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Cells with distinct phenotypes and stem cell-like properties have been reported to exist in breast cancer. The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinicopathologic and prognostic significance of the CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) and CD44(-)/CD24(+) tumor phenotypes' prevalence. Double immunohistochemistry was applied on a series of 155 paraffin-embedded breast tissue specimens to detect CD44 and CD24. Evaluation of the phenotypes was performed by image analysis. The prevalence of CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) and CD44(-)/CD24(+) tumor cells was 58.7% and 82.6%, respectively. The dominance of the CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) tumor cells was inversely associated with lymph node metastasis (P = .019) and tended to inversely associate with the stage of the disease (P = .068). Moreover, the prevalence of CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) was found to exert no significant impact on patients' prognosis although it displayed a tendency toward an increase in disease-free survival (P = .074). On the other hand, the prevalence of CD44(-)/CD24(+) tumor cells was found to have no clinicopathologic significance. However, it was found to exert an unfavorable impact on both relapse-free (P = .009) and overall survival (P = .046) of the patients with breast carcinomas of intermediate differentiation (grade 2). In breast tissue, CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) tumor cells seem to be associated with lack of lymph node metastasis and a tendency toward an increase of the relapse-free survival of the patients. On the contrary, tumor cells with the phenotype CD44(-)/CD24(+) seem to identify patients with worse disease-free and overall survival within the group of intermediate-grade differentiation patients whose prognosis is difficult to assess.  相似文献   

Women classified as having triple-negative tumors have a poor prognosis. The importance of CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) (stem/progenitor cell-phenotype) in breast cancer patients has also been appreciated. However, correlation between triple negativity and CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) with tumor recurrence remains elusive. In the present study, we evaluated tumor specimens of 50 breast cancer patients with known hormone receptor status for whom we had follow-up information and outcome data available, and performed immunohistochemistry analysis to determine CD44 and CD24 expression. Gene expression arrays were also independently performed on 52 breast cancer specimens with banked frozen tissue. Lastly, we used FVBN202 transgenic mouse model of breast carcinoma and determined the hormone receptor status, the proportion of CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) breast cancer stem-like cells, and the behavior of the tumor. We determined that patients with triple-negative tumors had significantly higher incidence of recurrence or distant metastasis associated with increased frequency of breast cancer stem cell phenotypes compared with those with non-triple-negative tumors. Preclinical studies in FVBN202 transgenic mice confirmed these findings by showing that relapsed tumors were triple negative and had significantly higher frequency of breast cancer stem cells compared with their related primary tumors. Unlike non-triple-negative primary tumors, relapsed triple-negative tumors were tumorigenic at low doses when inoculated into FVBN202 transgenic mice. These findings suggest that CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) breast cancer stem-like cells play an important role in the clinical behavior of triple-negative breast cancer and that development of therapeutic targets directed to breast cancer stem-like cells may lead to reduction in the aggressiveness of triple-negative breast cancers.  相似文献   

乳腺癌中CD44~+/CD24~-表型及乳腺癌分子亚型的分布及意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨CD44+/CD24-表型在乳腺癌中的临床病理意义和乳腺癌分子亚型在中国人群中的分布。方法回顾分析217例乳腺癌患者,根据ER、PR、Her-2及CK5/6的水平划分为5个分子亚型。应用双重免疫组织化学检测其CD44/CD24双染的情况,分析CD44+/CD24-表型在乳腺癌中表达情况及其与临床病理的相关性;分析乳腺癌分子亚型在中国人群中的分布情况。结果 217例乳腺癌病例中,luminal A型130例,luminal B型15例,Her-2过表达型21例,basal-like型29例,Normalbreast-like型22例。CD44+/CD24-表型在所有乳腺癌阳性表达率为38%。CD44+/CD24-表型与患者年龄、肿瘤大小、组织分级、淋巴结转移等无关(P0.05)。结论乳腺癌干细胞表型(CD44+/CD24-)在乳腺癌中只占一小部分,在人类乳腺癌中CD44+/CD24-表型无临床病理意义;5种分子亚型中luminal A型所占比例最高,其他亚型所占比例较低。  相似文献   

目的检测CD44+/CD24-细胞在乳腺正常组织及良恶性肿瘤中的数量与分布特点,探讨其在乳腺癌发生、发展中的作用。方法采用免疫组化SP双染法,检测了30例乳腺正常组织(normal tissue,NT),30例乳腺纤维腺瘤(fibroadenoma,FA),60例乳腺浸润性导管癌(invasive ductal carcinoma,IDC)中的CD44及CD24的共表达情况。结果在乳腺NT及FA中,可见CD44+/CD24+,CD44+/CD24-,CD44-/CD24-3种表型,而在IDC中,除上述3种表型外,尚可见CD44-/CD24+表型。从NT,FA到IDC,CD44+/CD24-细胞的阴性率(-,阳性率1%)依次降低(40.0%→36.7%→35.0%);而强阳性率(,阳性率60%)依次升高(0.0→6.7%→21.7%)。结论 CD44+/CD24-可能作为一种阶段性祖细胞标记,参与了正常乳腺的分化及乳腺肿瘤的发展过程。  相似文献   

Li W  Liu F  Lei T  Xu X  Liu B  Cui L  Wei J  Guo X  Lang R  Fan Y  Gu F  Tang P  Zhang X  Fu L 《Pathology, research and practice》2010,206(12):828-834
