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The goal of this study was to explore gender difference in HIV-related perceptions according to a social cognitive theory and sexual risk behaviors and to examine associations between mobility, sexual risk, and history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among male and female migrants visiting STD clinics. A cross-sectional study among migrants visiting STD clinics in three large cities in China assessed HIV-related perceptions, sexual activity, condom use, and history of STDs was used. Among participants, 20% of women had ever sold sex and 33% of men had paid for sex. Women and men were similar in multiple partnerships in the last month (23% versus 22%), consistent condom use during last three sexual encounters (14% versus 15%), and a history of STDs (57% versus 53%). However, more women who reported a history of STDs had contracted at least two STDs than men (55% versus 36%, p < 0.001). Increased sexual risk was associated with increased perception of extrinsic rewards for both genders, but was associated with increased perceptions of intrinsic rewards and response cost in women only, and with decreased perceptions of vulnerability and response efficacy in men only. High mobility was associated with increased sexual risk in women. Self-reported history of STDs was associated with a high rate of past multiple partnership and low education among both genders, but was associated with high mobility and commercial sex in women only. Fifty-four percent of women with a history of STDs informed their partners about their infections, compared to 36% of men (p < 0.001). Married women, both women and men who did not engage in commercial sex, and women and men who used condoms were more likely to inform their partners about their STD infections. Gender differences in HIV-related perceptions and sexual behaviors underscore the importance of gender-specific intervention efforts to prevent the spread of HIV/STD in China.  相似文献   

Studies on HIV and STD risk factors among vulnerable minority groups in Eastern Europe are underrepresented in the literature. The rapid increase in HIV and STD rates observed throughout the region may quickly affect impoverished, stigmatized, and underprivileged communities. Roma (or Gypsies) constitute such a vulnerable group. A total of 324 men aged 14-37 years were recruited during June-July 2001 in a Roma community neighbourhood in Sofia, Bulgaria. HIV/STD risk behaviours were widespread. Men reported a mean of 2.4 female partners in the past 3 months and 77% did not use a condom during their most recent vaginal intercourse. 72% of Roma men said they had engaged in anal intercourse with women in the past 3 months and almost 75% of these heterosexual anal intercourse occurrences were unprotected. 27% reported having sex with other men during their lifetimes, 10% had same-sex anal intercourse partners in the past 3 months, and 58% of the most recent anal intercourse acts by these men were not condom-protected. 16% of men reported selling sex, and 32% paid someone for sex. Positive condom-use attitudes, intentions, norms and self-efficacy, as well as younger age and condom availability, were factors associated with lower sexual risk. These factors should be targeted in rapid, comprehensive, and culturally sensitive prevention interventions for Roma communities.  相似文献   

China is experiencing an emerging HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM). We investigated sexual risk, risk perception, HIV and condom knowledge, and utilization of prevention services in the first large sample of MSM recruited in Beijing. Four hundred eighty-two MSM were sampled from September 2001 to January 2002. Forty-nine percent of participants reported unprotected anal intercourse with men during the previous 6 months. However, only 15% perceived they are at risk for HIV and many had misconceptions about HIV transmission routes and limited knowledge about condoms. Less than one quarter obtained free condoms (24%) and condom lubricants (19%) in the past 2 years. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that unprotected insertive anal intercourse was associated with not having a Beijing residence card, having six or more male sexual partners, not having sex with women, having a lifetime history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and having never tested for HIV. Unprotected receptive anal intercourse was independently associated with having six or more male sexual partners, not having sex with women, having a lifetime history of STDs, having never tested for HIV, and having less exposure to HIV prevention services. In addition, 28% reported having sex with both men and women during the previous 6 months, and 11% had unprotected intercourse with both men and women. This finding suggests that MSM are a potential bridge of HIV transmission to heterosexual women (or vice versa) and that addressing the HIV prevention needs of MSM may benefit the wider population.  相似文献   

This report describes among 360 family planning clients in an HIV epicenter, women's HIV/STD risk characteristics, the barriers and facilitators of condom use within the context of relationships, and the use of alternative strategies for protection. Women attending the clinic were recruited for an HIV/STD preventive intervention and interviewed at baseline. At least 1 risk factor was reported by 77%, including a diagnosis of an STD within the last year for 30%. Recent STD diagnosis was associated with having a risky partner, but not with number of current partners. Women reporting consistent condom use had higher quality of couple communication, stronger intentions to prevent pregnancy, more positive reactions to condoms themselves and from their partners. Alternative risk reduction strategies, including using a barrier method other than condoms, refusing sex, engaging in nonpenetrative sex, leaving a relationship due to STD concerns, or undergoing mutual HIV testing had been used by 39% of women in the past 3 months.  相似文献   

