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A series of intertypic (type 3/type 1) poliovirus recombinants was obtained whose crossover sites were expected to be located in the middle of the viral genome, between the loci encoding type-specific antigenic properties, on the 5' side, and an altered sensitivity to guanidine, on the 3' side. The primary structures of the crossover regions in the genomes of these recombinants were determined by the primer extension method. The length of the crossover sites (the uninterrupted sequences shared by the recombinant and both parental genomes that are flanked, in the recombinant RNAs, by two heterotypic segments) varied between 2 and 32 nucleotides, but the majority of the sites were 5 nucleotides long or shorter. The crossover sites were nonrandomly distributed over the presumably available genome region: only a single such site was found within the gene for polypeptide 2A, whereas an apparent clustering of the crossover sites was encountered in other genomic segments. When the crossover sites were superimposed on a model of the secondary structure of the relevant region of the viral RNA molecule, a pattern consistent with the previously proposed mechanism of poliovirus recombination (L.I. Romanova, V.M. Blinov, E.A. Tolskaya, E.G. Viktorova, M.S. Kolesnikova, E.I. Guseva, and V.I. Agol (1986) Virology 155, 202-213) was observed. It is suggested that the nonrandom distribution of the crossover sites in the genomes of intertypic poliovirus recombinants was due to two factors: the existence of preferred sites for recombination, and selection against recombinants with a lowered level of viability.  相似文献   

