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Summary The current study describes the presence of neuroendocrine antigens of peripheral and central neural tumors using eight monoclonal antibodies raised to small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), which recognize neural/neuroendocrine or neural antigens, as defined by their reaction pattern in normal tissues and tumors. At least five of them recognize different epitopes of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM). It was found that all of 12 neuroblastomas, 2 ganglioneuroblastomas and 4 ganglioneuromas as well as 23 central primitive neuroectodermal tumors, 13 astrocytomas and 4 ependymomas share neural/neuroendocrine antigens (as defined by the anti-N-CAM antibodies Moc-1,-21,-32,-52 and-191) with SCLC. The neural/neuroendocrine antigen defined by Moc-171 was also found in all peripheral tumors, but only in further differentiated central tumors. Non-N-CAM related neural antigens (as defined by Moc-51 and-172) were found only in better-differentiated peripheral and central tumors, but they could be demonstrated in all three medulloblastoma cell lines studied. In addition, the antigen defined by Moc-51 was demonstrated in an immunoblot of a neuroblastoma cell line. Antibodies recognizing epithelia antigens of SCLC and other epithelia and their tumors (Moc-31 and-181) were non-reactive. It was concluded that these findings give further support for a relation between neural and neuroendocrine tumors and that some of the antibodies may be useful for the detection of differentiation in neural tumors. Antibodies with an epithelia recognition pattern may serve to distinguish neural from neuroendocrine tumors.Supported by NIH grant CA 36245 W.M.M. was a Fullbright scholar  相似文献   

Summary A unique model of DA system regulation is presented, in which tonic steady-state DA levels in the ECF act to down-regulate the response of the system to pulsatile DA released by DA cell action potential generation. This type of regulation is similar in many respects to the phenomenon proposed to mediate the action of norepinephrine on target neurons; i.e., an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio as measured by postsynaptic cell firing (Freedman et al., 1977; Woodward et al., 1979). However, in this model the signal and the noise are neurochemical rather than electrophysiological. Furthermore, the noise (tonic DA in the ECF) actually down-regulates the signal (phasic DA release) directly, and thereby provides a signal of its own that affects the system over a longer time-course. Therefore, the difference between signal and noise may also depend on the time frame under which such determinations are made.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have pointed in the direction of sex differences as well as regional differences in the pineal gland of guinea pigs. In the present investigation these aspects were studied at the electron-microscopic level by quantitating different types of synaptic bodies, intrinsic to pinealocytes. The two major types of synaptic organelles, ribbons and spherules, did not exhibit regional or sex differences. Synaptic structures intermediate in appearance to ribbons and spherules were significantly larger in number in males in the distal region of the pineal gland, compared to females. As previous studies have shown that ribbon and spherule numbers undergo characteristic changes depending on the functional state of the pineal gland, it is concluded that, as far as the synaptic organelles are concerned, no clear-cut sex or regional differences appear to exist in the guinea pig pineal gland.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, articles have noted the increased presence of psychotic symptoms among depressed African Americans, the presence of diagnostic bias identified when structured clinical interviews are used, and the identification of misdiagnosis of affective illness among chronically, mentally ill, African Americans. This paper reviews this literature and describes three alternative presentations of depressive illness among African Americans that differ from the DSM IV criteria for Major Depressive Disorder: the stoic believer, the angry, evil one with a personality change, and the John Henry doer. Clinicians are encouraged to recall these presentations of depression when evaluating African American patients.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopical study of two consecutive nerve biopsies from a patient with metachromatic leucodystrophy (sulphatide lipidosis) was made. The ultrastructural changes observed consisted of: a) irregular whorls of myelin. The myelin in the whorls showed a thickened, sometimes doubled, intraperiod line, which was barely visible in compact myelin; b) inclusion bodies up to 1 in diameter in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells. These had a lamellar structure, with stacked membranes 60 Å apart; c) a loose pattern of the myelin in some nerve fibers, with loss of the intraperiod line, and d) presence of abnormally dense mitochondria with thickened cristae in Schwann cells. It is suggested that: a) the whorl formation and the ultrastructural abnormalities of the myelin in the whorls may be due to impaired myelin synthesis, and b) that the inclusion bodies may represent the accumulation of cerebroside sulfate in micellar aggregates. The loose pattern of myelin is considered artifactural until proven otherwise.
Zusammenfassung Zwei aufeinanderfolgende Nervenbiopsien bei einem Patienten mit metachromatischer Leukodystrophie (Sulfatid-Lipoidose) wurden elektronenoptisch untersucht. Die beobachteten ultrastrukturellen Veränderungen bestehen in: a) unregelmäßigen Wirbelbildungen (whorls), in welchen das Myelin Verdickungen, manchmal Verdopplung des Zwischenstreifens (intraperiod line) aufweist, was im kompakten Myelin kaum sichtbar ist. b) Einschlußkörperchen mit einem Durchmesser bis zu1 im Cytoplasma der Schwann-Zellen. Diese weisen lamelläre Struktur mit einem Membranabstand von 60 Å auf. c) ein lockeres (loose) Myelinmuster mit Verlust des Zwischenstreifens in einigen Nervenfasern und d) Auftreten von abnorm dichten Mitochondrien mit verdicktem Cristae in Schwann-Zellen. Es wird angenommen, daß a) die Wirbelbildungen und die ultrastrukturellen Myelinabnormitäten in den Wirbeln einer gestörten Myelinsynthese entsprechen und b) daß die Einschlußkörperchen die Anhäufung von Cerebrosidsulfat in micellaren Verbänden darstellen. Das lockere Myelinmuster wird vorläufig als artifiziell angesehen.

