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外伤性颈总动脉假性动脉瘤非常少见,由假性动脉瘤并发颈总动脉鄄颈内静脉瘘更为罕见。本单位采用带膜支架腔内隔绝术治疗1例外伤导致的颈总动脉假性动脉瘤并发动静脉瘘病人,现报道如下。临床资料病例,男,35岁,左侧颈部被玻璃切割致伤,行局部清创止血,切口I期缝合。术后5d出现左  相似文献   

患,男,20岁,被刀刺伤左侧颈部,伤口喷射状出血,5min后入院急救,血压、脉搏均为零。诊断为左颈部刺伤、颈总动脉断裂、失血性休克。立即予伤口纱布填塞,压迫止血。迅速建立静脉通道,半小时输液1500ml,输血800ml,血压恢复至12/8Kpa,急送手术室在气管插管、全身麻醉下行左颈部清创探查术。术中见左颈总动脉中段,距锁骨上5cm处横行刺伤血管周径4/5,内膜  相似文献   

患者 女 ,2 2岁。右前臂热压伤术后 1个月由外院转入。检查 :右前臂桡掌侧有 2 0cm× 10cm的皮肤缺损 ,桡骨部分外露 ,尺动脉搏动存在 ,桡动、静脉肘部结扎。患者在外院行 2次手术治疗。处理 :行股前外侧皮瓣移植 ,分两组行清创和皮瓣游离 ,游离皮瓣并切断皮瓣血管 ,另置备用 ,血管蒂长 10 6cm ,直径为 1 5mm。受区组游离见桡静脉闭塞 ,肘关节水平探查头静脉及贵要静脉均见闭塞 ,向上游离肱静脉及头静脉亦闭塞。后相继在两下肢踝上、内收肌孔及大隐静脉入股静脉处作小切口 ,见静脉断面血管壁水肿增厚、管腔明显缩小 ,失去移植条件…  相似文献   

静脉输注氯化钾渗漏致皮肤坏死二例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
例1 女,5 4岁。用微量泵从其左内踝大隐静脉输注10 %氯化钾时出现液体渗漏,致周围皮肤坏死,伤后2 0d入院。查体:左足内踝部约10cm×5cm皮肤坏死,呈黑色焦痂。行左内踝切痂左腿局部皮瓣修复术,术中见皮下组织坏死达深筋膜,大隐静脉栓塞,切除坏死组织后取局部滑行皮瓣修复创面。术后15d拆线,见皮瓣边缘有2 .0cm×0.5cm皮肤坏死。局部行清创缝合术,术后12d拆线,伤口愈合良好,患者痊愈出院。  例2 男,5 6岁。致伤原因、伤情、治疗方式与例1相似。术后10d拆线,皮瓣成活,创面愈合,患者痊愈出院。讨论 静脉输注氯化钾溶液时,常要求其浓度为0 .…  相似文献   

例1 男,2岁,右肾胚胎瘤,在氯胺酮、r-OH 静脉麻醉及0.8%利多卡因连硬外麻醉下行右肾肿瘤切除术。在结扎肾蒂时心音突然消失,行心肺复苏50min 无效死亡。尸解见肾静脉瘤栓,下腔静脉内瘤栓部分脱落,在肺动脉瓣骑跨处有一直径2cm 的瘤栓。例2 女,64岁,左肾癌,在静脉复合麻醉下行左肾癌切除术。术中血压14~17/9~12kPa,脉搏80~120bpm,切除左肾结扎肾静脉时见肾静脉内充满癌组织,此时血压17/10kPa,当清除肾周淋巴结时,突然心音消失,即切开膈肌行心脏挤压,见右心室呈充盈状,心肺  相似文献   

目的总结介入治疗左髂静脉压迫综合征的体会。方法经股静脉行左髂总静脉病变介入治疗60例,40例Ⅱ期行左大隐静脉高位结扎抽剥术。术后随访均行彩超检查。结果扩张成功55例。内置支架50例,出院时所有患者疗效良好。术后随访612个月,35例曲张静脉消失,26例肿胀消失或明显缓解,5例溃疡自行愈合。有2例行静脉造影或彩超检查见支架内血栓阻塞。结论左髂静脉压迫综合征的介入治疗效果肯定。  相似文献   

患者男,35岁,因左小腿中下段机器绞轧伤术后16d,小腿皮肤软组织坏死液化,伴有恶臭脓液流出,足部暗紫肿胀明显急转我院。急诊在硬膜外麻醉下行左小腿清创游离对侧股前外侧皮瓣修复术,术中见小腿中下段皮肤、肌肉软组织广泛液化坏死,胫前血管在小腿中部断裂结扎,胫、腓骨骨折钢板固定,胫骨断端缺损约3cm,足部完整,清创后小腿和足部的软组织连接只有胫后动脉及伴行静脉、胫神经和部分肌腱。  相似文献   

例1 男,36岁,因面、颈部1万伏高压电烧伤4天后入院。左侧面颈部可见11cm×14cm 电烧伤创面,软组织坏死,深达颧骨,下颌运动受限。行清创术,切除面颈部坏死组织,结扎面动、静脉后,形成面积为20cm×15cm、部分下颌骨、颧骨外露的创面,可见颈外  相似文献   

