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We present a rare case of primary tracheal schwannoma in a 49-year-old man who had experienced obstructive airway symptoms for 4 years. Computed Tomography (CT) showed an intratracheal polipoid mass lesion originating from the left lateral wall. Fibre-optic bronchoscopy revealed the diagnosis of an intratracheal poylpoid mass obstructing 70% of the lumen. After diagnosing a benign lesion by punch biopsies with bronchoscopy, thoracotomy was performed and the tumour was totally excised. Histopathological examination revealed a benign neurogenic tumour of schwann cell origin.  相似文献   

Primary intrasellar schwannoma: case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case is presented of a primary intrasellar and suprasellar schwannoma mimicking a pituitary tumor clinically, endocrinologically, and radiographically.  相似文献   

Primary liposarcoma of the thyroid gland is exceedingly rare with only five previous reports in the literature. We report a case of a 40-year-old male patient with nodular goitre with the suspicion of malignancy in Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy. Total thyroidectomy was performed. The histopathological examination revealed a well-differentiated thyroid liposarcoma. The patient recovered uneventfully. Postoperatively, radiotherapy was given to the neck region. During a 2-year follow-up period, no recurrence of the disease occured.  相似文献   

Thyroid tuberculosis is a very rare condition even if the incidence of extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis has increased. We report the case of a 56-year old female patient with tuberculosis of the thyroid gland and tubercular lymphadenitis of the neck mimicking thyroid malignancy. The diagnosis was established on histological examination after surgery in August 2002. Total thyroidectomy and central neck dissection were performed for very hard euthyroid multinodular goiter and paratracheal bilateral lymphadenopathy. There were no evidence of tubercular involvement of the other organs. The patient underwent combination treatment with antitubercular drugs for 6 months. During the three years follow-up period there was no evidence of disease recurrence.  相似文献   

原发性甲状腺鳞癌1例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
原发性甲状腺鳞状细胞癌是一种少见的,恶性程度较高的肿瘤。我院自2000年以来,收治1例,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨原发于膀胱的神经鞘瘤和恶性周围神经鞘瘤在组织病理学、临床表现、治疗和预后上的特点,确立两者的鉴别诊断思路.方法 回顾1例原发于膀胱的神经鞘瘤的临床诊疗过程,结合有关膀胱神经鞘瘤及膀胱恶性周围神经鞘瘤的文献资料进行分析.结果 在组织病理和免疫组化方面,原发于膀胱的神经鞘瘤和恶性周围神经鞘瘤有明显差异.结论 原发于膀胱的神经鞘瘤临床极其少见,易与膀胱常见肿瘤混淆,造成误诊,免疫组化为重要的确诊依据.膀胱恶性周围神经鞘瘤应以高度恶性的软组织肉瘤进行处理.临床上应重视两种疾病的鉴别,以正确地指导临床诊疗.  相似文献   

Neurilemoma, like other non-epithelial tumors, seldom occurs in the thyroid gland. A 57-year-old man was first referred to our hospital with an asymptomatic anterior neck tumor. A solid tumor was detected in the right lobe of the thyroid and an enucleation of the thyroid tumor was performed. The tumor was 35×33×33 mm in size, and diagnosed as Antoni A type neurilemoma. We were only able to find seven previously reported detailed cases of primary neurilemoma of the thyroid gland. A review of these cases, however, revealed that neurilemoma tends to develop in the right lobe of the thyroid gland. An operation is thus considered necessary and an enucleation of the tumor is appropriate.  相似文献   

Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland is rare. We report here a case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland in a middle aged woman who had a thyroid nodule of 12 years duration with a recent rapid increase in size and associated with pressure symptoms. There was massive enlargement of the thyroid with retrosternal extension and fixity. Cervical nodes were also enlarged. The X-rays revealed calcification. A palliative thyroidectomy was done leaving the residual tumour behind. Endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy were required for respiratory distress in the postoperative period.  相似文献   

Primary squamous cell carcinoma is an extremely rare tumour of the thyroid gland. A case of an elderly lady who was diagnosed to have primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland is presented and the role of radiotherapy is discussed.  相似文献   

Ancient schwannomas are benign long standing schwannomas of the neural sheaths. Histological findings are these seen as in conventional schwannomas, but ancient schwannomas additionally demonstrate cystic hemorrhagic changes and degenerative nuclei with pleomorphism and hyperchromasia. Due to the nuclear atypia, and cystic degeneration, ancient schwannomas might be confused with malignant tumors on histology and imaging, leading to a radical surgical approach. The median nerve is rarely affected. We present a rare case of an ancient schwannoma involving the median nerve at the mid humerus. The tumor slowly grew up within ten years and become symptomatic with local pain, mild numbness in the distribution of the median nerve in the palm and Tinel’s test. The tumor was successfully removed by separating it from the nerve fascicles to negative margins. Post-operatively local symptoms relieved but minor sensory loss in the median nerve distribution in the palm was noticed which improved in the following six months. Ancient schwannomas can be misdiagnosed as sarcomas due to specific imaging and histologic findings. Patients’ physical examination, history and fine radiologic and pathology features should be cautiously interpreted in order to achieve correct diagnosis and avoid unnecessary wide tumor excisions.  相似文献   

Subfrontal schwannoma: a case report   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A case of a 63-year-old woman with subfrontal schwannoma of the left side is presented. The patient had a two-month history of recent memory disturbance and unstable gait. Computed tomography represented an isodense mass lesion with large and small cystic components in the anterior cranial fossa, enhancing homogeneously after intravenous injection of contrast medium. Cerebral angiograms revealed a noticeable hypovascularity. She underwent total resection of the tumor on May 21, 1986. It was verified that the tumor was attached to the left olfactory groove and had invaded the ethmoid bone. It was suggested that this tumor arose from one of the meningeal branches of the trigeminal nerve or of the anterior ethmoid nerve. Histological examination proved that this neoplasm was of schwannoma.  相似文献   

Intraventricular schwannoma: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ventricular schwannomas are very uncommon. We report such a tumor in the right lateral ventricle of a 16-year-old young man. The various etiopathogenic hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

A 67-year-old man was admitted for a complaint of lumbago. The patient had had the three operations for the schwannoma in spinal cord at the Neurosurgical Department of our hospital. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a right infrarenal tumor by chance. The tumor compressed the right kidney and measured 6 x 5 cm in size. On the tentative diagnosis of the retroperitoneal tumor, the patient was referred to the department of urology in our hospital and the tumor was excised. The histological diagnosis of the removed retroperitoneal tumor was schwannoma, and was thought to be heterotopic recurrent schwannoma.  相似文献   

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