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腓总神经麻痹是周围神经损伤与卡压病损中常见的一种损伤类型。临床上常见的原因为膝关节内收损伤,腓骨头、颈骨折,腓骨颈附近囊肿,局部封闭,胫骨高位截骨术,膝关节置换术,石膏边缘压迫,偶见于手术时肢体体位放置不当,如膀胱截石位,膝外侧搁于硬物上,踝关节内翻扭伤致腓总神经麻痹,国内尚未见文献报导,国外仅见1977年前文献资料。我院自1983~2002年共治疗20例因踝关节内翻扭伤致腓总神经麻痹。  相似文献   

伴严重疼痛的成人平足症的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]探讨伴严重疼痛的成人平足症的手术治疗方法。[方法]自2002年8月~2004年10月,手术治疗12例伴严重疼痛的单侧成人平足症患者,男7例,女5例;年龄20~56岁,平均35岁;左足8例,右足4例;病因学:胫后肌腱功能障碍Ⅱ~Ⅲ期6例,先天性平足症3例,神经疾病导致平足症2例,高弓马蹄内翻足术后平足1例。根据M aryland足部评分标准,术前足踝功能可2足,差10足。对每例患者采用个性化手术方案设计,联合应用的术式有足外侧柱延长术、跟骨截骨内移术、关节融合术、胫后肌腱修复术、弹簧韧带紧缩术、趾长屈肌腱转移术等。多数骨性手术均辅以了一种以上相关的软组织手术。术后予以短腿管型石膏将足于内翻跖屈位固定,4~6周后换用短腿后托石膏将足于中立位继续固定4周后拆除外固定,根据骨愈合情况逐渐开始负重训练。[结果]全部病例均获得随访,随访时间16~28个月,平均22个月。M aryland足踝评分:优7足,良3足,可2足,优良率为83.3%。所有患者术后足外形恢复良好,能穿普通鞋。术后X线片测量足弓高度,提示前足外展、后足外翻畸形的特异性角度明显改善(P<0.01)。其中弓高平均增加约9 mm,侧位距跟角减少约17°,前后位距跟角减少约11°,侧位第1跖距角减少约14°,跟骨倾斜角增加约10°,距舟覆盖角减少约6°。[结论]骨性手术结合软组织手术组成的个性化联合术式治疗伴严重疼痛的成人平足症可获得较理想的疗效。  相似文献   

胫神经选择性部分切断术治疗小儿痉挛性马蹄内翻足   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探索小儿痉挛性马蹄内翻足的治疗方法。方法:对1995年3月-2000年6月收治的26例小儿痉挛性马蹄内翻足患者采用胫神经选择性部分切断术治疗。结果:所有患者足部畸形得到满意矫正,随访11个月-5年畸形无复发,痉挛步态明显改善。结论:胫神经选择性部分切断术是治疗小儿痉挛性马蹄内翻足的理想术式。  相似文献   

“三踝阻滞”麻醉在387例足部外科手术中的临床应用马天光,戴金盛,乔希安在足部手术中,我们常用踝部阻滞麻醉。支配足部的腓深神经、胚神经和腓肠神经分别位于前、内、后踝三处,故简称为“三踝阻滞”麻醉。本组387例,手术包括足部畸形矫正术、足部开放性损伤清...  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗跟骨前突孤立性骨折   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨中西医结合方法治疗跟骨前突孤立性骨折。方法:病人14例,均为闭合性损伤。11例行前后石膏托固定或活血化瘀接骨止痛膏药(本院药剂科制)外贴,限制活动;4周以后病例不再给以固定,采用中药治疗。结果:12例获得随访,其中9例3周内就诊病例6个月内足部无肿痛,行走自如,足被动内翻无疼痛;3例4周以后确诊病例6个月自感足部无肿痛,行走自如,剧烈活动及足被动内翻时疼痛(其中2例9、10个月足完全恢复正常,1例12个月时仍有足被动内翻疼痛,16个月功能完全恢复正常,足部无不适)。结论:本病治疗的关键是早期诊断和早期治疗;误诊4周以上病例足部有较长时间的疼痛。  相似文献   

患者,男性,22岁,因外伤致左肘肿痛、畸形3小时入院。经临床检查及X线摄片诊断为左肘关节前脱位并尺骨鹰嘴骨折。入院后即予以手法复位石膏外固定,复查片脱位已整复,但鹰嘴骨折仍分离。10天后在臂丛神经阻滞麻醉下手术,取肘后纵切口,骨折复位后以2枚螺丝钉固定。X线复查见骨折位置好,关节面平整。石膏固定4周后功能锻炼。于9个月后拆除内固定,关节功能完全恢复。  相似文献   

