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Short-term quality of life following abortion is poorly characterized. We conducted a prospective cohort study to evaluate 97 U.S. women who selected either medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol or surgical abortion up to 9 weeks gestation in a private-practice setting. Women choosing medical abortion and those choosing surgical abortion with local anesthesia were similar on most baseline characteristics. Eighty-five participants completed a standardized quality of life assessments three times over 1 month. The 30-item questionnaire yielded scores for global health, emotional, social, cognitive and physical functioning and for specific symptom scales. At baseline, participants reported many symptoms and functional limitations during the previous week. Subjects in both treatment groups experienced clinically and statistically significant improvements on all scales at follow-up. Surgical abortion patients had worse scores on three of five function scales and several symptom scales at baseline compared to medical abortion patients. Differences in baseline scores between the medical and surgical abortion patients disappeared during follow-up. A surprising finding was that partner knowledge of the pregnancy at the time the abortion appointment was made was associated with significantly worse scores on most of the function and symptom scales. These results provide substantial reassurance that women undergoing abortion experience a marked improvement in their quality of life after the abortion. Women choosing medical or surgical abortion report very similar quality of life improvements.  相似文献   

Creinin MD 《Contraception》2000,62(3):117-124
This randomized trial was performed to examine the clinical efficacy of, patient acceptance of, and provider resources needed for medical and surgical abortion in women with pregnancies up to 49 days' gestation. Women with no pre-treatment preference for method of abortion were randomized to medical abortion with methotrexate and misoprostol (group 1) or surgical abortion under local anesthesia using manual vacuum aspiration (group 2). Women in group 1 received methotrexate 50 mg orally followed 5 to 6 days later by misoprostol 800 microg vaginally; the misoprostol dose was repeated if the abortion did not occur. All subjects returned for a follow-up evaluation 7 and 14 days after the methotrexate or 14 days after the vacuum aspiration. The time spent by clinical staff for all interactions with participants was prospectively recorded. Enrollment of 50 subjects took 24 months; 25 women were randomized to each group. The complete abortion rates by study day 15 were 83% (95% CI 68, 98%) and 96% (95% CI 88, 100%) for groups 1 and 2, respectively. Of the women randomized to a surgical abortion, 92% (95% CI 81, 100%) stated they would choose a surgical for a next abortion, whereas only 63% (95% CI 43, 82%) of women randomized to a medical abortion would choose that option in the future. Overall, surgical abortion requires 0 to 10% more personnel cost than medical abortion using methotrexate and misoprostol. In women who did not have a strong preference between medical and surgical abortion, the side effect profile and patient acceptability was significantly better for surgical abortion compared to medical abortion.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo determine the time interval between mifepristone and misoprostol administration associated with the most efficacious early pregnancy loss (EPL) management.Study DesignWe performed a secondary analysis of a randomized trial. Participants with EPL were instructed to take 200 mg oral mifepristone followed by 800 mcg vaginal misoprostol 24 hours later. The primary outcome was gestational sac expulsion at the first follow-up visit (1–4 days after misoprostol use) after a single dose of misoprostol and no additional intervention within 30 days after treatment. Despite specification of drug timing, participants used the medication over a range of time. We graphed sliding average estimates of success and assessed the proportion of treatment successes over time to define timing interval cohorts for analysis. We used multivariable generalized linear regression to assess the association between time interval and success.ResultsOf 139 eligible participants, 70 (50.4%) self-administered misoprostol before 24 hours, and 69 (49.6%) at or after 24 hours. We defined the following time intervals: 0 to 6 hours (n = 22); 7 to 20 hours (n = 29); and 21 to 48 hours (n = 88). Success occurred in 96.6% of the 7- to 20-hour cohort compared to 54.6% and 87.5% of the cohorts self-administering misoprostol earlier or later, respectively. When adjusting for race, gestational age, diagnosis, bleeding at presentation, insurance status, and enrollment site, participants administering misoprostol between 0 and 6 hours (adjusted risk ratio 0.58, 95% CI 0.40–0.85) and 21 to 48 hours (adjusted risk ratio 0.91, 95% CI 0.72–0.99) had a lower risk of success when compared to participants administering 7 to 20 hours after mifepristone.ConclusionsThese data suggest that medical management of EPL has the highest likelihood of success when misoprostol is self-administered 7 to 20 hours after mifepristone.ImplicationsThese preliminary data suggest that patients have the highest likelihood of success when misoprostol is taken between 7 and 20 hours after mifepristone. In contrast with medical abortion, simultaneous medication administration may not be as effective as delayed. Future research is needed to confirm the optimal medication time interval.  相似文献   

