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Postnatal development and survival of spiral ganglion (SG) neurons depend on both neural activity and neurotrophic support. Our previous studies showed that electrical stimulation from a cochlear implant only partially prevents SG degeneration after early deafness. Thus, neurotrophic agents that might be combined with an implant to improve neural survival are of interest. Recent studies reporting that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes SG survival after deafness have been conducted in rodents and limited to relatively short durations. Our study examined longer duration BDNF treatment in deafened cats that may better model the slow progression of SG degeneration in human cochleae, and this is the first study of BDNF in the developing auditory system. Kittens were deafened neonatally, implanted at 4-5 weeks with intracochlear electrodes containing a drug-delivery cannula, and BDNF or artificial perilymph was infused for 10 weeks from a miniosmotic pump. In BDNF-treated cochleae, SG cells grew to normal size and were significantly larger than cells on the contralateral side. However, their morphology was not completely normal, and many neurons lacked or had thinned perikaryl myelin. Unbiased stereology was employed to estimate SG cell density, independent of cell size. BDNF was effective in promoting significantly improved survival of SG neurons in these developing animals. BDNF treatment also resulted in higher density and larger size of myelinated radial nerve fibers, sprouting of fibers into the scala tympani, and improvement of electrically evoked auditory brainstem response thresholds. BDNF may have potential therapeutic value in the developing auditory system, but many serious obstacles currently preclude clinical application.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the consequences of neonatal deafness and chronic intracochlear electrical stimulation delivered by a cochlear implant during maturation. Kittens were bilaterally deafened by an ototoxic drug administered daily for 2 weeks immediately after birth. Unilateral electrical stimulation was initiated at 7-10 weeks of age and continued over periods of 22-47 weeks (4 hours/day; 5 days/week). Bipolar intracochlear electrodes delivered one of several different electrical signals designed to be temporally challenging to the central auditory system. Morphometric evaluation of spiral ganglion (SG) cell somata within Rosenthal's canal demonstrated a mean of approximately 50% of normal cell density maintained in the chronically stimulated ears, compared with approximately 30% on the control deafened side. This 20% difference in density was highly significant and was greater than differences reported in earlier studies using 30 pps stimulation delivered by either intracochlear bipolar or round window monopolar electrodes. However, the duration of stimulation was also longer in the present study, so it is unclear to what extent the nature of the temporally challenging stimulation vs. its duration contributed to the marked increase in survival. Measurements of the SG cell somata revealed a pronounced decrease in cell diameter in neonatally deafened cats studied about 1 year after deafening, and an additional decrease after long-term deafness (2.5-6.5 years). Furthermore, in the cochlear regions with the greatest stimulation-induced differences in SG cell density, direct measurements of cross-sectional soma area of the largest cells revealed that cells were significantly larger in the stimulated ears. Thus, in addition to the marked increase in the number of surviving SG cells, larger soma area contributed modestly to the pronounced increase in neural density following chronic electrical stimulation.  相似文献   

Cochlear implants restore hearing cues in the severe–profoundly deaf by electrically stimulating spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). However, SGNs degenerate following loss of cochlear hair cells, due at least in part to a reduction in the endogenous neurotrophin (NT) supply, normally provided by hair cells and supporting cells of the organ of Corti. Delivering exogenous NTs to the cochlea can rescue SGNs from degeneration and can also promote the ectopic growth of SGN neurites. This resprouting may disrupt the cochleotopic organization upon which cochlear implants rely to impart pitch cues. Using retrograde labeling and confocal imaging of SGNs, we determined the extent of neurite growth following 28 days of exogenous NT treatment in deafened guinea pigs with and without chronic electrical stimulation (ES). On completion of this treatment, we measured the spread of neural activation to intracochlear ES by recording neural responses across the cochleotopically organized inferior colliculus using multichannel recording techniques. Although NT treatment significantly increased both the length and the lateral extent of growth of neurites along the cochlea compared with deafened controls, these anatomical changes did not affect the spread of neural activation when examined immediately after 28 days of NT treatment. NT treatment did, however, result in lower excitation thresholds compared with deafened controls. These data support the application of NTs for improved clinical outcomes for cochlear implant patients. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:2818–2832, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Loss of cochlear hair cells in the rat initiates degenerative change within the primary auditory neurons (ANs) of the cochlea. These degenerative changes include loss of peripheral processes, demyelination and ultimately cell death. This pathology will affect the biophysical processes involved in action potential generation and propagation to an electrical stimulus via a cochlear implant. We measured the response properties of ANs, with particular reference to their refractory behaviour, in normal, short- (9 weeks) and long-term (> 52 weeks) deafened rats. AN loss was moderate in the short-term and severe in the long-term deafened animals. AN activity was elicited using a brief electrical stimulus delivered via a bipolar electrode array implanted into the cochlea. The general response properties of ANs recorded from deafened cochleae were similar to those observed in normal cochleae, i.e. a monotonic increase in the probability of firing and a decrease in response latency and temporal jitter with increasing stimulus intensity. However, the absolute refractory period was significantly prolonged in animals deaf for > 12 months (P = 0.0026). Deafened animals also exhibited a highly significant increase in threshold compared with normal controls (P < 0.001). These functional changes have implications for recipients of cochlear implants and potential therapies directed toward halting or reversing AN pathology.  相似文献   