跖跗关节常被称为Lisfranc关节,该部位的损伤又称为Lisfranc损伤。过去对此损伤多采用手法复位、石膏托外固定方法治疗,因石膏外固定不宜维持其稳定性,易导致再移位,影响疗效,遗留平足畸形、足部疼痛、功能受限等情况。自2004年6月-2006年10月本科采用切开复位、内固定手术治疗12例,疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的:探讨选择性关节融合术治疗外伤性扁平足的临床效果。方法:自2007年1月~2009年4月,采用选择性关节融合术治疗14例成人外伤性平足症患者,男9例,女5例;年龄19~50岁,平均32岁;左足6例,右足8例;其中陈旧跟骨骨折8例,跖跗关节损伤4例,跗间关节损伤2例。根据Maryland足部评分标准,术前足踝功能可3足,差9足。对每例患者采用个性化手术方案设计,联合应用的术式有选择性跗间关节关节融合术、跟骨截骨内移术、足外侧柱延长术。术后予以短腿管型石膏将足于内翻跖屈位固定,4-6周后换用短腿后托石膏将足于中立位继续固定4周后拆除外固定,根据骨愈合情况逐渐开始负重训练。结果:全部病例均获得随访,随访时间14~25个月,平均19个月。Maryland足踝评分:优8足,良3足,可3足,优良率为78.6%。结论:选择性关节融合术结合骨性手术组成的个性化联合术式治疗外伤性扁平足可获得较理想的疗效。  相似文献   

尺神经在拇收肌腱弓处的卡压征极少见,我科收治2例,报道如下。例1 男,28岁。主诉左手砸伤1个月,活动不灵活2周入院。钢管砸伤左手掌致第五掌骨骨折,急诊整复骨折、外固定,2周后诉手部不适,去石膏观察,术后4周仍有伤手酸胀、捏持无力、笨拙。检查:左手第一背侧骨间肌明显萎缩,拇收肌力弱,Froment征阳性,手指感觉正常,无爪形手畸形。诊断为尺神经深支卡压征。入院在臂丛神经阻滞麻醉下松解Guyon氏管至第三掌骨基底部见尺血管神经穿过拇收肌起点横头与斜头间的裂孔时有拇收肌筋膜组成的纤维弓压迫血管神经束…  相似文献   

胫-腓总神经侧侧缝合治疗下肢痉挛性脑瘫近期效果观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:提出一种治疗下肢痉挛性脑瘫的新方法并探讨其机制。方法:6例下肢痉挛性脑瘫患者。将支配痉挛肌群和支配其拮抗肌群的胫神经和腓总神经干进行侧侧缝合;大腿后侧切口显露两神经干的近端约5cm后相互靠拢,切开两神经相邻面的神经外膜和束膜约2cm,切至神经纤维后,再相互并拢缝合外膜。4例患者手术同时辅以内收肌切断或跟腱延长术。结果:经过5-10个月的随访,6名患者的肢体痉挛,畸形均有缓解,其中5例患儿在不附加额外刺激的情况下,已无痉挛发作,恢复了患肢的主要功能。肢体功能尚随着时间的延长而进一步改善。结论:胫-腓总神经侧侧缝合后,脑瘫患者术后痉挛肌群可获得部分拮抗肌群神经的支配从而通过改变大脑皮层定位来最终缓解肢体痉挛,是治疗脑瘫的新的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

BackgroundFoot drop defined as a significant weakness of ankle and toe dorsiflexion. It leads to high stepping gait, functional impairment and deformity of the foot. Objective of this study was to assess the functional outcome of tibialis posterior (TP) transfer for patient with foot drop in a single center.MethodsThis is a retrospective study included 20 patients operated for foot drop of >1 year duration in the last 5 years. Preoperative assessment of muscles of all the three compartment of leg along with radiological assessment of ankle to rule out tarsal disintegration and ankle instability was done. Postoperatively gait, active dorsi/plantar flexion and the range of movement of the ankle and toes were assessed.ResultsTibialis posterior transfer was performed on 20 patients (16 males and 4 females, mean age 31.4 years). Commonest cause of foot drop was Hansen’s disease followed by post traumatic peroneal nerve damage and post injection sciatic neuropathy. At mean follow-up of 2 years, all patients, except one, could walk with heel-toe gait without any orthotic support. There was no pain, ruptures or infections of the transferred tendons. 19 of the 20 operated ankles had mean active dorsiflexion of 7.5°, the active plantar flexion of 36.25°, and the total range of movement 43.75°. The active dorsiflexion of the toes ranged from 5-20°.ConclusionDynamic tibialis posterior transfer gives good results in terms of normal gait, high patients’ satisfaction with minimal donor site morbidity and low complication rate.  相似文献   