This investigation was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grant No. FR-86 from the N.I.H. Division of Research Facilities and Resources.  相似文献   

Summary Abnormalities of noradrenaline metabolism and of the activity of hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) have been reported in depression. To study the possible relationship between these 2 parameters, urinary excretion of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylethyleneglycol (MHPG) and Dexamethasone Suppression Test (DST) were analyzed in 58 depressed patients. A positive correlation was found between the age of depressed patients and 24-h urinary excretion of MHPG. Twenty-two patients (38%) were DST non suppressors. Pre-DST plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher in non suppressors than suppressors. No difference was found however between urinary MHPG levels in supressors and non suppressors. There was no correlation between pre-DST plasma cortisol and levels of urinary excretion of MHPG. These results do not support the hypothesis of a relationship between these 2 parameters. However, when depressed patients were separated into two groups according to urinary excretion of MHPG (high MHPG and low MHPG), the high MHPG group included significantly more non suppressors then the low MHPG one. This result is not sufficient to demonstrate of link between HPA system activity and central noradrenaline metabolism.  相似文献   

The cognitive functioning of 27 female patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (aged 11–41 yrs) and 13 of their healthy sisters (13–31 yrs) was compared using short versions of age-appropriate Wechsler scales. In contrast to other studies, neither a higher than average IQ level for CAH patients (mean: 99.0) nor for their sisters (97.7) was found. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to other reports, the subgroup of salt-wasting (SW) patients>16 yrs (N=6; mean score: 111.5) differed from their sisters as well as from simple-virilizing (SV) patients in full IQ (p<0.05) and subtest scorings for Information, Similarities, and Picture Completion (p<0.05–<0.10). SW patients displayed more masculine behaviour (vs. SV patients and sisters) which, in turn, was related to differential prenatal hormonal influences. No clear-cut relationships between IQ/cognitive (subtest) findings and gender-role behaviour were found.
Zusammenfassung 27 Patientinnen mit dem Adrenogenitalen Syndrom (AGS) (11–41 J.) und 13 ihrer Schwestern (13–31 J.) wurden hinsichtlich intellektueller Funktionen verglichen (Kurzformen von HAWIK, HAWIE). Im Unterschied zu den meisten früheren Untersuchungen wurden weder für Patientinnen (mean: 99.0) noch für Kontrollen (97.7) über dem Durchschnitt liegende IQ-Werte gefunden. Im Gegensatz zur Literatur unterschied sich die Teilgruppe der Salzverlust-Patientinnen (SW)>16 J. (N=6, mean: 111.5) von den Schwestern und den Patientinnen mit einfachem AGS (SV) im Gesamt-IQ (p<0.05) und in den Untertests Allgemeines Wissen, Gemeinsamkeiten und Bilderergänzen (p<0.05–<0.10). SW-Patientinnen hatten signifikant männlichere Verhaltensmuster gezeigt (vs. SV-Patientinnen und Schwestern), die auf differentielle Hormoneffekte pränatal bezogen worden waren. Es fanden sich aber keine klaren Zusammenhänge zwischen IQ-bzw. Untertest-Resultaten und Ergebnissen für Geschlechtsrollenverhalten.

