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目的探讨多普勒超声测量睾丸包膜动脉血流动力学参数在评判外环下显微手术治疗精索静脉曲张疗效的价值.方法2011年12月至2012年4月我院共实施外环下显微手术治疗左侧精索静脉曲张手术32例,分别应用彩色多普勒超声测量患者术前及术后3个月、6个月的睾丸包膜动脉的血流动力学参数(收缩期峰值流速、舒张末期流速、阻力指数、搏动指数).同时测量患者术前及术后6个月精液质量指标.结果术后不同时间与术前比较,左侧睾丸包膜动脉的收缩期峰值流速在术后下降(P<0.05、P<0.01),舒张末期流速在术后明显增加(P<0.05、P<0.01),阻力指数及搏动指数明显下降(P<0.05、P<0.01).术后6个月精子的数量及活动力不同程度地提高(P<0.01),但精子质量指标与血流动力学参数间未发现相关关系(P>0.05).结论睾丸包膜动脉舒张末期血流速度的增加及包膜动脉阻力指数、搏动指数的下降提示术后睾丸组织内微循环的改善,这些参数可以较好地提示手术疗效.  相似文献   

The present study assesses the clinical outcome of microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy in infertile men, especially with regard to sperm count, motility and fertility. Between June 1990 and October 1998, 272 patients had subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy operations for clinical varicoceles, and their long-term results were assessed. In nearly all the patients there was a significant improvement in sperm count and sperm motility after 3 and 6 months. Very few complications arose from this procedure. We concluded that microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy is an effective treatment for clinical varicoceles in infertile men. The significant improvement in the quality of spermatozoa, the low complication rates and the remarkably high pregnancy rates make this a valuable alternative to in vitro reproduction techniques.  相似文献   

Knowledge of subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy is of fundamental importance to ensure that varicocele is resolved and testicular function is preserved. Our study aimed to describe the number of veins, arteries and lymphatics in the subinguinal spermatic cord and to clarify their differences between two sides, between patients with different complaints and between varicoceles with different clinical grades. A total of 102 consecutive patients underwent 162 primary subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomies, during which the number of vessels with different diameters was recorded. A mean number of 12.9 internal spermatic veins, 0.9 external spermatic veins, 1.8 internal spermatic arteries and 2.9 lymphatics were identified per cord. 88.2% of the internal spermatic arteries were surrounded by a dense complex of adherent veins. The external spermatic vein or veins were found in 49.4% of the cases. The mean number of medium (1–3 mm in diameter) internal spermatic veins on the left was larger than that on the right (< 0.001). The mean number of medium internal spermatic veins in grade III varicocele was larger than that in grade I or grade II (< 0.015). There was no significant anatomical difference between the men presenting for infertility, chronic testicular pain and both the two complaints.  相似文献   

目的探讨直立体位超声检查对亚临床型精索静脉曲张(SVC)的诊断价值。方法彩色多普勒超声检测35例SVC患者,记录精索静脉在平静呼吸时最大内径及站立位时内径,在彩色多普勒超声引导下测量不同体位下精索内动脉血流峰值速度。结果 35例SVC患者,站立位后精索静脉内经(2.5mm)高于平卧位内径(1.7mm),差异有显著性统计学意义(P〈0.05)站立位诊断阳性率(95.0%)高于平卧位诊断阳性率(65.0%),差异有显著性统计学意义(P〈0.05);精索内动脉血流峰值速度在平卧位与站立位无明显差别(P〉0.05)。结论站立位超声检查亚临床型精索静脉曲张诊断阳性率高于平卧位,对于亚临床型精索静脉曲张患者宜采用站立位检查。  相似文献   

BackgroundVaricocele (VC) is one of the most common causes of infertility in men, and microscopic varicocelectomy is currently the major surgical procedure for VC. We assessed the clinical effectiveness of microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy (MSV) with enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) in the treatment of VC in terms of semen quality improvement rate, pregnancy rate, pain relief rate, recurrence rate, and complication rate after MSV and explored the indications for VC surgery.MethodsIn total, 216 patients undergoing MSV in our center between June 2019 and July 2020 were enrolled in this study. All patients received the surgery under local anesthesia and were admitted and discharged within 24 hours. All patients were followed up for more than 6 months, and the rates of semen quality improvement, pregnancy, pain relief, recurrence, and postoperative complications were recorded. We can evaluate the pain degree of patients through the numerical rating scale (NRS). (I) 0 points for painless; (II) 1–3: mild pain; (III) 4–6: moderate pain; (IV) 7–10 points are severe pain. 0 is the most slightly, indicating comfort, and 10 is the most painful and unbearable.ResultsThe sperm concentration, total sperm count, progressive motility rate, sperm viability, and morphology were significantly improved after the surgery (all P values <0.05). The rate of semen quality improvement was 88.2%, and the semen indicators returned to normal in 26.6% of the patients. Among the patients who were followed up for 1 year, the natural conception rate reached 27.1% and was accompanied by a 95.5% pain relief rate, a 0.5% VC recurrence rate, and a 2.3% postoperative complication rate.We obtained data through laboratory examination of semen DNA fragments index (DFI). Compared with preoperative and postoperative DFI, postoperative DFI was improved, and the pregnancy outcome was improved.ConclusionsMSV under local anesthesia increases the rates of semen quality improvement, pregnancy, and pain relief while lowering the rates of recurrence and postoperative complications. MSV may also help to improve the pregnancy outcomes in patients with VC accompanied by sperm DNA fragmentation or nonobstructive azoospermia, but this should be verified by further investigation.  相似文献   

