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Efficacy of chemotherapy in advanced stages of colorectal tumours is limited. The quinolone antibiotic ciprofloxacin was recently shown to inhibit growth and to induce apoptosis in human bladder carcinomas cells. We investigated the effect of ciprofloxacin on colon carcinoma lines in vitro. CC-531, SW-403 and HT-29 colon carcinoma and HepG2 hepatoma cells (control cells) were exposed to ciprofloxacin. Proliferation was assessed by bromodeoxyuridine-incorporation into DNA and apoptosis was measured by flow cytometry after propidium iodide or JC-1 staining. Expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and pro-apoptotic Bax was analyzed by semiquantitative Western blot analysis and activity of caspases 3, 8 and 9 by substrate-cleavage assays. Ciprofloxacin suppressed DNA synthesis of all colon carcinoma cells time- and dose-dependently, whereas the hepatoma cells remained unaffected. Apoptosis reached its maximum between 200 and 500 microg ml(-1). This was accompanied by an upregulation of Bax and of the activity of caspases 3, 8 and 9, and paralleled by a decrease of the mitochondrial membrane potential. Ciprofloxacin decreases proliferation and induces apoptosis of colon carcinoma cells, possibly in part by blocking mitochondrial DNA synthesis. Therefore, qualification of ciprofloxacin as adjunctive agent for colorectal cancer should be evaluated.  相似文献   

Bisphosphonates (BPs) are an emerging class of drugs mostly used in the palliative care of cancer patients. We investigated the in vitro activity of the most potent antiresorptive BP, zoledronic acid (ZOL), on the growth and survival of three human pancreatic cancer (PC) cell lines (BxPC-3, CFPAC-1 and PANC-1). Pancreatic cancer frequently has a dysregulated p21(ras) pathway and therefore appears to be a suitable target for BPs that interfere with the prenylation of small GTP-binding proteins such as p21(ras). We found that ZOL induces growth inhibition (IC(50):10-50 micro M) and apoptotic death of PC cells. The proapoptotic effect was correlated to cleavage/activation of caspase-9 and poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase, but not of caspase-3. Moreover, we studied the p21(ras) signalling in cells exposed to ZOL and detected a reduction of p21(ras) and Raf-1 content and functional downregulation of the terminal enzyme ERK/MAPkinase and of the pKB/Akt survival pathway. Finally, we observed that ZOL induces significant cytoskeletal rearrangements. In conclusion, we demonstrated that ZOL induces growth inhibition and apoptosis on PC cells and interferes with growth and survival pathways downstream to p21(ras). These findings might be relevant for expanding application of BPs in cancer treatment.  相似文献   

In addition to its primary role as growth factor, human growth hormone (hGH) can also participate in cell survival, as already documented by its protective effect on human monocytes or human promyelocytic leukaemia U937 cells exposed to a Fas-mediated cell death signal. However, despite similarities in the molecular events following Fas and TNF-alpha receptor engagement, we report that U937 cells, genetically engineered to constitutively produce hGH, were made more sensitive to TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis than parental cells. This was due to overproduction of the antioxidant glutathione, which decreased the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB activity known to control the expression of survival genes. These findings were confirmed in vivo, in nude mice bearing U937 tumours coinjected with recombinant hGH and the NF-kappaB -inducing anticancer drug daunorubicin, to avoid the in vivo toxicity of TNF-alpha. This study therefore highlights one of the various properties of hGH that may have potential clinical implications.  相似文献   

Defects in the apoptotic system are likely to play a role in tumorigenesis. Pancreatic carcinoma cells are extremely resistant to apoptosis induction by chemotherapy suggesting that the apoptosis machinery is faulty. We investigated the integrity of the cytochrome c-dependent apoptotic apparatus in 10 human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines. Expression of Apaf-1, caspase-3, -6, -7, -8 and -9, Hsp-70 and XIAP was detected in all cell lines. The expression levels of Apaf-1 and caspase-8 were homogenous in all cell lines whereas differences in expression of other caspases were seen. In cytosolic fractions, all investigated caspases were processed in response to cytochrome c but the extent of processing varied between the cell lines. No stringent correlation between the amount of processing of caspase-9 and effector caspases was seen. Cytochrome c-induced effector caspase activity was quantitated by enzyme assay. Especially at low concentrations of added cytochrome c, this response varied greatly between the cell lines. These data demonstrate that the apoptotic system downstream of the mitochondria is qualitatively intact in pancreatic carcinoma. They further show that the response to cytochrome c can be quantitated in a cell-free system and that determinants other than mere expression of apoptotic molecules can regulate cytochrome c-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