BackgroudComplete peroneal nerve dysfunction associated with congenital clubfoot is uncommonly reported. Our retrospective study highlights the recognition of clinical presentation and mid-term outcomes of treatment in these patients.MethodsEight out of 658 patients undergoing treatment for clubfoot were identified with unilateral complete peroneal nerve dysfunction associated with congenital clubfoot. Three patients presented primarily to our center; 5 were treated elsewhere initially. All patients were treated with Ponseti casts, Achilles tenotomy, and subsequent foot abduction bracing. Diagnosis of complete peroneal nerve dysfunction was confirmed using nerve conduction velocity studies in all patients. After full-time bracing, an insole polythene molded ankle foot orthosis was given. Three patients underwent tibialis posterior transfer to improve foot dorsiflexor power.ResultsThe mean age at presentation was 1.3 years (range, 1 week–5 years). All patients had prominence of lateral 3 metatarsal heads and dimpling of intermetatarsal spaces. At a mean follow-up of 5.1 years, mean shortening of 1.2 cm in tibia (range, 1–2.5 cm) and mean calf wasting of 4.4 cm were observed. There was no relapse of any clubfoot deformity till the final follow-up.ConclusionsProminence of lateral metatarsal heads and dimpling of intermetatarsal spaces should raise early suspicion of peroneal nerve dysfunction. Standard Ponseti protocol is useful in treatment of these patients. Tibialis posterior transfer to dorsum partially restores the ankle dorsiflexion.  相似文献   

Background: Incomplete sensory blockade of the foot after sciatic nerve block in the popliteal fossa may be related to the motor response that was elicited when the block was performed. We investigated the appropriate motor response when a nerve stimulator is used in sciatic nerve block at the popliteal fossa.

Methods: Six volunteers classified as American Society of Anesthesiologists' physical status I underwent 24 sciatic nerve blocks. Each volunteer had four sciatic nerve blocks. During each block, the needle was placed to evoke one of the following motor responses of the foot: eversion, inversion, plantar flexion, or dorsiflexion. Forty milliliters 1.5% lidocaine was injected after the motor response was elicited at < 1 mA intensity. Sensory blockade of the areas of the foot innervated by the posterior tibial, deep peroneal, superficial peroneal, and sural nerves was checked in a blinded manner. Motor blockade was graded on a three-point scale. The width of the sciatic nerve and the orientation of the tibial and common peroneal nerves were also examined in 10 cadavers.

Results: A significantly greater number of posterior tibial, deep peroneal, superficial peroneal, and sural nerves were blocked when inversion or dorsiflexion was seen before injection than after eversion or plantar flexion (P < 0.05). Motor blockade of the foot was significantly greater after inversion. Anatomically, the tibial and common peroneal nerves may be separate from each other throughout their course. The sciatic nerve ranged from 0.9-1.5 cm in width and was divided into the tibial and common peroneal nerves at 8 +/- 3 (range, 4-13) cm above the popliteal crease.  相似文献   

Background: The authors compared the efficacy of the different approaches to saphenous nerve block.

Methods: The following approaches to saphenous nerve block were compared in 10 volunteers: perifemoral, transsartorial, block at the medial femoral condyle, below-the-knee field block, and blockade at the level of the medial malleolus. Each volunteer underwent all five blocks, and the interval between blocks was 3-7 days. The sequence of injection was randomized by Latin square design. Sensory blockade at the medial aspects of the leg and foot and the strength of the anterior thigh muscles were noted.

