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Heat shock proteins (HSP) can interact with a wide variety of peptides and the resulting HSP:peptide complexes are known to be highly immunogenic. The ability of HSP:peptide complexes to elicit CD8+ T cell responses by cross-presentation of exogenous antigen via MHC class I is well known. In contrast, their role in the activation of CD4+ T cells is less clearly defined, although several recent studies in mice and T cell lines suggest an involvement of HSP in the presentation of antigenic peptides via MHC class II. In this study we have investigated the potential of antigenic peptides from tetanus toxin and influenza hemagglutinin complexed to the human stress-inducible Hsp70 to enhance activation and proliferation of human memory CD4+ T cells. Hsp70:peptide complexes were found to amplify the proliferation of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells as confirmed by HLA-DR tetramer staining. Complex formation of the antigenic peptide with Hsp70 was absolutely required to elicit an antigen-specific amplification. This effect was most pronounced at low doses of antigen and decreasing APC/CD4+ T cell ratios. Taken together, we show the potential of Hsp70 to enhance antigen-specific CD4+ T cell proliferation and to increase the immunogenicity of presented peptides in human CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

A reciprocal influence exists between mycobacteria and HIV: HIV-infected individuals are more susceptible to mycobacterial infections and, on the other hand, mycobacterial infection results inacceleration of HIV disease progression. Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T lymphocytes are known to participate in the defense against intracellular pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indeed, they kill mycobacteria-infected macrophages and, upon recognition of mycobacterial Ag, release TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, which are also up-regulators of HIV expression. To assess whether mycobacteria-activated gamma delta T lymphocytes contribute to the enhancement of HIV replication, we established an in vitro model mimicking HIV and mycobacteria co-infection with the latently HIV-infected promonocytic U1 cell line and Vgamma9/Vdelta2 peripheral lymphocytes stimulated with mycobacterial Ag. gamma delta T cell activation determined two distinct, but connected effects, namely U1cell death and HIV expression. Both effects were mainly mediated by release of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma from activated gamma delta lymphocytes, although Fas-FasL interaction also contributed to U1 apoptosis. The final outcome on U1 survival, and thus, on HIV expression, highly depended on mycobacterial Ag concentration coupled to the differential secretory potency of gamma delta cells. In particular, the induction of viral expression prevailed at low Ag concentration and with lower cytokine production by mycobacteria-activated gamma delta cells. Notably, during the course of HIV infection, Vgamma9/Vdelta2 lymphocytes are reported to be functionally impaired and may thus indirectly influence the progression of HIV disease. In addition, a predominant inhibition of viral replication was encountered when mycobacteria-activated gamma delta T cells were co-cultured with primary HIV-infected macrophages. Thus, we suggest that specific recognition of mycobacterial Ag by gamma delta T lymphocytes in co-infected individuals may modulate viral replication through the complex array of soluble factors released.  相似文献   

(E)-1-Hydroxy-2-methyl-but-2-enyl 4-diphosphate, a recently discovered intermediate in the deoxyxylulose phosphate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis, has been shown to act as a potent immunomodulator. In cultures of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from eight non-related donors, the compound stimulated the proliferation of Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T lymphocytes with a median EC(50) of 70 pM when 10 U/ml of IL-2 was used as costimulant. Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP), dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) and some structural analogs of (E)-1-hydroxy-2-methyl-but-2-enyl 4-diphosphate also stimulated Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T-cell proliferation, albeit at much higher concentrations. The Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T-cell proliferation is highly dependent on the seeding density used in culture. All phosphoantigens tested elicited the proliferation of two T-lymphocyte populations with different apparent ratios between the expression level of Vdelta2 and Vgamma9 chains.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Potentially cytotoxic Vdelta2+ T lymphocytes recognize human leukocyte antigen-E on the trophoblast via their CD94/NKG2A receptors. This study aims at determing the percentage of gamma/delta T-cell subsets, their NKG2A and Annexin V positivity in peripheral blood of healthy pregnant women and women at risk of premature pregnancy termination. METHOD OF STUDY: Peripheral Vdelta2+ cells from healthy pregnant women and from women at risk of premature pregnancy termination were tested for the KIR NKG2A and Annexin V positivity by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The percentage of viable Vdelta2+ T cells was higher, that of Vdelta1+ T cells was lower in women at risk of premature pregnancy termination than in healthy pregnant women. The percentage of NKG2A + Vdelta2+ T cells was significantly lower in pregnant women at risk of premature pregnancy termination than in normal pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest the involvement of gamma/delta T lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of premature pregnancy termination.  相似文献   