目的 戊地昔布为第2代选择性环氧合酶-2(cyclooxygenase 2,COX-2)抑制剂,主要用于抗炎止痛,已被证实具有拮抗多种肿瘤细胞的作用,但其对直肠癌细胞的作用鲜有报道.本研究探讨其对人直肠癌细胞Colo320增殖与凋亡的影响并探讨其可能的机制.方法 以药物终浓度为0、5、10、25、50、100、200 μmol/L的戊地昔布分别处理Colo320细胞24、48、72及96h后,采用Cell Counting Kit-8(CCK-8)实验检测戊地昔布对细胞增殖能力的影响;采用细胞克隆形成实验检测戊地昔布对Colo320细胞克隆形成率的影响;采用流式细胞术检测戊地昔布对细胞凋亡率及细胞周期分布的影响;采用蛋白质印迹实验检测戊地昔布作用后细胞内COX-2蛋白的表达变化,以及凋亡相关蛋白Caspase-3、cleaved Caspase-3、Bax、Bcl-2、p38MAPK及P-p38MAPK蛋白的表达变化.结果 CCK 8结果经统计学分析提示,不同浓度(0、5、10、25、50、100、200 μmol/L)戊地昔布分别作用于直肠癌Colo320细胞24、48、72及96 h后,细胞增殖受到不同程度的抑制,并呈时间(r=0.686~0.972,P<0.001)及浓度(r=0.829~0.976,P<0.001)依赖性.24、48、72、96h的IC50值分别为582、153、136和61 μmol/L;细胞克隆形成实验显示,戊地昔布处理后细胞克隆形成率由(28.5±1.2)%下降至(3.3±1.0)%,各组比较差异有统计学意义,F=454.227,P<0.001.流式结果显示,戊地昔布使细胞凋亡率明显增加,由9.3%增加到30.8%,除50 μmol/L组与对照组之间差异无统计学意义(t=3.849,P=0.613)外,其余各组之间差异有统计学意义(F=224.694,P=0.001),但对细胞周期阻滞现象不明显.蛋白质印迹实验结果显示,戊地昔布使细胞内COX-2表达量降低(F=36.771,P=0.002),cleaved Caspase 3/Caspase-3(F=161.097,P<0.001)、P p38MAPK/p38MAPK(F=104.770,P<0.001)和Bax/Bcl-2(F=370.001,P<0.001)比率明显升高.结论 戊地昔布能够抑制直肠癌Colo320细胞增殖,促进其凋亡,可能是通过抑制COX-2蛋白的表达,调节凋亡相关蛋白Bax和Bcl-2的表达,及激活MAPK和Caspase信号通路而实现的.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is mounting evidence in the literature that resveratrol is a promising natural compound for prevention and treatment of a variety of human cancers. This overview summarizes recent studies of the major apoptosis and survival pathways regulated by resveratrol. BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS: Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a key regulator of tissue homeostasis during normal development and also in adult organism under various conditions including adaptive responses to cellular stress. For example, tissue homeostasis is maintained by tight control of signaling events regulating cell death and survival. Thus, uncontrolled proliferation or failure to undergo cell death is involved in pathogenesis and progression of many human diseases, for example in tumorigenesis or in cardiovascular disorders. Moreover, current cancer therapies primarily act by triggering apoptosis programs in cancer cells. THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS: Natural products such as resveratrol have gained considerable attention as cancer chemopreventive or cardioprotective agents and also because of their antitumor properties. Among its wide range of biological activities, resveratrol has been reported to interfere with many intracellular signaling pathways, which regulate cell survival or apoptosis. DISCUSSION: Further insights into the signaling network and interaction points modulated by resveratrol may provide the basis for novel drug discovery programs to exploit resveratrol for the prevention and treatment of human diseases.  相似文献   

Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a fatal type of neoplasia with poor therapeutic prognosis, largely due to resistance to apoptosis. We investigated the apoptotic effect of alpha-tocopheryl succinate (alpha-TOS), a strong proapoptotic agent, in combination with the immunological apoptogen TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) on both MM and nonmalignant mesothelial cells, since MM cells show low susceptibility to the clinically intriguing TRAIL. All MM cell lines tested were sensitive to alpha-TOS-induced apoptosis, and exerted high sensitivity to TRAIL in the presence of subapoptotic doses of the vitamin E analogue. Neither TRAIL or alpha-TOS alone or in combination caused apoptosis in nonmalignant mesothelial cells. Isobologram analysis of the cytotoxicity assays revealed a synergistic interaction between the two agents in MM cells and their antagonistic effect in nonmalignant mesothelial cells. TRAIL-induced apoptosis and its augmentation by alpha-TOS were inhibited by the caspase-8 inhibitor Z-IETD-FMK and the pan-caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK. Activation of caspase-8 was required to induce apoptosis, which was amplified by alpha-TOS via cytochrome c release following Bid cleavage, with ensuing activation of caspase-9. Enhancement of TRAIL-induced apoptosis in MM cells by alpha-TOS was also associated with upregulation of the TRAIL cognate death receptors DR4 and DR5. Our results show that alpha-TOS and TRAIL act in synergism to kill MM cells via mitochondrial pathway, and are nontoxic to nonmalignant mesothelial cells. These findings are indicative of a novel strategy for treatment of thus far fatal MM.  相似文献   

Vinyl chloride (VC) is a know animal and human carcinogen associated with liver angiosarcomas (LAS) and hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC). In VC-associated LAS mutations of the K- ras -2 gene have been reported; however, no data about the prevalence of such mutations in VC associated HCCs are available. Recent data indicate K- ras -2 mutations induce P16 methylation accompanied by inactivation of the p16 gene. The presence of K- ras -2 mutations was analysed in tissue from 18 patients with VC associated HCCs. As a control group, 20 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma due to hepatitis B (n = 7), hepatitis C (n = 5) and alcoholic liver cirrhosis (n = 8) was used. The specific mutations were determined by direct sequencing of codon 12 and 13 of the K- ras -2 gene in carcinomatous and adjacent non-neoplastic liver tissue after microdissection. The status of p16 was evaluated by methylation-specific PCR (MSP), microsatellite analysis, DNA sequencing and immunohistochemical staining. All patients had a documented chronic quantitated exposure to VC (average 8883 ppmy, average duration: 245 months). K- ras -2 mutations were found in 6 of 18 (33%) examined VC-associated HCCs and in 3 cases of adjacent non-neoplastic liver tissue. There were 3 G --> A point mutations in the tumour tissue. All 3 mutations found in non-neoplastic liver from VC-exposed patients were also G --> A point mutations (codon 12- and codon 13-aspartate mutations). Hypermethylation of the 5' CpG island of the p16 gene was found in 13 of 18 examined carcinomas (72%). Of 6 cancers with K- ras -2 mutations, 5 specimens also showed methylated p16. Within the control group, K- ras -2 mutation were found in 3 of 20 (15%) examined HCC. p16 methylation occurred in 11 out of 20 (55%) patients. K- ras -2 mutations and p16 methylation are frequent events in VC associated HCCs. We observed a K- ras -2 mutation pattern characteristic of chloroethylene oxide, a carcinogenic metabolite of VC. Our results strongly suggest that K- ras -2 mutations play an important role in the pathogenesis of VC-associated HCC.  相似文献   



Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) overexpression is strongly associated with colorectal tumourigenesis. It has been demonstrated that the chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (COX inhibitors) partially protects patients from colorectal cancer (CRC) development and progression but induces severe cardiovascular side effects. New strategies for selective COX-2 blockade are required.