Résumé Le fonctionnement cognitif de 21 patientes avec une hyperplasie congénitale surrénale (âgée de 11 à 41 ans) et de 13 de leurs soeurs saines (13–31 ans) a été comparé au moyen de versions raccourcies de l'échelle de Wechsler appropriée à l'âge. En contraste avec d'autres études, il n'a été retrouvé un Q.I. plus haut que la moyenne ni pour les patientes (moyenne 99.0) ni pour leurs soeurs (moyenne 97.7). De façon inattendue, et en contraste avec d'autres études, le sous-groupe de patientes déprivées en sel (SW)>16 ans (N=6), moyenne score: 111.5) différait de leurs soeurs aussi bien en tant que patientes présentant des signes de virilsation (SV) pour le Q.I. complet (p<0.05) et les scores aux subtests d'information, de similarité et de complément d'images (p<0.05–0.10). Les patientes déprivées en sel (SW) montraient un comportement plus masculin (vs. SV et leurs soeurs) qui en retour était relié aux influences hormonales prénatales différentes. Il n'y avait pas de relation de différences nettes entre les résultats aux sous-tests cognitifs du Q.I. et le comportement de genre.

A multi-center survey of antepileptic treatment was conducted in Italy on 245 previously untreated (new) patients with epilepsy and 355 patients treated for more than three months (old patients). Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of antiepileptic drugs was evaluated in the context of routine clinical conditions, in relation to individual therapeutic problems and mode of treatment. Plasma levels (PL) were determined in 75% of new patients and 78% of old patients, with wide intercenter variability. TDM was done at 69% of the follow-up attendences for new patients and at 34% for old patients, but was apparently unrelated to specific therapeutic problems, such as poor disease control or adverse drug reactions. Plasma drug concentration measurements were made more often among patients on polytherapy. The age of the patient and the time elapsing since diagnosis did not seem to affect request patterns significantly. From these findings it appears that TDM is largerly influenced by factors unrelated to the common recommendations in the literature. In addition, the use of TDM in clinical practice reflects the limitations of the available techniques.
Sommario In uno studio multicentrico condotto su 245 casi di epilessia di nuova diagnosi (trattati da meno di 3 mesi) e su 355 casi di epilessia di vecchia diagnosi (trattati da almeno 3 mesi)l'uso dei livelli plasmatici dei farmaci anticonvulsivanti è stato valutato in relazione alle modalità di trattamento e a problemi specifici indicati dai clinici. La percentuale di richieste di livelli plasmatici era del 75% e riguardava il 69% delle visite di follow-up nei pazienti di nuova diagnosi. Le percentuali erano rispettivamente del 78% e del 34% per i pazienti di vecchia diagnosi. In entrambi i casi vi era una marcata variabilità tra centri nelle percentuali di prescrizioni. Le richieste di livelli plasmatici erano più numerose nei pazienti in politerapia. Per contro, il monitoraggio dei farmaci antiepilettici non risultava influenzato dalla presenza di specifici problemi, quali il non completo controllo della crisi o la presenza di segni di tossicità farmacologica, né dall'età del paziente o dal tempo intercorso dalla formulazione della diagnosi. Da tutto ciò deriva che l'utilizzo dei livelli plasmatici dei farmaci antiepilettici nella pratica clinica è influenzato da fattori che spesso non riflettono le norme di comportamento comunemente suggerite dalla letteratura. Risultano inoltre ampiamente confermati i limiti delle metodiche attualmente in uso.

