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目的应用MF-2消毒剂进行消毒灭菌、抗病毒实验及毒理学检验,对京津地区72份自然水源进行消毒效果检测,并对高层建筑二次供水做现场应用.报告MF-2消毒剂饮水消毒的可行性.研制新型非氯饮水消毒剂. 方法按照卫生部消毒技术规范规定的方法进行消毒、抗病毒实验及毒理学检测.按国家规定的卫生检验方法进行水消毒实验.并与常用消毒剂及常用饮水消毒剂进行比较.结果经过对规定菌种的定性和定量实验;对12个菌种55株菌株杀灭率和杀灭指数测定;对大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌最低抑菌浓度(MIC)测定;对02菌的杀灭率测定以及与75%乙醇杀灭效果比较,表明MF-2消毒剂高浓度时有很好的灭菌作用,低浓度时仍有抑菌效果.对乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)有一定的破坏作用.毒理实验表明,该消毒剂属于实际无毒物质,长期应用体内无蓄积作用,无致突变性.该消毒剂对小鼠复制急性菌痢和急性腹腔炎模型有防护作用.对不同污染水源的消毒实验表明,加入1×10-6的消毒剂、作用10分钟即有很好的消毒效果,且无任何异味.降低用药浓度(1×10-6)、延长作用时间仍有抑菌作用.现场实验表明,对高层二次供水有较好的消毒效果.结论MF-2消毒剂适用于紧急状态时,对自然水源的即时消毒和日常储存水的蓄积消毒.尤其适用于城市高层二次用水、边远地区和野战条件下自然水源的消毒.  相似文献   

多功能消毒剂(Mf—2)饮水消毒的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报导新型非卤消毒剂Mf-2对饱水消毒的实验研究即Mf-2消毒剂的杀菌作用实验,毒理学实验,体内蓄积实验,致突变性实验,对染菌小菌小鼠的防护作用实验以及对15种不同污染水源的消毒效果实验和自然水消毒后尝评价。  相似文献   

应用MF-2消毒剂500倍稀释液和75%乙醇对临床常见6种细菌的5个标准菌株和20个临床分离菌株,按照卫生部消毒技术规范中定量消毒方法进行杀灭率和杀灭指数试验比较。结果表明MF-2消毒剂500倍稀释液对全部菌株的杀灭率均高于99.9%,杀灭指数在10^4以上。75%乙醇的杀灭率基本低于99.9%,杀灭指数为10^3。应用MF-2消毒剂取代75%乙醇对细菌繁殖体消毒其效果更可靠。  相似文献   

高层建筑二次供水的现状及MF-2消毒剂的消毒效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:讨高层建筑二次供水的现状,验证MF-2消毒剂的消毒效果。方法:采用实地考察和检索文献的方式,探讨存在的问题。按照国家规定的饮水消毒的方法,对二次供水进行消毒效果检验。结果:当前二次供水的设施及供水卫生质量均存在一定问题。根据二次供水的卫生质量,加入一定量的MF-2消毒剂进行消毒可达到饮用水卫生标准。结论:物业管理和卫生监督部门应切实加强对二次供水的改进和管理,确保饮用水安全。MF-2消毒剂可取代氯炎消毒剂用于二次供水的消毒。  相似文献   

为探讨非吸附性稳态二氧化氯固体消毒剂(华206消毒剂)对饮水的消毒效果,用双盲法调查了华206消毒剂对深井水的消毒效果,结果表明,华206消毒剂1mg/L作用30min后对水质有明显改善,水的色度从作用前的20度降至10度,铁,锰,细菌总数,大肠菌群分别从0.35mg/L,0.11mg/L,1250个/L,46个/L降至0,但氯化物含量略有增高,华206消毒剂5mg/L作用30min后,与经超滤除菌的深井水对照相比,口感好的分别占24%,和42%,口感差的百分率均为0,有明显异味的分别占8%和2%,结论:华206消毒剂1mg/L消毒30min后对水质有明显改善,且影响口感,可作为部队野外作业,外出执勤,执行紧急任务,部队演练和作战时的饮水消毒。  相似文献   