The influence of age at the time of implantation of a stimulating electrode unilaterally in the inner ear on central auditory pathways was investigated in rats deafened shortly after birth. Immunoreactivity for Fos served as a functional marker of neuronal activity. Electrodes were implanted in the left cochlea of rats aged 3 weeks or 4 months. Stimulation lasted 45 minutes, then rats were sacrificed and tissues processed for immunocytochemistry. The younger animals showed significantly more neurons with Fos immunoreactivity bilaterally in the dorsal cochlear nuclei (DCN) and inferior colliculi (IC) than the older rats or control animals with normal hearing receiving the same stimulation. Activity was more prominent in the left DCN and right IC. The results show that electrical stimulation of the inner ear is more effective in younger animals in eliciting gene expression associated with development of a functional network in the auditory pathways. This suggests that deaf children should be provided with cochlear implants as early as possible.  相似文献   

In order to examine the influence of afferent input on nonpyramidal dendrite development in the auditory cortex, unilateral deafening was carried out in neonatal rabbits at birth, approximately 6 days prior to the onset of hearing. Deafening was produced by surgical removal of the incus and stapes ossicles, aspiration of the cochlear perilymph, and kanamycin injection into the oval window. At 60 days of age, acoustic stimulation of the deafened ear was unable to evoke auditory brainstem responses. The brains of experimental and littermate control rabbits were processed according to the Golgi-Cox Nissl method. The dendritic systems of lamina III/IV spine-free nonpyramidal cells in the auditory cortex contralateral to the deafened ear were digitized from 340-micron-thick coronal sections with the aid of a computer microscope. Three-dimensional spatial and statistical analyses revealed that nonpyramidal dendrite length in neonatally deafened rabbits increased 27% relative to littermate controls. A fan-in projection analysis revealed that the increased dendrite length in the deafened animals was maximum in the tangential direction and toward the white matter. Computer rotation of digitized neurons from neonatally deafened rabbits also revealed evidence of abnormal dendritic growth in the form of recurved dendrites. We interpret our results to indicate that unilateral cochlear destruction early in development causes a reorganization of the ascending auditory pathway which extends to the contralateral cerebral cortex. Because the auditory cortex contralateral to the deafened ear still receives acoustic input from the undamaged ipsilateral ear, normal nonpyramidal dendritic growth in the auditory cortex is, in part, dependent upon afferent activity arising from both ears.  相似文献   