We developed an improved technique, based on RNA interference (RNAi), to gain a selective COX-2 silencing in CRC cells by a tumour-dependent expression of anti-COX-2 short-hairpin RNA (shCOX-2). Anti-COX-2 shRNA-expressing vectors were delivered in CRC cells (in vitro) and in colon tissues (ex vivo) using engineered Escherichia coli strains, capable of invading tumour cells (InvColi).


A highly tumour-dependent shCOX-2 expression and a significant COX-2 silencing were observed in CRC cells following InvColi strain infection. Cyclooxygenase-2 silencing was associated with a strong reduction in both proliferative and invasive behaviour of tumour cells. We also demonstrated a pivotal role of COX-2 overexpression for the survival of CRC cells after bacterial infection. Moreover, COX-2 silencing was achieved ex vivo by infecting colon tissue samples with InvColi strains, leading to anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour effects.


Our RNAi/InvColi-mediated approach offers a promising tool for a highly selective COX-2 blockade in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

We previously reported that exposure of DiFi human colon cancer cells to the anti-epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor monoclonal antibody (mAb) 225 resulted in apoptosis, but the mechanisms remain to be elucidated. In the present study, we investigated the effects of a panel of four anti-EGF receptor mAbs, each of which binds to different epitopes of the EGF receptor in DiFi cells, on the induction of apoptosis. We found that each of these mAbs induced apoptosis in DiFi cells. Exposure of DiFi cells to mAb 225 activated the initiation caspase-8, which was detectable between 8 and 16 h after exposure of the cells to the antibody. There was also an activation of the initiation caspase-9, which lagged a few hours behind the activation of caspase-8. Exposure of DiFi cells to mAb 225 also activated the execution caspase-3, which was accompanied temporally by evidence of cleavage of a well-characterized caspase-3 substrate, poly(ADP)ribosepolymerase (PARP). Pre-exposure of the cells to the caspase-3-specific inhibitor DEVD-CHO partially reduced the mAb 225-induced PARP cleavage and apoptosis, whereas pre-exposure of the cells to the caspase pan-inhibitor z-VAD-fmk completely inhibited mAb 225-induced apoptosis. Caspases-3, -8 and -9 were not activated in the cell lines in which mAb 225 only induced G1 phase arrest of the cell cycle. In contrast to the apoptosis of DiFi cells induced by ultraviolet irradiation, which strongly activated the c-jun N-terminal kinase-1 (JNK1) and the caspase cascade, mAb 225-induced apoptosis and activation of the caspase cascade in DiFi cells were not associated with activation of JNK1.  相似文献   

Despite recent additions to the armory of chemotherapeutic agents for colorectal cancer (CRC) treatment, the results of chemotherapy remain unsatisfactory. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) still represents the cornerstone of treatment and resistance to its actions is a major obstacle to successful chemotherapy. Therefore, new active agents in CRC and agents that increase the chemosensitivity of cancer cells to 5-FU are still urgently required. Violacein, a pigment isolated from Chromobacterium violaceum in the Amazon river, has a diverse spectrum of biological activities, and represents a novel cytotoxic drug with known antileukemic properties. To assess the suitability of violacein as a chemotherapeutic agent in CRC its cytotoxic effects were evaluated both as a single agent and in combination with 5-FU. Its underlying mechanisms of action were further investigated by studying its effects on the cell cycle, apoptosis and cell survival pathways [phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/Akt, p44/42 mitogen activated protein kinase and nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB)] in colon cancer cell lines. Violacein inhibits the growth of all four colon cancer cell lines tested. It induces apoptosis, and potentiates the cytotoxic effect of 5-FU in a poorly differentiated microsatellite unstable cell line (HCT116). Violacein causes cell cycle block at G(1), upregulates p53, p27 and p21 levels and decreases the expression of cyclin D1. Violacein leads to dephosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein and activation of caspases and a pancaspase inhibitor abrogates its biological activity. Our data provide evidence that violacein acts through the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation with subsequent activation of the apoptotic pathway and downregulation of NF-kappaB signaling. This leads to the increase in chemosensitivity to 5-FU in HCT116 colon cancer cells. Taken together, our findings suggest that violacein will be active in the treatment of colorectal tumors and offers new prospects for overcoming 5-FU resistance.  相似文献   