M E Boursnell  V Mautner 《Virology》1981,112(1):198-209
Wild-type recombinants have been selected from intertypic genetic crosses between Ad2 and Ad5 ts mutants, with lesions within or close to the hexon gene, and the structure of the recombinant genomes has been examined by restriction endonuclease analysis. The recombinants with a crossing over within or in the vicinity of the hexon gene were subjected to a more detailed analysis, using restriction enzyme maps of the HindIII A fragment (map coordinates, 50.1–72.8) constructed for endonucleases that cut the DNA many times, viz. HaeII, HindII, and TaqI. These analyses indicated that crossover sites are confined to regions of relatively high DNA homology. More detailed mapping within the hexon region of Ad2 and Ad5, using a large battery of enzymes, confirmed this and allowed subdivision into three zones on the basis of the distribution of restriction endonuclease recognition sites; at the left-hand amino terminus there is almost complete homology between Ad2 and Ad5, the right-hand half of the gene displays partial homology as judged by the even distribution of common and unique sites, while a central segment of the hexon gene has no common restriction sites. This segment, defined by unique sites, coincides with the region of the Ad2 hexon polypeptide implicated in the trypsin sensitivity of the native hexon, and probably also determines the type-specific antigenicity and electrophoretic mobility of the hexon.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the adenovirus type 5 genome has been determined for a 620-bp region that spans the C terminus of the pVI gene and the N terminus of the hexon gene, and compared to the adenovirus type 2 DNA sequence: 25 base changes have been identified, most of which do not lead to alterations in the amino acid sequence and regulatory signals in the region. Crossover sites in three intertypic recombinants have been previously located in this region of the genome by fine restriction mapping. A sequence determination for the three recombinants, and the four ts mutants used in generating the ts+ recombinants, was carried out. The crossovers were in each case located in a small region of complete sequence homology (from 45 to 156 nucleotides long) flanked on either side by sequences derived from each parent. These structures are compatible with a reciprocal crossing over model of generalised recombination, where a recombinant joint has resolved in a region of high DNA homology. For the recombinants considered here, this region abutts onto a neighbouring region of much lower sequence homology, and it is possible that the position of the crossover is determined at least in part by the termination of branch migration at a heterologous boundary.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that RNA structural elements promote the distribution of certain types of recombination junctions in each one of the 2C and 3D poliovirus genomic regions (Sabin 3/Sabin 2 or Sabin 1 in 2C and Sabin 2/Sabin 1 or Sabin 3 in 3D), we searched in 2C and 3D regions of reference Sabin strains for high probability RNA structural elements that could promote recombination. Recombination junctions that were identified in clinical strains of this study, as well as in clinical strains of previous studies, were superimposed on RNA secondary structure models of 2C and 3D genomic regions. Furthermore, we created an in vitro model, based on double infection of cell-culture with two poliovirus strains, for the production and identification of recombinant Sabin strains in 2C and 3D regions. Our intention was to compare the results that refer to the correlation of recombination junctions and RNA secondary structures in 2C and 3D regions of clinical strains, with the respective results of the in vitro model. Most of the recombination junctions of the clinical strains were correlated with RNA secondary structure elements, which were identical between recombining Sabin strains, and also presented high predictive value. In consensus were, the respective results originated from the in vitro model. We propose that the distribution of specific types of recombination junctions in certain regions of Sabin strains is not fortuitous and is correlated with RNA secondary structure elements identical to both recombination partners. Furthermore, results of this study highlight an important role for the stem region of the RNA structure elements in promoting recombination.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to map, in a general way, the region of the poliovirus genome that is responsible for the neurovirulent and attenuated phenotypes of different virus strains. A set of four recombinants was investigated, one described previously (E. A. Tolskaya, L. I. Romanova, M. S. Kolesnikova, and V. I. Agol, 1983, Virology 124, 121-132) and three obtained in the present work with the following genetic structure: a 5' end-adjacent segment of the genome derived from either a virulent strain (452/62 3D), or from an attenuated strain (Leon-2) of poliovirus type 3, the remaining RNA sequences being derived from either a virulent strain (Mgr), or an attenuated strain (LSc-gr3) of poliovirus type 1. The crossover points in the recombinant genomes were centrally located, somewhere between the gene(s) that determines antigenic specificity of the virus and the locus that determines resistance of virus multiplication to low doses of guanidine. The recombinant nature of the newly selected clones was definitively established by mapping RNase T1 oligonucleotides of their genome. The recombinants were characterized with respect to their ability to produce infectious progeny and synthesize viral RNA at an elevated temperature. Neurovirulence of the recombinants was assayed by intracerebral inoculation of monkeys. Irrespective of the origin of the 3' end-adjacent segment of the genome, the recombinants that inherited the 5' end-adjacent segment from the neurovirulent parent were neurovirulent, whereas the recombinants with the 5' end-adjacent segment derived from the attenuated parent were not. The results suggest that the major determinants of neurovirulence of these recombinants (and by inference, of their parental viruses) reside in the 5' end-adjacent segment of poliovirus genome, known to code for capsid proteins.  相似文献   

Five representatives from a collection of 21 Sabin type 2-like poliovirus strains isolated from paralytic poliomyelitis cases in two regions of the USSR have been subjected to limited nucleotide sequencing. All proved to be intertypic recombinants having the genes encoding capsid proteins of Sabin 2 origin and a 3'-end portion of the genome derived from either type 1 (3 isolates) or type 3 (2 isolates) Sabin strains. The crossover points in all the 5 genomes have been mapped to different loci of the P3 region. At least 6 additional isolates from the same collection (and 2 isolates from healthy contacts), appeared to have a type 2/type 1 recombinant genome, as judged by oligonucleotide mapping. The biological significance of frequent occurrence of recombinants among field isolates of vaccine-related strains is discussed.  相似文献   