近年来国内外饮水消毒的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10年来通过对MF-2消毒剂饮水消毒的研究,查阅大量消毒剂及饮水卫生的文献资料,说明饮水卫生是世界各国面临的重大难题。严格执行饮水质量标准,减水水源性疾病,事关人类健康,氯饮水消毒的副作用日益引起重视并纷纷采取制约措施,目前,正在研究和应用臭氧,二氧化氯,含银制剂等消毒剂及采用反渗透等技术用于饮水净化消毒,饮水卫生的关键是有效保护水源,防止各种污染,研制新型非氯消毒剂。  相似文献   

韩亚娟  邹继重 《天津医药》1997,25(6):376-377
随着现代医学的发展,医院感染问题日趋突出,卫生部已于1986年将医院感染的研究列入重要议事日程。其中包括医院环境、医疗器械、工作人员手的消毒,就成为控制院内感染的重要环节之一。本文应用美国实验室标准菌株,对几种消毒剂进行灭菌效果监测,结果报告如下。  相似文献   

无菌试验洁净间消毒剂消毒效果的验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无菌试验洁净间的消毒灭菌对于保证试验结果的准确可靠是非常重要的。为了确保无菌检查结果的可靠性,避免由于无菌间灭菌不彻底而导致制品阳性结果率的提高,我们对本所洁净室灭菌效果进行检测验证,建立了自己的检测方法和判断标准,现将其介绍如下。1方法 我们所使用的消毒剂为丙二醇、甲醛、新洁尔灭、酒精、来苏儿,其中,0.25%的新洁尔灭、2%的来苏儿、75%的酒精用于试验室内物品、器械的表面消毒,1%的新洁尔灭、2%的来苏儿、75%的酒精用于无菌操作人员的手部消毒,丙二醇和甲醛用于洁净室气体熏蒸消毒。1. 1表…  相似文献   

近年来 ,我省已有三氧化氯消毒剂生产和应用 ,该类消毒剂为二元型包装 ,临用时加入活化剂 ,反应释放出具有氧化性的活化二氧化氯。在实验室 ,我们对其杀灭微生物效果进行了检测 ,现报告如下。1 材料与方法1 1  细菌繁殖体和芽孢悬液的制备 试验菌大肠杆菌 (80 99)、金黄色葡萄球菌 (ATCC 6 5 38)和枯草杆菌黑色变种 (ATCC 9372 )均系军事医学科学院流行病微生物研究所提供。参照文献 [1]介绍方法制备成所需含菌量的试验菌悬液。1 2 中和剂选择试验 试验菌为枯草杆菌黑色变种芽胞。试验分 6组进行 :(1)消毒剂 +菌液 ;(2 )(消毒…  相似文献   

目的 对V80 消毒剂临床消毒效果分析评价。方法 按《消毒技术规范》要求对消毒前后空气、呼吸机管道、手术钳、镊子采样检验 ,观察V80 灭菌效果。结果 空气平均杀菌率为 71.77%,与消毒前相比差异非常显著 (P <0 .0 1) ,管道、手术钳等浸泡 3 0、60min后 ,平均杀灭率为 99.91%及 10 0 %。结论 V80 消毒液消毒效果好 ,安全、低毒、高效 ,适于临床使用  相似文献   