同性固定性伴侣对男男性接触者AIDS高危行为的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
目的 了解中国大陆有固定同性性伴侣男男性接触者(Men who have sex with men,MSM)的艾滋病(AIDS)高危行为及相关情况。方法 采用不记名邮寄问卷形式调查。结果 收回有效问卷1109份。有固定同性性伴侣者689人,平均年龄34.0岁,首次性交平均年龄18.7岁,累计男性性伴侣平均34.8人,92.4%有口交行为,82.9%有肛交行为。近1年内,53.7%有过陌生男性性伴侣,53.1%与女性性交过。69人检测过抗艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体,3人阳性。约87.2%的人曾使用安全套。结论 本组有固定同性性伴侣的MSM在性方面相当活跃,存在HIV高水平流行的可能性,而且流行会在MSM与异性爱人群之间互动。由于社会文化等因素阻力,对中国MSM的AIDS干预尚需要做出更大努力。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the HIV/sexually transmitted disease (STD) status of male patients at STD clinics and factors associated with frequent visits to commercial sex workers (CSW) in southern Vietnam. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. METHODS: Confidential interviews and physical and laboratory evaluation of 804 male patients at STD clinics in two semi-rural provinces in the Mekong delta. RESULTS: HIV seroprevalence was 0.5%. The prevalence of urethritis syndrome was 19.3%, gonorrhea 10.2% (Gram-stain positive) and syphilis 2% (reactive rapid plasma reagin test). All the men had visited CSW in the past and 58% had their first sexual experience with a CSW; 73% had visited a CSW in the last 3 years. Married men were equally as likely as single men to have casual partners or to have visited a CSW. The men recruited CSW more from the streets (45%) than from brothels (38%). Factors independently associated with visiting a CSW in the last 3 years included being single [odds ratio (OR), 2.2], age under 20 years (OR, 1.9), having first sexual intercourse with a CSW (OR, 2.1), not having a current girlfriend (OR, 2.1), using alcohol before sex (OR, 2.7) and drug use (OR, 1.8). Only 7% of men used condoms consistently; 70% had never used them. Only 37% had used a condom last time they had intercourse with a CSW. CONCLUSIONS: Prevention programs for men in Vietnam, particularly those who are young or single, need to focus on reducing drug and alcohol consumption and improving condom use with CSWs.  相似文献   

To study the prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), sexual behaviour and condom use among heterosexuals, 193 women and 157 men entered a longitudinal study. Participants were recruited through an STD clinic, and had had five or more heterosexual partners in the preceding 6 months but had no other AIDS risk factors. Participants were divided in groups with respect to private and/or commercial sexual partners. One hundred and thirty-six (71%) women worked as prostitutes and had, on average, 115 customers a month, and 99 (63%) men had visited, on the average, eight prostitutes in the past 4 months. One hundred and seventy-one (89%) women (114 prostitutes) had had, on average, four partners, and 112 (78%) men (of whom 64 had visited prostitutes) had had, on average, seven private partners in the past 4 months. Vaginal intercourse was often or always reported by all participants whilst anal contact was seldom reported. Non-high-risk sexual techniques (for example, oro-oral, masturbation) were practised more frequently with private than with commercial partners (P less than 0.001). Although no differences were found in the frequency of practising high-risk sexual techniques (for example, vaginal, ano-genital), differences were found for frequency of condom use. Condom use during vaginal intercourse was reported more frequently with commercial than with private partners (P less than 0.01). However, if the number of partners is taken into account, prostitutes had unprotected vaginal intercourse with an estimated average number of 160 partners in 4 months, which is far more than customers (seven) and men and women with private partners only (four).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Examining the patterns of and reasons for sexual behaviors of patients with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) while symptomatic may help to develop effective prevention strategies for both STDs and AIDS. However, little is known about patients' sexual activities after noticing STD symptoms in China, where AIDS and STDs are spreading rapidly. We conducted a cross-sectional study at four STD clinics in Hefei, China. Patients' reported sexual activities were queried, using a tape recorder and earphones. A consecutive sample of 406 male patients with STDs were interviewed. One hundred sixty-four (40%) men reported having sex after having STD symptoms; 45% were married, 27% were single, and 47% cohabiting or divorced. Their sex partners included spouses, girlfriends, and prostitutes. Only 10% of patients with STDs who had sex after noticing STDs reported frequently using condoms or using them for every act of sex. Approximately 60% had never used a condom. Logistic regression analysis indicated that having sex after noticing STD symptoms was associated with lower education, having a previous STD episode, having low HIV/STD knowledge, and having other urethral discharge not caused by C. trachomatis or gonorrhea. Our findings suggest that male patients with STDs may serve as a bridge population linking the STD, and potentially, HIV epidemic from individuals at higher risk to the general population. Intervention programs including health education and condom promotion need to target both those at high risk and those at apparently lower risk.  相似文献   

