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SummaryObjective and importance Central neurocytoma is recognized as a indolent intraventricular tumor arising from the ependyma around the foramen of Monro and anterior part of the lateral ventricles, and well demarcated from the brain parenchyma. Surgical removal can be curative without postoperative therapy. However, malignant central neurocytoma refractory to even aggressive treatment is known.Clinical presentation We report two cases of extraventricular central neurocytomas with significant vascular proliferation, mitoses, and MIB-1 labeling index of more than 10%.Intervention Subtotal removal for the one patient and open biopsy for other followed by radiotherapy with chemotherapy were performed. However, the disease progressed and dissemination occurred. Both patients subsequently died 23 and 18 month after the histological diagnosis was established.Conclusion Extraventricular central neurocytoma may present with frequent vascular proliferation and high MIB-1 labeling index. Even if they lack malignant histological findings like frequent mitosis and/or necrosis, the prognosis for such patients is very poor.  相似文献   

Background  Assessment of tumor proliferative activity is considered to be the most powerful prognostic factor aside from axillary lymph node status. The purpose of this study is to assess the clinical value of measurement of proliferative activity using the MIB-1 labeling index in patients with breast cancer. Methods  Surgical specimens from 36 patients with benign breast disorders and 146 patients with breast cancer were investigated. The MIB-1 labeling index was determined on the specimens stained by immunohistochemical methods as much as possible. Clinical factors associated with the MIB-1 labeling index were reviewed. Results  The MIB-1 labeling index for non-proliferative disorders, proliferative disorders, and breast cancer was 3.4±1.9%, 8.9±6.2% and 20±12%, respectively. The MIB-1 labeling index and tumor size, lymph node metastasis status, and clinical stage according to the TNM classification correlated significantly. Survival rate was inversely correlated with the MIB-1 labeling index. No patient with an MIB-1 labeling index of less than 10% had lymph node metastases, and all are alive without recurrence. Patients with an MIB-1 labeling index of over 30% had an extremely poor prognosis. Conclusions  The MIB-1 labeling index is very useful for predicting both either extremely good or extremely poor prognosis, and axillary lymph node metastasis.  相似文献   

This is a study of 64 cases of recurrent astrocytic tumors of all four WHO grades wherein a comparative evaluation of initial vs. recurrent tumor was done with respect to histological grading, MIB-1 labeling index (LI) and apoptotic index (AI). The aim was to identify factor/s that could influence interval to recurrence and/or malignant progression. Recurrence was noted in all grades and upon recurrence, 93.3% of grade II (low grade diffuse) astrocytomas and 63.6% of grade III anaplastic astrocytomas underwent malignant progression. However, none of the Grade I tumors showed evidence of malignant progression. Though interval to recurrence varied considerably, there was a correlation with histological grade of the initial tumor in that grade I and II tumors had a significantly longer mean interval to recurrence (43 months and 54.8 months respectively) as compared to grade III and IV (glioblastoma multiforme) tumors (17.6 and 12.8 months respectively). The interval to recurrence was also longer for grade II and III tumors which showed progression on recurrence (55.3 months for Grade II->Grade III; 54 months for Grade II->Grade IV and 20.6 months for Grade III->IV) as compared to tumors which recurred to the same grade (12.5 months for Grade III->Grade III and 12.8 months for Grade IV->Grade IV). A statistically significant inverse correlation of MIB-1 LI with interval to recurrence was noted. Higher the MIB-1 LI, shorter was the interval to recurrence. Further a cut off MIB-1 LI value of 2.8% could be proposed in predicting recurrence free survival. Interestingly, MIB-1 LI of grade II tumors, which had progressed to grade IV was significantly higher than MIB-1 LI of grade II tumors which had progressed to grade III. Thus, this study establishes the potential role of MIB-1 LI of the initial tumor in determining interval to recurrence. However, apoptotic index has no role in predicting either interval to recurrence or malignant progression.  相似文献   

目的:探讨常规分割放疗(CFRT)与后程超分割放疗(LHRT)对鼻咽癌大容积(≥60cm3)原发肿瘤的疗效关系。方法:无远处转移的182例初治鼻咽癌(T2~4N0~3Mo)。治疗前根据CT资料勾画鼻咽癌原发肿瘤,容积(≥60cm3),采用CFRT或LHRT照射,N3的病例均加用辅助化疗,分析比较两组疗效。结果:鼻咽癌大容积≥60cm3原发肿瘤无论T分期,采用LHRT较CFRT治疗,患者原发灶5年控制率对比有统计学意义。N0~2的患者无远处转移生存率对比,亦有统计学意义。结论:鼻咽癌大容积原发肿瘤无论T分期,(N0~2)后程采用超分割照射可提高鼻咽癌控制率及无瘤生存率,但N3的患者虽鼻咽癌控率可提高,但无远处转移生存率未见统计学意义的差异。  相似文献   

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