Results: The transsartorial, perifemoral, and below-the-knee field block approaches were more effective than block at the medial femoral condyle in providing sensory anesthesia to the medial aspect of the leg. The transsartorial approach was more effective than block at the medial femoral condyle and below-the-knee field block in providing sensory anesthesia to the medial aspect of the foot. Compared with the perifemoral approach, the transsartorial approach did not cause weakness of the hip flexors and the knee extensors. In volunteers with partial numbness in the medial aspect of the foot, supplemental block of the medial dorsal cutaneous branch of the superficial peroneal nerve resulted in complete sensory blockade.  相似文献   

《The Foot》2006,16(3):135-137
BackgroundSurgery of the foot induces intense pain in the postoperative periode. Peripheral nerve blocks provide reliable anesthesia for all foot surgery and is associated with an ability to ambulate immediately following surgery. The actual study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of nerve blocks in the postoperative phases of surgery of the forefoot.MethodOne hundred and sixteen patients were in this prospective study randomized to two groups; group 1 recieved an ankle nerve block with local anesthetics prior to surgery, group 2 recieved spinal or general anesthesia without a nerve block. Pain was evaluated with repeated VAS-scales, total consumption of analgesics were recorded. A record was kept on the requirement of the intraoperative intravenous anesthetic agents. Total hospital care time was recorded.ResultsThe ankle nerve block lowered the requirement of intraoperative intravenous anesthetic agents. The use of oral anelgesics was higher in the control group. The hospital care time was lower in the ankle nerve block group.ConclusionThe ankle nerve blocks reduces the consumption of analgesics. Good control of postoperative pain allows for early recovery of these patients. Use of nerve blocks should be encouraged when possible in surgery of the foot.  相似文献   

BackgroundAdopting compensatory walking mechanisms by people with foot drop due to traumatic injury of the peroneal nerve costs altered gait kinetics and kinematics. Therefore, orthoses are generally recommended to minimize the deployment of compensatory gait mechanisms.ObjectivesTo investigate the immediate effects of a low-cost, Neoprene Ankle-Foot Orthosis (NAFO) and the thermoplastic ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) with the shoe-only condition on kinematics and kinetics of gait of people with foot drop following peroneal nerve traumatic injury.MethodsSeven people with foot drop due to traumatic injury of the peroneal nerve were included in this study. The gait kinematics and kinetics of the participants were investigated in three different conditions: shoe-only, AFO + shoe, and NAFO + shoe using a six-camera, motion-analysis system, and a force platform. A Friedman two-way ANOVA by ranks model was employed to compare different testing conditions.ResultsThe ankle angle at the initial contact was significantly different between shoe-only condition and AFO (p < 0.00). The plantarflexion angle in both orthotic designs was reduced significantly compared to the shoe-only condition (p < 0.00). The maximum ankle dorsiflexion angle during the stance phase and maximum knee flexion angle during the stance and swing phases were not statistically significant for all testing conditions (p > 0.00). A significant difference was observed for the 1st-rise of the ground reaction force’s vertical component between the NAFO and the AFO (p < 0.00). Likewise, a significant difference was observed for the 2nd-rise of the ground reaction force’s vertical component between the NAFB and the AFO (p < 0.00).ConclusionBoth orthotic interventions could control the ankle-foot complex during the gait and reduce the employment of compensatory gait mechanisms.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveEhlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is an inherited disease characterized by defects in various collagens or their post translational modification, with an incidence estimated at 1 in 5000. Performance of peripheral nerve block in patients with EDS is controversial, due to easy bruising and hematoma formation after injections as well as reports of reduced block efficacy. The objective of this study was to review the charts of EDS patients who had received peripheral nerve block for any evidence of complications or reduced efficacy.DesignCase series, chart review.SettingAcademic medical center.PatientsPatients with a confirmed or probable diagnosis of EDS who had received a peripheral nerve block in the last 3 years were identified by searching our institutions electronic medical record system.InterventionsThe patients were classified by their subtype of EDS. Patients with no diagnosed subtype were given a probable subtype based on a chart review of the patient's symptoms.MeasurementsPatient charts were reviewed for any evidence of complications or reduced block efficacy.Main ResultsA total of 21 regional anesthetics, on 16 unique patients were identified, 10 of which had a EDS subtype diagnosis. The majority of these patients had a diagnosis of hypermobility-type EDS. No block complications were noted in any patients. Two block failures requiring repeat block were noted, and four patients reported uncontrolled pain on postoperative day one despite successful placement of a peripheral nerve catheter. Additionally, blocks were performed without incident in patients with classical-type and vascular-type EDS although the number was so small that no conclusions can be drawn about relative safety of regional anesthesia in these groups.ConclusionsThis series fails to show an increased risk of complications of peripheral nerve blockade in patients with hypermobility-type EDS.  相似文献   