Breast cancer cells with a CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) phenotype have been suggested to have tumor-initiating properties. It is unclear whether their presence correlates with clinicopathological features of invasive micropapillary carcinoma (IMPC) of the breast, an unusual subtype of breast cancer with a high incidence of lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis. CD44 and CD24 expression was determined by double-staining immunohistochemistry in 103 cases of IMPC and in 94 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). The prevalence of CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) tumor cells was higher in IMPC than in invasive ductal carcinoma IDC (P=0.018). The CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) tumor cells were also detected in adjacent stroma surrounding the micropapillary structure in 53.4% (55/103) of IMPC, but only in 7.4% (7/94) of stroma of IDC. These tumor cells in stroma of IMPC were positive for vimentin and α-smooth muscle actin, and negative for E-cadherin. The CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) tumor cells in the micropapillary structure of IMPC were associated with those in stroma (P=0.000). Moreover, they were both associated with lymphovascular invasion and extranodal extension, respectively (P<0.05). The proportion of CD24(+) tumor cells was also higher in IMPC than in IDC (P=0.035), and the CD24(+) tumor cells were associated with lymph node metastasis in IMPC (P=0.010). The results suggest that the increased proportion of CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) tumor cells and CD24(+) tumor cells and the epithelial mesenchymal transition may play an important role in aggressiveness and high metastatic risk of breast IMPC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Tumor stem cells are found to be involved in the recurrence, metastasis and drug resistance of the tumor. OBJECTIVE:To explore the relationship between cell activity and multidrug resistance of CD44+CD24-/low breast cancer stem cells. METHODS: CD44+CD24-/low breast cancer stem cells sorted from multidrug resistant breast cancer cell line MCF-7/ADR were detected as percentage using flow cytometry. P-gp fluorescence intensity of the cell membrane and MDR mRNA expression in sorted cells and MCF-7/ADR were detected using flow cytometry and RT-PCR, respectively. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:After sorting by flow cytometry, the proportion of CD44+CD24-/low breast cancer stem cells was more than 90%, indicating that the sorted cells could meet the needs of the subsequent experiment. CD44+CD24-/low cell subsets exhibited stronger ability to form microspheres than non- CD44+CD24-/low cell subsets. The P-gp fluorescence intensity and MDR mRNA expression of CD44+CD24-/low cells were significantly higher than those of MFC-7/ADR cell line (P < 0.05). These experimental findings suggest that CD44+CD24-/low breast cancer stem cells sorted from MCF-7/ADR cell lines have a strong ability to form cell microspheres in vitro, and significantly raise the level of P-gp protein and MDR mRNA expression, which may be one of the causes of multidrug resistance.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood (PB) CD14(lo)/HLA-DR(+) cells were initially described as a subset of mature monocytes. Recently, it has been suggested that these represent a part of a new subset of dendritic cells (DC), characterized by the coexpression of MDC-8/HLA-DR/CD16. The aim of the present paper was to analyze the morphological, cytochemical, phenotypical, and functional characteristics of PB CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cells compared to both PB CD14(+) monocytes and CD16(-) DC. In contrast to CD14(+) monocytes, purified CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cells displayed cytoplasmic veils and lacked cytoplasmic myeloperoxidase and alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase. Normal human PB CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cells also displayed phenotypic characteristics different from those of CD14(+) monocytes: they lacked the CD64 Fcgamma receptor, showed lower levels of CD32, and expressed higher amounts of CD16 compared to CD14(+) monocytes. They also displayed a different pattern of expression of other antigens, including CD14, HLA-DR, CD45RA, CD45RO, complement receptors and complement regulatory surface proteins, adhesion and costimulatory molecules, and cytokine receptors, among others. When compared to CD16(-) DC, CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cells showed reactivity for CD16, dim positivity for CD14, higher expression of both Ig- and complement-receptors and lower reactivity for HLA-DR, adhesion, and costimulatory molecules (with the exception of CD86). The CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cell subset displayed a higher Ig/complement-mediated phagocytic/oxidative activity than CD16(-) DC, although this activity was significantly lower than that of mature monocytes. Regarding cytokine production at the single cell level, LPS plus IFN-gamma-stimulated PB CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cells produced significant amounts of IL1beta, IL6, IL12, TNFalpha, and IL8; however, the percentage of cytokine-producing cells and the amount of cytokine/cell were lower in CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cells than in CD14(+) monocytes. In addition, upon comparing CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cells with CD33(+++)/CD16(-) DC, we found that the percentage of cytokine-producing cells and the amount of cytokine/cell were significantly different in both cell subsets. In summary, our results show that CD16(+)/HLA-DR(+) cells clearly display different morphologic, cytochemical, immunophenotypical, and functional characteristics compared to both mature monocytes and CD16(-) DC. Interestingly, these cells are more frequent than other DC in normal human adult PB and cord blood samples, while they are less represented in normal bone marrow.  相似文献   