Recombinants with a centrally located crossover point were selected from crosses between poliovirus type 1 strains and intertypic (type 3/type 1) recombinants. Two such recombinants were characterized in some detail. In one of them (v1/a1-6), the 5' half of the genome was derived from a virulent type 1 strain, while the 3' half came from an attenuated type 1 strain. The genome of the other recombinant (a1/v1-7) had the reverse organization, with the 5' and 3' halves being derived from the type 1 attenuated and virulent strains, respectively. As deduced from the RNase T1 oligonucleotide maps, the a1/v1-7 genome also had a relatively short centrally located insert of the poliovirus type 3 origin. Both recombinants exhibited ts phenotypes. The RNA phenotypes of the recombinants corresponded to that of the parent donating the 3' half of the genome, v1/a1-6 and a1/v1-7 expressing RNA- and RNA +/- characters, respectively. Despite being a ts RNA- virus, v1/a1-6 proved to be neurovirulent when injected intracerebrally into Cercopithecus aethiops monkeys, although it exhibited a somewhat diminished level of pathogenicity as compared to its virulent type 1 parent. Recombinant a1/v1-7 behaved as an attenuated strain. These data supported our previous conclusion drawn from the experiments with intertypic poliovirus recombinants that the attenuated phenotype of poliovirus depends largely on the structure of the 5' half of its genome, although mutations of the 3' half may alleviate the virulence of the virus to a degree.  相似文献   

R Duggal  E Wimmer 《Virology》1999,258(1):30-41
Genetic recombination that occurs with high frequency during poliovirus genome replication is a process whose molecular mechanism is poorly understood. Studies of genetic recombination in a cell-free system in vitro and in infected tissue culture cells in vivo have led to the unexpected observation that temperature strongly influences the loci at which cross-over between the two recombining RNA strands occurs. Specifically, cross-over between two genetically marked RNA strands in vitro and in vivo at 34 degrees C occurred over a wide range of the genome. In contrast, recombination in vivo at 37 and 40 degrees C yielded cross-over patterns that had shifted dramatically to a region encoding nonstructural proteins. Preferential selection of recombinants at 37 and 40 degrees C was ruled out by analyses of the growth kinetics of the recombinants. During the studies of recombination in the cell-free system we found that there is a direct correlation between the ability of a poliovirus RNA molecule to replicate in the cell-free system and its capacity to complement de novo virus synthesis programmed by another viral RNA.  相似文献   

The ability of arenaviruses to form recombinant viruses by viral RNA segment reassortment has been investigated using a cloned, high-temperature adapted strain of prototype Pichinde virus (PIC), and a cloned, alternate Pichinde virus topotype named Pichinde Munchique (designated MUC). The oligonucleotide fingerprints of the large and small viral RNA segments of the two viruses can be easily distinguished. The virion RNA species of cloned wild-type progeny viruses recovered from dual wild-type PIC and MUC coinfections of BHK-21 cells have been analyzed by oligonucleotide fingerprinting. Other than PIC and MUC genotypes, progeny virus clones were found with PIC/MUC (large/small) RNA segment genotypes, indicating that these recombinant arenaviruses were formed by RNA segment reassortment. Dual infections of BHK-21 cells with a temperature-sensitive (ts), conditional lethal, mutant of MUC and the Group I ts mutants of PIC (but not the PIC Group II ts mutants), have yielded wild-type progeny viruses at high frequency. Genotype analysis of one of these recombinant progeny showed that it had a PIC/MUC genotype. This result indicated that the Group I mutants of PIC have a defective small viral RNA segment, and that the MUC ts mutant (and probably the PIC Group II ts mutants) has a defective large viral RNA segment. Plaque size analyses of the parental wild-type and reassortment viruses have shown that the plaque size of the reassortants was determined by the large viral RNA segment. Tryptic peptide analyses of the nucleocapsid (N) polypeptide of the PIC/MUC recombinant by comparison to similar analyses for PIC and MUC indicate that the recombinant has a MUC N polypeptide, i.e., that the viral S RNA codes for N polypeptide.  相似文献   