Hyperkinetic children are identified as a population-at risk upon admission to kindergarten. The etiology of hyperkinetic behavior is controversial. Organic driveness, hyperkinetic behavior disorder, postencephalitic behavior, brain damage with behavioral and conceptual deficit, Strauss syndrome, have all been used to label essentially similar symptom constellations. Bypassing the area of controversy, a study is reported that demonstrates that children who were identified as hyperkinetic (using behavioral criteria developed in an earlier study) were (1) absent from school more frequently, and (2) did remarkably less well on standardized tests of school readiness than their peers rated nonhyperkinetic. The implications are discussed and suggestions made for the development of intervention programs.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, March, 1967.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to identify and study the mental hygiene and its related factors (individual, family, organizational) in the Kerman special schools teachers. 266 teachers of the special schools of the cities of the province Kerman were chosen as the research sample. The necessary data were obtained by questionnaire which its validity and reliability were determined. The statistical analysis of the research findings (by Spearman coefficient test) Man-Whithey and Kruskal wallis tests showed that there was a positive and meaningful relationship between Level of education, service of record the number of the members of teachers family, income, dwelling-place, economic power, acceptance of the teachers job in their family, leadership style, suitable educational possibilities, suitable educational space, job satisfaction with the mental hygiene of the teachers. The results of the research also showed that the Kerman special schools teachers enjoyed a relatively desirable mental hygiene.  相似文献   

Summary Two sporadic cases of amyloid polyneuropathy are reported. There was no family history or plasma cell dyscrasia. Both showed sensorimotor and autonomic polyneuropathy with onset in the seventh decade. Amyloid deposits in both cases reacted with anti-human prealbumin sera but not with antisera to human AA and anti-human immunoglobulin light-chain amyloids, including A and A. One patient had the abnormal serum prealbumin and abnormal DNA sequence found in type I familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) (Japanese type). Investigations in sporadic amyloid polyneuropathy should include immunohistochemistry, using antisera to the different amyloid proteins, and the radioimmunoassay and recombinant DNA techniques for diagnosis of FAP.  相似文献   

Integration of behavioral health and medicine has gained increased support recently within the new field of complementary medicine. Providers from both disciplines are acknowledging the mind-body connection and recognizing the value of treating the whole patient through working within an integrative delivery model. This paper describes two treatment programs which were developed using the principles of the mind-body connection and implemented within an integrative setting at a large HMO. The results of research studies are presented and discussed to demonstrate the efficacy of these programs.  相似文献   

