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During the past 2 decades, tuberculosis--both pulmonary and extrapulmonary--has re-emerged as a major health problem worldwide. Nasal tuberculosis--either primary or secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis or facial lupus--is rare, but it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of nasal granulomas. We describe a case of primary nasal tuberculosis in an adult male who presented with a polypoid lesion in one nasal cavity. The diagnosis was based on histopathology and the patient's successful response to antituberculous drug treatment. Given the rising incidence of tuberculosis, it is prudent that otolaryngologists remain cognizant of this infection as a potential cause of unusual lesions in the head and neck.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 36 year old woman who presented a chronic rhinitis and a hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates. Primary nasal tuberculosis was discovered by chance after the inferior turbinectomy. Primary nasal tuberculosis is very rare and is more frequent in women. Symptomatology is often unilateral with nasal obstruction, anterior rhinorrhea or epistaxis. The clinical examination may discover ulceration or a polyp located generally in the nasal septum or the inferior turbinate. Diagnosis relies on the anatomopathologic and bacteriological examinations. The treatment is mainly medical based on antituberculosis drugs. In the light of this case report, a review of the literature was made.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of the head and neck is a rare vascular anomaly but when present is persistent and progressive in nature and can represent itself truly as a lethal benign disease. We present here an unusual case of an AVM with the size of 1.5 cm x 0.8 cm at the adenoid tissue found in an 8-year-old boy, which is not previously reported in the literature where we treated the patient with surgery alone. Although bleeding is a common presentation with vascular malformations, we have not seen any bleeding in our case. After the surgery, paranasal sinus and neck CT were undertaken. They showed no other AVM.  相似文献   

Rhinoliths are uncommon mineralized masses that form as a result of calcification of an endogenous or exogenous nidus. The most common manifestations of rhinolithiasis are unilateral nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, and facial pain. The diagnosis is made by nasal endoscopy and computed tomography. The differential diagnosis includes chronic inflammation, osteomyelitis, benign tumors (e.g., calcified nasal polyps, ossifying fibromas, osteomas, and chondromas), and malignant tumors (e.g., osteosarcomas, chondrosarcomas, and squamous cell carcinomas). Rhinoliths may cause rhinosinusitis, erosion of the nasal septum and medial wall of the maxillary sinus, and perforations of the palate. To the best of our knowledge, the occurrence of a nasal polyp associated with rhinolithiasis has not been previously reported in the English-language literature. In this article, we describe such a case.  相似文献   

Traumatic retropharyngeal hematoma is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition that requires an early diagnosis. Isolated retropharyngeal hematoma without an associated cervical fracture is a relatively rare condition. The treatment of retropharyngeal hematoma is conservative in most cases, with close observation. The indications for surgical evacuation of hematomas are large size, difficult with mechanical ventilation and failure to improve with medical therapy. We present the case of a 50-year-old man with retropharyngeal hematoma with a compromised airway due to minor contusion of the neck, which required surgical intervention. The patient underwent emergent surgical debridement and tracheostomy. Postoperative course was uneventful. The patient was discharged 9 days later. Early surgical intervention can reduce the hospital stay, resulting in a rapid convalescence.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a direct communication between an artery and vein without capillary connections and it is mainly found in the intracranial region. However, in an extracranial region, an AVM of the external ear is relatively uncommon. Recently, we experienced a case of an AVM in the external ear. A 20-year-old male patient presented with pulsatile tinnitus over the past 7 months and a reddish and pulsatile mass of the left external ear. We successfully treated the patient for the AVM in the external ear by complete excision after preoperative selective embolization.  相似文献   

Establishing diagnosis of a granulomatous lesion of the nose is often difficult. Here we report a case of granulomatous lesion of the nose caused by Leishmania--an unlikely cause in the UK. The diagnosis and management of the case is discussed here.  相似文献   

患者女,38岁,因左鼻反复流清水样分泌物12年,于2004年11月1日入我院。既往无颅脑外伤史。12年前无明显诱因出现左鼻腔间断流清水样分泌物。在当地诊所行“左鼻息肉摘除术”后出现发热、头晕、头痛,于当地医院诊断为“脑膜炎”。经抗感染、脱水等治疗后症状消失,但左鼻仍反复流清水样分泌物,低头或劳动时加重,晨起时常发现枕头浸湿。1993年曾于外院行鼻窦冠状位CT扫描提示:左侧筛骨水平板骨质缺损、鼻腔脑膜脑膨出。因当时怀孕,未接受手术治疗。  相似文献   

Cartilaginous tumors are common in the long bones of the body and relatively rare in the head and neck. When they do occur in the head and neck, the most common site is the midface. Since the first case report by Morgan in 1842, approximately 150 cases of head and neck chondroma have been recorded in the English-language literature. In this article, the authors describe a new case in which a chondroma of the nasal bone caused an external nasal deformity in a 17-year-old boy. The lesion was excised via an external rhinoplasty approach. The authors believe that this is the first reported case of a chondroma arising from the nasal bone. The authors have made an attempt to comprehensively review the literature on this rare and controversial tumor and place special emphasis on its uncertain biologic nature. A detailed discussion of the diagnosis and management of this tumor is also included in this report.  相似文献   