IntroductionGrisel's syndrome is a rare condition characterized by nontraumatic rotatory subluxation of the atlantoaxial joint, which was caused by previous inflammation around the head and neck. It is usually seen in children and signed as torticollis. There was no consensus for management, yet early diagnosis and treatment is paramount.Presentation of caseA 5-year-old girl came to outpatient clinic complaining of wry neck 1 day after surgical excision of her TB lymphadenitis and got worsen by time. There was no history of trauma around the neck. Examination under general anesthesia and CT scan revealed acquired severe torticollis consistent with Grisel's Syndrome Fielding type 3 accompanied by TB lymphadenitis, and TB myositis of the neck. Manipulation under general anesthesia and immobilization using Minerva cast followed by Lerman Cervicothoracal Osthosis was conducted.DiscussionThis patient was diagnosed with Grisel's syndrome and underwent conservative treatment consisting of reduction under general anesthesia and immobilization using Minerva cast for 6 weeks. The patient was then applied Lherman Cervical Thoracic Orthosis (CTO) halo brace for another 3 months. Anti-tuberculous drug was given to control tuberculous infection. Eight months follow-up showed neither residual deformity, neck pain, nor movement limitation of the neck.ConclusionGrisel's syndrome has excellent result that is treated with conservative treatment using reduction under general anesthesia and Minerva cast.  相似文献   

It has not been proven whether one or multiple nerve stimulations and injections provide a higher rate of complete sensory block in both major sciatic nerve sensory distributions below the knee when a popliteal sciatic nerve block is performed using the lateral approach. This prospective, randomized, single-blinded study compared the success rate of the sciatic nerve block using this approach when one or both major components of this nerve (i.e., tibial nerve and common peroneal nerves) are stimulated in 50 patients undergoing foot or ankle surgery. In Group 1 STIM, 24 patients received a single injection of 20 mL of a mixture of 2% lidocaine and 0.5% bupivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine after foot inversion had been elicited. In Group 2 STIM (n = 26), 10 mL of the same solution was injected after stimulation of each sciatic nerve component. For patients with complete sensory motor block, there was no difference in onset between groups. However, Group 2 STIM showed a greater success rate compared with the Group 1 STIM (2 STIM: 88% vs 1 STIM :54%; P = 0.007). When two stimulations were used, the onset time of anesthesia in the cutaneous distribution of the common peroneal nerves was shorter than in the tibial nerve (17.5 vs 30 min; P < 0.0001). We conclude that a two-stimulation technique provides a better success rate than a single-injection technique when a popliteal sciatic nerve block is performed using the lateral approach with 20 mL of local anesthetic. IMPLICATIONS: A better success rate is achieved with a double stimulation technique than with a single injection for the sciatic nerve block via the lateral approach at the popliteal fossa when 20 mL of local anesthetics is used.  相似文献   

ObjectiveEvaluate complication rates and functional outcomes of fibular neck osteotomy for posterolateral tibial plateau fractures.DesignRetrospective case series.SettingUniversity hospital.PatientsFrom January 2013 to October 2014, 11 patients underwent transfibular approach for posterolateral fractures of the tibial plateau and were enrolled in the study. All patients who underwent transfibular approach were invited the return to the hospital for another clinical and imaging evaluation.InterventionTransfibular approach (fibular neck osteotomy) with open reduction and internal fixation for posterolateral fractures of the tibial plateau.Main outcome measurementsComplications exclusively related to the transfibular approach: peroneal nerve palsy; knee instability; loss of reduction; nonunion and malunion of fibular osteotomy; and functional outcomes related to knee function.ResultsTwo patients failed to follow-up and were excluded from the study. Of the 9 patients included in the study, no patients demonstrated evidence of a peroneal nerve palsy. One patient presented loss of fracture reduction and fixation of the fibular neck osteotomy, requiring revision screw fixation. There were no malunions of the fibular osteotomy. None of the patients demonstrated clinically detectable posterolateral instability of the knee following surgery. American Knee Society Score was good in 7 patients (77.8%), fair in 1 (11.1%), and poor in 1 (11.1%). American Knee Society Score/Function showed 80 points average (60–100, S.D:11).ConclusionThe transfibular approach for posterolateral fractures is safe and useful for visualizing posterolateral articular injury. The surgeon must gently protect the peroneal nerve during the entire procedure and fix the osteotomy with long screws to prevent loss of reduction.Level of evidenceTherapeutic level IV.  相似文献   

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