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According to data collected from women and adolescents, a strong link exists between childhood abuse history and substance abuse. Using a sample of 274 women and 556 men receiving detoxification services, we explored whether the same pattern emerged across genders and types of abuse. Results revealed 20% of men and more than 50% of women reported childhood physical or sexual abuse. Sexual or physical abuse had negative sequelae, regardless of gender. Individuals with abuse history reported earlier age of onset of drinking, more problems associated with use of alcohol/drugs, more severe psychopathology, and more lifetime arrests, arrests related to substance use, and arrests related to mental health. Prevention and proactive intervention activities are crucial to prevent negative sequelae of childhood victimization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about health care and service utilization patterns among low-income African-American women, particularly those who report intimate partner violence (IPV). OBJECTIVES: (1) Identify utilization patterns among low-income African-American women. (2) Demonstrate utilization differences by IPV status. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and fifty-three African-American women from medical care clinics at a large inner-city public hospital. DESIGN: Case-control study. Predictor variable IPV assessed by the Index of Spouse Abuse. Outcome variables, health care, and service utilization, determined using the Adult Service Utilization Form. RESULTS: Of the 153 participants, 68 reported high IPV levels. The mean age was 32 years, majority were poor and unemployed, and 15.7% were homeless. The overall utilization rates were low. When controlled for homelessness and relationship status, high IPV levels were associated with greater psychiatric outpatient utilization. We found differences in the use of other medical or community services by IPV group. CONCLUSIONS: Women reporting high IPV levels are more likely to receive mental health services than women reporting low IPV levels, but may not have access to other needed services. Primary care providers should assess the mental health, legal, and social service needs of abused women, which will facilitate receipt of services. The authors have no conflicts of interest to report. Dr. Paranjape is supported by the Emory Mentored Clinical Research Scholars Program (K12 NIH/NCRR RR017643). The SAFETY study is funded by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (grant number #R49/CCR419767-0).  相似文献   

Assessing program fidelity in substance abuse health services research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses how treatment fidelity and related constructs (e.g. program implementation) can be assessed in alcohol, drug abuse and mental health services research. First, it introduces definitions of fidelity and related concepts, and then describes various concepts and tools from program evaluation that have proven useful for assessing fidelity. Next, several of these are illustrated in detail through a case study of a multisite fidelity assessment in substance abuse services research: the process evaluation of the NIAAA Homeless Cooperative Agreement Program. This evaluation included analysis of implementation at the program- and participant-level, the development of scales from the individual services data to estimate intervention strength, fidelity, and leakage (i.e. the degree to which services intended exclusively for intervention groups were inadvertently delivered to comparison groups) and the methods with which these data were used to assess whether programs were implemented as planned.  相似文献   

Although there is increasing emphasis on providing drug treatment programs for women that address their specific needs (including parenting and childcare), some women still fail to complete treatment. Because of the limited information about the barriers involved, this study examines pretreatment characteristics as predictors of program completion for 87 women who were pregnant or who entered residential treatment with their children. By using a multivariate prediction model, three significant predictors of treatment completion were identified: education level, recent arrests, and peer deviance. Women who completed program requirements were more likely to have a high school degree or equivalent, no arrests in the 6 months before admission, and friends who were less deviant. These findings support the need for specialized education and services that address social deviancy of pregnant and/or parenting women. Other predictors that approached significance and deserve further study include marital status, number of children in treatment, child welfare involvement, cocaine use, and psychological depression.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of substance abuse treatment programming for women: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research has shown that women and men differ in substance abuse etiology, disease progression, and access to treatment for substance abuse. Substance abuse treatment specifically designed for women has been proposed as one way to meet women's distinctive needs and reduce barriers to their receiving and remaining in treatment. However, relatively few substance abuse treatment programs offer specialized services for women, and effectiveness has not been fully evaluated. This article reviews the literature on the extent and effectiveness of substance abuse treatment programming for women and provides an overview of what is known about the components of successful treatment programs for women. Thirty-eight studies of the effect on treatment outcomes of substance abuse treatment programming for women were reviewed. Seven were randomized, controlled trials, and 31 were nonrandomized studies. In our review, six components of substance abuse treatment programming for women were examined: child care, prenatal care, women-only programs, supplemental services and workshops that address women-focused topics, mental health programming, and comprehensive programming. The studies found positive associations between these six components and treatment completion, length of stay, decreased use of substances, reduced mental health symptoms, improved birth outcomes, employment, self-reported health status, and HIV risk reduction. These findings suggest that to improve the future health and well-being of women and their children, there is a continued need for well-designed studies of substance abuse treatment programming for women.  相似文献   