Histo-blood group antigens CD173 (H2) and CD174 (Lewis Y) are known to be developmentally regulated carbohydrate antigens which are expressed to a varying degree on many human carcinomas. We hypothesized that they might represent markers of cancer-initiating cells (or cancer stem cells, CSC). In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with stem cell markers CD44 and CD133 by flow cytometry analysis, immunocytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry on cell lines and tissue sections from breast cancer. In three breast cancer cell lines, the percentage of CD173+/CD44+ cells ranged from 17% to >60% and of CD174+/CD44+ from 21% to 57%. In breast cancer tissue sections from 15 patients, up to 50% of tumor cells simultaneously expressed CD173, CD174, and CD44 antigens. Co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with CD133 was also observed, but to a lesser percentage. Co-immunoprecipitation and sandwich ELISA experiments on breast cancer cell lines suggested that CD173 and CD174 are carried on the CD44 molecule. The results show that in these tissues CD173 (H2) and CD174 (LeY) are associated with CD44 expression, suggesting that these carbohydrate antigens are markers of cancer-initiating cells or of early progenitors of breast carcinomas.  相似文献   

目的探讨肿瘤干细胞相关标记物CD44及CD24在乳腺癌组织中的表达特点、CD44+/CD24-细胞与HER-2、ER、PR、CK5/6表达的相互关系及其与临床病理因素的关系。方法采用免疫组化SP单染及双染法检测42例乳腺导管原位癌及126例乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中CD44及CD24的表达情况,检测126例乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中HER-2、ER、PR、CK5/6表达状况以进行免疫分型。结果 (1)CD44阳性定位于癌细胞膜。在浸润癌中阳性率为56.3%,在导管原位癌中阳性率为85.7%。两者差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。在不同分化程度的乳腺浸润性癌中,CD44阳性率分别为69.2%、58.1%及44.7%,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。(2)CD24阳性表达于非癌性乳腺组织中小管的腔缘;在癌组织中除腔缘阳性外,可出现膜质阳性。在浸润癌中阳性率为32.5%,在导管原位癌中阳性率为64.3%。两者差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。(3)126例浸润性导管癌中CD44+/CD24-者65例,占51.6%;CD44+/CD24-阳性细胞在Luminal A型为47.5%、Luminal B型为42.9%、HER-...  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, and patients are categorized into subtypes according to gene expression. We studied the associations among molecular, immunohistochemical, and clinicopathologic features and their distribution according to the subtypes luminal, HER2, basal, and normal-like in 60 patients with invasive ductal breast carcinoma without distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis (M0). We evaluated the hypermethylation of the CDH-1, RASSF1A, SIAH-1 and TSLC-1 genes by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction and the expression of p53, bcl-2, cyclin D1, E-cadherin, and beta-catenin proteins in tissue microarrays by immunohistochemical analysis. Expression of bcl-2 was associated with the luminal subtype (P=.003), and CDH-1 hypermethylation was present preferentially in HER2 tumors (P=.038). The basal subtype was characterized by the expression of beta-catenin (P=.003). The hypermethylation of CDH-1 and the expression of bcl-2, cyclin D1, and beta-catenin proteins differ among breast cancer subtypes.  相似文献   

Objective To study the distribution and quantity of CD44VCD24- cells in breast cancer tissue and the cell lines,and as well as its correlation with the expression of various breast cancer markers and molecular subtyping of breast carcinoma.Methods The expression of CD44 / CD24,estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,HER2,human estrogen-induced protein PS2,bcl-2 and nm23 in 60 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were studied by either single or double immunohistochemical staining.The co-expression of CD44 and CD24 in 3 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB- 231) was also examined.Results The quantity and distribution of CD44 + /CD24- cells varied greatly and no specific patterns were identified.The percentage of CD44 + /CD24- in breast cancer was 65%.The amount of CD44+/CD24- cells did not correlate with the age of patients,lymph node metastasis,tumor  size,molecular subtypes and expression of various breast cancer markers in breast carcinoma.The proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells in MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB-231 cell lines was < 1%,5% and > 80% ,respectively.Conclusions CD44+ /CD24- cells are demonstrated in certain breast cancer tissues and cell lines.However,there is no relationship obtained between the quantity or the distribution of these cells and the molecular subtyping or the