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杨军  陈元立  高菲 《中国肿瘤》2014,23(6):473-477
[目的]了解戒烟咨询者对吸烟危害和控烟知识的知晓率。[方法]用统一培训和匿名方式对参加戒烟咨询的人群进行吸烟危害和控烟政策、措施及观点的问卷调查。用计分方法量化分析。[结果]在138名调查对象中,非吸烟者69名,曾经吸烟者33名,现在吸烟者36名。有68%的吸烟者想戒烟。调查对象控烟知识总分平均值为19.47,评分为69.54%;按性别、年龄、受教育程度及吸烟状况统计控烟知识总分差异无统计学意义。对各项吸烟危害及控烟知识的知晓率达到80%的有12项,占43%;80%以下的有16项,占57%。现在吸烟组(8.33%)对吸烟危害心脏、血管和呼吸系统的知晓率低于曾经吸烟组(40.58%)和从不吸烟组(30.30%)(χ2=11.7868,P〈0.01)。对戒烟平均需要反复多次才能最后成功的知晓率为13%。[结论]控烟宣传尚需深入细致且有的放矢,密切关注宣传实效,努力提高控烟知识的知晓率和普及率。  相似文献   

杨军  贾漫漫  滕菲 《中国肿瘤》2018,27(5):333-337
摘 要:[目的] 了解肿瘤防治咨询者对控烟知识的知晓度。[方法] 用统一培训和匿名方式于2016年对396名参加肿瘤防治咨询活动的人员进行控烟知识的问卷调查。[结果] 396名调查对象中,男性237人,女性159人;现在吸烟者66名,曾经吸烟者96名,从不吸烟者234名。87.12%的调查对象在近3个月内有二手烟暴露,从不吸烟者暴露比例为86.32%。调查对象控烟知识的总知晓评分为83.61,从不吸烟组和曾经吸烟组(84.52和84.79)高于现在吸烟组(78.63);60岁以上组的知晓评分(85.86)高于其他年龄组(83.14~83.30),P<0.05。调查对象对各项控烟知识的平均知晓率为4.29%~98.99%。知晓率大于80%有11项,包括同意吸烟可导致肺癌(98.48%)、肺部疾病(98.74%)、冠心病(87.12%),暴露二手烟可影响个人健康(98.99%)、导致肺癌(94.19%)、冠心病(83.84%);公共场所应禁止吸烟(97.98%)、室内PM2.5主要来自烟草烟雾(82.07%)、烟草中所含尼古丁会使人成瘾(92.42%)、家庭成员的支持鼓励有助于吸烟者戒烟(94.19%);知晓率低于60%有3项,包括知晓吸入二手烟会危害人体健康(52.27%),知晓低焦油、低尼古丁的烟不会减少对人体危害(23.4%),仅下决心戒烟未必可以成功戒烟(4.29%)。 [结论] 应加强控烟知识宣传,提高公众知晓如何戒烟以及吸烟和二手烟暴露的健康危害。  相似文献   

龙东波  王延风  陈元立 《中国肿瘤》2019,28(11):827-831
摘 要:[目的] 了解肿瘤防治咨询者对吸烟相关知识的知晓情况。[方法] 统一培训调查员,用匿名方式对参加肿瘤防治咨询活动的人员进行控烟知识的问卷调查。[结果] 439名调查对象中,男性242名,女性197名;非吸烟者377名,曾经吸烟者62名。调查对象知晓控烟知识的总知晓评分为62.43。按性别、咨询角色、受教育程度、吸烟史、家庭成员吸烟史分组统计的总知晓评分差异无统计学意义;50岁以下年龄组的总知晓分(71.88~72.88)高于50岁以上年龄组(62.36~68.68),差异有统计学意义。调查对象对12项吸烟可导致疾病问题上,知晓率高于60%的有6项,包括吸烟可导致肺癌(93.39%)、肺病(89.07%)、口腔和鼻咽部恶性肿瘤(80.41%)、喉癌(76.16%)、冠心病(73.58%)、食管癌(61.73%);知晓率低于60%的有6项,包括吸烟可导致宫颈癌(44.65%)、膀胱癌(45.79%)、胰腺癌(46.47%)、肾癌(47.15%)、肝癌(55.13%)和胃癌(56.26%)。对4项避免或减少因暴露烟草而危害健康的问题,调查对象的知晓率均低于25%,包括仅下决心未必能成功戒烟(5.69%)、低焦油、低尼古丁的烟不会减少对人体的危害(16.40%)、低焦油、低尼古丁的烟不会减少患病风险(18.00%)、电子烟不能帮助戒烟(24.15%)。[结论] 控烟宣传亟需细化和精准,尤其是吸烟导致的各种疾病和有效的戒烟方法。  相似文献   

