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We report here on the fine structure and synaptic connections of neurons and axon terminals in the rat fascia dentata displaying immunoreactivity to antibodies against cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK). In the fascia dentata and hilar region, CCK-immunoreactivity was confined to nonpyramidal neurons that were similar in appearance to basket cells known to use gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as neurotransmitter. These neurons exhibited dense accumulations of endoplasmic reticulum and infolded nuclei, and established asymmetric and symmetric synaptic contacts with presynaptic terminals. Among those terminals that formed asymmetric synaptic contacts, giant mossy fiber boutons arising from granule cell axons were identified. Cholecystokinin-immunoreactive terminals established symmetric synaptic contacts on the cell bodies and dendrites of granule cells. Similar contacts were formed on nonimmunoreactive hilar neurons. Some of these hilar cells were identified as commissural neurons by retrograde filling with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) following injection of the tracer into the contralateral fascia dentata. Synaptic contacts were rarely observed between immunolabeled pre- and postsynaptic elements. The results are discussed with regard to inhibitory processes in the fascia dentata since other studies have shown that CCK is coexistent with GABA in hippocampal nonpyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

The axons of the dentate granule cells, the hippocampal mossy fibers, sprout "backward" into the dentate molecular layer when this is heavily denervated. Using the combined Golgi-electron microscopy (EM) technique we now demonstrate that these aberrant supragranular mossy fibers at least in part terminate on granule cell dendrites. Sprouting of mossy fibers into the dentate molecular layer was induced in adult rats by simultaneous surgical removal of the commissural and entorhinal afferents to the fascia dentata. After at least 7 weeks survival, the presence of mossy fiber terminals in the inner part of the dentate molecular layer was demonstrated by light microscopy. In the electron microscope the mossy fiber terminals were identified by their unique structural characteristics, namely, the unusually large size of the terminals, the dense packing of clear synaptic vesicles with a few dense core vesicles intermingled, the presence of asymmetric synaptic contacts with spines and desmosome-like contacts with dendritic shafts, and the continuity with a thin unmyelinated preterminal axon. Golgi-stained granule cells were first identified in the light microscope, and then, after deimpregnation, the same cells were examined in the electron microscope. In ultrathin, serial sections lesion-induced mossy fiber terminals were found in synaptic contact with spines on proximal dendritic segments of such identified Golgi-impregnated granule cells. From this we conclude that the aberrant, supragranular mossy fibers can innervate dendrites of the parent cell group, the dentate granule cells. The results, moreover, provide an example of reactive synaptogenesis where both the sprouted afferents and its postsynaptic element have been identified.  相似文献   

Seizure-sensitive (SS) and seizure-resistant (SR) Mongolian gerbils were used for three experiments. In the first experiment, GABAergic neurons and terminals in the dentate gyrus were localized with GAD immunocytochemistry. GAD-positive puncta adjacent to cell bodies of GABAergic pyramidal basket cells were counted in light microscopic preparations. The pyramidal basket cells of SS gerbils displayed a significant threefold increase in the number of GAD-positive puncta associated with their cell bodies as compared to those from SR gerbils. These data indicate that the number of GABAergic synapses with pyramidal basket cell bodies in the dentate gyrus was greater in SS gerbils. An electron microscopic (EM) analysis of GAD immunocytochemical preparations showed GAD-positive axon terminals forming symmetric synapses with GAD-positive basket cell bodies. However, numerous terminals forming symmetric axosomatic synapses with basket cells were not immunopositive, and other synapses formed by terminals were not classified because reaction product in the cell bodies obscured postsynaptic densities. Therefore, routine EM preparations were analyzed for symmetric and asymmetric axosomatic synapses on pyramidal basket cells and granule cells of SS and SR gerbils. The data obtained from these preparations showed that the pyramidal basket cells of SS gerbils had a selective increase in the number of symmetric synapses per 10 microns of soma as compared to those of the SR gerbils. In contrast, the granule cells did not show any significant difference in the number of either symmetric or asymmetric axosomatic synapses between SS and SR gerbils. These results indicate that pyramidal basket cell bodies of SS gerbils have more inhibitory synapses than do those of SR gerbils. The third experiment used SS gerbils with lesions of the perforant pathway that stopped seizure activity (Ribak, C. E., and S. U. Khan (1987) The effects of knife cuts of hippocampal pathways on epileptic activity in the seizure-sensitive gerbil. Brain Res. 418:251-260). The percentage of axon terminal area occupied by synaptic vesicles and their packing density was determined in CA3 mossy fiber boutons and compared for lesioned and nonlesioned SS gerbils. The mossy fibers of nonlesioned SS gerbils showed a depletion of synaptic vesicles consistent with the previous results of Peterson et al. (Peterson, G. M., C. E. Ribak, and W. H. Oertel (1985) A regional increase in the number of hippocampal GABAergic neurons and terminals in the seizure-sensitive gerbil. Brain Res. 340:384-389).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

