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Based on the goat genome database, we have annotated the genomic organization of the goat immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region. The goat IgH locus is present on seven genome scaffolds, and contains ten VH, three DH and six JH segments. After the exclusion of three shorter segments, the VH genes were divided into two gene families based on sequence similarity. By analyzing the IgH cDNA sequences, we further identified that VH2 (54.2%), DH1 (61.7%) and JH1 (60.5%) segments were most frequently utilized in the expression of the immunoglobulin variable region, and that point mutations introduced by somatic hypermutation were the major mutation present in these expressed variable region. Compared with human and horses, DH-DH fusion occurred at a higher frequency in goat V(D)J recombination. These results provided variable insights into goat immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region genome loci and repertoire diversity.  相似文献   

The V kappa IV gene encoding the light chain of an IgA has been shown to have undergone 31 somatic mutations compared with the single existing V kappa IV germ-line gene. We now show the persistence of the rearranged and mutated DNA coding for this RF over a period of 5 years in the peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of the patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The sequence of the RF has been conserved to identity over this period. These results raise the possibility that the particular antigenic stimulus leading to RF production in this RA patient is active over a long period of time.  相似文献   

To define mechanisms of sustained activation of synovial B lymphocytes in RA, we studied hybridomas established from the local synovial B cell repertoire of two RA patients for Vκ gene expression and for antigen-binding specificity. The analyses revealed that members of the main Vκ families (I, II and III) were utilized at frequencies consistent with random Vκ gene family use. Furthermore, although the hybridomas expressed genes frequently seen in response to other self- and exogenous antigens, only one VκI- and two of three VκIII-expressing hybridomas exhibited reactivity with self-antigens. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that all hybridomas, with the exception of rheumatoid factor (RF)-producing hybridomas, expressed Vκ genes highly related to known germ-line genes (99.3–100% homology) and that diversity was generated by deletions and random nucleotide insertions at the Vκ–Jκ junction. Examination of the few nucleotide changes seen within the Vκ genes revealed a predominance of silent to replacement changes. Moreover, most of these changes can be attributable either to allotypic variations or to limited random nucleotide replacements independent of antigen selection. In contrast, one IgG-RF (B4D8) exhibited predominantly replacement nucleotide changes in the complementarity-determining regions, suggestive of antigen-driven selection. The random expression of immunoglobulin variable region genes with no, or little, evidence of mutation in the synovial B lymphocyte repertoire, including natural polyreactive antibodies, alongside mutated IgG-RF, suggest that both polyclonal activation and antigen-driven responses occur in RA synovia.  相似文献   

A panel of T cell clones was derived from the synovial membrane of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We investigated whether T cell clones with cytolytic properties were present and whether T cell cytotoxicity was influenced by the presence of synovial fluid. These issues were studied using anti-CD3 and lectin-induced cytotoxicity assays. The majority of the T cell clones derived from the synovial membrane showed cytotoxic properties although non-cytotoxic clones were also found. Three clones (N11, N6 and N15) showed strong cytotoxicity (more than 40% lysis at an effector-to-target cell ratio of 10:1) whereas three clones (N16, N4 and N14) were non-cytotoxic (less than 20% lysis at an effector-to-target cell ratio of 10:1). The induction of cytotoxicity in the anti-CD3-driven system was shown to be dependent on the dose of anti-CD3 present. When synovial fluid was added to these assays a strong inhibition of cytotoxicity was found. This inhibition of cytotoxicity was found with synovial fluid samples of RA patients, as well as with non-RA synovial fluids. Both anti-CD3 and lectin-dependent cytotoxicity assays were strongly inhibited. In conclusion, T cell clones with cytotoxic activity can be isolated from rheumatoid synovial membrane. In the presence of synovial fluid these cytotoxic cells are inhibited to exert their cytotoxic function.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the immunoglobulin heavy chain (VH) gene variable regions (CDR2 and FW3) of 101 Japanese cases with peripheral B cell neoplasms. When all except one case with a deletion were graphed by frequency of replacement mutation, the 100 cases could be separated into two groups: 24 cases with zero, one and two mutations (germline or low frequency of somatic mutation); and 76 cases with three or more mutations (medium to high frequency of somatic mutation). While most mantle cell lymphoma cases (11/13) showed germline or low frequency of somatic mutation, all cases of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma (11/11), follicular lymphoma (three of three cases), plasma cell myeloma (seven of seven cases) and most cases of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL; 42/47) belonged to the latter group. These 76 cases, therefore, may be considered to show somatic hypermutation. More than half of chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma cases (CLL/SLL; eight of 13) showed a hypermutated VH gene and the ratio of replacement mutation: silent mutation in CDR2 of CLL/SLL was considerably higher compared with DLBCL and MALT lymphoma, showing somatic hypermutation. When comparing VH gene type of B cell-CLL (B-CLL) among our series and those in the literature, more cases of CD5+ B-CLL in the Western literature have the VH5 and VH6 family types, while more cases in Japan are reported to have VH4 family. The occurrence of VH families in B-CLL between Japanese and Western people seems to be comparable.  相似文献   