龙东波  贾漫漫  杨军 《中国肿瘤》2017,26(5):361-365
[目的]了解市民对北京市控制吸烟条例内容的知晓程度.[方法]用统一培训、匿名和面对面方式,对参加肿瘤防治义诊现场活动的来访人员进行控烟条例知晓情况调查.[结果]共有396人完成调查,其中35岁以下125人,35~49岁132人,50~59岁80人,60岁及以上56人.调查对象知晓北京市控制吸烟条例的总评分为80.82.其中,35岁以下组和60岁及以上组的知晓评分(87.09和83.36)高于35~49岁组和50~59岁组(77.55和74.85);受教育程度为本科和研究生组的知晓评分(84.45和85.55)高于高中及以下组和大专组(77.45和78.65),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).调查对象条例内容知晓率较低的有4项,包括违反条例形式的处罚规定(48.74%)、开始实施日期(68.18%)、室内禁止吸烟场所(78.28%)和室外设置吸烟区的条件(79.80%).调查对象中,知晓北京市所有禁止吸烟的室内场所、室外场所、设置室外吸烟区条件和禁止烟草广告等相关行为的比例分别为65.91%,47.22%、34.09%和50.51%;现在吸烟者中,知晓所有室外禁烟场所和室外吸烟区设置条件的比例(36.36%和30.30%)低于非吸烟者(51.28%和36.75%),受教育程度较低的调查对象知晓所有室内禁烟场所、室外设置吸烟区条件和禁止烟草广告等相关行为的比例(59.69%,31.01%和42.64%)低于受教育程度较高者(73.21%、48.21%和64.29%).[结论]部分居民对北京市控烟条例缺乏全面了解,尤其是对实施禁烟的场所和违反条例行为的处罚规定知晓不足.  相似文献   

顾晓芬  朱俊宇  姚芳 《中国肿瘤》2016,25(6):426-429
[目的] 了解乌鲁木齐市社区卫生服务人员对肿瘤防治知识的掌握程度,为在城市中开展癌症早诊早治工作提供依据[方法]采用问卷调查法对参加2014年度城市癌症早诊早治项目的4个区10个卫生服务中心的185名卫生服务人员进行肿瘤防治知识调查.[结果]社区卫生服务人员肿瘤防治知识得分20~90分,平均分62.86±16.97分.临床医生中学历越高对肿瘤防治知识的掌握程度越好,护士中级高于初级,临聘人员得分最低.[结论]乌鲁木齐市社区卫生服务人员对肿瘤防治知识的掌握程度普遍较低,尤其是低学历、低职称和临聘人员,急需加强培训、建立稳定的人才梯队,以满足肿瘤防治工作需求.  相似文献   

中国肺癌和烟草流行及控烟现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肺癌居我国恶性肿瘤死亡和发病的首位.肺癌与吸烟和二手烟暴露密切相关.近年来,我国采取了一系列控烟和肺癌防治措施,但肺癌负担依然严重,男性吸烟率仍居高不下,非吸烟者二手烟暴露十分广泛.本文对我国近年来肺癌、吸烟和二手烟暴露的流行现状进行描述,同时对我国目前所实施的控烟措施进行了综述.  相似文献   