N A Sunde  J Zimmer 《Brain research》1983,284(2-3):165-191
The aims of the present study were to examine the survival and the cellular and connective differentiation of intracerebral transplants of fascia dentata and hippocampus. Pieces of immature dentate and hippocampal tissue were taken from late embryonic (E18) and early postnatal (1-9 days old) rats and transplanted into the brains of 1- to 13-day-old and adult rats. After survival times from 4 days to 2 years the cellular and connective organization of the transplants was monitored in parallel series of sections stained with thionin (cell bodies), Timm's sulphide silver method (terminal fields). Nauta and Fink-Heimer methods (normal and degenerating fibers) and a method for AChE activity (cholinergic afferents). The transplants survived well in all combinations of donor and recipient ages used, and they survived and differentiated in all parts of the recipient brains, although relations to pial and ventricular surfaces appeared to be optimal. Cell differentiation continued after transplantation, and a characteristic laminar organization was retained, although least in embryonic donor tissues. The distribution of intrinsic connections was determined by the types of subfields present in the transplants and interaction with ingrown host afferents. All aberrant intrinsic connections observed corresponded to aberrant connections formed in the hippocampus and fascia dentata denervated in situ and included supragranular mossy fibers in the fascia dentata, aberrant infrapyramidal mossy fibers in CA3, spread of CA4-associated afferents beyond the normal commissural-associational zone in the dentate molecular layer together with ingrowth of CA3-associated and CA1-subiculum-associated afferents. Most transplants received a cholinergic input of host origin irrespective of the localization in the host brain, but also non-cholinergic host pathways innervated the transplants, in particular when the transplants were in close contact with host fiber tracts, and when the recipients were immature. At various transplant locations the non-cholinergic host afferents belonged to the commissural hippocampo-dentate system, the commissural hippocampal system and the callosal system. Other cases suggested innervation of dentate transplant by host entorhinal afferents. The formation and distribution of intrinsic transplant connections and connections between transplant and host appeared to be regulated by the same factors that regulate the development and reorganization of fiber connections in the normal and the in situ denervated hippocampus and fascia dentata. As a special variety of this, the distribution of cholinergic afferents adjusted to the distribution of the major intrinsic and extrinsic non-cholinergic pathways.  相似文献   

This study compares the distribution of protein kinase C (PKC) alpha and beta with the distribution of PKC epsilon in the hippocampal formation of rats by immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization histochemistry. Alpha and PKC beta are members of the group A PKC genes that were first described; PKC epsilon is a member of the group B PKC genes that were more recently identified by molecular cloning. A combination of all three gene products and their mRNAs overlapped in their distributions in dentate granule cells and pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons. However, each subspecies predominated in one of the major cell types. PKC alpha-immunoreactivity and mRNA were most intense in CA2-3 pyramidal cells and dendrites, whereas PKC beta-immunoreactivity and mRNA were most intense in CA1 pyramidal cells and dendrites. PKC epsilon-immunoreactivity and mRNA were concentrated in dentate granule cells and CA3 pyramidal cells. Furthermore, PKC epsilon-immunoreactivity was detectable in mossy fibers. Each subspecies labeled different kinds of interneurons that were particularly numerous in, but not restricted to, the hilus. These data support the contention that different subtypes of hippocampal neurons are distinguished by the expression of different combinations of PKC subspecies under resting conditions.  相似文献   