The debate regarding the efficacy of varicocele ligation for improvement of semen parameters and pregnancy rates is ongoing. In addition, no consensus exists as to the benefit of treatment of subclinical varicoceles. The aim of this study was to investigate, retrospectively, the effect of high ligation of both subclinical and clinical varicoceles on sperm count and motility. The value of several factors from history-taking and physical examination for the prediction of successful varicocelectomy was analysed. A total of 139 patients, operated on for a unilateral varicocele on the left side, were studied. Varicoceles were subclinical in 73 patients, based on colour Doppler ultrasonography, and 66 varicoceles were clinical, based on palpation in addition to ultrasonography. Comparison of semen parameters before and after surgery revealed a significant improvement. The median sperm count increased from 10.0 to 14.7, and from 18.2 to 28.6 million/ejaculate, in patients with subclinical and clinical varicoceles, respectively ( p  < 0.001). The percentage improvement in median sperm count in subclinical varicoceles was not statistically different from the improvement in clinical varicoceles. Mean progressive motility improved significantly after ligation ( p  < 0.001). The improvement in motility in subclinical varicoceles, from 16 to 23%, was significantly larger than the 24 to 27% improvement in clinical varicoceles. The increase in sperm count was related positively to testicular volume before surgery ( p  < 0.05). The increase in sperm motility was significantly lower in patients with a history of cryptorchidism ( n  = 22, p  < 0.05). The present data show that ligation of varicoceles detected using Doppler ultrasonography, whether palpable or not, results in an increase in sperm concentration and motility.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to access whether microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy (MSV) with testicular delivery has a better therapeutic effect than MSV without testicular delivery, including semen quality, serum testosterone (T) level and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)-5 score in infertility male patients with varicocele. In this prospective study, 181 patients were included and they chose the treatment by themselves. A total of 114 patients who received MSV without testicular delivery (TD) and 67 patients who received MSV with TD were followed-up 6 months after the operation. Semen parameters, serum T level and IIEF-5 scores were recorded before and 6 months after the operation. Results showed that MSV with or without TD could improve semen quality, serum T level and IIEF-5 score. For semen quality 6 months after the operation, there was no significant difference between patients received MSV with or without TD. But in patients with varicocele of grade III, MSV without testicular delivery improved the sperm concentration and motility more. And patients received MSV without TD have a higher T level 6 months after the operation, especially in patients ≤27 years. MSV with TD is not superior to that without, but this should be verified in more samples and a better designed randomised controlled study in the future.  相似文献   

Intratesticular varicocele is a rare condition with a variable clinical and ultrasound presentation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the grey scale and color Doppler appearances of intratesticular varicocele (ITV). Herein we present seven new cases of intratesticular varicocele. From 2003 to 2005 we evaluated 342 patients referred to our department for routine andrological evaluation by scrotal color Doppler ultrasound. We detected seven entirely asymptomatic cases of ITV by use of grey scale ultrasound. In color Doppler sonography the patients showed retrograde blood flow, either spontaneously or during Valsalva manoeuvre. In all seven cases left side ITV with testicular volume disproportion between the right and left testis (2 ml) was found. Five patients had an extratesticular varicocele. In all patients the diameters of intratesticular vein were less than 2 mm. Intratesticular varicocele is a clinically occult lesion that may occur in association with extratesticular varicocele. Further investigations are needed to clarify its clinical significance, however, considering the temperature mediated damage on the affected testis, it is our opinion that all ITV must be considered for treatment even if an extratesticular varicocele is not present.  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声在无精子症诊断中应用价值的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价超声在梗阻性无精子症诊断中的作用.方法 158例梗阻性无精子症患者,经过体格体检查、精液分析及血液激素水平测定后,均进行了阴囊超声及经直肠彩色多普勒超声检查.结果 在158例梗阻性无精子症患者的超声检查中,25例无阳性结果,133例超声检查结果异常,阳性率为84.2%.其病因是多方面的,包括远端梗阻和近端梗阻,共分为4种分类:(1)先天性发育异常,如:精囊缺失或精囊发育不良以及输精管单侧及双侧缺失(55例);(2)射精管梗阻(EDO)(34例);(3)附睾病变(25例);(4)炎症性病变(19例).结论 阴囊超声及经直肠超声检查是临床诊断梗阻性无精子症的重要手段.  相似文献   