clinicopathologic parameters in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective To study the distribution and quantity of CD44VCD24- cells in breast cancer tissue and the cell lines,and as well as its correlation with the expression of various breast cancer markers and molecular subtyping of breast carcinoma.Methods The expression of CD44 / CD24,estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,HER2,human estrogen-induced protein PS2,bcl-2 and nm23 in 60 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were studied by either single or double immunohistochemical staining.The co-expression of CD44 and CD24 in 3 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB- 231) was also examined.Results The quantity and distribution of CD44 + /CD24- cells varied greatly and no specific patterns were identified.The percentage of CD44 + /CD24- in breast cancer was 65%.The amount of CD44+/CD24- cells did not correlate with the age of patients,lymph node metastasis,tumor  size,molecular subtypes and expression of various breast cancer markers in breast carcinoma.The proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells in MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB-231 cell lines was < 1%,5% and > 80% ,respectively.Conclusions CD44+ /CD24- cells are demonstrated in certain breast cancer tissues and cell lines.However,there is no relationship obtained between the quantity or the distribution of these cells and the molecular subtyping or the clinicopathologic parameters in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective To study the distribution and quantity of CD44VCD24- cells in breast cancer tissue and the cell lines,and as well as its correlation with the expression of various breast cancer markers and molecular subtyping of breast carcinoma.Methods The expression of CD44 / CD24,estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,HER2,human estrogen-induced protein PS2,bcl-2 and nm23 in 60 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were studied by either single or double immunohistochemical staining.The co-expression of CD44 and CD24 in 3 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB- 231) was also examined.Results The quantity and distribution of CD44 + /CD24- cells varied greatly and no specific patterns were identified.The percentage of CD44 + /CD24- in breast cancer was 65%.The amount of CD44+/CD24- cells did not correlate with the age of patients,lymph node metastasis,tumor  size,molecular subtypes and expression of various breast cancer markers in breast carcinoma.The proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells in MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB-231 cell lines was < 1%,5% and > 80% ,respectively.Conclusions CD44+ /CD24- cells are demonstrated in certain breast cancer tissues and cell lines.However,there is no relationship obtained between the quantity or the distribution of these cells and the molecular subtyping or the clinicopathologic parameters in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective To study the distribution and quantity of CD44VCD24- cells in breast cancer tissue and the cell lines,and as well as its correlation with the expression of various breast cancer markers and molecular subtyping of breast carcinoma.Methods The expression of CD44 / CD24,estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,HER2,human estrogen-induced protein PS2,bcl-2 and nm23 in 60 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were studied by either single or double immunohistochemical staining.The co-expression of CD44 and CD24 in 3 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB- 231) was also examined.Results The quantity and distribution of CD44 + /CD24- cells varied greatly and no specific patterns were identified.The percentage of CD44 + /CD24- in breast cancer was 65%.The amount of CD44+/CD24- cells did not correlate with the age of patients,lymph node metastasis,tumor  size,molecular subtypes and expression of various breast cancer markers in breast carcinoma.The proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells in MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB-231 cell lines was < 1%,5% and > 80% ,respectively.Conclusions CD44+ /CD24- cells are demonstrated in certain breast cancer tissues and cell lines.However,there is no relationship obtained between the quantity or the distribution of these cells and the molecular subtyping or the clinicopathologic parameters in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective To study the distribution and quantity of CD44VCD24- cells in breast cancer tissue and the cell lines,and as well as its correlation with the expression of various breast cancer markers and molecular subtyping of breast carcinoma.Methods The expression of CD44 / CD24,estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,HER2,human estrogen-induced protein PS2,bcl-2 and nm23 in 60 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were studied by either single or double immunohistochemical staining.The co-expression of CD44 and CD24 in 3 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB- 231) was also examined.Results The quantity and distribution of CD44 + /CD24- cells