The generation of Ig heavy chain chain diversity is dependent on the ordered rearrangement of three different, i.e. variable (VH), diversity (DH), and joining (JH), germline gene segments, exonuclease nibbling of the terminals of these gene segments, and the addition of template-independent nucleotide (N-sequences) in the junctions of these segments. The latter process has recently been reported to be limited within B cells formed during early ontogeny. In this study, we have analysed a large number of VHDJH rearrangements isolated from genomic DNA of adult and neonatal C57BI/6 mice using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. A comparison of functional versus non-functional VHDJH rearrangements derived from these PCR libraries, or from a set of previously published clones of BALB/c origin, revealed a selection against N-region diversity both in neonatal and adult B cell repertoires. This selection process is most pronounced in the early development of the immune system but can still be observed in the adult. Furthermore, selection against N-sequence additions was evident amongst neonatal VHDJH rearrangements utilizing both VH 7183 and VH J558 genes, but only in VH 7183 utilizing clones of adult origin. These results imply that in addition to a developmentally controlled onset of N-sequence additions, cellular selection against N-region diversity exist both in the neonatal and adult immune system.  相似文献   

目的 研究中国慢性淋巴细胞白血病(chronic lymphocytic leukemia,CLL)患者免疫球蛋白重链可变区(immunoglobulin variable heavy chain region,IGVH)基因各个片段的组成以及突变情况.方法 应用多重PCR技术扩增64例CLL患者的IGVH基因片段,纯化PCR扩增产物后直接测序,应用IMGT/V-QUEST及IGBlast数据库分析,明确VH基因有无突变和突变位置,以及VH、DH,JH家族各个成员组成情况.结果 64例CLL患者中,VH3家族31例(48%)、VH4家族26例(41%)、VH1家族4例(6%)、VH2家族2例(3%)、VH7家族1例(2%).44例患者发生体细胞突变,占CLL患者的69%;20例无突变,占CLL患者的31%,其中6例(9%)VH基因的同源性为100%.VH4家族中有9例无突变(9/26,35%);VH3家族中8例无突变(8/31,26%);VH1家族中1例无突变(1/4,25%).在所检测的CLL标本中,VH4-34是最常见的VH基因片段,检测出8例(13%),其中无突变3例;其次为VH4-59,检测出7例(11%),无突变者3例.DH基因中DH3家族最常见,有25例(39%);其中11例(11/20,55%)出现在无突变组中.无突变组中最常见的DH基因片段为DH3-10和DH3-22,各为4例(4/20,20%).JH基因中JH6家族最常见,检测出23例(36%),其中9例出现在无突变组中(9/20,45%).结论 中国CLL患者IGVH基因家族表达比例和突变情况与西方国家存在显著差异,推测可能与不同的种族和环境中的抗原选择有关,其预后意义有待进一步探讨.  相似文献   