Okoye IS  Wilson MS 《Immunology》2011,134(4):368-377
Over the past 10 years we have made great strides in our understanding of T helper cell differentiation, expansion and effector functions. Within the context of T helper type 2 (Th2) cell development, novel innate‐like cells with the capacity to secrete large amounts of interleukin‐5 (IL‐5), IL‐13 and IL‐9 as well as IL‐4‐producing and antigen‐processing basophils have (re)‐emerged onto the type 2 scene. To what extent these new players influence αβ+ CD4+ Th2 cell differentiation is discussed throughout this appraisal of the current literature. We highlight the unique features of Th2 cell development, highlighting the three necessary signals, T‐cell receptor ligation, co‐stimulation and cytokine receptor ligation. Finally, putting these into context, microbial and allergenic properties that trigger Th2 cell differentiation and how these influence Th2 effector function are discussed and questioned.  相似文献   

The proliferation of Vdelta1(+) gammadelta T lymphocytes has been described in various infections including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and malaria. However, the antigen specificity and functions of the human Vdelta1(+) T cells remain obscure. We sought to explore the biological role for this T cell subset by investigating the reconstitution of T cell receptor (TCR) repertoires of Vdelta1(+) gammadelta T lymphocytes after human allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). We observed skewed TCR repertoires of the Vdelta1(+) T cells in 27 of 44 post-transplant patients. Only one patient developed EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in the present patient cohort. The -WGI- amino acid motif was observed in CDR3 of clonally expanded Vdelta1(+) T cells in half the patients. A skew was also detected in certain healthy donors, and the Vdelta1(+) T cell clone derived from the donor mature T cell pool persisted in the recipient's blood even 10 years after transplant. This T cell clone expanded in vitro against stimulation with autologous EBV-lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), and the Vdelta1(+) T cell line expanded in vitro from the same patient showed cytotoxicity against autologous EBV-LCL. EBV-infected cells could also induce in vitro oligoclonal expansions of autologous Vdelta1(+) T cells from healthy EBV-seropositive individuals. These results suggest that human Vdelta1(+) T cells have a TCR repertoire against EBV-infected B cells and may play a role in protecting recipients of allogeneic HSCT from EBV-associated disease.  相似文献   

Production of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) by tumor cells, leading to tryptophan depletion and production of immunosuppressive metabolites, may facilitate immune tolerance of cancer. IDO gene is also expressed in dendritic cells (DC) upon maturation induced by lipopolysaccarides or IFN. We investigated IDO gene expression in melanoma cell lines and clinical specimens as compared to mature DC (mDC). Furthermore, we explored effects of L-kynurenine (L-kyn) and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA) on survival and antigen-dependent and independent proliferation of CD8(+) cells. We observed that IDO gene expression in cultured tumor cells and freshly excised samples is orders of magnitude lower than in mDC, providing highly efficient antigen presentation to CD8(+) T cells. Non toxic concentrations of L-kyn or 3-HAA did not significantly inhibit antigen-specific CTL responses. However, 3-HAA, but not L-kyn markedly inhibited antigen-independent proliferation of CD8(+) T cells induced by common receptor gamma-chain cytokines IL-2, -7 and -15. Our data suggest that CD8(+) T cell activation induced by antigenic stimulation, a function exquisitely fulfilled by mDC, is unaffected by tryptophan metabolites. Instead, in the absence of effective T cell receptor triggering, 3-HAA profoundly affects homeostatic proliferation of CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the levels of TCR-γδ T cells and their subpopulations Vδ1 and Vδ2 in the peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of 28 heart transplant (HTx) patients. Patients (n = 10) receiving cyclosporin A (CsA) for treatment of a nephrotic syndrome (NS) and 10 healthy individuals served as controls. There was no difference in levels of TCR-γδ T cells between the different groups. However, an elevated proportion of Vδ1+γδ T cells was found in the PBL of HTx patients, especially when these cells were present in their graft-infiltrating lymphocyte (GIL) cultures. Vδ1+γδ T cells of HTx patients showed normal expression of CD45RO and lacked the activation markers CD25 and HLA-DR. After expanding in IL-2-containing medium, PBL cultures of HTx patients more often were dominated by Vδ1 cells than PBL cultures of controls, in which Vδ2 cells were predominantly grown. The aberrant composition of the TCR-γδ population in HTx patients was not a result of immunosuppressive medication, since the proportion Vδ1+γδ T cells was normal in the PBL of the NS patients receiving a similar dose of CsA. It is postulated that long-term antigenic stimulation by the graft, at low level, might be responsible for the altered composition of the γδ pool in the HTx patients. Since no donor HLA-specific γδ T cells have been detected, other ligands, such as heat shock proteins, may be involved.  相似文献   