Although numerous statistics on drug and alcohol abuse are kept by the U.S. Army Europe, several areas have not been studied. The authors obtained information on both current and past drug and alcohol use patterns from 96 female soldiers stationed at several locations in Germany. Results were compared to studies in the literature citing female use. Female soldiers showed use rates that were comparable or lower than those of civilian populations except for a slightly higher percentage who had "ever used" narcotics. Several explanations for the marked differences in relative male and female use in the military are discussed, with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an exploratory study conducted to identify best practice Medicaid managed care models for people with disabilities who need substance abuse treatment services. These results suggest that there is wide variation in the managed care strategies that states use to provide substance abuse treatment services to the SSI disabled population, that state policymakers are often focused on general program management issues rather than addressing specific issues related to providing substance abuse treatment services to people with disabilities, and that although managed care theoretically offers opportunities for creativity,this practice does not appear to be widespread under current Medicaid managed care arrangements for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Frequent and multiple service utilization among substance abusers is a well-known problem. However, little statistical evidence exists about overlapping agency populations. METHODS: This phenomenon was studied in a clear-cut region in Belgium, based on intake information concerning all clients who addressed a drug treatment center within a 6-month period (n=1,139). RESULTS: Multiple service utilization was rather common but not omnipresent during this particular registration period. Almost 15% of the clients were registered in more than one substance abuse treatment agency. Compared to single agency attendees, multiple agency clients appeared to be more often poly-substance abusers with a longer previous treatment history and greater problem severity. CONCLUSION: A continuous care perspective, interagency collaboration and a common tracking and documentation system are recommended to better address the needs of this specific subgroup of substance abusers. More research is needed to clarify whether these multiple service utilization patterns are caused by client-related, agency-related or other factors.  相似文献   

The authors review more than two decades of research in the use of behavioral interventions for the treatment of drug and alcohol abuse. This survey covers major areas of research activity, including the use of aversive stimuli (chemical, electrical, and covert), skills training, contingency management, extinction/desensitization, and combined behavioral treatments. The reviewers conclude that while many of these treatment interventions hold promise, few have been fully explored with the use of properly controlled group studies. Suggestions are offered which may facilitate research and aid in the evaluation of behavioral interventions for substance abuse.  相似文献   

This article examines whether female injection drug users (IDUs) who have a history of using mental health services (i.e., one or more psychiatric hospitalizations or counseling) enter types of drug treatment different from those of female IDUs who do not have a history of using mental health services. Data used for this exploration originate from a statewide drug-treatment database covering all women who entered drug treatment in the state of Massachusetts from 1996 to 2001. A total of 7776 women were included in the study. Through the use of logistic regression analysis, the study determined that those female IDUs who had a mental health service history, compared with female IDUs who had no such history, were about two-thirds more likely to enter substance abuse treatment other than detoxification only. Specifically, women with a mental health service history were about 66% more likely to enter substance abuse treatment modalities such as drug-free outpatient counseling, methadone maintenance, and/or long-term residential services rather than detoxification alone. This is a positive result, indicating that female IDUs who have mental health problems and therefore have high needs for effective substance abuse treatment are entering the more intensive and/or longer term modalities likely to lead to better outcomes. Possible factors accounting for this, including the referral process within detoxification centers, the role of community referral agents, and the experience women gain as a consequence of receiving services in more than one service system, are discussed.  相似文献   

Aims. This study investigated whether child sexual abuse (CSA) was associated with earlier substance use and greater severity of substance dependence and what aspects of CSA might predict substance abuse. Design. The study compared (a) drug and alcohol treatment clients with and without a history of CSA and (b) CSA survivors outside drug and alcohol treatment who did or did not have current substance abuse. Settings. Semi-structured interviews took place at participants' homes, treatment agencies or the research centre. Participants. Volunteer participants included 100 women recruited from drug and alcohol treatment programmes and 80 CSA survivors recruited through CSA counselling services and media advertising. Measurements. The results focus on data from the Opiate Treatment Index, Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire, Substance Dependence Scale, Self-Esteem Inventory and self-reported histories of CSA. Findings. There were no differences between CSA survivors and other drug and alcohol treatment clients in their severity of dependence. Women with a history of CSA more frequently identified stimulants as their main problem drug and reported an earlier age of first intoxication and earlier use of inhalants. Among CSA survivors outside drug and alcohol treatment, women with current substance abuse had typically been abused during adolescence by someone outside the family, whereas those without current substance abuse were typically abused by family members before adolescence. Conclusions. The results suggest that adolescence is a crucial time for the influence of CSA experiences on substance abuse.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study aimed to examine the comorbidity between eating disorders and substance use in a large nationally representative sample of Canadian adult women. Recent as well as life-time measures of substance use were used. DESIGN: The research was based on secondary analyses of data collected, using multi-stage stratified probability sampling, by Statistics Canada in the Mental Health and Well-being cycle 1.2 of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). MEASUREMENTS: The Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26) was used to measure risk of eating disorders. Alcohol use, dependence and interference, and illicit drug use, dependence and interference were measured using relevant modules from the short form of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI-SF). PARTICIPANTS: Data on a nationally representative sample of Canadian adult women, grouped into three age groups, were used for this research. FINDINGS: Alcohol dependence and alcohol interference were associated significantly with the risk for an eating disorder in the three adult age groups. Significant associations were also found in the three age groups between risk for an eating disorder and the life-time abuse of and dependence on illicit drugs. Significant associations were found in the 15-24 and 25-44-year age groups when the 12-month time-frame was used. CONCLUSIONS: The study findings support the call for the development of short screening instruments for adult women with eating disorders and substance abuse, as well as for the development of treatment strategies that address the co-occurrence of eating disorders and substance use  相似文献   