The light chain of an IgA kappa rheumatoid factor (RF) produced by a hybridoma derived from a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been shown to belong to the V kappa IV family. This RF light chain has 31 nucleotide differences compared with the single V kappa IV germline gene reported for the human genome. The patient's V kappa IV germline gene was sequenced, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and shown to be identical to that previously reported. This demonstrates that the RF light chain is the product of a somatically mutated gene. A comparison with other known V kappa IV sequences shows that the RF light chain has more replacement mutations than most of the known V kappa IV light chains.  相似文献   

The dominant presence of specific T-cell populations in the rheumatoid joint as detected by Southern blot analysis of T cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangements would indicate local antigen recognition and T cell proliferation. We therefore studied TCR beta chain gene rearrangements using a C beta 2 probe in paired samples of T cell populations from synovial tissue and peripheral blood (n = 6) as well as synovial fluid (n = 16) and peripheral blood (n = 18) of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors (n = 7) served as a control. T cells were studied directly after isolation or after non-specific expansion with OKT3 monoclonal antibody (MoAb) and T cell growth factor (TCGF). DNA samples were digested with EcoRI and HindIII to detect rearrangements to C beta 1 and C beta 2, respectively. Extra bands were detected in all EcoRI-digested DNA samples prepared from both freshly isolated and non-specifically expanded T cell populations of patients and healthy donors, possibly representing 'common' (V-) D-J rearrangements. Dominant rearrangements were found in only two out of 16 synovial fluid T cell populations (one freshly isolated and one expanded) and not in peripheral blood or synovial tissue derived T cell populations. No extra bands were detected in HindIII-digested DNA samples. To investigate the effect of in vitro culture techniques on rearrangement patterns we studied DNA samples prepared from synovial tissue T cells obtained both by outgrowth from tissue with TCGF or by enzyme digestion and subsequent expansion either with TCGF or with OKT3 MoAb and TCGF. Whereas the latter T cell population yielded 'common' rearrangements, the former T cell populations yielded different dominant rearrangements. These data indicate that oligoclonality of the T cell populations in synovial tissue and synovial fluid of patients with RA is a rare event. The data also show the influence of in vitro culture techniques on the result of TCR gene rearrangement analysis.  相似文献   

The production of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), TNF-beta and IL-6 in synovial fluid was studied in 50 samples of synovial fluid from 44 children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) by identifying cytokine production at a single-cell level. Post Ficoll-separated synovial fluid mononuclear cells were permeabilized and then intracellular TNF-alpha, TNF-beta and IL-6 protein production was examined using indirect immunofluorescence and murine anti-cytokine MoAbs. All three cytokines were measured in 37 of the 50 samples. In 25 of the 37 samples there was complete concordance; all three cytokines were present in six and absent in 19 samples. At least one cytokine was present in 27/50 (54%) of synovial fluid samples. Overall, TNF-alpha was detected in 22/49 (45%) samples, TNF-beta in 15/41 (37%) and IL-6 in 16/45 (36%) samples. Five patients had serial arthrocentesis, and in these samples there were two patients who had initially positive cytokine production, which on subsequent measurement was negative; in the other three patients there was no change from the previous cytokine production. We provide evidence that synovial fluid mononuclear cells produce monocyte and T cell cytokines in JRA. These findings suggest a role for both T cell and macrophage products in the pathogenesis of JRA, and the potential for modulation of cytokine production as a target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Products of polyamine oxidation down-regulate IL-2 production by peripheral blood T cells. We show here that the production of IL-2 by rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid mononuclear cells is inversely correlated with the concentrations of polyamines in these cells. In addition, the inhibition of polyamine biosynthesis or oxidation in cultures of these cells enhances their ability to produce IL-2. Our findings suggest that polyamine oxidation plays an important role in the suppression of T cell function characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluids.  相似文献   

