any sign of disease activity. In such cases awareness and a high index of suspicion are important to ensure early diagnosis and treatment, and further investigations to detect large airway disease is warranted. The pulmonary manifestations tend to respond well to steroid therapy, which may prevent or ameliorate permanent lung damage. Please cite this paper as: Kar S and Thomas SG. A case of tracheobronchitis in ulcerative colitis: a review of literature. The Clinical Respiratory Journal 2009; 3: 51–54.  相似文献   

Postinfantile giant cell hepatitis (PGCH) is rare. It is characterized by the presence of multinucleated giant cells in liver biopsy, and although it has been associated with several etiological agents, in many cases its etiology remains unclear. The case is presented herein of an adult woman with PGCH in the setting of ulcerative colitis and autoimmune hepatitis. The presence of autoimmune hepatitis in the patient is consistent and supports the autoimmune pathogenesis of PGCH in a subgroup of patients. Furthermore, this finding, along with others, suggests that PGCH may be included in the list of hepatic complications of inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

Background.Although an accurate diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and differentiation between ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) can be made in most patients, it is sometimes impossible to distinguish UC from CD even after thorough pathological study. Recently, clinicians have used the term indeterminate colitis (IC) for patients with features of both diseases that overlap temporarily or persistently. The frequency, reasons, and outcome of patients with a clinical diagnosis of IC based on radiological, endoscopic, and histopathological findings were investigated retrospectively. Methods. Based on records of 735 patients with IBD, IC was defined as having features of both UC and CD, with differentiation from each other impossible at least once during the observation period (average 6.8 years) based on diagnostic criteria using endoscopic, radiological, and histological findings. Results. Twenty-three patients were identified as having IC. They were classified into three patterns according to the clinical cource and the final diagnosis: (1) UC changing to CD (n = 8); (2) CD changing to UC (n = 5); and (3) UC or CD (n = 10). The frequency of IC was 24.5%–43.4% of colitis-type CD (n = 53), 2.3%–6.5% of all CD (n = 352), and 3.1% of IBD (n = 735). The reasons for the indetermination were temporary (56.5%) or persistent (43.5%) overlapping of UC-like and CD-like presentations. Treatment of IC was inappropriate in only two patients, and the prognoses of all patients except one were fairly good. Conclusions. Overlapping of UC-like presentations (persistent bloody stool and diffuse colitis) was frequently observed with Crohn's colitis but less so in CD patients during their clinical course. The basis of differentiation and treatment of IC needs more attention.  相似文献   

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