目的:分析四川两地居民的肿瘤防治知识需求及其影响因素,为科学开展肿瘤健康教育提供依据。方法:采用横断面调查法,2021年7月在成都市及广元市采取整群分层方便抽样法抽取年龄≥18岁且能理解调查程序的常住居民。采用国家癌症中心编制的“居民肿瘤防治健康素养调查表”进行调查。采用χ2检验、Logistic回归分析居民肿瘤防治知识需求及其影响因素。结果:有效应答619人。两地居民的肿瘤防治知识需求率为74.2%,肿瘤防治知识需求的前三位是为:预防方法(80.6%)、早期症状(41.6%)、患病病因(29.4%);居民无肿瘤防治知识需求的原因前三位为:自觉身体健康(46.9%)、已经了解相关知识(16.9%)、缺乏对肿瘤的认知(16.9%)。与小学及以下文化程度和无早发现意识人群相比,初中及以上(初中OR=2.008,95%CI:1.215~3.320、高中/中专OR=3.348,95%CI:1.836~6.104、大专及以上OR=3.312,95%CI:1.952~5.621)和具备早发现意识(OR=3.306,95%CI:2.235~4.892)的居民对肿瘤防治知识需求较高。居民肿瘤防治知识获...  相似文献   

[目的]探讨社区医务人员对肿瘤防治知识的掌握情况,为今后加强肿瘤防治知识培训提供依据。[方法]发放问卷调查表对两家社区卫生服务中心的180名医务人员进行肿瘤防治相关知识的调查。[结果]学历和职称越高,年龄越小,得分越高,肿瘤防治知识掌握程度越好。护士的平均得分在性别、学历、职称、年龄各方面均低于临床医生与防保医生。[结论]社区医务人员对肿瘤基础知识的认识不足,以护士尤为明显。加强社区医务人员的教育和培训,提高肿瘤防治的专业服务水平,对普及肿瘤防治知识,增强社区人群自我防癌意识是行之有效和亟待重视及解决的问题。  相似文献   

王悠清  杜灵彬  李辉章 《中国肿瘤》2018,27(12):921-925
摘 要:[目的] 了解浙江省居民对癌症防治核心知识的认知情况,为开展肿瘤防治健康宣教提供科学依据。[方法] 采用非随机抽样方法,纳入浙江省2587名居民进行癌症防治核心知识知晓率的问卷调查。描述性分析癌症防治知识知晓率,利用卡方检验和多重线性回归探讨癌症防治核心知识知晓率的影响因素。[结果] 总体知晓率为78.4%。女性知晓率为78.7%,略高于男性的77.9%。按年龄分组,25岁以下的青少年知晓率最低,为73.9%,65岁及以上的老年人知晓率最高,达到80.4%。文化程度越高,知晓率越高,研究生及以上组的知晓率最高,为82.2%,小学及以下组的知晓率最低,为68.6%。医疗卫生行业的知晓率为84.6%,高于非医疗卫生行业的76.3%。多因素分析结果显示年龄、文化程度和职业是浙江省居民癌症防治核心知识的影响因素。[结论] 浙江省居民对于癌症防治核心知识的总体知晓和认同情况较好,应进一步加强癌症防治宣传,不断提高广大居民群众的癌症防治知识水平和能力。  相似文献   

路平  徐翠林  杨薇  刘文江  包磊  项进  沈波  周守君 《中国肿瘤》2010,19(12):789-792
[目的]研究社区居民肿瘤防治知识知晓状况,探索肿瘤预防健康教育的有效途径。[方法]对南京市雨花台区460名社区居民及大中专院校在校学生进行了肿瘤防治知识知晓状况基线调查。[结果]居民对肿瘤防治知识的总体知晓率72.5%,居民对肿瘤防治知识知晓率与居民的职业状况密切相关,也与居民年龄因素有关,与居民的教育程度的相关性未能获得统计学支持;居民对肿瘤预防健康教育途径首选公共媒体。[讨论]大众媒体的科普宣传、学校教育、社区医生的健康教育和肿瘤专科医生的专业宣教对肿瘤预防健康教育工作的开展具有十分重要的意义,应多方面工作相互结合,发挥协同效应。  相似文献   

Background: In this study we aimed to determine the rate and habitual patterns of smoking, intentions ofcessation, dependence levels and sociodemographic characteristics of relatives of patients with a diagnosis ofcancer. Materials and Methods: This study was designed by the Turkish Oncology Group, Epidemiology andPrevention Subgroup. The relatives of cancer patients were asked to fill a questionnaire and Fagerstrom testof nicotine dependence. Results: The median ages of those with lower and higher Fagerstrom scores were 40years and 42 years, respectively. We found no evidence of variation between the two groups for the remainingsociodemographic variables, including the subject’s medical status, gender, living in the same house with thepatient, their educational status, their family income, closeness to their cancer patients or spending time withthem or getting any help or wanting to get some help. Only 2% of the subjects started smoking after cancer wasdiagnosed in their loved ones and almost 20% of subjects had quit smoking during the previous year. Conclusions:The Fagerstrom score is helpful in determining who would be the most likely to benefit from a cigarette smokingcessation program. Identification of these people with proper screening methods might help us to pinpoint whowould benefit most from these programs.  相似文献   