Congenital deafness results in synaptic abnormalities in auditory nerve endings. These abnormalities are most prominent in terminals called endbulbs of Held, which are large, axosomatic synaptic endings whose size and evolutionary conservation emphasize their importance. Transmission jitter, delay, or failures, which would corrupt the processing of timing information, are possible consequences of the perturbations at this synaptic junction. We sought to determine whether electrical stimulation of the congenitally deaf auditory system via cochlear implants would restore the endbulb synapses to their normal morphology. Three and 6‐month‐old congenitally deaf cats received unilateral cochlear implants and were stimulated for a period of 10–19 weeks by using human speech processors. Implanted cats exhibited acoustic startle responses and were trained to approach their food dish in response to a specific acoustic stimulus. Endbulb synapses were examined by using serial section electron microscopy from cohorts of cats with normal hearing, congenital deafness, or congenital deafness with a cochlear implant. Synapse restoration was evident in endbulb synapses on the stimulated side of cats implanted at 3 months of age but not at 6 months. In the young implanted cats, postsynaptic densities exhibited normal size, shape, and distribution, and synaptic vesicles had density values typical of hearing cats. Synapses of the contralateral auditory nerve in early implanted cats also exhibited synapses with more normal structural features. These results demonstrate that electrical stimulation with a cochlear implant can help preserve central auditory synapses through direct and indirect pathways in an age‐dependent fashion. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:2382–2404, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Today a cochlear implant (CI) may significantly restore auditory function, even for people with a profound hearing loss. Because the efficacy of a CI is believed to depend mainly on the remaining population of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), it is important to understand the timeline of the degenerative process of the auditory neurons following deafness. Guinea pigs were transtympanically deafened with neomycin, verified by recording auditory brainstem responses (ABRs), and then sacrificed at different time points. Loss of SGNs as well as changes in cell body and nuclear volume were estimated. To study the effect of delayed treatment, a group of animals that had been deaf for 12 weeks was implanted with a stimulus electrode mimicking a CI, after which they received a 4‐week treatment with glial cell‐derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). The electrical responsiveness of the SGNs was measured by recording electrically evoked ABRs. There was a rapid degeneration during the first 7 weeks, shown as a significant reduction of the SGN population. The degenerative process then slowed, and there was no difference in the amount of remaining neurons between weeks 7 and 18. © 2016 The Authors Journal of Neuroscience Research Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nucleotides and nucleosides are known to function as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators but have recently been shown to have a trophic effect on neurons. It has previously been shown, in an animal model for cochlear implants, that local infusion of neurotrophic factors intervenes with the degenerative processes occurring after deafening and protects the auditory spiral ganglion neurons so that electrical responsiveness is maintained. Here we test the hypothesis that nucleosides and nucleotides have a similar effect on the acutely damaged inner ear. Pigmented guinea pigs received a cochlear implant electrode for measuring electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses and a miniosmotic pump for delivering drugs directly to the cochlea. The animals were deafened by a 48‐hr infusion with 10% neomycin, followed by 23 days of treatment with primarily UTP, uridine nucleotides, or as control artificial perilymph. Electrically evoked responses were measured weekly, and at the end of the experiment the cochleae were collected and processed for morphological analysis and spiral ganglion neuron counting. Both UTP‐ and uridine‐treated groups showed significantly better response after 23 days of treatment compared with the control group. The densities of spiral ganglion neuron were significantly higher for both treated groups compared with the control group treated with artificial perilymph. The results demonstrate that UTP and uridine rescue auditory neurons and suggest that drugs acting on purinoceptors could be of clinical importance. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation (ES) of spiral ganglion cells (SGC) via a cochlear implant is the standard treatment for profound sensor neural hearing loss. However, loss of hair cells as the morphological correlate of sensor neural hearing loss leads to deafferentation and death of SGC. Although immediate treatment with ES or glial cell line–derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) can prevent degeneration of SGC, only few studies address the effectiveness of delayed treatment. We hypothesize that both interventions have a synergistic effect and that even delayed treatment would protect SGC. Therefore, an electrode connected to a pump was implanted into the left cochlea of guinea pigs 3 weeks after deafening. The contralateral untreated cochleae served as deafened intraindividual controls. Four groups were set up. Control animals received intracochlear infusion of artificial perilymph (AP/?). The experimental groups consisted of animals treated with AP in addition to continuous ES (AP/ES) or treated with GDNF alone (GDNF/?) or GDNF combined with continuous ES (GDNF/ES). Acoustically and electrically evoked auditory brain stem responses were recorded. All animals were killed 48 days after deafening; their cochleae were histologically evaluated. Survival of SGC increased significantly in the GDNF/? and AP/ES group compared with the AP/? group. A highly significant increase in SGC density was observed in the GDNF/ES group compared with the control group. Additionally, animals in the GDNF/ES group showed reduced EABR thresholds. Thus, delayed treatment with GDNF and ES can protect SGC from degeneration and may improve the benefits of cochlear implants. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We previously examined the early postnatal maturation of the primary afferent auditory nerve projections from the cat cochlear spiral ganglion (SG) to the cochlear nucleus (CN). In normal kittens these projections exhibit clear cochleotopic organization before birth, but quantitative data showed that their topographic specificity is less precise in perinatal kittens than in adults. Normalized for CN size, projections to the anteroventral (AVCN), posteroventral (PVCN), and dorsal (DCN) subdivisions are all significantly broader in neonates than in adults. By 6-7 postnatal days, projections are proportionate to those of adults, suggesting that significant refinement occurs during the early postnatal period. The present study examined SG projections to the CN in adult cats deafened as neonates by ototoxic drug administration. The fundamental organization of the SG-to-CN projections into frequency band laminae is clearly evident despite severe auditory deprivation from birth. However, when normalized for the smaller CN size in deafened animals, projections are disproportionately broader than in controls; AVCN, PVCN, and DCN projections are 39, 26, and 48% broader, respectively, than predicted if they were precisely proportionate to projections in normal hearing animals. These findings suggest that normal auditory experience and neural activity are essential for the early postnatal development (or subsequent maintenance) of the topographic precision of SG-to-CN projections. After early deafness, the basic cochleotopic organization of the CN is established and maintained into adulthood, but the CN is severely reduced in size and the topographic specificity of primary afferent projections that underlies frequency resolution in the normal central auditory system is significantly degraded.  相似文献   