varied greatly and no specific patterns were identified.The percentage of CD44 + /CD24- in breast cancer was 65%.The amount of CD44+/CD24- cells did not correlate with the age of patients,lymph node metastasis,tumor  size,molecular subtypes and expression of various breast cancer markers in breast carcinoma.The proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells in MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB-231 cell lines was < 1%,5% and > 80% ,respectively.Conclusions CD44+ /CD24- cells are demonstrated in certain breast cancer tissues and cell lines.However,there is no relationship obtained between the quantity or the distribution of these cells and the molecular subtyping or the clinicopathologic parameters in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective To study the distribution and quantity of CD44VCD24- cells in breast cancer tissue and the cell lines,and as well as its correlation with the expression of various breast cancer markers and molecular subtyping of breast carcinoma.Methods The expression of CD44 / CD24,estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,HER2,human estrogen-induced protein PS2,bcl-2 and nm23 in 60 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were studied by either single or double immunohistochemical staining.The co-expression of CD44 and CD24 in 3 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB- 231) was also examined.Results The quantity and distribution of CD44 + /CD24- cells varied greatly and no specific patterns were identified.The percentage of CD44 + /CD24- in breast cancer was 65%.The amount of CD44+/CD24- cells did not correlate with the age of patients,lymph node metastasis,tumor  size,molecular subtypes and expression of various breast cancer markers in breast carcinoma.The proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells in MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB-231 cell lines was < 1%,5% and > 80% ,respectively.Conclusions CD44+ /CD24- cells are demonstrated in certain breast cancer tissues and cell lines.However,there is no relationship obtained between the quantity or the distribution of these cells and the molecular subtyping or the clinicopathologic parameters in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective To study the distribution and quantity of CD44VCD24- cells in breast cancer tissue and the cell lines,and as well as its correlation with the expression of various breast cancer markers and molecular subtyping of breast carcinoma.Methods The expression of CD44 / CD24,estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,HER2,human estrogen-induced protein PS2,bcl-2 and nm23 in 60 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were studied by either single or double immunohistochemical staining.The co-expression of CD44 and CD24 in 3 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB- 231) was also examined.Results The quantity and distribution of CD44 + /CD24- cells varied greatly and no specific patterns were identified.The percentage of CD44 + /CD24- in breast cancer was 65%.The amount of CD44+/CD24- cells did not correlate with the age of patients,lymph node metastasis,tumor  size,molecular subtypes and expression of various breast cancer markers in breast carcinoma.The proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells in MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB-231 cell lines was < 1%,5% and > 80% ,respectively.Conclusions CD44+ /CD24- cells are demonstrated in certain breast cancer tissues and cell lines.However,there is no relationship obtained between the quantity or the distribution of these cells and the molecular subtyping or the clinicopathologic parameters in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective To study the distribution and quantity of CD44VCD24- cells in breast cancer tissue and the cell lines,and as well as its correlation with the expression of various breast cancer markers and molecular subtyping of breast carcinoma.Methods The expression of CD44 / CD24,estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,HER2,human estrogen-induced protein PS2,bcl-2 and nm23 in 60 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were studied by either single or double immunohistochemical staining.The co-expression of CD44 and CD24 in 3 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB- 231) was also examined.Results The quantity and distribution of CD44 + /CD24- cells varied greatly and no specific patterns were identified.The percentage of CD44 + /CD24- in breast cancer was 65%.The amount of CD44+/CD24- cells did not correlate with the age of patients,lymph node metastasis,tumor  size,molecular subtypes and expression of various breast cancer markers in breast carcinoma.The proportion of CD44+/CD24- cells in MCF-7,MDA-MB-468,and MDA-MB-231 cell lines was < 1%,5% and > 80% ,respectively.Conclusions CD44+ /CD24- cells are demonstrated in certain breast cancer tissues and cell lines.However,there is no relationship obtained between the quantity or the distribution of these cells and the molecular subtyping or the clinicopathologic parameters in breast cancer.  相似文献   

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