We describe the case of a 72-year-old woman presenting with a 1-year history of recurrent epistaxis and unilateral progressive nasal obstruction with associated rhinolalia resulting from the presence of a tumor mass occupying two-thirds of the right nasal cavity. Histopathologically, neoplastic cells or "chief cells" were arranged in well-defined nests, which had the classic alveolar or so-called "zellballen" pattern. Immunohistochemical studies highlighted the presence of S-100 protein-positive sustentacular cells located at the periphery of the clusters of chief cells. The chief cells showed a diffuse and intense positivity for neuron-specific enolase and synaptophysin. A diagnosis of paraganglioma was made. The lesion was excised completely and the patient did not develop recurrences or distant metastases after 8 months of follow-up. Paragangliomas arising in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are extremely rare tumors. We report on the clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of our case and review the cases previously described in the literature.  相似文献   

Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis is a rare and poorly understood pathology. It's etiology is unknown. In cases with severe nasal airway obstruction, this anomaly may produce newborn respiratory destress similar to those seen in bilateral posterior choanal atresia. It can occur as an isolated anomaly or it can be associated with a dental anomaly, craniofacial, ophthalmological or central nervous system malformation. The diagnosis is made by physical examination. Computed tomography confirms the diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and pituitary endocrine axis must be performed. In patients with severe obstruction, surgical correction is necessary. We describe the case of a 1-month-old child who needed surgical treatment with a sublabial approach for a congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis associated with a solitary maxillary central incisor. The follow-up (4 years) reveals normal nasal airway and facial growth.  相似文献   

患者男,15岁,于7个月前反复出现双侧鼻腔间歇性鼻塞,偶有涕中带血,无头痛、无鼻腔脓性分泌物及嗅觉减退,有鼻腔局部胀痛,曾多次在当地医院就诊,均诊断为慢性鼻炎、腺样体炎,经药物干预无效。2个月前患者双侧鼻塞呈持续性,并进行性加重,于2006年10月18日来我院就诊,门诊拟诊为:①鼻中隔良性占位性病变;②蝶窦囊肿;③鼻中隔纤维血管瘤。患者既往体健,家属否认有鼻部外伤史。  相似文献   

Objectives: We report a unique case of traumatic tympanic membrane perforation caused by a needlefish beak. We describe the mechanism of injury, the clinical findings and the treatment. Case report: An 11-year-old boy presented with otorrhoea and hearing loss secondary to a traumatic tympanic membrane perforation by a needlefish. The perforation was repaired by performing a myringoplasty, with satisfactory post-operative audiological results. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of its kind. It is recommended that careful examination of the middle-ear space should always be carried out prior to and during myringoplasty if there is a possibility of a foreign body.  相似文献   

We present a rare case of maxillary intraosseous vascular malformation and review the nomenclature used by pathologists and clinicians in classifying vascular anomalies. We also discuss the literature and highlight potential management pitfalls.  相似文献   

患者女,40岁.因右侧鼻塞伴右眼流泪2个月于2006年9月8日入院.无涕中带血、视力模糊、头痛、面部麻木、牙齿疼痛及嗅觉减退症状.体检:鼻外形无明显畸形,鼻中隔稍偏左,右侧鼻腔总鼻道及下鼻道充满红色新生物,中鼻道少量黏性分泌物,左侧下鼻甲、中鼻道未见明显异常.鼻窦CT示右侧鼻腔可见大小约2.8 cm×2.5 cm的肿块,右侧下鼻甲及卜颌窦内侧壁骨质部分吸收(图1).  相似文献   

We describe the case of a 76-year-old man who presented with symptoms of chronic nasal obstruction and recurrent sinusitis of many years' duration. The patient's history and radiographic findings established a diagnosis of a complex odontoma of the nasal cavity. The mass was surgically excised, and the diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology. The occurrence of an odontoma in the nasal cavity is extremely rare.  相似文献   

Pleomorphic adenomas arise most commonly in the major salivary glands; the minor salivary glands are affected in only 8% of the cases. Intranasal pleomorphic adenoma being extremely rare originates most commonly from the nasal septum. We present a case of a 55-year-old man who presented with complaints of right-sided nasal obstruction and occasional nasal bleed for the last 6 months. Examination showed a mucosa-covered, fleshy 2 x 2 x 1.5 cm mass in the right nasal cavity. Computed tomogram showed right-sided polypoidal mass with attachment to the cartilaginous nasal septum without any erosion of the surrounding structures. The clinical presentation, gross and microscopic appearance, and treatment of intranasal pleomorphic adenoma is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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