目的本文描述了中国大陆男同性性接触者(MSM)与HIV/AIDS/STD相关的高危行为、认识和某些影响因素.方法通过自我填写问卷和当面访谈填写问卷两种形式,对426位男性进行了调查.结果本组主要生活在大中城市、接受过较好教育、较为年轻的MSM,平均约18岁开始与同性性交.4/5以上有口-生殖器性交,半数以上有肛门性交行为.累计性伴中位数9人.2/5以上在近一年内有偶遇性性伴.约半数人在调查时有固定性伴,但仅少数人与性伴保持闭合性性关系.约1/3已婚,近半数人与女性性交过.1/4曾患性传播疾病,近一年患病率为6.81%.仅1/10进行过HIV抗体检测,1人阳性.约1/3使用过安全套,通常在少数情况下使用,只有2人坚持使用.不用安全套的原因主要是认为安全套能降低快感、自己无感染HIV的可能和性伴健康,虽然他们已普遍具有关于HIV传播的一般知识.结论中国大陆部分MSM在性方面相当活跃,存在HIV在MSM中高水平流行的可能性.HIV在中国MSM中的流行速度高于90年代初中期在西方国家MSM中的流行速度,而且流行还会直接蔓延到妇女人群.由于社会文化等因素的阻力,对中国MSM的AIDS干预面临重大困难.  相似文献   

The present study reports sexual risk factors associated with HIV infection among men attending two sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics in Pune, India and compares these behaviours between young and older men. Between April 1998 and May 2000, 1872 STD patients were screened for HIV infection. Data on demographics, medical history and sexual behaviour were collected at baseline. The overall HIV prevalence was 22.2%. HIV risk was associated with being divorced or widowed, less educated, living away from the family, having multiple sexual partners and initiation of sex at an early age. The risk behaviours in younger men were different to older men. Younger men were more likely to report early age of initiation of sex, having friends, acquaintances or commercial sex workers as their regular partners, having premarital sex and bisexual orientation. Young men were more educated and reported condom use more frequently compared with the older men. Similar high HIV prevalence among younger and older men highlights the need for focused targeted interventions aimed at adolescents and young men and also appropriate interventions for older men to reduce the risk of HIV and STD acquisition.  相似文献   

目的了解男男性行为人群艾滋病感染状况,分析其影响L犬j素,为开展男男性行为人群艾滋病防治工作提供依据。方法使用同伴推动抽样法招募研究对象,南经过专门培训的人员进行问卷调查,使用酶联免疫吸附试验进行艾滋病病毒抗体筛查,使用蛋白印迹试验进行艾滋病病毒确证,使用EpiData3.2建立数据库,采用SPSS17.0进行统计分析。结果调查对象艾滋病防治知识知晓率为81.86%;63.93%男男性行为人群通过网络寻找性伴;最近6个月发生过肛交性行为的占81.57%,通过付钱的方式得到过男性提供的性服务的占3.48%,为了得到钱为男性提供过性服务的占6.53%,与女性发生过性关系的占27.36%,有过吸毒行为的占0.73%;最近1年…现过性病相关症状的占6.75%;艾滋病、梅毒和丙肝的感染率分别为2.18%、6.75%和1.23%。结论男男性行为人群普遍存在高危行为;艾滋病感染率旱逐年上升的趋势;多性伴等不安全性行为是性病、艾滋病感染的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