目的探讨彩色多普勒超声在诊断精索静脉曲张(VC)中的临床应用价值。方法回顾性分析103例VC患者的超声声像图表现,重点观察精索静脉内径及血流方向。结果 103例患者中,VC发生于左侧96例(96/103,93.20%),右侧2例(2/103,1.94%),双侧5例(5/103,4.85%)。超声检测亚临床型VC 21例(21/103,20.39%),临床型VCⅠ级26例(26/103,25.24%),Ⅱ级34例(34/103,33.01%),Ⅲ级22例(22/103,21.36%)。103例VC患者中,58例接受手术治疗,超声诊断与手术结果符合率达100%(58/58)。结论彩色多普勒超声可准确诊断VC,为临床诊断和治疗VC提供可靠信息,具有重要临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨微型血管多普勒在改良腹股沟下显微精索静脉结扎术中的应用价值.方法 回顾分析2012年1月至2013年1月期间中山大学附属第一医院东院收治的89例精索静脉曲张患者的临床资料.患者均行改良的腹股沟下显微精索静脉结扎术,2012年9月之前术中未应用微型血管多普勒,2012年9月之后术中常规应用微型血管多普勒辨别动脉和静脉.比较两组患者的临床资料.结果 89例患者共138次手术均获成功,术后随访3~6个月,未见睾丸萎缩和鞘膜积液发生.非多普勒组术中有1例精索内动脉被误扎,2例术中精索动静脉辨认不清,术后1例复发;多普勒组术中辨别动脉和静脉准确,无动脉损伤和误扎情况发生,术后无复发.结论 在微型血管多普勒辅助下行显微精索静脉结扎术更安全有效.  相似文献   



We studied the effect of varicocele ligation on Kruger strict morphology criteria and semen parameters in patients with infertility.

Materials and Methods

A total of 90 patients diagnosed with varicoceles and a normal morphological sperm ratio of less than 14% were evaluated before and 6 months after varicocelectomy. Preoperatively and postoperatively sperm density, motility and morphology using Kruger strict criteria were analyzed. The Wilcoxon test was used to measure levels of statistical significance in all analyses.


Significant improvement in sperm concentration and motility was evident after varicocele ligation (p <0.0002 and <0.0001, respectively). Using the Kruger classification sperm morphology evaluation revealed a significant increase in the percent of normal forms, and of forms with head and acrosome defects (p <0.0001, <0.0014 and <0.0028, respectively). There were no concomitant changes in strict morphology in forms with mid piece and tail defects or immature forms (p >0.05). Of the 90 patients 18 (20%) achieved a successful full-term pregnancy, including 14 via natural cycle intercourse and 4 by intrauterine insemination.


Surgical correction of varicocele was associated with significant improvement in density, motility and sperm morphology evaluated using the Kruger classification.  相似文献   