Danzer SC  He X  McNamara JO 《Hippocampus》2004,14(3):345-355
The present work tested the hypothesis that the anatomic and developmental patterns of status epilepticus-induced increases of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein coincided with status epilepticus-induced increases of phospho-Trk immunoreactivity, a measure of TrkB receptor activation, in rat hippocampus. In P22 rats, robust increases of phospho-Trk immunoreactivity were detected in the mossy fiber pathway of the hippocampus one day following kainate-induced status epilepticus. Conversely, no change in phospho-Trk immunoreactivity was detected in P8 or P14 rats. In P17 rats, intermediate levels of increased phospho-Trk immunoreactivity were detected, again in the mossy fiber pathway. Like phospho-Trk immunoreactivity, marked increases of BDNF immunoreactivity were detected in the mossy fiber pathway of P22 but not P14 rats. Dissociations were found in P17 rats following status epilepticus in that striking increases of BDNF, but not phospho-Trk immunoreactivity were detected. Immunoprecipitation and Western blot analyses of hippocampal extracts after status epilepticus showed increased phospho-TrkB, but not TrkB immunoreactivity in P22 rats, thereby confirming and extending the immunohistochemical findings. While most of the findings support the hypothesis, important dissociations among individual animals at P17 were identified. Together the findings are consistent with the proposal that status epilepticus-induced increase of BDNF content in the mossy fibers is necessary, but not sufficient, to effect activation of TrkB, as revealed by phospho-Trk immunoreactivity. Furthermore, these results provide the first characterization of seizure-induced increases in BDNF protein and TrkB receptor activation in developing animals.  相似文献   

In the present study we describe the morphological characteristics of dentate granule cells in intracerebral allografts of the rat fascia dentata. Blocks of hippocampal tissue containing the fascia dentata were taken from late embryonic and newborn rats and transplanted to the hippocampal region of other newborn and young adult rats. After survival periods of several months the recipient brains were fixed by perfusion and serially sectioned on a Vibratome. Some sections were stained with thionin to determine the localization and general histological organization of the transplants, while others were Golgi stained with a modification of the section Golgi technique. Well-impregnated transplant granule cells were gold-toned and deimpregnated thus allowing a correlated, light and electron microscopic analysis of identified neurons to be done. At the light microscopic level the morphology of the dentate granule cells in the transplants was very similar to Golgi-impregnated, gold-toned granule cells in the fascia dentata of normal rats (controls). A few irregular, more obliquely curved dendrites occurred, but basal dendrites passing into the hilar region were never observed. Following an initial spine-free segment granule cell dendrites were densely covered with spines. The axon, the mossy fiber, originated as usual from the basal pole of the cell body. In the electron microscope, both small and larger complex spines (v and w types) were seen to emerge from the gold-toned dendrites of the identified granule cells. The thin unmyelinated granule cell axons gave rise to giant mossy fiber boutons in the dentate hilus, but in addition numerous aberrant mossy fiber terminals were found innermost in the dentate molecular layer just above the granule cell layer. The results demonstrate that dentate granule cells that have gone through the major part of their differentiation-after transplantation develop characteristic dendritic and axonal elements very similar to those of granule cells in the fascia dentata in situ. The minor changes observed correspond to the redistribution of intrinsic connections that results from the absence of major extrinsic afferents.  相似文献   

The integration of information across sensory modalities enables sound to be processed in the context of position, movement, and object identity. Inputs to the granule cell domain (GCD) of the cochlear nucleus have been shown to arise from somatosensory brain stem structures, but the nature of the projection from the spinal trigeminal nucleus is unknown. In the present study, we labeled spinal trigeminal neurons projecting to the cochlear nucleus using the retrograde tracer, Fast Blue, and mapped their distribution. In a second set of experiments, we injected the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine into the spinal trigeminal nucleus and studied the resulting anterograde projections with light and electron microscopy. Spinal trigeminal neurons were distributed primarily in pars caudalis and interpolaris and provided inputs to the cochlear nucleus. Their axons gave rise to small (1-3 microm in diameter) en passant swellings and terminal boutons in the GCD and deep layers of the dorsal cochlear nucleus. Less frequently, larger (3-15 microm in diameter) lobulated endings known as mossy fibers were distributed within the GCD. Ventrally placed injections had an additional projection into the anteroventral cochlear nucleus, whereas dorsally placed injections had an additional projection into the posteroventral cochlear nucleus. All endings were filled with round synaptic vesicles and formed asymmetric specializations with postsynaptic targets, implying that they are excitatory in nature. The postsynaptic targets of these terminals included dendrites of granule cells. These projections provide a structural substrate for somatosensory information to influence auditory processing at the earliest level of the central auditory pathways.  相似文献   