Receptor-interacting protein 2 (RIP2), also known as CARDIAK and RICK, has been reported to play a role in both adaptive T cell responses and innate immunity as a mediator in TLR signaling and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (Nod) signaling. Because initial reports remain controversial, we have further examined both innate and adaptive immune responses in RIP2-deficient mice on the C57BL/6 background. Despite the up-regulation of RIP2 after T cell activation, we could not detect any defect in T cell proliferation or Th1/Th2 responses in RIP2-KO mice. Furthermore, we found that TLR responses in RIP2-deficient macrophages were normal. However, our analysis showed that Nod signaling was impaired in macrophages from RIP2-deficient mice. In conclusion, our data demonstrate a critical role for RIP2 in Nod signaling, while T cell proliferation, T helper differentiation and TLR responses were unaffected by the absence of RIP2.  相似文献   

Using gene-targeted mice we have investigated whether perforin and/or interferon-gamma exert a direct regulatory effect on the expansion and contraction of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells following infection with a virus (vesicular stomatitis virus) which is not controlled through these molecular effector systems. Unlike what has been observed when these molecules are essential for pathogen clearance, neither molecule was found to play an important role in regulating the kinetics of the virus-specific CD8(+) T cell response in the absence of antiviral effector activity.  相似文献   

Cytokines are the most important inducers of T helper (Th) cell differentiation. Interleukin-12 (IL-12) and interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) are responsible for human Th1-cell differentiation, while IL-4 is the critical cytokine promoting Th2-cell development. These two subsets of cells co-ordinate immunological responses to pathogens as well as autoimmune or allergic reactions. The pim family of proto-oncogenes encodes serine/threonine-specific kinases involved in cytokine-mediated signalling pathways in haematopoietic cells. Here we demonstrate that expression of pim-1 and pim-2 mRNAs is selectively up- or down-regulated in human cord-blood-derived CD4+ cells freshly induced to polarize towards Th1 or Th2 cells, respectively, whereas their expression is inhibited in both cell types by the immunosuppressive transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). Moreover, the Th1-specific cytokines IL-12 and IFN-alpha, but not the Th2-specific cytokine IL-4, transiently up-regulate pim-1 and pim-2 mRNA expression in human peripheral blood T cells and natural killer cells. In addition, the Pim-1 protein levels are strongly up-regulated by Th1-specific cytokines in all of these cell types. Taken together, our results suggest that pim genes and their protein products are involved in the early differentiation process of T helper cells.  相似文献   

Interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) has critical roles in immune cell differentiation and function and is indispensable for clonal expansion and effector function in T cells. Here, we demonstrate that the AKT pathway is impaired in murine CD8+ T cells lacking IRF4. The expression of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), a negative regulator of the AKT pathway, was elevated in Irf4?/? CD8+ T cells. Inhibition of PTEN partially rescued downstream events, suggesting that PTEN constitutes a checkpoint in the IRF4‐mediated regulation of cell signaling. Despite the clonal expansion defect, in the absence of IRF4, memory‐like CD8+ T cells could be generated and maintained, although unable to expand in recall responses. The homeostatic proliferation of naïve Irf4?/? CD8+ T cells was impaired, whereas their number eventually reached a level similar to that of wild‐type CD8+ T cells. Conversely, memory‐like Irf4?/? CD8+ T cells underwent homeostatic proliferation in a manner similar to that of wild‐type memory CD8+ T cells. These results suggest that IRF4 regulates the clonal expansion of CD8+ T cells at least in part via the AKT signaling pathway. Moreover, IRF4 regulates the homeostatic proliferation of naïve CD8+ T cells, whereas the maintenance of memory CD8+ T cells is IRF4‐independent.  相似文献   