V H Johnson  B L Semler 《Virology》1988,162(1):47-57
We describe the isolation of a variant of a polio--coxsackie recombinant virus (PCV110) containing a genomic RNA with a chimeric 5'-noncoding region. The variant virus [designated PCV110(1)] has growth and biosynthetic properties that are quite different from the original, temperature-sensitive isolate of the recombinant virus [designated PCV110(4)]. Nucleotide sequencing of the 5'-noncoding region of RNA from PCV110(1) revealed a 4-base deletion within the substituted coxsackievirus region of the chimeric genome that may contribute to the loss of temperature sensitivity of this variant recombinant virus. In addition, we have generated new recombinant viruses that contain (1) coxsackievirus sequences within the N66-N627 region of the poliovirus genome and (2) coxsackievirus sequences substituted from N1-N627 in the poliovirus genome. These recombinant viruses are not temperature sensitive for growth at 37 degrees and have biosynthetic properties similar to those of wild-type poliovirus. Our results provide evidence that replicase recognition signals encoded in the 5' noncoding regions of enterovirus genomic RNAs are not strictly sequence specific.  相似文献   

A secondary structure map of poliovirus 1, strain Mahoney, RNA was determined by psoralen crosslinking the (+) strand and visualizing the structures in the electron microscope. Hairpins and looped hairpins were observed, and the size and distribution were measured. To orient map features the 3' end of the RNA was linked to polybromodeoxyuridine [poly(BUdR)]SV40 and histograms were constructed from these measurements. Secondary structure maps of the RNA were likewise constructed from the results of computer prediction programs for secondary structure. The programs used were those of M. Zuker (RNA2 and FOLD) which calculate a minimal global energy for a given sequence. Many single hairpins predicted by both RNA2 and FOLD showed a correlation with the histograms of hairpin structures of RNA crosslinked with psoralen. A secondary structure map was also constructed for the entire 7433 bases using the option in FOLD which allows multi-branch loops by folding uniformly stepped overlapping segments. Any structure that occurred at or greater than a given frequency was selected and mapped with respect to genome position. A correlation in structured regions was seen between psoralen-derived and computer-predicted maps of secondary structure. Furthermore, a region of large loops from base position 681 to 3899 was noted that corresponded to frequently observed large loop(s) in electron micrographs of psoralen preparations of RNA. Agreement between the two methods of determining secondary structure strengthens the credibility of the computer-aided methods used for predicting secondary structure and allows us to suggest an overall secondary structure map for poliovirus RNA.  相似文献   

Analyzing more than 100 independent rice cybrids, we found evidence for inter-molecular recombination between parental mitochondrial genomes occurring at high frequency soon after protoplast fusion. The structure of the region around the atp6 gene showed extensive polymorphism among Indica (MTC-5A), Japonica (Nipponbare), and wild abortive (IR58024A) mitochondrial genomes. Recombination between the mitochondrial genomes of IR58024A and MTC-5A around the atp6 gene was detected by Southern-blot analysis of cybrid plants. Such recombinant mitochondrial molecules were also cloned from IR58024A/Nipponbare cybrid callus. PCR analysis around the atp6 gene demonstrated that inter-parental recombination occurs in practically all cybrid calli within 2 weeks after protoplast fusion. At this point, parental and recombinant mitochondrial genomes coexisted within the callus. Over the course of further cultivation, however, mitochondrial genome diversity decreased as parental and/or recombinant genomes segregated out.  相似文献   

Summary The genomes of two neurovirulent strains of poliovirus type 3, wild type P3/Leon/37 and a vaccine revertant P3/119/70, have been cloned inE. coli. The cDNA:RNA hybrid method used was efficient and may have wide applicability for cDNA cloning. Overlapping clones spanning the entire genome were obtained for each strain. These have been used to produce full-length DNA copies of the two genomes each within a single plasmid.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The RNA genome of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) was analysed for the degree of inverted complementarity and thus potential secondary structure using the procedure of Pustell and Kafatos [Nucleic Acids Res (1982) 10: 4765–4782]. Regions of crossover in 42 FMDV recombinants [King et al. (1985) Virus Res 3: 373–384; Saunders et al. (1985) J Virol 56: 921–929] and regions lacking crossovers were assigned an average secondary structure score against which the number of observed recombinants was plotted. In general it was found that the mean value of potential secondary structure is significantly higher in crossover zones than in recombination-free zones. Recombination increased much more steeply with increasing secondary structure in the part of the genome coding for non-structural proteins than in the 5 third of the genome coding for structural proteins.Member of the MRC Virology Unit.  相似文献   