探讨B7家族共刺激分子B7-H3在类风湿关节炎(RA)患者滑膜组织内的表达及分布。方法:使用免疫组化法检测RA患者滑膜组织B7-H3的表达,并使用免疫荧光法检测B7-H3在细胞中的定位及分布。结果:免疫组化结果证实,RA患者滑膜组织中有大量的B7-H3阳性细胞,形态观察提示这些阳性的细胞主要为毛细血管细胞、滑膜细胞、局部淋巴结处的T细胞及巨噬细胞;免疫荧光分析进一步表明这些B7-H3+细胞主要为CD68+巨噬细胞,CD31+内皮细胞及CK-18+上皮细胞。此外,对比其他B7家族共刺激分子在滑膜组织中的分布,免疫荧光发现B7-H3共表达于B7-DC+及HVEM+血管,但不表达于B7-H1+及B7-H4+细胞。类风湿关节炎滑膜组织内有大量B7-H3阳性细胞,提示B7-H3有可能参与并调节关节炎的病理进程。  相似文献   

《Molecular immunology》2015,66(2):215-223
The unique specificity of the B cell receptor is generated by an ordered sequence of gene rearrangement events. Once IGH genes have rearranged, rearrangement at the IGK locus is initiated followed by the IGL locus if functional IGK rearrangement is not achieved. Receptor specificity can subsequently be altered by secondary light chain editing based on the features of the heavy and light chain combination. The final profile of expressed genes is not random and biases in this profile are associated with several autoimmune diseases. However, how and when biases are created is not known.To increase our understanding of the processes of selection and editing of IGK rearrangements, we compared four groups of rearrangements of IGK acquired by next generation sequencing. First, expressed rearrangements of IGK from cDNA of IGK expressing B cells. Second, productive rearrangements of IGK from DNA of the same kappa expressing B cells. Third, non-productive rearrangements of IGK from DNA of IGK and IGL expressing B cells, and fourth productively rearranged IGK from DNA of IGL expressing B cells. The latter group would have been rejected during B cell development in favour of rearrangement at the IGL locus and are therefore selected against.We saw evidence that rearranged IGK segments can be selected at a checkpoint where the decision to rearrange the IGL locus is made. In addition, our data suggest that mechanisms regulating the expression or not of IGK rearrangements may also contribute to repertoire development and also that this latter component of the selection process is defective in SLE.  相似文献   

To investigate the origin of circulating rheumatoid factor (RF) and the relation between RF production at different sites in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), mononuclear cells derived from bone marrow, synovium and peripheral blood of patients with RA were examined for the presence of plasma cells and for their capacity to produce RF and other immunoglobulins in vitro. Analysis of culture supernatants for the presence of immunoglobulins demonstrated that cells derived from bone marrow, synovium and peripheral blood were all found to be capable of producing every immunoglobulin and RF isotype investigated. No significant correlations were found between concentrations of immunoglobulin isotypes produced by cells derived from different sites of one individual. Significant correlations were found, however, between concentrations of RF isotypes produced by cells derived from the three sites. These results indicate that the production of RF in the different compartments is not an autonomously regulated process. Mononuclear cells derived from bone marrow were found to be able to produce RF in similar quantities to cells dissociated from synovial tissue. In combination with the fact that circulating immunoglobulins are produced mainly in the bone marrow, this observation suggests that bone marrow is also a major source of circulating RF.  相似文献   