We show that human Vdelta1 or Vdelta2 T lymphocytes secrete FasL and undergo apoptosis upon incubation with soluble HLA (sHLA)-I or after cross-linking of CD8, with a kinetics different from that observed following ligation of TCR. sHLA-I-induced apoptosis was blocked by anti-CD8 mAb; on the other hand, sHLA-I was not effective in CD8- clones, while an HLA-I mutated in the alpha3 domain, responsible for CD8 binding, was not functional on CD8+ clones. Purified sHLA-Cw3 or -Cw4 alleles, isolated from the Cw3- or Cw4-transfected 721.221 lymphoblastoid cell line, triggered gammadelta T cell apoptosis, interacting with the specific receptors CD158j/KIR2DS2 or CD158 h/KIR2DS1, respectively, also known as activating isoforms of killer Ig-like receptors (KIR). Again, this effect was dependent on FasL secretion and it was blocked by specific mAb to KIR2DS2 or KIR2DS1. The engagement of CD8 or activating KIR also triggered the production of TNF-alpha. Noteworthy, sHLA-I molecules synergize with antigen-mediated activation of Vdelta2 T cells: Indeed, Vdelta2 T lymphocytes produced TNF-alpha when stimulated with isopentenyl pyrophosphate, and this effect was enhanced by sHLA-I. These findings suggest that sHLA-I can regulate gammadelta T cell survival and that activating KIR may amplify antigen-specific Vdelta2 T cell responses.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that dendritic cells (DC) display opposite functions in the immune system, as they may induce immunity or tolerance depending on intrinsic and environmental factors. In mice, adoptive transfer of mature DC pulsed extracorporeally with antigen induces the development of antigen-specific Th1- and Th2-type CD4(+) cells. In this work, we compared the adjuvant properties of immature (freshly isolated) and mature (cultured) splenic DC in vivo. Our data show that injection of either cell population induces the clonal expansion of CD4(+) T cells but that only mature DC trigger their differentiation into effector cells producing IFN-gamma. In contrast, transfer of immature DC provokes the development of intermediates in the differentiation process, similar to the central memory cells. These observations, together with data in the literature, suggest that DC may induce tolerance, memory, or immunity depending on their maturation state.  相似文献   

We have established human γδ T cell lines specific for Streptococcus sanguis (S. sanguis) KTH-1 present in normal oral cavity flora. The CD4?CD8? CD3+Vγ9+Vδ1?CD45RO+ CD25+ T cell lines showed a proliferative response to the streptococcal antigen (Ag) in the presence of autologous antigen-presenting cells without apparent evidence of HLA restriction. The proliferative response of the γδ T cell lines was completely blocked by anti-TcRγδ monoclonal antibody (mAb) and anti-HLA class I mAb (W6/32), whereas anti-HLA classical class Ia mAb (B-H9; anti-HLA-A,B,C), anti-HLA class II mAb (anti-DR, anti-DQ, and anti-DP) and anti-CD4 mAb did not have any inhibitory effects. Surprisingly, the γδ T cell lines showed the proliferative response against the original bacterial Ag KTH-1 exclusively, and exhibited no cross-reactivity with nominal Ag such as purified protein derivative of tuberculin, tetanus toxoid and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or the same species but different strain of S. sanguis, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) standard strain (10556), or even with the same strain but different serotype of S. sanguis, KTH-3. Moreover, cytokine production of the γδ T cell lines was similar to the Th1 pattern [interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and TNF-β]. They also produced interleukin-8 that functions as one of chemoattractants for polymorphonuclear cells. Using direct sequencing technique of the polymerase chain reaction products, we found that junctional diversity of the T cell receptor (TcR) used by the parental KTH-1 specific γδ T cell line and its subclones is rather limited. It is suggested that γδ T cells with canonical TcR could preferentially respond to KTH-1 Ag. Thus, in addition to a broad or cross-reactivity of γδ T cells against phylogenetically conserved stress/heat-shock protein, which is well characterized by others, some peripheral blood γδ T cells could recognize and kill exogenous agents with fine antigenic specificity to protect the body against them.  相似文献   