Objectives: Lung cancer continues to be  the leading cause of cancer-related deathworldwide. Have been reported high mortality rates from lung cancer in Latin America, but the disparities within the regions of Peru and under-reporting death certification reported prevent the inclusion of Peru in analysis of the mortality trends for lung cancer. We evaluated lung cancer mortality trends and smoking prevalence in Peru and its geographical areas. Materials and Methods: We obtained the data from the registry of the Peruvian Ministry of Health between 2008 and 2017. Mortality rates per 100,000 person-years were computed using the world’s SEGI population and trends were analyzed using the Joinpoint regression Program Version 4.7.0. Smoking prevalence was estimated from the Demographic and Family Health Survey. Results: In Peru, mortality rates were roughly 1.3 times higher in males than in females. The coast region had significant downward trends among males, whereas the highlands region had significant upward trends among females. According to provinces, Apurimac showed an annually significant rise in both sexes (+10.6% in males, and +11.6% in females). In general, smoking prevalence was higher in males compared to females, principally among young adults.   Conclusions: Peru showed downward mortality trends in the last decade with variability across regions. Males had a higher smoking prevalence, principally among young adults. Public health interventions for smoking reduction should be implemented to reduce lung cancer mortality.  相似文献   

Patients who achieve smoking cessation following a cancer diagnosis can experience an improvement in treatment response and lower morbidity and mortality compared to individuals who continue to smoke. It is therefore imperative for publicly funded cancer centres to provide appropriate training and education for healthcare providers (HCP) and treatment options to support smoking cessation for their patients. However, system-, practitioner-, and patient-level barriers exist that hamper the integration of evidence-based cessation programs within publicly funded cancer centres. The integration of evidence-based smoking cessation counselling and pharmacotherapy into cancer care facilities could have a significant effect on smoking cessation and cancer treatment outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to describe the elements of a learning health system for smoking cessation, implemented and scaled up in community settings that can be adapted for ambulatory cancer clinics. The core elements include appropriate workflows enabled by technology, thereby improving both practitioner and patient experience and effectively removing practitioner-level barriers to program implementation. Integrating the smoking cessation elements of this program from primary care to cancer centres could improve smoking cessation outcomes in patients attending cancer clinics.  相似文献   



Smoking is not associated with prostate cancer incidence in most studies, but associations between smoking and fatal prostate cancer have been reported.


During 1992 and 2000, lifestyle information was assessed via questionnaires and personal interview in a cohort of 145 112 European men. Until 2009, 4623 incident cases of prostate cancer were identified, including 1517 cases of low-grade, 396 cases of high grade, 1516 cases of localised, 808 cases of advanced disease, and 432 fatal cases. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to examine the association of smoking status, smoking intensity, and smoking duration with the risk of incident and fatal prostate cancer.


Compared with never smokers, current smokers had a reduced risk of prostate cancer (RR=0.90, 95% CI: 0.83–0.97), which was statistically significant for localised and low-grade disease, but not for advanced or high-grade disease. In contrast, heavy smokers (25+ cigarettes per day) and men who had smoked for a long time (40+ years) had a higher risk of prostate cancer death (RR=1.81, 95% CI: 1.11–2.93; RR=1.38, 95% CI: 1.01–1.87, respectively).