The present study measures the content of dynorphin B in the rat hippocampus, and localizes the dynorphins within the intrinsic hippocampal neuronal circuitry. The level of dynorphin B, which is representative of the prodynorphin-derived peptides, was markedly depleted by intrahippocampal injection of colchice, which destroyed the great majority of the hippocampal granule cells and the associated mossy fiber pathway. The hippocampus contralateral to the injection demonstrated a slight, non-significant rise in dynorphin B levels after colchicine. Entorhinal cortical lesions ablating the perforant pathway input to the hippocampus did not significantly alter dynorphin B levels in the hippocampus. Unilateral fimbrial transection caused a small but significant increase in dynorphin B on the side of the lesion relative to the unlesioned side, but neither side was significantly different from control.  相似文献   

After horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injections were made in limited sectors of the main olfactory bulb in the adult frog Rana pipiens, the cellular morphology of mitral cells and granule cells impregnated with HRP were examined in uninjected regions of the bulb. Mitral cells were observed to possess glomerular dendrites and prominent secondary dendrites, both of which have smooth shafts. The glomerular dendrites may be multiple, are often branched, and may arise from secondary dendrites, as well as from the cell body. The axon may also arise from a secondary dendrite. Granule cells have simple or branched peripheral dendrites, and these are spiny, where they intermingle with the mitral cell secondary dendrites. The prominence of the secondary dendrites of frog mitral cells contrasts sharply with their reported insignificance in urodeles, as studied in earlier literature. The layers of the main olfactory bulb are not as fully concentric in the frog, as they are in mammals. The implantation cone and glomerular layer occupy a small part of the surface area of the olfactory bulb on its anteroventral aspect, while the perimeters of the subjacent layers extend farther posteriorly and dorsally in successive steps. The granule cell core extends well beyond the perimeter of the mitral cell layer in a posterior direction. Long secondary dendrites of mitral cells also extend posteriorly beyond the perimeter of the mitral cell-external plexiform layer and interlace with granule cell peripheral dendrites in a plexiform layer external to the posterior region of the granule cell core. This layer, the superficial plexiform layer, forms an apron around the posterior segment of the olfactory bulb and contributes to the interbulbar adhesion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neurons of the supramammillary nucleus are known to fire phase-locked to hippocampal theta rhythm. Stimulation of this area induces theta activity in the hippocampus via the medial septum and facilitates perforant pathway stimulation-evoked population spikes in the dentate gyrus even if the medial septum is inactivated. This latter effect was suggested to be due to a direct inhibitory input from the supramammilary nucleus to hippocampal nonpyramidal cells resulting in disinhibition. In the present study, using anterograde tracing with Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin, we aimed to identify the types of neurons innervated by the supramammillary projection in the dentate gyrus and Ammons horn, with particular attention to the presumed postsynaptic inhibitory neurons, which may mediate the proposed disinhibitory action. Double-immunostaining for the tracer and different neuropeptides (somatostatin, cholecystokinin, neuropeptide Y) or calcium binding proteins (calretinin, parvalbumin, calbindin D28k) present in different subpopulations of interneurons revealed no multiple contacts between supramammillary afferents and labeled inhibitory cells at the light microscopic level. Furthermore, postembedding immunostaining of electron microscopic sections for GABA demonstrated that none of the 68 PHAL-labeled supramammillary boutons examined and none of their postsynaptic targets were immunoreactive for the inhibitory neurotransmitter. We conclude, therefore, that most if not all postsynaptic targets of the supramammillary projection are principal cells both in the dentate gyrus and in the CA2-CA3a subfields. This suggests that a mechanism other than disinhibition is responsible for the facilitatory effect of this pathway on hippocampal evoked activity. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Zinc was measured in whole hippocampus and in hippocampal sub-regions by stable-isotope dilution mass spectrometry. In both man and the rat, the most zinc (102–145 ppm, dry weight) was found in the hilar region, the least (27–37) in the fimbria. The amount of zinc directly associated with mossy-fiber axons was estimated to be approximately 8% of the total zinc in the hippocampus, and the concentration of mossy-fiber zinc was estimated at 220–300 μM. Methodological and theoretical implications of the quantitative findings were discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether somatostatin (SS)-immunoreactive neurons of the rat fascia dentata are involved in specific excitatory circuitries that may result in their selective damage in models of epilepsy. Synaptic connections of SS-immunoreactive neurons were determined at the electron microscopic level by using normal and colchicine pretreated rats. Vibratome sections prepared from both fascia dentata of control animals and from rats that had received an ipsilateral lesion of the entorhinal cortex 30-36 hours before sacrifice were immunostained for SS by using a monoclonal antibody (SS8). Correlated light and electron microscopic analysis demonstrated that many SS-immunoreactive neurons in the hilus send dendritic processes into the outer molecular layer of the fascia dentata, and dendrites of the same neurons occupy broad areas in the dentate hilar area. The majority of SS-immunoreactive axon terminals form symmetric synapses with the granule cell dendrites in the outer molecular layer and also innervate deep hilar neurons. Via their dendrites in the outer molecular layer, the SS-immunoreactive neurons receive synaptic inputs from perforant pathway axons which were identified by their anterograde degeneration following entorhinal lesions. The axons from the entorhinal cortex are the first segment of the main hippocampal excitatory loop. The hilar dendrites of the same SS-immunoreactive cells establish synapses with the mossy axon collaterals which represent the second member in this excitatory neuronal chain. These observations suggest that SS-immunoreactive neurons in the dentate hilar area may be driven directly by their perforant path synapses and via the granule cells which are known to receive a dense innervation from the entorhinal cortex. These observations demonstrate that SS-immunoreactive neurons in the hilar region are integrated in the main excitatory impulse flow of the hippocampal formation.  相似文献   

The lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) resides in the rostral medulla and caudal pons, is implicated in cardiovascular regulation and cranial nerve reflexes, and gives rise to mossy fibers in the cerebellum. Retrograde tracing data revealed that medium-sized multipolar cells from the magnocellular part of the LRN project to the cochlear nucleus (CN). We sought to characterize the LRN projection to the CN using BDA injections. Anterogradely labeled terminals in the ipsilateral CN appeared as boutons and mossy fibers, and were examined with light and electron microscopy. The terminal field in the CN was restricted to the granule cell domain (GCD), specifically in the superficial layer along the anteroventral CN and in the granule cell lamina. Electron microscopy showed that the smallest LRN boutons formed 1-3 synapses, and as boutons increased in size, they formed correspondingly more synapses. The largest boutons were indistinguishable from the smallest mossy fibers, and the largest mossy fiber exhibited 15 synapses. Synapses were asymmetric with round vesicles and formed against thin dendritic profiles characterized by plentiful microtubules and the presence of fine filopodial extensions that penetrated the ending. These structural features of the postsynaptic target are characteristic of the terminal dendritic claw of granule cells. LRN projections are consistent with known organizational principles of non-auditory inputs to the GCD.  相似文献   

The present study quantitates the content of Met- and Leu-enkephalin in the rat hippocampus, and provides information on the localization of the enkephalins within the hippocampal neuronal circuitry. Several enkephalins were identified in rat hippocampus, two of which are shown to be Met- and Leu-enkephalin. The levels of these enkephalins, and of other unidentified enkephalin-related peptides, were not depleted by intrahippocampal colchicine, which destroyed the great majority of the hippocampal granule cells and the associated mossy fiber pathway. Entorhinal cortical lesions ablating the perforant pathway input to the hippocampus also did not significantly lower enkephalin levels in the hippocampus. Unilateral fimbrial transection caused a significant bilateral increase in both Met- and Leu-enkephalin levels. This may result from loss of a stimulatory input to putative enkephalin containing interneurons within the hippocampus. The extents of all lesions were verified histologically in hippocampi used for biochemical analysis. No evidence was seen for the presence of enkephalins in the perforant pathway, nor in nerve fibers in the fimbria/fornix, which provide the other main source of hippocampal efferents. The enkephalins are likely to be intrinsic to the hippocampus, in which neuronal cell bodies containing enkephalin-like immunoreactivity have been extensively reported.  相似文献   

In the cochlear nucleus, there is a magnocellular core of neurons whose axons form the ascending auditory pathways. Surrounding this core is a thin shell of microneurons called the granule cell domain (GCD). The GCD receives auditory and nonauditory inputs and projects in turn to the dorsal cochlear nucleus, thus appearing to serve as a central locus for integrating polysensory information and descending feedback. Nevertheless, the source of many of these inputs and the nature of the synaptic connections are relatively unknown. We used the retrograde tracer Fast Blue to demonstrate that a major projection arises from the contralateral pontine nuclei (PN) to the GCD. The projecting cells are more densely located in the ventral and