Summary This communication reports on the release of Mycoplasmavirus L 1 after infection ofAcholeplasma laidlawii with purified L 3 virus. Release also occurred after transfection with certain restriction fragments from MV-L3 and MV-L1 genomes. Since circular molecules are efficiently taken up in polyethylene glycol-mediated transfection, inducing fragments were applied cloned inE. coli plasmids. Release was also observed after electroporation of cells incubated with MV-L 1 replicative intermediate DNA and linear MV-L 3 DNA isolated from virus particles, respectively. Released MV-L 1 viruses were identified after virus plaque formation on indicator lawns according to plaque morphology and hybridization with labeled viral DNA probes as well as by DNA restriction analysis. Uninfected and untransfected cells from six laboratory strains ofA. laidlawii (including a MV-L 1 resistant one) were examined for the presence of MV-L 1 DNA. They all bear MV-L 1 DNA integrated in their genomes.  相似文献   

The structure of heated poliovirus particles   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

The effect of phleomycin on poliovirus RNA replication   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T T Hecht  D F Summers 《Virology》1970,40(3):441-447

P G Dewalt  W S Blair  B L Semler 《Virology》1990,174(2):504-514
A mutagenic oligonucleotide cassette was used to introduce single and tandem amino acid substitutions into the proteinase 3C coding region of an infectious poliovirus type 1 cDNA. The sites targeted for mutagenesis, residues 60, 61, and 66, are located within a putative helical loop structure which may be involved in substrate recognition by the enzyme. Fourteen viable 3C proteinase mutants were isolated. A Lys----Arg substitution at position 60 resulted in cold sensitivity for growth at 33 degrees. Replacement of Lys 60 with Ile, either singly or in combination with substitutions at position 61, resulted in viruses that produced three- to fivefold more 3D RNA polymerase than wild-type poliovirus. 3C-mediated processing of the remaining sites within the polyprotein was not noticeably affected. The overproduction of 3D is a consequence of more efficient processing of the carboxy-terminal Gln-Gly amino acid pair of 3C. Together with a previous report in which substitution of Val 54 with an Ala residue results in a poliovirus that produces decreased levels of 3D, these observations provide evidence that the putative loop region (residues 51-66) may be a functional domain involved in recognition of the carboxy-terminal Gln-Gly cleavage site of 3C.  相似文献   

Cai L  Han X  Ni J  Yu X  Zhou Z  Zhai X  Chen X  Tian K 《Virus research》2011,158(1-2):281-288
Porcine circovirus diseases (PCVD) are globally emerging diseases that have huge economic impacts on swine industry. Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is considered to be the essential primary causative agent of PCVD. In the present study, recombination analyses of PCV2 identified two possible recombination events with high confidence using recombination detection program, phylogenetic analysis and base-by-base comparison. These recombination events occurred between strains 09CQ (HQ395024) and ZhuJi2003 (AY579893), giving rise to two recombinants 09GS (HQ395028) and HN0907 (GU938303). Phylogenetic analyses of the parental strains at full length level suggest that natural recombination happened between PCV2b strains. Interestingly, recombination of the two parental strains yielded two recombinants through different recombination patterns with crossover regions mainly located in ORF1 and ORF2, respectively. These results demonstrate that recombination between PCV2b strains can occur both in non-structural protein coding region and structural protein coding region. Our study not only indicates that PCV2b strains can undergo recombination through a variety of patterns, but also suggests that recombination contributes to the genetic diversity of PCV2.  相似文献   

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