We studied sexual disease transmission behaviors among patients of a county sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic in rural North Carolina. Six hundred-sixty patients responded to a 147-item questionnaire. Among those with symptoms (N = 358), 50% of the men and 66% of the women came to the clinic a week or more after experiencing symptoms of a curable infection. Sixty-eight percent of the men and 39% of the women reported having multiple sex partners in the last 3 months. Fifty-nine percent of men and women reported never using a condom during vaginal sex with their main partner. Condom non-use was twice as likely with main partners than with casual ones. Factors independently associated with condom non-use (older age, cohabitation, non–African-American race, and social norms for risky sex) did not vary by partner type after the correlational nature of these data was taken into account. STD-related behaviors among STD clinic clients in this rural county were at least as frequent as reported for urban populations. The relative absence of anonymity in a small community may play a role in several of the behaviors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To define the prevalence of gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, and high-risk sexual behavior in an HIV primary care clinic. DESIGN: Subjects enrolling in this cross-sectional study answered a brief interviewer-administered questionnaire and provided a urine sample for gonorrhea and chlamydia testing. SETTING: A large urban HIV primary care clinic. PARTICIPANTS: HIV-infected patients presenting for a scheduled medical visit from June 1997 to April 1998. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of self-reported high-risk sexual behavior and gonorrhea and chlamydial infection. RESULTS: Of 691 patients consenting to the study over a 10-month period, 58% reported sexual activity in the past 90 days, 7.4% reported multiple sexual partners in the past month, and 34.6% did not use a condom at last sexual encounter. Overall, 4.6% reported a history of either gonorrhea or a chlamydial infection in the past year. Of 637 giving a urine sample for testing, the prevalence of chlamydial infection was 2.4%; the prevalence of gonorrhea was 1.6%. Overall, 7.5% of those screened had either current or recent (within 1 year) gonorrhea or chlamydial infection. Current or recent gonorrhea or chlamydial infection was not associated with age, gender, HIV transmission risk, CD4 cell count, HIV viral load, symptoms, or self-reported risk behavior. CONCLUSION: High-risk sexual behavior and unrecognized sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common among HIV-infected persons followed in primary medical care. Enhanced detection of treatable STD among this population coupled with improved risk-reduction counselling may be important clinical practice measures that can curb the spread of HIV.  相似文献   

Sexual behaviour and use of the condom among Ugandan students.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G S Lule  L D Gruer 《AIDS care》1991,3(1):11-19
HIV infection is widespread in Uganda. Have its university students, the country's leaders of tomorrow, taken appropriate action? A questionnaire was completed by 661 men and 270 women in a one-in-four sample of Makerere University undergraduates (93% response rate). More than 60% of the men and 36% of the women reported at least two sexual partners in the past year. Over 18% of respondents reported at least one episode of sexually transmitted disease in the past year. Most respondents correctly identified the main routes of HIV transmission but risk was also often incorrectly associated with non-penetrative sex. Only a minority saw the condom as an effective preventive method: most saw it as unsafe or an encouragement to promiscuity. Condoms had been used by 35% of men and 24% of women but were currently always used by only 9% of men and 11% of women. The condom was approved of by only one quarter of respondents. Condom use increased with the number of sexual partners but was less likely if the respondent had seen official publicity about the condom. Whilst there were some encouraging signs of behaviour change, opportunities for the spread of HIV continue to abound in this important group. More positive promotion of the condom is urgently required.  相似文献   

北京市农村流动人口的HIV/STD高危性行为和知识分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
目的调查北京市流动人口中存在的感染艾滋病病毒/性传播疾病(HIV/STD)的高危性行为和他们所掌握的艾滋病知识状况。方法在北京市流动人口集中的行业中,用按比例抽样的方法抽取了2222名流动人员,采取问卷调查了解他们拥有的性伙伴数量、参与商业性性行为、安全套使用等高危性行为的情况和艾滋病知识掌握的状况。结果对被调查者中报告有性行为的900人进行了统计分析,结果发现67.4%的人有婚前性行为,31.0%的人有多个性伙伴,9.4%的人参与了商业性性行为,而只有39.0%的人使用过安全套。对全体被调查者的艾滋病知识分析发现,他们的艾滋病知识掌握的相对比较多,熟悉艾滋病传播的三大途径,但对不传播途径没有多大把握。结论加强对流动人口感染HIV/STD的危险和使用安全套的干预。  相似文献   

目的了解山东省男男同性性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病病毒(HIV)、梅毒感染状况及其影响因素,为进一步做好MSM艾滋病防治工作提供依据。方法 2010年4-7月,按照多阶段整群随机抽样方法选取MSM人群,由经过统一培训的调查员对MSM进行面对面问卷调查,抽取静脉血检测艾滋病、梅毒抗体,对影响HIV、梅毒感染的因素进行Logistic回归分析。结果共调查3 200名MSM,收集有效问卷3 086份,有效问卷率96.44%,采集血液标本3 073份。调查对象最小15岁,最大74岁,平均年龄为(26.36±6.38)岁。最近六个月与同性发生过肛交性行为者占72.68%(2 243/3 086),其中每次都使用安全套者占32.59%(731/2 243);最近六个月与同性发生商业性行为者占11.83%(365/3 086),最近六个月与异性发生性行为者占22.72%(701/3 086)。HIV抗体阳性检出率1.01%(31/3 073),梅毒抗体阳性检出率4.69%(144/3 073)。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄较大、最近六个月发生同性肛交性行为、最近一年患过性病、没有接受安全套宣传发放服务,是HIV/梅毒感染的危险因素。结论山东省MSM人群HIV感染率较低,但梅毒感染率较高,提示MSM人群存在HIV广泛传播的可能性,需要在MSM人群中进一步加强艾滋病宣传和行为干预。  相似文献   