During the past 25 years, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy has progressively increased while the morbidity and mortality have substantialy decreased, and the treatment has progressed from salpingectomy by laparotomy to conservative surgery by laparoscopy and more recently to medical therapy with Methotrexate or expectant management. This therapeutic transition from surgical emergency to non surgical managment has been attributed to early diagnosis through the use of sensitive assays for hCG and the high definition of vaginal ultrasound. By using these sensitive diagnostic tools, we are now able to select those patients who are most likely to respond to expectant or medical managment versus those who are at high risk of rupture and require surgery. We have reviewed the scientific literature on ectopic pregnancy published over the past 20 years, with the aim to assess the value of non surgical managment of etopic pregnancy. Predictor factors of expectant managment are discussed. Medical therapy with methotrexate: results, indications, Unpleasant side effects and complications are detailed. Several protocols are defined and therapeutic supervision is etablished. The authors offred several recommandations for OB/GY wich will optimize the effectivness of non invasive methods for treatment of ectopic pregnancy.  相似文献   

输卵管妊娠的腹腔镜与开腹保守手术治疗对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘萍  周晓梅  陈沛林 《中国妇幼保健》2007,22(16):2230-2232
目的:探讨腹腔镜保守治疗有生育要求输卵管妊娠患者价值。方法:回顾分析200例保守手术治疗有生育要求输卵管妊娠可患者,其中腹腔镜组100例,开腹组100例。比较两组的手术时间、术中出血量,并于术后第3个月经后行输卵管碘油造影术了解两组异位妊娠输卵管的复通情况。结果:腔镜组平均手术时间(43.98±15.58)min,开腹组平均手术时间(69.25±18.33)min,差异无统计学意义。腔镜组平均出血量(40.25±10.23)ml;开腹组平均出血量(70.68±18.88)ml两者(P<0.05),差异有统计学意义。术后保留输卵管通畅率腹腔镜组90%,开腹组为75%,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论:腹腔镜保守治疗输卵管妊娠疗效确定,有实际意义,更适用于有生育要求的患者。  相似文献   



To identify the contributions of medical conditions and psychological distress to well-being within a non-clinical sample, stratified by age. It was predicted that medical conditions and psychological distress would be negatively associated with well-being. It was also predicted that psychological distress and medical conditions would account for significant variance in well-being. It was further predicted that psychological distress would mediate the relationship between medical conditions and well-being across the life span.


1,424,307 employees/health plan members that completed an HRA. SEM was used to characterize relationships among medical conditions and psychological distress in predicting well-being (QoL, HRQoL, and impairments in ADLs) in five adult age groups.


Medical conditions and psychological distress were negatively associated with well-being. As age increased, psychological distress was less associated with well-being. However, in those >75 years old, psychological distress had the largest association with well-being. All medical conditions, except cancer, were negatively associated with well-being. There were decreasing effects of medical conditions across the life span, with the exception of pulmonary disease which increased. Psychological distress mediated the relationship between medical conditions and well-being, with chronic pain having the greatest mediation across the life span.


The analysis revealed differences in the contribution of psychological distress and medical conditions to well-being by age group. Additionally, the contribution of psychological distress was equitable to that of medical conditions, thus highlighting the importance of addressing psychological distress in medical populations for well-being. Findings suggest the relevance of age in well-being and the need for further longitudinal investigation.