As with other cranial nerves and many CNS neurons, primary auditory neurons degenerate as a consequence of loss of input from their target cells, the inner hair cells (IHCs). Electrical stimulation (ES) of spiral ganglion cells (SGCs) has been shown to enhance their survival. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has also been shown to increase survival of SGCs following IHC loss. In this study, the combined effects of the GDNF transgene delivered by adenoviral vectors (Ad-GDNF) and ES were tested on SGCs after first eliminating the IHCs. Animal groups received Ad-GDNF or ES or both. Ad-GDNF was inoculated into the cochlea of guinea pigs after deafening, to overexpress human GDNF. ES-treated animals were implanted with a cochlear implant electrode and chronically stimulated. A third group of animals received both Ad-GDNF and ES (GDNF/ES). Electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses were recorded from ES-treated animals at the start and end of the stimulation period. Animals were sacrificed 43 days after deafening and their ears prepared for evaluation of IHC survival and SGC counts. Treated ears exhibited significantly greater SGC survival than nontreated ears. The GDNF/ES combination provided significantly better preservation of SGC density than either treatment alone. Insofar as ES parameters were optimized for maximal protection (saturated effect), the further augmentation of the protection by GDNF suggests that the mechanisms of GDNF- and ES-mediated SGC protection are, at least in part, independent. We suggest that GDNF/ES combined treatment in cochlear implant recipients will improve auditory perception. These findings may have implications for the prevention and treatment of other neurodegenerative processes. .  相似文献   

The development and maintenance of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) appears to be supported by both neural activity and neurotrophins. Removal of this support leads to their gradual degeneration. Here, we examined whether the exogenous delivery of the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in concert with electrical stimulation (ES) provides a greater protective effect than delivery of BDNF alone in vivo. The left cochlea of profoundly deafened guinea pigs was implanted with an electrode array and drug-delivery system. BDNF or artificial perilymph (AP) was delivered continuously for 28 days. ES induced neural activity in two cohorts (BDNF/ES and AP/ES), and control animals received BDNF or AP without ES (BDNF/- and AP/-). The right cochleae of the animals served as deafened untreated controls. Electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses (EABRs) were recorded immediately following surgery and at completion of the drug-delivery period. AP/ES and AP/- cohorts showed an increase in EABR threshold over the implantation period, whereas both BDNF cohorts exhibited a reduction in threshold (P < 0.001, t-test). Changes in neural sensitivity were complemented by significant differences in both SGN survival and soma area. BDNF cohorts demonstrated a significant trophic or survival advantage and larger soma area compared with AP-treated and deafened control cochleae; this advantage was greatest in the base of the cochlea. ES significantly enhanced the survival effects of BDNF throughout the majority of the cochlea (P < 0.05, Bonferroni's t-test), although there was no evidence of trophic support provided by ES alone. Cotreatment of SGNs with BDNF and ES provides a substantial functional and trophic advantage; this treatment may have important implications for neural prostheses.  相似文献   