Large-scale epidemiological studies suggest substantially lower prevalence rates of substance abuse disorders in Black Americans than in White Americans. This is counterintuitive since indicators of socioeconomic status, which on an average are lower in Blacks than Whites, are inversely associated with the prevalence of psychiatric disorders. Herein, we recommend against the use of race-specific national epidemiological data to estimate prevalence of substance abuse disorders and need for services at community/local levels. This is important so that catchment areas with high proportions of minorities receive equitable levels of substance abuse prevention and treatment resources. We illustrate our recommendation through observations and potential biases (e.g., reporting bias) identified from large-scale epidemiological studies of the prevalence of substance use disorders between Black and White Americans.  相似文献   

Individuals with substance abuse and mental health problems are common in prisons and jails, but relatively little is known about the health or health services utilization of inmates with these types of problems. This study, therefore, focuses on prisoners who self-reported receiving a prior diagnosis from a physician or a psychologist who indicated they had 1) substance abuse problems only, 2) mental health problems only, and 3) substance abuse and mental health problems. A fourth group of prisoners who reported no diagnoses were included as the "no problems" group. Comparisons were made on reports of lifetime health problems, use of preventive health services, and use of medical services. Findings showed the substance abuse and mental health problems group had the most serious health problems profiles. Use of preventive health services was similar across all four groups, but the substance abuse and mental health problems group reported significantly greater use of the emergency room and more hospital stays both for their lifetime and in the year prior to their current incarceration. The policy and practical relevance of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the course and severity of substance-related disorder (SRD) in relation to gender. DESIGN: Retrospective data on course were obtained for several indices of substance use, abuse, and related morbidity. SETTING: Two university medical centers with alcohol-drug programs located in departments of psychiatry. SUBJECTS: A total of 642 patients were assessed, of whom 365 (57%) were men and 277 (43%) were women. METHODS: Data on course included demographic characteristics, family history of substance abuse, lifetime use, age at first use, years of use, use in the last year, periods of abstinence, and current diagnosis. Data on severity included two measures of SRD-associated problems (one patient rated and one interviewer rated), substance abuse versus dependence, self-help activities, and previous treatment. RESULTS: Women were more apt to be homemakers; to have a sibling or, if married, a spouse who abused substances; to be less apt to have ever used hallucinogens or inhalants; to have used substances for fewer years; to have used cannabis and inhalants for fewer days in the last year; to have a lower rate of current cannabis abuse/dependence; to have fewer legal problems related to substances (especially driving while intoxicated [DWI] charges); to have fewer outpatient admissions to treatment; to have fewer admissions to substance abuse treatment (all categories together), fewer lifetime days in treatment, and lower overall treatment cost (for all categories of treatment together). CONCLUSIONS: These data confirm earlier reports of a shorter course, less deviant drug usage, and--if married--a substance-abusing spouse. In addition, we found higher rates of familial substance abuse and lower rates of lifetime admissions, treatment days, and total cost of substance abuse treatment. Homemaking responsibilities, a substance-abusing spouse, a male-oriented treatment system, and/or a more rapid course may reduce substance abuse treatment for women.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although prior research has examined predictors of treatment retention in public alcohol and drug treatment programs, little is known about factors that influence treatment retention in an insured outpatient population. Because there is growing evidence that the factors which influence treatment retention may differ by gender, we identify sex-specific predictors. METHODS: We recruited all eligible intakes to a health maintenance organization's outpatient alcohol and drug treatment program during a 2-year period and obtained a sample of 317 women and 599 men. The programs, day hospital and traditional outpatient modalities, were abstinence based. We separated our sample by sex and used least squares and logistic regression to identify independent predictors of length of stay and program completion, respectively. RESULTS: One general pattern of predictors of increased retention was shared by women and men in this alcohol and drug treatment program--fewer and less severe drug problems. However, most predictors were sex-specific. Among women, retention was predicted by having higher incomes, belonging to ethnic categories other than African American, being unemployed, being married, and having lower levels of psychiatric severity. Among men, predictors of higher retention included being older, receiving employer suggestions to enter treatment, and having abstinence goals. CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the importance of examining aspects of the course of treatment separately by sex. They also suggest treatment factors that may enhance retention among insured populations, including employer referrals, psychiatric services, and drug-related services.  相似文献   

This paper considers whether victimization moderates adolescents' outcomes in substance abuse treatment. Adolescents (N=975) in outpatient and residential settings were assessed at intake, three, six, nine, and 12 months. Differential outcomes by gender and degree of victimization were analyzed. Dependent variables were marijuana use and substance-related problems. The residential sample reported higher baseline marijuana use and victimization. Both samples significantly reduced marijuana use and associated problems during treatment. Victimization was significantly related to more substance-related problems at intake and follow-up. More severe trauma histories in residential females were associated with significantly greater persistence in substance-related problems post-discharge.  相似文献   

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