目的了解天津市部分男男同性性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病相关危险行为,以及艾滋病病毒(HIV)、梅毒(SP)感染状况,为预防性病、艾滋病传播提供依据。方法采用横断面调查,对进入酒吧的男同性恋者进行问卷调查,同时抽取血样进行梅毒和HIV的实验室检测。结果调查的204人中,HIV感染率为5.9%,梅毒感染率为18.7%。艾滋病知识知晓率为81.4%,近6个月每次性行为均使用安全套的比例为47.9%,HIv感染者安全套使用率低,仅为11.1%,71.4%的HIV感染者最近6个月存在多性伴现象。结论天津市MSM人群危险性行为普遍存在,安全套使用率低,HIV、梅毒感染率较高,应加强对该人群艾滋病性病相关的宣传教育及干预工作,控制HIv的传播。  相似文献   

While rates of HIV and STD infection in Eastern Europe are increasing rapidly, little is known about sexual behaviour, including condom use, among Eastern European youths. The Study of Hungarian Adolescent Risk Behaviours was designed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of adolescents studying in secondary schools in Budapest, Hungary. Students (n =3486) in a random sample of public secondary schools completed a self-administered questionnaire, including measures of sexual activity and condom use. Thirty-eight percent of students reported ever having had vaginal intercourse. Condom use by those reporting having had sex in the past five weeks was classified as consistent/every time (40%); irregular (25.6%); and none (34.3%). Multivariate analysis revealed positive opinions about condoms, fear of AIDS, and initiation of condom use by both partners to predict more frequent condom use. Implications for targeted AIDS/STD education and prevention among adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the socio-demographic factors and sexual risk behaviors (condom use, number of sexual partners, STI symptoms) associated with voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) acceptance and self-perceived risk of being HIV-infected among black men with multiple and younger sex partners in a South African township outside of Cape Town. Using respondent driven sampling, we interviewed 421 men, of whom 409 (97.3%) consented to provide a dried blood spot, 12.3% were HIVinfected (95% confidence intervals [CI.] 8.3, 16.9) and 47.2% (CI. 41.1, 53.6) accepted on site VCT. Twenty six percent (CI. 20.2, 30.7) reported having an HIV test in the past year. Few men perceived themselves as very likely to be infected with HIV (15.6%; CI. 10.4, 20.5). VCT acceptance was significantly associated with being older, married or living with a partner, having higher education, having four to six partners in the past three months and testing HIV positive. Self-perceived likelihood of being HIV infected was significantly associated with low condom use and having seven or more partners in the past three months, and testing HIV positive. These findings indicate that men correctly understand that engaging in certain HIV risk behaviors increases the likelihood of HIV-infection. However, those who perceive themselves at high risk of having HIV do not seek testing. Further investigation into the psychological and cultural barriers to reducing risky sexual behaviors and accessing VCT and other HIV services is recommended.  相似文献   

Lau JT  Thomas J 《AIDS care》2001,13(1):71-81
The objective was to assess levels of high-risk sexual behaviour, condom use, sexually transmitted disease (STD) history and AIDS-related perceptions among Hong Kong men returning from China by land; 1,254 systematically sampled subjects were interviewed. Of respondents, 32.5% had sexual intercourse with a commercial sex worker (CSW) in China in the past six months; 11.2% have done so on this trip. A third of those who reported having sex with CSWs did so without a condom. A fifth had a history of STDs: seventy per cent of respondents who did not use a condom with a CSW would not use a condom with their regular sexual partner. Less educated respondents, 31-40-year-olds and non-business and frequent travellers were more likely to have sex with a CSW. Those who practice high-risk sex fear AIDS more, are aware that their own risk of HIV infection is not negligible, but think that chances of HIV infection from CSWs in China are small. Although Hong Kong's estimated HIV prevalence among adults is low (0.06%), the huge volume of cross-border travel between Hong Kong and China and the common practice of high-risk sex by Hong Kong male travellers provide a bridge for emerging epidemics to spread.  相似文献   

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