药物流产与手术流产比较可接受性的Meta分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价米非司酮配伍米索前列醇药物流产与手术流产终止早期妊娠的可接受性,为非意愿妊娠妇女选择流产方法提供参考和为临床医生的临床决策提供证据。方法 检索MEDLINE、EMBASE、Cochranelibrary、CBMdisc、CNKI、VIP等6个医学数据库,手工检索12种相关杂志,并追查参考文献。由2名评价员独立筛选、评价文献和提取数据。对没有异质性的文献进行Meta分析。结果 纳入9篇文献(3565例病例)。流产前妇女认为药物流产痛苦更少(OR=466.51,95%CI:91.37~2381.88);而手术流产更快捷(OR=0.02,95%CI:0.01~0.06)。流产后妇女对两种流产方法满意度相似,差异无统计学意义(P=0.89);药物流产的再选择率更高(OR=2.72,95%a:2.13~3.47);向他人推荐药物流产的比率也更高(OR=4.91,95%CI:2.16~11.16)。结论 药物流产是一种痛苦小的方法,但不如手术流产快捷,其再次选择率和推荐给他人的比率高于手术流产。药物流产与手术流产比较各有利弊,二者的满意度相似,不能相互代替。  相似文献   

医用低值耗材的质量管理   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
医用低值耗材的用量呈现逐年递增的趋势,加强医用低值耗材全程质量管理是医院耗材管理的重要组成部分.文中从医用低值耗材的采购、验收、储存、发放等方面探讨了如何对低值耗材加强质量管理.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study was conducted to determine if a contraceptive vaginal ring (CVR) is a safe and acceptable method of contraception when used in the proximate postabortion period following first-trimester surgical or medical abortion. METHODS: A CVR was inserted within 1 week following a medical or surgical abortion. Participants were followed up for 3 months to determine safety and acceptability. Safety was measured by the absence of signs of infection or serious adverse events. Acceptability was assessed by the CVR satisfaction survey, completed at the 3-month follow-up visit. RESULTS: Of 81 participants enrolled in the study, 69 (85%) completed the first-month follow-up visit, and 54 (67%) completed the final 3-month follow-up visit. There were no serious adverse events and no signs of infection on physical exam. Most adverse events were mild and not specifically related to the CVR. Related adverse events were those commonly associated with hormonal contraception use. Eighty-nine percent of participants chose to continue the CVR as their birth control method. CONCLUSION: The CVR is potentially safe and has high acceptability when used in the proximate postabortion period following a first-trimester abortion.  相似文献   

In 2006, breast cancer was the third leading cause of death in American women; however, more women survive breast cancer than any other type of cancer. As the disease progresses, it is important to know how one's health-related quality of life (QOL) is affected for those who receive treatment, those who survive, and those who remain disease-free. The purpose of this study was to summarize the benefits, challenges, and barriers of QOL measurement for female breast cancer patients. A PubMed literature search was conducted using the terms "quality of life" and "breast cancer." The search was then refined with terms related to QOL assessment instruments. The research team reviewed over 100 of the 2,090 articles identified.  相似文献   

目的加强无菌医用耗材的质控管理,优质服务于临床,降低医疗事故风险。方法依据国家卫生部法规文件,制定一系列管理措施及消毒处理程序的规范化管理。结果通过落实一系列质量控制管理措施和规范消毒处理程序,医疗耗材的工作流程走向规范化、制度化的管理轨道。结论确保医疗安全,使无菌医用耗材的使用风险降至零,从而降低了医疗事故的发生。  相似文献   