This study examined the attitudes of several diverse subject groups in a large medical center toward various mental health professionals. The groups consisted of: 1) general hospital staff; 2) professional mental health workers; and 3) psychiatric in-patients. Subjects evaluated a selection of 11 professional health related role titles (clinical psychologist, physician, psychiatrist, etc.) and the categories me and mental patient by marking a series of 19 seven-step rating scales, each composed of bipolar anchoring adjectives. Additionally, a familiarity rating for each of the role titles was obtained. An understanding and a value cluster were derived from the 19 adjectives along with an overall favorability-unfavorability score for each role title. It was expected that subjects would value mental health professional roles more strongly than they would indicate an understanding of these same roles. Secondly, it was expected that the hospital setting itself, the subject's role within that setting, and the degree of familiarity with the role being rated would have a significant impact on the subject's attitude. Results generally supported the above expectations. Overall ratings of the professional groups were consistently high, with less difference between the health designations (physician, nurse) and the psych designations than has been previously reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty extraocular muscles (EOM) from 20 patients were evaluated by light microscopy (LM), electron microscopy (EM), and enzyme histochemistry (EZH). Twenty-one EOM were obtained from 13 patients with strabismus, 9 EOM from 4 patients undergoing eye surgery for other reasons and from 3 autopsy cases. One m thick sections revealed marked variation in muscle fibre shape and size and in myofibrillar structure; also noted were small, hypertrophied, whorled, and ringbinden fibres. Dense and granular material in the central portion of some fibres and sarcomere disruption in 2–3 m sections was observed. EZH revealed the absence of the classical mosaic pattern usually found in skeletal muscles. ATPase studies were inconsistent and did not correlate with the expected reciprocal activity of NAD-H diaphorase, particularly on the large fibres.Ultrastructural features consisted of vacuoles within myofilament bundles, smearing of Z bands, and nemaline rods. Occasional myelin figures and lipid-like droplets were observed in subsarcolemmal spaces, associated with scattered clusters of glycogen granules. Abnormal mitochondria and subsarcolemmal inclusions of dense and granular material were conspicuous. Leptomeric profiles, Zebra bodies, or striated bodies were noted in 8 EOM's, and an Hirano body was found in 1. The intramuscular nerves contained structures resembling Luse bodies in 7 cases.These observations suggest that EOM from individuals with and without strabismus possess unique structural characteristics suggestive of developmental and morphological disarrangement of contractile elements. Some of these changes might play a role in the pathogenesis of strabismus and in the development of clinical symptoms.These features are significantly different from striated skeletal muscle. Therefore the criteria used in the pathological evaluation and diagnosis of skeletal muscle disorders cannot be unequivocally applied to EOM investigations. These data establish the necessity to determine histological norms, ultrastructural patterns, and develop new enzyme histochemistry criteria for the evaluation of EOM. Only then can an acceptable comparison of EOM and skeletal muscle be made.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports the conclusions drawn from an intensive study of the relationships existing between the thinking processes of neurotic patients and their emotional experiences. The data of this study are not suitable to tabulation and statistical analysis, and the conclusions only are presented. It is suggested that proof of the conclusions be sought by other investigators applying the principles outlined to individual patients as a test of validity. No other practical method of assembling proof seems available. To apply a principle, for instance, one might search to find what imagined danger a given patient is fantasying at the moment he is experiencing fear. If one assumes that such an idea must exist, and dismisses all protestations to the contrary, it is surprising how easily and frequently the idea giving rise to fear can be uncovered. If one assumes, on the other hand, that a patient can, indeed, be unaware of what he is afraid of, then the investigator may never find out what the imagined danger is.The accompanying schematic diagram illustrates the classification scheme proposed.  相似文献   

While the phrase, interminable foster care is becoming a damning cliché in the dialogues of juvenile courts and child welfare organizations, many children are growing up in foster homes. Human love must move us to approve and enrich these foster families; childhood is too brief and important to be knowingly allowed disapproved or impoverished experience. This paper describes the foster situation: families, children, and the involved professionals. It then presents a teachable developmental theory weaved from threads of numerous known theories, and describes a process whereby interminable foster experience was used therapeutically for a group of handicapped homeless children.  相似文献   