rostral parts of the PN. They also are clustered into a lateral and a medial group. Injections of anterograde tracers into the PN labeled mossy fibers in the contralateral GCD. The terminals are confined to those parts of the GCD immediately surrounding the ventral cochlear nucleus. There is no PN projection to the dorsal cochlear nucleus. These endings have the form of bouton and mossy fiber endings as revealed by light and electron microscopy. The PN represent a key station between the cerebral and cerebellar cortices, so the pontocochlear nucleus projection emerges as a significant source of highly processed information that is introduced into the early stages of the auditory pathway. The cerebropontocerebellar pathway may impart coordination and timing cues to the motor system. In an analogous way, perhaps the cerebropontocochlear nucleus projection endows the auditory system with a timing mechanism for extracting temporal information.  相似文献   

In this study the fine structure and synaptic connections of mossy cells in the rat and monkey fascia dentata were analyzed. In order to study commissural connections of identified mossy cells in the rat, hilar neurons were retrogradely labeled by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or Fast Blue (FB) injections into the contralateral hippocampus. Vibratome sections containing retrogradely HRP-labeled hilar neurons were Golgi-impregnated and gold-toned. Hilar commissural neurons identified by contralateral FB injection were intracellularly labeled with Lucifer Yellow (LY). Lucifer Yellow staining was made electron-dense by photoconversion thereby allowing for an electron microscopic analysis of the retrogradely labeled and intracellularly stained neurons. With these two different approaches, we succeeded in identifying rat mossy cells projecting to the contralateral hippocampus. Mossy cells in the fascia dentata of primates (Papio anubis, Macaca mulatta, Saimiri sciureus) were, like mossy cells of rats, either Golgi-impregnated and gold-toned or intracellularly injected with LY. No major differences were found between mossy cells of rats and monkeys. The mossy cell dendrites originated from the two sides of an ovoid cell body and were mainly oriented parallel to the granule cell layer. In contrast to the rat, dendrites of mossy cells in the primate did not respect the granule cell layer and penetrated frequently into the molecular layer. The occurrence of excrescences on proximal dendrites was a characteristic feature of all mossy cells. These large spines were more complex in the primate than in the rat. In both rats and primates they formed numerous asymmetric synapses with large boutons of mossy fibers. Peripheral dendrites were covered with small, simple spines. Interestingly, these peripheral dendrites lacking excrescences also established asymmetric synapses with mossy fiber boutons as well as asymmetric and symmetric contacts with smaller terminals of unknown origin. These findings indicate that in both rats and primates the thorny excrescences are not the only target of the mossy terminals. While the proximal portions of the mossy cell dendrites appear to be exclusively contacted by the granule cells, a larger number of neuron types may converge on the distal dendrites. The axons of mossy cells, in both rats and primates, although incompletely stained with the present methods, were seen to ramify in the hilar region. Our results demonstrate that, despite minor species differences, the mossy cells of the fascia dentata represent a cell type that is preserved in phylogenetically distant species.  相似文献   

