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Frequency-dependent conduction block (FDB) across segments of demyelination in response to high-frequency nerve stimulation has been well demonstrated in animals and has been explored in humans. However, attempts to demonstrate this phenomenon in sensory fibers involved in entrapment neuropathies have been unsuccessful. Therefore, we investigated the effects of high-frequency nerve stimulation in the median motor nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) with moderate to severely increased distal motor terminal latencies (MTL). As a group, the mean decrease in negative peak amplitude (npAmp) during 20 stimuli at 30-HZ frequency was significantly greater in CTS subjects (-11.3%) than in controls (+7.9%). The degree of FDB was greater when MTL was more prolonged (i.e., -4.9% at 5.0 ms and -25.3% at 9.4 ms) and FDB was more pronounced at higher stimulation frequencies (20 and 30 HZ). Our results suggest that the safety margin for impulse transmission is impaired in the motor axons of patients with a focal demyelinating lesion. These findings may correlate with the observation of weakness in the absence of conduction block in patients with entrapment neuropathies. 相似文献
A Martin-Gruber anastomosis (MGA) commonly results in an abnormal decline in amplitude across the forearm segment when ulnar motor nerve conduction studies are performed. A recent report described a proximal MGA resembling partial conduction block in a patient with ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE). As a result, we screened patients with similar findings. We detected a proximal MGA in three patients over a period of 2 years, which suggests that this may be an under-recognized anomaly. We conclude that a proximal MGA must be excluded in all cases of UNE showing apparent partial conduction block across the elbow segment. 相似文献
We performed short segment incremental stimulation on 13 consecutive patients with ulnar neuropathy across the elbow (UNE) and conduction block. Conduction block occurred proximal to the medial epicondyle in 62%, at the epicondyle in 23%, and below the elbow in 15%. The ulnar nerve may be more prone to external compression above the elbow than previously recognized. Short segment incremental studies are useful to identify conduction block above the elbow in such patients. 相似文献
The aim of the study was to assess the diagnostic value of short-segment nerve conduction studies (NCS) at 2-cm intervals from 4 cm above to 4 cm below the medial epicondyle in a large group of patients with ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE). Furthermore, we wanted to compare electrodiagnostic and clinical findings. We evaluated 73 arms in 70 patients with UNE and observed the following abnormalities on short-segment NCS: focal conduction block (CB) in 1, focal CB with increased latency change in 34, and increased latency change alone in 25. Short-segment NCS had an additional localizing value in 28 arms of the 37 patients (76%) with motor conduction velocity (MCV) slowing across the elbow only or with nonlocalizing electrodiagnostic findings. The lesion was located above the elbow in 32 arms (53%), at the epicondyle in 16 arms (27%), and below the epicondyle in 12 (20%) of the 60 arms with focal CB or increased latency change on short-segment NCS. Patients with CB on routine and short-segment NCS had muscle weakness significantly more often than patients without CB. Thus, short-segment NCS are useful in localizing the lesion in patients with UNE and CB on routine NCS and have additional diagnostic value in patients with MCV slowing across the elbow or with nonlocalizing signs on routine nerve conduction studies. We recommend its use in all patients in whom UNE is suspected. 相似文献
Effect of body mass index on ulnar nerve conduction velocity, ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, and carpal tunnel syndrome 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Both high and low body mass index (BMI) have been reported as risk factors for ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE), and a high BMI as a risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). To determine whether the extremes of BMI are risk factors for UNE or CTS, and whether BMI affects calculation of median and ulnar motor nerve conduction velocity (NCV), we retrospectively analyzed the electrodiagnostic records of control patients, UNE patients, and CTS patients. The BMI was calculated for 50 patients with a sole diagnosis of UNE and compared to the BMI of 50 patients with CTS and 50 control subjects. The mean BMIs were 25.9 +/- 4.4, 30.1 +/- 5.5, and 28.3 +/- 5.6 for the UNE, CTS, and controls, respectively. By one-way analysis of variance, the difference in BMI between the UNE patients and the normal patients was significant (P < 0.01). In the control groups, increasing BMI directly correlated with increasing ulnar motor NCV across the elbow but not with forearm NCV. Across-elbow (AE) ulnar motor NCV may be falsely increased in patients with a high BMI, probably due to distance measurement factors. Not only do relatively slender individuals have comparatively slower AE ulnar NCVs, they are also at increased risk for developing UNE. Patients with a high BMI are at increased risk for CTS. 相似文献
Short-segment nerve conduction studies in the localization of ulnar neuropathy of the elbow: use of flexor carpi ulnaris recordings 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Short-segment nerve conduction studies were performed in 17 limbs with clinical features suggestive of ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. Recording from flexor carpi ulnaris yielded 93% sensitivity, compared with 71.4% when recording from abductor digiti minimi. The rationale underlying the technique is discussed. This approach should be of value as a diagnostic adjunct in technically challenging cases of ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. 相似文献