These studies analyze growth requirements for the normal γδ T cell population in peripheral lymphoid tissues. Avian γδ T cells can respond well to T cell mitogens in the presence of αβ T cells, but our studies indicate that they do not grow well alone. Exogenous growth factors were required in order for γδ T cells to proliferate in response to receptor ligation by anti-T cell receptor antibodies or other T cell mitogens. Interleukin-2 was implicated as one of the necessary growth factors that the γδ cells cannot produce adequately on their own. The response to dual stimulation (receptor ligation plus exogenous T cell factors) was attributable to a discrete subpopulation of γδ T cells that could be identified by their cell surface CD8, major histocompatibility complex class II expression and relative increase in cell size. Conversely, non-responsive γδ T cells did not exhibit these activation markers. These observations suggest a physiological basis for the relatively late appearance of γδ T cells in inflammatory responses and their failure as a population to match the growth potential of αβ T cells. More importantly, the results imply that the biological role of γδ T cells must be understood within the context of their interaction with αβ T cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying the relatively slow progression of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) compared with HIV-1 infection are undefined and could be a result of more effective immune responses. We used HIV-2 and HIV-1 IFN-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot assays to evaluate CD8(+) T cell responses in antiretroviral-naive HIV-2- ('HIV-2(+)') and HIV-1-infected ('HIV-1(+)') individuals. Gag-specific responses were detected in the majority of HIV-2(+) and HIV-1(+) subjects. Overlapping gag peptide analysis indicated a significantly greater magnitude and breadth of responses in the HIV-1(+) cohort, and this difference was attributable to low responses in HIV-2(+) subjects with undetectable viral load (medians 2107 and 512 spot-forming units per 10(6) PBMC, respectively, p=0.007). We investigated the phenotype of viral epitope-specific CD8(+) T cells identified with HLA-B53- and HLA-B58-peptide tetramers (8 HIV-2(+), 11 HIV-1(+) subjects). HIV-2-specific CD8(+) T cells were predominantly CD27(+) CD45RA(-), and only a minority expressed perforin. The limited breadth and low frequency of CD8(+) T cell responses to HIV-2 gag in aviremic HIV-2(+) subjects suggests that these responses reflect antigen load in plasma, as is the case in HIV-1 infection. Immune control of HIV-2 does not appear to be related to the frequency of perforin-expressing virus-specific CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

The enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay has been proven to be an efficient and sensitive method for the enumeration of single cells secreting antibodies or cytokines. Here we have used this method to determine the number of interleukin-4 (IL-4)- and interferon-γ (IFN-γ)-producing cells in in vitro secondary responses to tetanus toxoid (TT) and the mycobacterial antigen (purified protein derivative; PPD) or the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA). PHA-induced IL-4 and IFN-γ secretion was well correlated suggesting polyclonal activation of cells. This was not the case with the specific antigens, where PPD preferentially induced IFN-γ- and very few IL-4-producing cells, while TT-induced both IL-4 and IFN-γ. These differences are probably a reflection of the types of immunity the two antigens induce, mycobacteria preferentially inducing a cell-mediated T helper type 1 (Th 1) type of immunity, while immunity to tetanus is an antibody-dependent, Th 2 type of response. In individuals recently boosted with TT, a significant increase in both IL-4- and IFN-γ-producing cells in response to TT was seen at day 7 after boost, followed by decline. This was in contrast to what was seen in response to PPD where an increase of IFN-γ-producing cells after the TT boost at day 7 persisted for at least 14 days. These results suggest that after an in vivo boost both antigen-specific and nonspecific T cells are activated and that antigen-specific cells home to other organs and therefore may be difficult to demonstrate in the circulation. Our data show that the ELISPOT assay is a powerful tool for determining the frequency of cells secreting cytokines. The assay has several advantages over other assays since it is sensitive, measures the number of actually secreting cells, and avoids the problems of binding of cytokines to their cell-bound or soluble receptors.  相似文献   

Human epidermis contains a phenotypically heterogeneous population of T cells. No information, however, is available regarding the TCR repertoire of these T cells and their relevant physiologic and pathologic functions in vivo. To this end, T cells were prepared from the lesional epidermis in two patients with fixed drug eruption (FDE) and their phenotype, function and TCR repertoire were examined in parallel. Both epidermal T cells, termed FDE-1 and -2 cells, respectively, expressed αβ TCR, but displayed some phenotypic heterogeneity. These T cells were induced to display cytolytic activity by ligation of the CD3/TCR-αβ complex. Comparative analyses of TCR Vα and Vβ expression in the epidermal T cells and the paired peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) demonstrated that the epidermal T cells, but not the paired PBL, utilized a very limited range of Vα and Vβ genes. These results indicate that some expansion or preferential migration of epidermal T cells that recognize a restricted set of antigens expressed within the epidermis could occur in situ following ingestion of the causative drug. The persistence of these epidermal T cells in FDE lesions suggests their pathologic role in a drug-induced flare.  相似文献   

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