经阴道彩色多普勒超声诊断子宫内膜病变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的观察经阴道彩色多普勒超声检查(TVCDU)对子宫内膜病变的诊断价值。方法对246例疑似子宫内膜病变患者行经腹壁彩色多普勒超声和TVCDU,观察子宫内膜病变的声像图特点,重点观察子宫内膜的厚度及血流分布等,并与手术及病理结果相对照。结果病理诊断子宫内膜病变242例。TVCDU诊断232例,诊断符合率为95.87%(232/242);经腹壁彩色多普勒超声检查诊断182例,诊断符合率为75.21%(182/242)。TVCDU明显优于经腹壁彩色多普勒超声检查(P〈0.05)。结论TVCDU诊断子宫内膜病变符合率较高,且具有安全、无创等优点,可作为常规检查手段。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of platelet count (PLT) and platelet volume indices (PVI) such as mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW) and plateletcrit (PCT) as a clinical biomarker in 64 infertile males with varicocele and 45 controls. In addition, semen parameters, serum total testosterone, FSH and testicular volume were measured before and at 6 months after varicocelectomy. The mean PLT, MPV, PDW and PCT were 231 ± 42 × 103/µl, 9.6 ± 1.8 fl, 16.2 ± 2.5 fl and 0.18% in the patient group respectively. When the patient and control groups were compared, there was a significant increase in mean MPV, PDW and PCT (p < .0001), while platelet count was lower in patients than control group, but with no significant relationship. MPV had a significant negative correlation with total testosterone (p < .03). No significant correlations were found between PVI and testicular volume. After follow-up of 37.1 ± 1.9 months, a significant negative correlation was found between the preoperative MPV and varicocelectomy outcome in terms of semen values (p < .007). So, the increase in MPV and low total testosterone in men with varicocele may be a feature of high risk of infertility.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of smoking and/or obesity on semen parameters and testosterone/oestradiol (T/E) ratio among sub-fertile men treated with sub-inguinal varicocelectomy. In this prospective, controlled, clinical study, 80 sub-fertile men with clinical varicocele who were subjected to sub-inguinal varicocelectomy were assigned into four equal groups (n = 20/each), group A: obese and smokers, group B: obese and nonsmokers, group C: smokers and nonobese and group D: nonsmokers and nonobese. Semen parameters, serum testosterone, oestradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, prolactin and calculation of T/E ratio were assessed at baseline and 6 months post-varicocelectomy. The mean age ± SD of the study population was 26.1 ± 4.55. No statistical difference was detected among the study groups regarding age, residence, education, marital status and occupation (p > 0.05 for each). Post-operatively, significant improvements in semen parameters were detected in all groups. There was a significant difference between groups A and B versus C and D (obese versus nonobese groups) and between groups A and C versus B and D (smokers versus nonsmokers; p < 0.05 for each) regarding semen parameters, testosterone level and T/E ratio. Smoking and/or obesity negatively affect(s) the favourable outcome of varicocelectomy, specifically improvement of semen parameters and hormonal pattern in sub-fertile men with varicocele.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare the outcome of magnified and non magnified varicocelectomy for infertile and/or symptomatic men.Patients and methodsOne hundred and sixteen patients with 2nd and 3rd degree varicocele were treated in a university based hospital between January 2006 and July 2008. Sixty patients were randomly allocated to be operated upon by conventional subinguinal technique and this is the 1st group (9 patients of them with bilateral varicocele). Other 56 patients were operated upon by microsurgical subinguinal technique and this is the 2nd group (11 of them with bilateral varicocele). All patients were followed up at regular intervals, every 3 months for 3 years, 7 patients were lost during follow-up period, all of them with unilateral varicocele (3 patients from 1st group and 4 patients from 2nd group).ResultsSixty-six varicocelectomies in the 1st group were done by conventional subinguinal technique (57 unilateral and 9 bilateral). Their results had been shown; 8 unilateral hydroceles (12.1%), 7 unilateral recurrences (10.7%) and one scrotal hematoma (1.5%). In the 2nd group total varicocelectomies were 63 (52 unilateral and 11 bilateral) had been done by microsurgical subinguinal technique resulting in no hydroceles and no scrotal hematomas but there were two unilateral recurrence (3%). The differences between the two techniques in the incidence of hydrocele formation and varicocele recurrence are significant (P < 0.001) and (P < 0.03) respectively.ConclusionApproaching the testis via a small subinguinal incision gives direct access to all testicular venous drainage. Furthermore, using the operating loupes helps to ease the recognition of the small venous channel, the testicular artery and the lymphatics, thus resulting in significant decrease of the incidence of varicocele recurrence, persistence, hydrocele formation and testicular artery injury. It is considered safe, effective and less morbid method for varicocelectomy.  相似文献   

The microsurgical varicocelectomy is the gold standard treatment with a low recurrence rate and less postoperative complications. We compared the surgical outcomes and difficulty in intra-operative vascular Doppler ultrasound-assisted microscopic varicocelectomy (IVDU-MV) with MV in primary and recurrent varicocele. A total of 228 infertile patients with clinically palpable varicocele were included in the study. One hundred fifteen patients were operated on with the standard MV approach, whereas the other 113 patients were operated on with IVDU-MV. Perioperative outcomes, sperm parameters and operative difficulty of the procedure were evaluated. The operative times were significantly shorter for the IVDU-MV group for primary and recurrent varicocele (p = .001). Mean number of veins ligated for primary and recurrent varicocele was significantly higher in the IVDU-MV group than in the MV group (6 ± 1.4 vs. 4.8 ± 1.8 and 3.7 ± 0.9 vs. 2.9 ± 1.2; p < .01). The increase in mean sperm motility was significantly higher in the IVDU-MV group for both primary and recurrent varicocelectomy patients (p < .05). A significant number of IVDU-MV procedures were described as easy in both primary and recurrent varicocelectomy procedures (p = .006). The use of Doppler ultrasound(US) revealed advantages in ligating veins, preserving arteries and improving sperm motility and facilitates the operation for the surgeon, especially during recurrent varicocele repair .  相似文献   

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