疝环充填式无张力疝修补治疗腰疝一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者男,36岁.因外伤后致左腰部出现可复性肿物3年入院.患者三年前从2.5米高处摔下,2个月后即于左腰部出现一可复性包块,站立及咳嗽时增大,并有下坠感,右侧卧位时消失.三年前曾于外院行"疝修补术",术后1周复发.查体:一般情况可,心肺无异常.左腰部髂骨嵴上,见一椭圆形肿物,5cm×5cm×3cm大小,无红肿及压痛,内容物可还纳入腹,可闻及肠鸣音,还纳后可及4cm×3cm大小的疝环口,病人咳嗽有冲击感,透光试验阴性.入院诊断为:1.外伤性左腰疝;2.左腰疝修补术后复发.  相似文献   

高压电烧伤颈部术后视网膜中央动脉栓塞一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者男,15岁,被10 kV高压电烧伤后9 h入院.查体:左腕部创面4 cm×5 cm,焦黄,手指无血运;颈肩部创面25cm×30 cm,肌肉外露;左大腿外侧创面20cm×15 cm.诊断:电烧伤总面积12%,其中深Ⅱ度4%、Ⅳ度8%TBSA.行左前臂清创探查,见腕部血管肌肉全部变性、坏死,因患者不同意截肢,清创后用油纱布敷料包扎.伤后2 d,患者血小板计数(PLT)477×109/L,红细胞(RBC)4.14×109/L.伤后4 d行左大腿巨大创面清创切痂植皮术,左前臂行截肢术.伤后6 d患者体温38.0~39.6℃,查PLT 772×109/L、RBC2.55×109/L、白细胞20×109/L,颈肩部创面液化、感染铜绿假单胞菌,给予抗生素、红细胞悬液、白蛋白等支持治疗.  相似文献   

杭州健康女性定量骨超声测定原发性骨质疏松   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 评价杭州健康女性骨超声速度(SOS)值随增龄减少和骨质疏松患病率,建立杭州地区女性骨超声速度值参考数据库。方法 定量超声法测定1208例杭州地区健康女性桡骨远端(RAD),第3指骨近节(PLX),第V跖骨(MTR)和胫骨中段(TIB)的超声速度值。结果 RAD、PLX、MTR和TIBSOS峰值(Peak of SOS)均出现在40-45岁,TJB的SOS峰值出现在35—40岁,此后随年龄增长而下降。绝经后妇女在绝经后早期和晚期各有1个SOS快速减少期,前见于桡骨近端,平均年减少率为2.4%,后见于胫骨中段,平均年减少率为1.8%。各部位骨SOS累积减少率随年龄增长而增加,到85岁4部位累积减少为13%-18%。60岁以后骨质疏松性症(OP)检出率为45%-70%,OP检出率以桡骨远端最高,60-70岁平均为67%,第3指骨近端次之约50%,胫骨中段最低为36%;75岁以后分别为70%,65%和45%。结论 全身各部位骨超声速度值到达峰值的年龄不同,峰值也各有差异。绝经后妇女骨超声速度值随年龄增加减少较快,应予激素和补钙治疗,桡骨远端为本地区SOS检测和OP检出的敏感部位。  相似文献   

The authors propose to use more often echocardiography (EchoCG) in examination of elderly (over 60 years) of age patients with cholecystitis that permits to increase surgical activity to 92.4%. Left ventricular ejection fraction is the most informative. When this fraction is lower than 45% surgery must be recommended on vital indications only. EchoCG was used in 155 patients with cholecystitis, 131 of them were operated. 2 (1.52%) patients died due to acute cardio-vascular insufficiency and pulmonary artery thromboembolism.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

目的 评价脊髓胶质细胞在小鼠骨癌痛形成中的作用.方法 健康雄性C3H/He小鼠40只,周龄8~10周,体重18~22 g,随机分为4组(n=10):假手术组(S组)、骨癌痛组(B组)、PBS组(P组)和米诺环素组(M组).S组跟骨骨髓腔内注射PBS 10 μl;余3组跟骨骨髓腔内注射含2×105个骨纤维肉瘤细胞的PBS 10 μl制备骨癌痛模型,于造模前即刻开始PBS组鞘内注射PBS 5μl,M组鞘内注射米诺环素(用PBS溶解为0.2 mmol/L)5μl,1次/d,连续11 d.于造模前1 d、造模后即刻、3、5、7、9、11 d时测定机械痛阈;于造模后3、7、9、11 d机械痛阈测定结束后测定冷痛阈.痛阈测定结束后处死小鼠,取脊髓组织,测定神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)和CD11b的表达水平.结果 与S组比较,B组和P组造模后3-11 d时、M组造模后3、5 d时机械痛阈升高,B组、P组和M组造模后7~11 d时冷痛阈升高,脊髓CD11b和GFAP表达上调(P<0.05).与B组比较,M组造模后3-11 d时机械痛阈降低,造模后7-11 d时冷痛阈降低,脊髓CD11b和GFAP表达下调(P<0.05).结论 脊髓胶质细胞(星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞)的激活参与了小鼠骨癌痛的形成.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

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