饮水中镉接触致大鼠前列腺损伤和锌的保护作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究饮水中氯化镉染毒对SD大鼠前列腺的损伤及锌的保护作用 ,并探讨镉、锌在前列腺内分布和对大鼠性激素水平的影响。方法 大鼠自由饮水染毒氯化镉 (5 0、15 0mg/L) ,镉 锌联合染毒 (15 0 3 0 0mg/L)及锌 (3 0 0mg/L) 14周后 ,取前列腺腹叶 ,观察病理及超微结构改变 ,同时测前列腺内镉、锌含量和血清性激素水平。结果 镉染毒后 ,前列腺腺体萎缩 ,上皮皱褶 ;透射电镜下见前列腺腹叶分泌细胞内质网肿胀 ,残体增多。部分细胞基质浅淡 ,细胞器缺如。与对照组相比 ,低剂量和高剂量组大鼠前列腺腹叶的器官指数显著下降 (P <0 0 5 ) ,而联合组前列腺损伤情况有所减轻。血清睾酮水平在各组间无明显改变。高剂量镉染毒促使血清中雌激素水平升高 2倍 ,并导致锌在前列腺中流失和镉在前列腺中蓄积。结论 大鼠经饮水镉染毒可直接引起前列腺分泌细胞损伤 ,并改变血清性激素水平和锌镉在前列腺中的分布。锌对镉的这种毒效应有保护作用。  相似文献   

熔封燃气对灭菌注射用水中亚硝酸盐含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的寻找灭菌注射用水中亚硝酸盐(NO2-)超标的原因以及解决的方法。方法在灭菌注射用水生产过程中,分别在各工序取样,并将用气化汽油、氧气-煤气燃烧和氢气-氧气燃烧对灌装注射用水熔封的安瓿,检查灭菌注射用水中的NO2-。结果氧煤焰熔封的灭菌注射用水NO-2呈阳性,用气化汽油、氢氧焰熔封的灭菌注射用水NO-2均呈阴性。结论用氢氧焰熔封灭菌注射用水无NO2-污染问题。  相似文献   

The health effects of alcohol are determined not only by level of intake but also by patterns of alcohol use and many other health determinants. This study seeks to identify groups of individuals who share various features in terms of drinking styles and other health indicators. Data used are a subset of the 1990 Ontario Health Survey, corresponding to men and women aged 20-64 with complete data in four substantive areas: alcohol use; demographic characteristics; current health status; and various behavioural risk factors for chronic disease. Cluster analysis was used to groups of male and female respondents who were similar in terms of their style of alcohol use, along with other constructs relevant to health risk and health status. For both sexes, clusters were identified which matched expectation in terms of drinking patterns and other relevant variables. For both sexes, clusters were found with generally higher social class indicators, generally positive health behaviours and health status and drinking patterns which did not include drinking to excess. Clusters were also found for which high-volume drinking occasions corresponded with poor health status and high levels of risk factors for chronic disease. Other unanticipated patterns were also identified. This information may assist in identifying confounding effects in epidemiological studies as well as identifying the characteristics of unique sub-populations which are likely to be the focus of primary prevention efforts.  相似文献   

The effects of chlordiazepoxide (5 and 10 mg/kg) on fluid consumption in water deprived rats were assessed. Drinking was inhibited to approximately equal extents by a water preload, by d-amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg), by neophobia and by shock at mild (0.3 mA) or moderate (0.5 mA) intensities, the latter condition having an enhanced level of deprivation also. At both doses chlordiazepoxide significantly enhanced drinking in the neophobia, mild shock and, especially, the moderate shock condition but failed to increase drinking suppressed by preload or d-amphetamine. It is concluded that the increases in drinking suppressed by neophobia or shock which chlordiazepoxide induces may be due to anxiolytic actions of the drug or to enhanced palatability since they cannot be explained in terms of nonspecific enhancement of fluid consumption.  相似文献   