Benefits of cochlear prostheses for the deaf are dependent on survival and excitability of the auditory nerve. Degeneration of deafferented auditory nerve fibers is prevented and excitability maintained by immediate replacement therapy with exogenous neurotrophic factors, in vivo. It is important to know whether such interventions are effective after a delay following deafness, typical for the human situation. This study evaluated the efficacy of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and ciliary neurotrophic factor axokine-1 analogue (CNTF Ax1) application, 2 or 6 weeks postdeafening, in preventing further degeneration and a decrease in excitability. Guinea pigs were deafened and implanted with intracochlear stimulating electrodes, a scala tympani cannula-osmotic pump system, and auditory brainstem response (ABR) recording electrodes. Subjects received BDNF + CNTF Ax1 or artificial perilymph (AP) treatment for 27 days, beginning at 2 or 6 weeks following deafening. Electrical (E) ABR thresholds increased following deafening. After 1 week, in the 2-weeks-delayed neurotrophic factor treatment group, EABR thresholds decreased relative to AP controls, which were statistically significant at 2 weeks. In the 6-week delay group, a tendency to enhanced EABR sensitivity began at 2 weeks of treatment and increased thereafter, with a significant difference between neurotrophic factor- and AP-treated groups across the treatment period. A clear, statistically significant, enhanced survival of spiral ganglion cells was seen in both neurotrophic factor treatment groups relative to AP controls. These findings demonstrate that BDNF + CNTF Ax1 can act to delay or possibly even reverse degenerative and, likely apoptotic, processes well after they have been activated. These survival factors can rescue cells from death and enhance electrical excitability, even during the period of degeneration and cell loss when the spiral ganglion cell population is reduced by >50% (6 weeks). It is noteworthy that this same degree of ganglion cell loss, secondary to receptor damage, is typically observed after a period equivalent to some years of deafness in humans.  相似文献   

The effects of deafness on brain structure and function have been studied using animal models of congenital deafness that include surgical ablation of the organ of Corti, acoustic trauma, ototoxic drugs, and hereditary deafness. This report describes the morphologic plasticity of auditory nerve synapses in response to ototoxic deafening and chronic electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. Normal kittens were deafened by neonatal administration of neomycin that eliminated auditory receptor cells. Some of these cats were raised deaf, whereas others were chronically implanted with cochlear electrodes at 2 months of age and electrically stimulated for up to 12 months. The large endings of the auditory nerve, endbulbs of Held, were studied because they hold a key position in the timing pathway for sound localization, are readily identifiable, and exhibit deafness‐associated abnormalities. Compared with those of normal hearing cats, synapses of ototoxically deafened cats displayed expanded postsynaptic densities, a 35.4% decrease in synaptic vesicle (SV) density, and a reduction in the somatic size of spherical bushy cells (SBCs). In comparison with normal hearing cats, ototoxically deafened cats that received cochlear stimulation had endbulbs that expressed postsynaptic densities (PSDs) that were statistically identical in size, showed a 48.1% reduction in SV density, and whose target SBCs had a 25.5% reduction in soma area. These results demonstrate that electrical stimulation via a cochlear implant in chemically deafened cats preserves PSD size but not other aspects of synapse morphology. This determination further suggests that the effects of ototoxic deafness are not identical to those of hereditary deafness. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:1046–1063, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Extended periods of deafness have profound effects on central auditory system function and organization. Neonatal deafening results in loss of the normal cochleotopic organization of the primary auditory cortex (AI), but environmentally‐derived intracochlear electrical stimulation, via a cochlear implant, initiated shortly after deafening, can prevent this loss. We investigated whether such stimulation initiated after an extended period of deafness can restore cochleotopy. In two groups of neonatally‐deafened cats, a multi‐channel intracochlear electrode array was implanted at 8 weeks of age. One group received only minimal stimulation, associated with brief recordings at 4–6‐week intervals, over the following 6 months to check the efficacy of the implant. In the other group, this 6‐month period was followed by 6 months of near‐continuous intracochlear electrical stimulation from a modified clinical cochlear implant system. We recorded multi‐unit clusters in the auditory cortex and used two different methods to define the region of interest in the putative AI. There was no evidence of cochleotopy in any of the minimally stimulated animals, confirming our earlier finding. In three of six chronically stimulated cats there was clear evidence of AI cochleotopy, and in a fourth cat in which the majority of penetrations were in the anterior auditory field there was clear evidence of cochleotopy in that field. The finding that chronic intracochlear electrical stimulation after an extended period of deafness is able to restore cochleotopy in some (but not all) cases has implications for the performance of patients implanted after an extended period of deafness.  相似文献   