Activation of RAS signalling induced by K-ras/BRAF mutations is a hallmark of colorectal tumours. In addition, Ras association domain families 1 and 2 (RASSF1 and RASSF2), the negative regulators of K-ras, are often inactivated by methylation of the promoter region in those tumours. However, reports showing differences in the occurrence of these alterations on the basis of tumour characteristics have been scarce. We analysed K-ras/BRAF mutations and the methylation status of RASSF1 and RASSF2 promoter regions in 120 colorectal adenomas with respect to their clinicopathological features. K-ras/BRAF mutations and RASSF2 methylation were observed in 49 (41%) and 30 (25%) of the samples, respectively, while RASSF1 methylation was observed in only 3 (2.5%). Adenomas with RASSF2 methylation often carried K-ras/BRAF mutations simultaneously (22 out of 30, P<0.01). Multivariate analysis revealed that the concomitance of these alterations was frequently observed in serrated adenomas (odds ratio (OR) 11.11; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.96-63.00), but rarely in adenomas located in the sigmoid or descending colon (OR 0.13; 95% CI 0.03-0.58). A comparison between adenomas and cancers showed a significantly higher prevalence of these alterations in cancers than in adenomas in the proximal colon (58 vs 27%, P=0.02). Frequency and the time point of the occurrence of Ras signalling disorders differ according to colorectal neoplasia's characteristics, particularly the location.  相似文献   

目的 通过抑制内源性水通道蛋白(AQP-5)的表达,探讨AQP-5对HT-29细胞凋亡及凋亡抑制蛋白(inhibitaors of apoptosis proteins,IAPs)表达的影响.方法 体外常规培养人结肠癌HT-29细胞,通过siRNA技术抑制内源性AQP-5的表达,并经蛋白质印迹法检测AQP-5-siRNA转染效率;采用MTT法检测各组细胞增殖抑制率;流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡率;荧光实时定量RT-PCR和蛋白质印迹法检测转染AQP-5-siRNA的HT-29细胞IAPs家族成员c-IAP1、c-IAP2、XIAP、NAIP、Survivin和Livin表达水平.结果 蛋白质印迹法检测结果显示,转染AQP-5-siRNA的HT-29细胞AQP-5表达下调达90%.MTT分析结果显示,与转染NS-siRNA组细胞增殖抑制率(1.13±0.11)%相比,AQP-5-siRNA组的HT-29细胞增殖抑制率显著增加,高达(27.9±5.16)%,t=12.705,P<0.001;流式细胞分析结果发现,与NS-siRNA组细胞凋亡率(0.99±0.18)%相比,AQP-5-siRNA组的HT-29细胞凋亡率显著增加,高达(10.81±1.32)%,t=-12.767,P<0.001.荧光实时定量RT-PCR和蛋白质印迹法检测结果显示,与转染NS-siRNA组相比较,AQP-5-siRNA组c-IAP1(t=-3.232,P=0.018)、c-IAP2(t=-0.651,P=0.001)、XIAP(t=-9.296,P<0.001)和Livin(t =-8.07,P<0.001)的mRNA表达水平下降,AQP-5-siRNA组c-IAP1(t=-0.591,P=0.007)、c-IAP2(t=-4.889,P=0.008)、XIAP(t=-6.487,P=0.003)和Livin(t=-6.216,P=0.003)蛋白表达水平也下降,其中以XIAP下降最明显;Survivin和NAIP表达变化不明显.结论 AQP-5-siRNA可体外促进HT-29细胞凋亡,其机制可能与下调c-IAP1、c-IAP1、XIAP和Livin mRNA及蛋白表达有关.  相似文献   