ME Hotz  V Meineke 《Health physics》2012,103(2):221-225
The provision of quality radiation-related medical diagnostic and therapeutic treatments cannot occur without the presence of robust quality assurance and standardization programs. Medical laboratory services are essential in patient treatment and must be able to meet the needs of all patients and the clinical personnel responsible for the medical care of these patients. Clinical personnel involved in patient care must embody the quality assurance process in daily work to ensure program sustainability. In conformance with the German Federal Government's concept for modern departmental research, the international standard ISO 9001, one of the relevant standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is applied in quality assurance in military medical research. By its holistic approach, this internationally accepted standard provides an excellent basis for establishing a modern quality management system in line with international standards. Furthermore, this standard can serve as a sound basis for the further development of an already established quality management system when additional standards shall apply, as for instance in reference laboratories or medical laboratories. Besides quality assurance, a military medical facility must manage additional risk events in the context of early recognition/detection of health risks of military personnel on deployment in order to be able to take appropriate preventive and protective measures; for instance, with medical radiation accident management. The international standard ISO 31000:2009 can serve as a guideline for establishing risk management. Clear organizational structures and defined work processes are required when individual laboratory units seek accreditation according to specific laboratory standards. Furthermore, international efforts to develop health laboratory standards must be reinforced that support sustainable quality assurance, as in the exchange and comparison of test results within the scope of external quality assurance, but also in the exchange of special diagnosis data among international research networks. In summary, the acknowledged standard for a quality management system to ensure quality assurance is the very generic standard ISO 9001.Health Phys. 103(2):221-225; 2012.  相似文献   

External quality assurance in medical rehabilitation is characterized by the programs of Germany??s two largest providers of rehabilitation (the German pension insurance and the statutory health insurance). The programs were developed with considerable input from scientific institutes. Their strengths lie in measuring several relevant dimensions of quality, the comprehensive implementation for nearly all illnesses treated, integration of the patient perspective, and realization of prospective study designs with follow-up. Weaknesses include low relevance for patient allocation and compensation, the absence of systematic evaluations, and a lack of published patient information on the results of the quality measurements. Internal quality management in medical rehabilitation is regulated by sweeping legal guidelines. Since 2009, a statutory agreement has been in effect which includes a provision that all inpatient rehabilitation centers must be certified by October 2012. Areas for potential improvements in internal quality management processes include an improved theoretical basis, higher specificity for rehabilitation, and a more transparent, methodically improved structure of certification procedures.  相似文献   

BackgroundSecond-trimester medical termination of pregnancy (TOP) is associated with a higher risk of surgical evacuation than earlier medical TOP. Little is known about risk factors of surgical evacuation. Therefore, we assessed these risk factors among women undergoing second-trimester medical TOP.Study DesignData on 227 women were derived from a prospective randomized trial comparing 1- and 2-day mifepristone–misoprostol intervals in second-trimester medical TOP between 2008 and 2010.ResultsThe rate of surgical evacuation was 30.8%. The risk of surgical evacuation was increased by a history of curettage [odds ratio (OR) 4.4; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.7–11.7], fetal indications for TOP (OR 6.1; 95% CI 1.1–34.4), age above 24 years (OR 2.4; 95% CI 1.1–5.3) and a 2-day interval (OR 2.2; 95% CI 1.1–4.1).ConclusionsHistory of curettage, fetal indication, increasing age and 2-day interval between mifepristone and misoprostol increase the risk of surgical evacuation in cases of second-trimester medical TOP. These findings are important when optimizing clinical service in second-trimester TOP.  相似文献   

目的了解医学生过敏性疾病发病与生命早期生活因素的关系,为开展过敏性疾病的早期预防提供参考。方法以2009年温州医学院2 042名一~三年级学生为对象,采用回顾性调查表进行问卷调查,收集出生时相关情况、家族史相关情况及5个生长发育时期过敏性疾病的发病情况。应用SPSS 16.0进行二元Logistic回归分析。结果医学生出生时情况中的出生地、出生体重、出生时成熟情况、性别与过敏性疾病有关;在家族史中的父母过敏性疾病史、受教育程度、职业及父亲吸烟史等与各年龄段过敏性疾病发病相关性较高。结论父母受教育程度、暴露于烟雾环境、出生体重轻、早产是过敏性疾病的易感因素,应针对其开展相应干预研究。  相似文献   

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