During B cell development, immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) variable region (VH) genes are rearranged and expressed in a programmed manner and accumulating evidence suggests recurrent utilization of developmentally restricted VH genes in malignant B lymphoid populations. We have used polymerase chain reaction gene amplification in conjunction with a panel of VH family-specific amplimers to directly compare the repertoire of VH region rearrangement in mature, CD5+ B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia with that in immature, CD5 B lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The results revealed a diverse pattern of VH family utilization common to both disease groups in which VH regions most proximal to the IgH joining locus were preferentially rearranged relative to their family sizes with recurrent utilization of several known developmentally restricted VH genes in close to germ-line configuration. These results indicate that biased VH family usage is independent of tumor cell phenotype in B lineage leukemias. This bias may reflect similar stages or compartments in normal B lymphopoiesis from which diverse types of B cell malignancy may arise. Moreover, since blast cells in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia do not express functional immunoglobulin, we infer that the tumor cell-associated VH family repertoire is determined through antigen-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The basic region–leucine zipper (bZip) factor BTB, CNC homology 2 (BACH2) is known to have important roles in class switch recombination and somatic hypermutation (SHM) of the immunoglobulin (Ig) gene. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the expression of BACH2 and the status of SHM of the Ig heavy chain gene variable region (IgHV) for SHM in diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma (DLBCL). We examined 20 cases of DLBCL, 13 of which were germinal center B‐cell (GCB) DLBCL and 7 were non‐GCB DLBCL. Seven cases were negative, 6 were positive (cytoplasmic expression) and 7 were strongly positive (both nuclear and cytoplasmic expression) for BACH2. Confirmed mutation (CM) was identified in 8 cases and the CM index (number of confirmed mutations per 10 subclones) was distributed from 0 to 5. A CM index of 7 strongly positive (over‐expression) cases with BACH2 were distributed from 0 to 5, and that of 7 negative and 6 positive cases were distributed from 0 to 1. Over‐expression of BACH2 was statistically related to CM index (P = 0.008). In conclusion, over‐expression of BACH2 is critical for ongoing SHM of IgHV in DLBCL, and our data suggest that BACH2 may play an essential role for SHM of the Ig gene in B‐cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

Synovial membrane samples obtained at knee arthroplasty from 22 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were characterized histologically. Two groups were identified. Tissue samples from 15 patients demonstrated multiple focal lymphoid aggregates of mononuclear cells (group A). Samples from the remaining seven patients demonstrated diffuse mononuclear cell infiltration (group B). Samples of each synovial membrane (0.25 g) were cultured for cytokine production. The highest levels of IL-1 beta and IL-6 were produced by group A tissues: 19.1 +/- 19.6 ng/ml IL-1 beta (mean +/- s.d.) and 264.4 +/- 301.9 ng/ml IL-6, versus 3.8 +/- 6.6 ng/ml and 54.7 +/- 42.6 ng/ml respectively. Small quantities of IL-2 and IL-4 were measured in both groups: the levels of IL-2 in group A cultures were highest (P = 0.04). Moreover, using MoAbs, the most intense cytokine staining in the tissues was detected in group A. Similar total numbers of each cell subpopulation and similar quantities of immunoglobulin and rheumatoid factor synthesis were measured in both groups. It is suggested that the presence of multiple focal lymphoid aggregates associated with higher levels of cytokine production observed in group A represent a greater degree of immunological activation, and may represent a subgroup of patients with a greater potential for articular destruction.  相似文献   

A total of 14 transformed cell clones were obtained by micro-injecting origin-defective SV40 DNA into three types of cloned adherent synovial cells (ASC) (dendritic cells (DCs), macrophage-like cells (MCs), and fibroblast-like cells (FCs)) from two rheumatoid arthritis patients (five DC clones (SV40-DCs), five MC clones (SV40-MCs) and four FC clones (SV40-FCs)). All the transformed cell nuclei expressed SV40-specific T antigen. The cells which formed a colony had a few times shorter doubling time than the original cells. IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta and prostaglandin E2 were detected in the culture supernatant from the unstimulated transformed cells like untransformed cells. The SV40-DCs showed the most potent accessory cell function in oxidative mitogenesis assay among the three types of SV40-ASCs. Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulatory factor (GM-CSF) was detected only in the culture supernatant from the SV40-MCs without stimulation. Extensive phenotypic analysis revealed relatively cell-specific markers. SV40-DCs were HLA-DP+ and glial fibrillary acidic protein positive. SV40-MCs stained positive for 5'-nucleotidase and nonspecific esterase. These transformed ASCs retained much of the original cellular physiology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) ASCs and may be a useful tool for characterizing the role of ASCs in the pathogenesis of RA.  相似文献   

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