Mutations in the K- ras gene are very common in lung tumours and are implicated in the development of lung cancer, but the timing of their occurrence remains poorly understood. We investigated K- ras mutations in cell samples microdissected by laser capture microscopy at multiple sites from lung tissue sections representing tumour tissue and matched histologically normal tissue obtained from 48 lung cancer patients. K- ras mutations were detected in cell samples from 10 of 38 (26.3%) lung adenocarcinomas and in none of the histologically normal or tumour cell samples taken from 10 lung squamous cell carcinomas. Of the K- ras mutation-positive adenocarcinomas, in 4 cases a mutation was found in only the tumour tissue, in 1 case a mutation was found only in the histologically normal tissue, and in 5 cases mutations were found in both the tumour tissue and histologically normal tissue. Among these 5 cases, 2 had identical mutations in both the tumour tissue and histologically normal tissue, 2 had 1 mutation in the tumour tissue and 2 mutations in the histologically normal tissue, 1 of which was identical to the mutation found in the tumour, and 1 case had 2 codon 12 mutations in tumour tissue and 2 mutations, in codons 9 and 11, in histologically normal tissue. These results showed that K- ras mutations are frequent in histologically normal cells taken from outside lung adenocarcinomas and suggest that some of these mutations may represent early events which could pave the way of lung carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults. The currently available treatments offer only a palliative survival advantage and the need for effective treatments remains an urgent priority. Activation of the p53 growth suppression/apoptotic pathway is one of the promising strategies in targeting glioma cells. We show that the quinoline derivative chloroquine activates the p53 pathway and suppresses growth of glioma cells in vitro and in vivo in an orthotopic (U87MG) human glioblastoma mouse model. Induction of apoptosis is one of the mechanisms underlying the effects of chloroquine on suppressing glioma cell growth and viability. siRNA-mediated downregulation of p53 in wild-type but not mutant p53 glioblastoma cells substantially impaired chloroquine-induced apoptosis. In addition to its p53-activating effects, chloroquine may also inhibit glioma cell growth via p53-independent mechanisms. Our results clarify the mechanistic basis underlying the antineoplastic effect of chloroquine and reveal its therapeutic potential as an adjunct to glioma chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor-A is widely regarded as the principal stimulator of angiogenesis required for tumour growth. VEGF is generated as multiple isoforms of two families, the pro-angiogenic family generated by proximal splice site selection in the terminal exon, termed VEGFxxx, and the anti-angiogenic family formed by distal splice site selection in the terminal exon, termed VEGFxxxb, where xxx is the amino acid number. The most studied isoforms, VEGF165 and VEGF165b have been shown to be present in tumour and normal tissues respectively. VEGF165b has been shown to inhibit VEGF- and hypoxia-induced angiogenesis, and VEGF-induced cell migration and proliferation in vitro. Here we show that overexpression of VEGF165b by tumour cells inhibits the growth of prostate carcinoma, Ewing's sarcoma and renal cell carcinoma in xenografted mouse tumour models. Moreover, VEGF165b overexpression inhibited tumour cell-mediated migration and proliferation of endothelial cells. These data show that overexpression of VEGF165b can inhibit growth of multiple tumour types in vivo indicating that VEGF165b has potential as an anti-angiogenic, anti-tumour strategy in a number of different tumour types, either by control of VEGF165b expression by regulation of splicing, overexpression of VEGF165b, or therapeutic delivery of VEGF165b to tumours.  相似文献   



We previously conducted gene expression microarray analyses to identify novel indicators for colorectal cancer (CRC) metastasis and prognosis from which we identified PVT-1 as a candidate gene. PVT-1, which encodes a long noncoding RNA, mapped to chromosome 8q24 whose copy-number amplification is one of the most frequent events in a wide variety of malignant diseases. However, PVT-1 molecular mechanism of action remains unclear.


We conducted cell proliferation and invasion assays using colorectal cancer cell lines transfected with PVT-1siRNA or negative control siRNA. Gene expression microarray analyses on these cell lines were also carried out to investigate the molecular function of PVT-1. Further, we investigated the impact of PVT-1 expression on the prognosis of 164 colorectal cancer patients by qRT–PCR.


CRC cells transfected with PVT-1 siRNA exhibited significant loss of their proliferation and invasion capabilities. In these cells, the TGF-β signalling pathway and apoptotic signals were significantly activated. In addition, univariate and multivariate analysis revealed that PVT-1 expression level was an independent risk factor for overall survival of colorectal cancer patients.