Seventy-three Dutch and Flemish patients with definite multiple sclerosis (MS) were assessed by means of the Disability and Impact Profile (DIP), which is a 2 × 39 item, self-administered questionnaire with parallel questions aboutdisabilities and their importance for orimpact on the patient, resulting in a profile of weighted scores. It was designed as a tool for clinical assessment of quality of life (QoL) domains in MS patients. Group data showed more than 50% loss on weighted scores for walk, clean home, work and worry about deterioration. In individual patients a median of 7 (range 0–23) major disruptions of quality of life (MD-QoL: loss on weighted score more than 50%) was found. Prevalence of MD-QoL in more than 10% of the patients was found for as many as 31 disabilities and > 50% for 3 (clean home, work and worry about deterioration). Results in the MS group were compared with available data from 25 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and 25 patients with a spinal cord lesion (SCI). Weighted scores of read, memory and concentration were significantly lower in the MS group than in the RA and SCI groups. Significantly lower weighted scores in both the MS and RA groups compared with the SCI group were found for worry about deterioration, physical endurance, clean home, work, see and write. In conclusion, major disruptions in many domains of QoL were found in MS patients. Weighted score profiles for MS were in accordance with clinical manifestations. Unlike Kurtzke's Extended Disability Status Scale, DIP assesses a wide range of potentially MS-affected human activities, and also takes into account the subjective perception of disabilities.  相似文献   

The assessment of circadian heart patterns represents a new methodology for documenting physiological dysregulation associated with psychiatric illness. Previous research has demonstrated abnormal heart rate patterns, especially during the bedtime interval, that are associated with depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and schizophrenia. These patterns are derived from heart rate data obtained while wearing an unobtrusive, two-lead heart rate monitor over a 24-hour period. To establish basic reliability, the second author blindly rated heart-monitored data from 50 subjects on two occasions, separated by an average of 6.6 weeks (range = 2.9–15.7 weeks). Subjects were classified as definitely psychiatric, probably psychiatric, borderline, broadly normal, and signature normal. The exact category agreement rate was 78%. If a one-category difference is permitted (e.g., definitely psychiatric and probably psychiatric counted as an agreement), the agreement rate was 92%. Circadian heart pattern analysis is a promising new technology in psychiatric research and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the entire population of an American island community at risk for a five-year period in respect to the experience of a variety of human predicaments of psychiatric or psychosocial nature is reported. The data showed that females were more often aware of the presence of psychological distress than were males and sought psychiatric help more often. Males, on the other hand, were more likely to show their distress by coming to the attention of educational, legal and social agencies. Adolescents and young adults were found to have high rates of such acting out and low rates of psychiatric consultation. Though in distress almost as often as any age group, they sought psychiatric help less often. Social class position in particular was highly associated with the mode of experience of predicaments. Disorders in awareness as shown by psychiatric consultation tended to be a higher class phenomenon and acting out a characteristic of those in the lower social class positions. The data show that though males are in predicament as frequently as females they are more likely to come to the attention of non-psychiatric agencies than females. Since females are apparently more aware of distress, they are likely to respond positively more often to the instrument used in many total prevalence studies. The study suggests that total prevalence surveys include items which will elicit the presence of parapsychiatric or psychosocial events and that psychiatric services be revised in such a manner as to be more inviting to those who express their psychological difficulties by acting out.  相似文献   

Summary In order to cut expenditure on mental health care in Brazil, the national authority responsible for the financing of health care imposed in 1977 the following two restrictions on reimbursement: a) the costs for inpatient treatment under the diagnoses neurosis and alcoholism would be paid only for a maximum length of hospital stay of 30 days and b) the costs for inpatient treatment under the diagnoses oligophrenias and epilepsies would no longer be paid. We studied the effects of these administrative measures upon the yearly frequencies of diagnoses and the mean lengths of hospital stay in 27377 treatment episodes between 1975 and 1982. We found significant decreases in both variables for the above mentioned diagnoses after 1977. At the same time the frequencies of the diagnoses alcoholic psychoses, psychoses associated with other cerebral conditions and other psychoses increased significantly. These findings can probably not be attributed to true changes in morbidity, but are rather the results of changes in diagnostic habits in response to administratively imposed austerity measures.  相似文献   

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