The observation of an increased prostate cancer mortality among heavy smokers confirms the results of previous prospective studies.  相似文献   

[目的]了解广州市社区居民的吸烟状况,为制定控制吸烟的相应措施提供依据.[方法]在2004年,采用随机抽样入户问卷调查方式,调查广州市越秀区洪桥街和东风街20~60岁居民1006名.[结果]人群吸烟率为28.4%,男性吸烟率为52.2%,女性为6.5%;61.9%吸烟者在20岁以前开始吸烟;吸烟率随年龄增长而增高;文化程度低者吸烟率较高;运输业人员吸烟率最高;大部分吸烟者通常在家里、工作场所或娱乐场所吸烟;受访者对吸烟可能引起的呼吸系统以外的疾病认知不足;大多数认为从公共传媒获得吸烟危害健康的知识.[结论]吸烟仍是一个严重的公共卫生问题,须加强宣传教育,动员全社会力量,控制吸烟,以减少烟草对健康的危害.  相似文献   

Smoking has recently been recognised as causally associated with the development of gastric cancer (GC). However, evidence on the effect by sex, duration and intensity of smoking, anatomic subsite and cessation of smoking is limited. Our objective was to assess the relation between tobacco use and GC incidence in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). We studied data from 521,468 individuals recruited from 10 European countries taking part in the EPIC study. Participants completed lifestyle questionnaires that included questions on lifetime consumption of tobacco and diet in 1991-1998. Participants were followed until September 2002, and during that period 305 cases of stomach cancer were identified. After exclusions, 274 were eligible for the analysis, using the Cox proportional hazard model. After adjustment for educational level, consumption of fresh fruit, vegetables and preserved meat, alcohol intake and body mass index (BMI), there was a significant association between cigarette smoking and gastric cancer risk: the hazard ratio (HR) for ever smokers was 1.45 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.08-1.94). The HR of current cigarette smoking was 1.73 (95% CI = 1.06-2.83) in males and 1.87 (95% CI = 1.12-3.12) in females. Hazard ratios increased with intensity and duration of cigarette smoked. A significant decrease of risk was observed after 10 years of quitting smoking. A preliminary analysis of 121 cases with identified anatomic site showed that current cigarette smokers had a higher HR of GC in the cardia (HR = 4.10) than in the distal part of the stomach (HR = 1.94). In this cohort, 17.6 % (95% CI = 10.5-29.5 %) of GC cases may be attributable to smoking. Findings from this large study support the causal relation between smoking and gastric cancer in this European population. Stomach cancer should be added to the burden of diseases caused by smoking.  相似文献   

Smoking and Cancer Risk in Korean Men and Women   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: In Korea, male smoking prevalence is among the world's highest, and mortality rates from smoking-caused cancers, particularly lung cancer, are escalating. This cohort study examined the effects of cigarette smoking on the risk of cancer mortality and incidence, and characterized the relationship of cancer risk with the amount and duration of cigarette smoking. METHOD: A nine-year prospective cohort study was carried out on 1,212,906 Koreans, 30-95 years of age. The study population includes participants in a national insurance program, who completed a questionnaire on smoking and other risk factors. The main outcome measures were death from cancer and cancer incidence, obtained through record linkage. At baseline, 472,970 men (57.0%) and 20,548 (5.4%) women were current cigarette smokers. RESULTS: In multivariate Cox proportional hazards models, controlling for age, current smoking among men increased the risks of mortality for cancer of the lung (relative risk (RR), 4.6; 95% confidence interval (CI), 4.0-5.3) and other cancers, including larynx, bile duct, esophagus, liver, stomach, pancreas, bladder, and also leukemia. Current smoking among women increased the risk of lung cancer mortality (RR = 2.5, 95% CI = 2.0-3.1). Similar results were found for incidence among men and women. CONCLUSION: In Korea, smoking is an independent risk factor for a number of major cancers. The findings affirm the need for aggressive tobacco control in Korea in order to minimize the epidemic of smoking-caused disease.  相似文献   

Smoking is a common health risk behavior that has substantial effects on perioperative risk and postoperative surgical outcomes. Current smoking is clearly linked to an increased risk of perioperative cardiovascular, pulmonary and wound healing complications. Accumulating evidence indicates that smoking cessation can reduce the higher perioperative complication risk that is observed in current smokers. In addition, continued smoking has a negative impact on the overall prognosis of cancer patients. Smoking cessation, on the other hand, can improve long-term outcomes after surgery. Smoking cessation services should be implemented in a comprehensive programmatic manner to ensure that all patients gain access to evidence-based care. Although the benefits of abstinence increase in proportion to the length of cessation, cessation should be recommended regardless of timing prior to surgery.  相似文献   

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