We have carried out a detailed analysis of the intrinsic connectivity of the Macaca fascicularis monkey hippocampal formation. Here we report findings on the topographical organization of the major connections of the dentate gyrus. Localized anterograde tracer injections were made at various rostrocaudal levels of the dentate gyrus, and we investigated the three-dimensional organization of the mossy fibers, the associational projection, and the local projections. The mossy fibers travel throughout the transverse extent of CA3 at the level of the cells of origin. Once the mossy fibers reach the distal portion of CA3, they change course and travel for 3-5 mm rostrally. The associational projection, originating from cells in the polymorphic layer, terminates in the inner one-third of the molecular layer. The associational projection, though modest at the level of origin, travels both rostrally and caudally from the injection site for as much as 80% of the rostrocaudal extent of the dentate gyrus. The caudally directed projection is typically more extensive and denser than the rostrally directed projection. Cells in the polymorphic layer originate local projections that terminate in the outer two-thirds of the molecular layer. These projections are densest at the level of the cells of origin but also extend several millimeters rostrocaudally. Overall, the topographic organization of the intrinsic connections of the monkey dentate gyrus is largely similar to that of the rat. Such extensive longitudinal connections have the potential for integrating information across much of the rostrocaudal extent of the dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

A variety of recent studies of cerebellar development have focused attention on the role of Purkinje cells as organizing elements for the topography of afferent fiber connectivity in the cerebellum. We have investigated the involvement of Purkinje and granule cells in the maintenance of topographic spinocerebellar mossy fiber projections by analyzing the distribution of spinocerebellar mossy fiber terminals in lurcher(+/Lc) mutant mice. Purkinje cells in the +/Lc mutant degenerate starting after the first week of postnatal development because of an intrinsic genetic defect. The loss of their Purkinje cell targets also results in the death of 90% of the granule cells. We examined the distribution of spinocerebellar mossy fiber terminals in the juvenile and adult +/Lc mutant to determine how the pattern of afferent projections is affected by the loss of Purkinje cells shortly after innervation of the cerebellum. Labeling of spinocerebellar mossy fiber terminals with WGA-HRP in the P38 and adult +/Lc mutant showed that, despite the loss of almost all Purkinje cells and 90% of the granule cells, spinocerebellar mossy fiber project to the appropriate folia and segregate into relatively normal parasagittal bands. While we cannot rule out the possibility that Purkinje cells may be involved in the initial establishment of topographic maps, our results indicate that Purkinje cells are not necessary for the maintenance of the normal spinocerebellar mossy fiber topographic map. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ mice are homozygous for the autosomal gene "hippocampal lamination defect" (provisional gene symbol: Hld) which produces an abnormality in the lamination of the pyramidal cell layer of area CA3c of the hippocampus such that early-generated neurons are superficial and late-generated neurons are deep. Other inbred strains of mice are wild-type (+/+) at the Hld locus and do not have this inversion in cell position in area CA3c. The Golgi method was used to analyze the dendritic arbors of the abnormally positioned pyramidal cells and to compare the distribution of dendritic excrescences (i.e., the termination sites of the mossy fibers) in +/+ and Hld/Hld mice. It was found that in +/+ mice the late-generated pyramidal cells (whose cell bodies are positioned just below the suprapyramidal mossy fiber layer) have one set of dendritic excrescences on their apical dendrites as they extend through the suprapyramidal mossy fiber layer and a second set on their basal dendrites as they pass through the infrapyramidal mossy fiber layer. In contrast, in Hld/Hld mice the late-generated pyramidal cells (whose cell bodies are abnormally positioned just below the intrapyramidal mossy fiber layer) have two sets of dendritic excrescences on their apical dendrites, as they pass through the intrapyramidal and suprapyramidal mossy fiber layers, and none on their basal dendrites. In addition, in the vicinity of the apparent point of contact of the intrapyramidal mossy fibers, the apical dendrites of some of the abnormally positioned pyramidal cells have several fine-caliber branches.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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