王劲  韦志福  杨天燕 《中国药业》2004,13(10):46-47
目的:研究硼酸氯己定的制备工艺及质量控制方法,考察其杀菌效果.方法:硼酸代替醋酸与氯己定结合成盐,运用紫外分光光度法测定氯己定含量,测定30人次手上自然菌的消毒效果.结果:含量测定的平均回收率为100.10%,R妨为0.43%,平均杀灭对数值≥0.1.结论:该制剂质量稳定,使用方便,消毒效果可靠.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary goal of this study was to determine the moderating effect of a history of heavy episodic drinking on the alcohol-aggression relation in men and women. METHOD: Participants were 310 (152 men and 158 women) healthy social drinkers between 21 and 35 years of age. Drinking history was operationalized as participants' average number of alcoholic drinks consumed per drinking occasion during the past year. Following the consumption of either an alcohol or a placebo beverage, participants were tested on a modified version of the Taylor Aggression Paradigm in which mild electric shocks were received from, and administered to, a fictitious opponent during a competitive task. Aggressive behavior was operationalized as the shock intensities administered to the fictitious opponent under conditions of low and high provocation. RESULTS: Alcohol increased aggression only among highly provoked men who reported a history of heavy episodic drinking. A history of high-frequency drinking did not moderate the alcohol-aggression relation. CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the importance of considering a history of heavy episodic drinking in the prediction of intoxicated aggression.  相似文献   

On exposure to triphosphatic nucleotides vas deferens DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells responded with an outward K+ current as measured with the whole-cell patch clamp configuration. The rank order of potency was: ATP greater than UTP greater than TTP greater than CTP = GTP. The responses evoked by these agonists were blocked by suramin. Adenosine, ADP, alpha, beta-methylene-ATP and 2-methylthio-ATP did not affect the transmembrane current. The responses evoked by the nucleotides in DDT1 MF-2 cells are supposed to be mediated via 'nucleotide' receptors.  相似文献   

1. The effects of the specific protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, GF109203X, were measured on the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), and on histamine H1 receptor- and thapsigargin-mediated increases in [Ca2+]i in DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells. 2. After pretreatment of cells with GF109203X (5 microM, 45 min), the histamine (100 microM)-induced initial rise in [Ca2+]i, representing Ca2+ mobilization from internal stores, was inhibited (by 59 +/- 7%). The slowly declining phase of the histamine induced Ca2+ response, reflecting Ca2+ entry, was enhanced (83 +/- 26%) in the presence of the PKC inhibitor. 3. The histamine induced release of Ca2+ from internal stores, measured after blocking Ca2+ entry with LaCl3 was inhibited by GF109203X in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50: 3.1 +/- 1.1 microM). 4. Histamine-induced formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) was not changed in the presence of GF109203X. 5. The PKC activating phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA, 1 microM), strongly reduced histamine-induced Ins(1,4,5)P3 formation (58 +/- 16%). This effect was reversed by GF109203X (5 microM). Furthermore, PMA diminished histamine evoked Ca2+ release (50 +/- 6%) and blocked Ca2+ entry completely. 6. The rise in [Ca2+]i caused by blocking endoplasmic reticulum Ca2(+)-ATPase with thapsigargin (1 microM), was strongly reduced (57 +/- 3%) after pretreatment of cells with GF109203X. Downregulation of PKC by long-term pretreatment of cells with PMA (1 microM, 48 h) did not abolish this effect of GF109203X (48 +/- 3% inhibition). 7. In permeabilized DDT, MF-2 cells preloaded with 45Ca2+ in the presence of GF109203X, the amount of 45Ca2+ released by Ins(1,4,5)P3 (10 microM) was markedly reduced (42 +/- 9%). GF109203X did not release Ca2+ itself and did not impair Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor function. 8. Uptake of 45Ca2+ by intact cells, representing Ca2+ entry, was enhanced by GF109203X (65 +/- 11%), by histamine (24 +/- 6%) and also by thapsigargin (121 +/- 10%). The GF109203X- and the thapsigargin-induced uptake of 45Ca2+ were not additive. 9. These data suggest that GF109203X reduces the filling-state of intracellular Ins(1,4,5)P3 sensitive Ca2+ stores by inhibiting the Ca2+ uptake into these stores, thereby promoting store-dependent (capacitive) Ca2+ entry.  相似文献   

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