PVT-1, which maps to 8q24, generates antiapoptotic activity in CRC, and abnormal expression of PVT-1 was a prognostic indicator for CRC patients.  相似文献   

Tang MC  Chan LC  Yeh YC  Chen CY  Chou TY  Wang WS  Su Y 《Cancer letters》2011,308(2):162-171
Thymosin β(4) (Tβ(4)) overexpression increases cell migration and tumor metastasis. Hence, understanding the mechanism of cancer cell migration induced by Tβ(4) may provide means to inhibit their metastasis. We demonstrated higher Rac1 activities and expression levels of IQGAP1 and ILK in highly migrated Tβ(4)-overexpressing SW480 cells. In addition, IQGAP1 formed a complex with ILK and knockdown of Tβ(4) simultaneously reduced ILK and IQGAP1 protein levels as well as their migration ability. These findings suggest that Tβ(4) increases migration of colon cancer cells via activating Rac1 by elevating IQGAP1/ILK complexes and IHC results illustrated a similar mechanism occurring in vivo.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACs) are known to exhibit antiproliferative effects on various carcinoma cells. In this study, the in vivo efficiency of two HDACs, sodium butyrate and tributyrin, on prostate cancer growth inhibition were investigated. To gain an insight into the possible underlying pathways, cell culture experiments were performed focusing on the expression of p21, Rb and c-myc. For in vivo testing, prostate cancer cell lines (PC3 and TSU-Pr1) were seeded on the chorioallantois membrane (CAM) and implanted in a xenograft model using nude mice. Standard Western blot analysis was performed for protein expression of p21, Rb and c-myc in HDAC-treated vs untreated prostate cancer cells. Both sodium butyrate and tributyrin had a considerable treatment effect on microtumours on the chicken egg at already very low concentrations of 0.1 mM. Tributyrin-treated tumours showed the strongest effect with 38% apoptotic nuclei in the prostate cancer cell line PC3. In the mouse model, there was almost no difference between sodium butyrate and tributyrin. In untreated animals the tumours were almost double the size 4 weeks after implantation. Tumours of the treatment groups had a significantly lower percentage of Ki-67-positive-stained nuclei. As demonstrated by Western blot analysis, these effects seem to be independent of p53 status and a pathway via p21-Rb-c-myc is possibly involved. In this study we have demonstrated a substantial in vivo treatment effect, which can be induced by the application of sodium butyrate or the orally applicable tributyrin in human prostate cancer. The given results may provide the rationale to apply these drugs in well-controlled clinical trials in patients being at high risk of recurrence after specific therapy or in patients with locally or distant advanced prostate cancer.  相似文献   

目的研究重组人IL-24蛋白(rhIL-24)选择性诱导肝癌细胞生长抑制和凋亡的作用。方法重组由Igk前导肽、IL-24cDNA(不含自身信号肽)和myc—tag组成的融合基因(Igk7m),构建表达载体pcDNA3.1-Igk7m,稳定转染293细胞,表达并粗提分泌性rhIL-24蛋白。以人肝癌细胞株PLC/PRF/5(p53突变型)、SMMC-7721(p53野生型)和正常人肝细胞株WRL-68为靶细胞,用活细胞计数法和TUNEL法分析rhIL-24处理对培养的靶细胞生长和凋亡的影响。结果经测序鉴定,融合基因各片段的核苷酸序列和总阅读框架完全正确。应用Westernblot在筛选的转基因293细胞克隆和其培养上清中均检测到rhIL-24蛋白,分子量分别约为25kDa和35kDa。与WRL-68对照组相比,分泌性rhIL-24蛋白粗提液处理可显著抑制PLC/PRF/5和SMMC-7721肝癌细胞的生长增殖(P〈0.01)。rhIL-24蛋白处理还可显著增加PLC/PRF/5和SMMC-7721的凋亡细胞百分率(P〈0.01),而对正常肝细胞WRL-68无明显影响(P〉0.05)。结论rhIL-24蛋白能选择性诱导培养的肝癌细胞株PLC/PRF/5和SMMC-7721生长抑制和凋亡。  相似文献   

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