To study plastic changes in the cochlear nucleus after acoustic stimulation, adult chinchillas were exposed once to a 4-kHz octave-band noise at 108 dB SPL for 3 hr. After survival times of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeks, samples were taken for electron microscopy from a part of the cochlear nucleus, where cochlear nerve fibers degenerated after the noise exposure. Progressive changes in fine structure were characterized as early, intermediate, and late stages of degeneration. Freshly occurring synaptic degeneration appeared in each period from 1-16 weeks. Endings with large round vesicles, putative excitatory synapses of the cochlear nerve, displayed progressive increases in neurofilaments and enlarged synaptic vesicles. Compared to controls, synaptic vesicles seemed fewer, often in small clusters in the interior of endings, and smaller in the synaptic zone. These early changes progressed to mitochondrial disintegration and overt "watery" degeneration. Some surviving endings, however, were shrunken and displaced partially by enlarged spaces in the synaptic complex. Dense-cored vesicles gathered in these endings. In terminals with pleomorphic and flattened vesicles, presumed inhibitory endings, cytological changes appeared within 1 week and persisted for months. The synaptic endings darkened, some vesicles disintegrated, and many smaller flatter vesicles collapsed into heaps. Especially at the presynaptic membrane, vesicles were shriveled, but a few mitochondria were preserved. Without overt signs of synaptic degeneration, some of these cytological changes presumably reflect reduced synaptic activity in the inhibitory endings. These changes may contribute to a continuing process associated with abnormal auditory functions, including hyperacusis and tinnitus.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of spiral ganglion neurons in a deafened cochlea, via a cochlear implant, provides a means of investigating the effects of the removal and subsequent restoration of afferent input on the functional organization of the primary auditory cortex (AI). We neonatally deafened 17 cats before the onset of hearing, thereby abolishing virtually all afferent input from the auditory periphery. In seven animals the auditory pathway was chronically reactivated with environmentally derived electrical stimuli presented via a multichannel intracochlear electrode array implanted at 8 weeks of age. Electrical stimulation was provided by a clinical cochlear implant that was used continuously for periods of up to 7 months. In 10 long-term deafened cats and three age-matched normal-hearing controls, an intracochlear electrode array was implanted immediately prior to cortical recording. We recorded from a total of 812 single unit and multiunit clusters in AI of all cats as adults using a combination of single tungsten and multichannel silicon electrode arrays. The absence of afferent activity in the long-term deafened animals had little effect on the basic response properties of AI neurons but resulted in complete loss of the normal cochleotopic organization of AI. This effect was almost completely reversed by chronic reactivation of the auditory pathway via the cochlear implant. We hypothesize that maintenance or reestablishment of a cochleotopically organized AI by activation of a restricted sector of the cochlea, as demonstrated in the present study, contributes to the remarkable clinical performance observed among human patients implanted at a young age.  相似文献   

Loss of sensory hair cells within the cochlea results in a permanent sensorineural hearing loss and initiates the gradual degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) - the primary afferent neurons of the cochlea. While these neurons are normally myelinated via Schwann cells, loss of myelin occurs as a precursor to neural degeneration. However, the relationship between demyelination and the status of Schwann cells in deafness is not well understood. We used a marker of peripheral myelin (myelin protein zero; P0) and a marker of Schwann cells (S100) to determine the temporal sequence of myelin and Schwann cell loss as a function of duration of deafness. Rat pups were systemically deafened for periods ranging from 2 weeks to greater than 6 months by co-administration of frusemide and gentamicin. Cochleae were cryosectioned and quantitative immunohistochemistry used to determine the extent of P0 and S100 labelling within the peripheral processes, SGN soma and their central processes within the modiolus. SGN density was also determined for each cochlear turn. P0 labelling decreased throughout the cochlea with increasing duration of deafness. The reduction in P0 labelling occurred at a faster rate than the SGN loss. In contrast, S100 labelling was not significantly reduced compared with age-matched controls in any cochlear region until 6 months post-deafening. These results suggest that Schwann cells may revert to non-myelinating phenotypes in response to deafness and exhibit greater survival traits than SGNs. The potential clinical significance of these findings for cochlear implants is discussed.  相似文献   

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