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Little attention has been paid to the dimensions that help to predict and understand condom use among university students within an African context. A cross-sectional study involving 518 university students in Accra, Ghana was conducted to determine how the Condom Use self-Efficacy Scale-Ghana (CUSES-G) can predict both actual condom use and future condom use. Of all the participants, 84 % were sexually active but less than half of the sample (48 %) reported to have used condom during their last sexual intercourse. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that components of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale (CUESE-G) such as appropriation, assertiveness, pleasure and intoxication, and STDs predicted condom use and condom use intentions. Behavioural change campaigns targeting university students should encourage condom use self-efficacy, as this would strengthen condom use, which is economically cheap and practically effective means of preventing STIs including HIV.  相似文献   

The Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale (CUSES) was administered to 447 multicultural college students. The sample consisted of 63.5% Hispanic/Latino, 17.1% African-American, 13.7% Caucasian, 4.1% other and 1.6% Asian students. The obtained scores were subjected to a principal components factor analysis with a Varimax rotation. An item designation criteria was used and three distinct factors were extracted: (1) 'Appropriation', (2) 'Sexually Transmitted Diseases' and (3) 'Partners' Disapproval'. Comparisons to the only other published factor analysis of the CUSES are made. Implications for future research using the CUSES to design AIDS education curricula for multicultural college students are discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionDeveloped using focus groups, the Oily Skin Self Assessment Scale (OSSAS) and Oily Skin Impact Scale (OSIS) are patient-reported outcome measures of oily facial skin.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to finalize the item-scale structure of the instruments and perform psychometric validation in adults with self-reported oily facial skin.MethodsThe OSSAS and OSIS were administered to 202 adult subjects with oily facial skin in the United States. A subgroup of 152 subjects returned, 4 to 10 days later, for test–retest reliability evaluation.ResultsOf the 202 participants, 72.8% were female; 64.4% had self-reported nonsevere acne. Item reduction resulted in a 14-item OSSAS with Sensation (five items), Tactile (four items) and Visual (four items) domains, a single blotting item, and an overall oiliness item. The OSIS was reduced to two three-item domains assessing Annoyance and Self-Image. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the construct validity of the final item-scale structures. The OSSAS and OSIS scales had acceptable item convergent validity (item-scale correlations >0.40) and floor and ceiling effects (<20%). Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranged from 0.83 to 0.89 for the OSSAS and 0.82 to 0.87 for the OSIS, demonstrating excellent internal consistency. The a priori test–retest reliability criterion (intraclass correlation [ICC] ≥0.7) was met for one of the three OSSAS domains and one of the two OSIS domains. OSSAS and OSIS domains distinguished among groups that differed in patient-reported facial oily skin severity (P < 0.0001), and bother associated with oily skin (P < 0.0001).ConclusionsThe OSSAS and OSIS versions tested in this study have been found to have strong psychometric properties in this patient sample (adults with self-reported oily facial skin), as assessments of self-reported oily facial skin severity and its emotional impact, respectively.  相似文献   

BackgroundPromoting sexual health among forcibly displaced adolescents is a global public health priority. Digital sexual communication strategies (eg, sexting) may increase adolescents’ confidence in discussing sexual health issues and negotiating condom use. However, limited evidence exists describing validated measures for text-based condom negotiation in the literature.ObjectiveThis study helps fill this gap by adapting and examining the psychometric properties of a condom use experience through technology (condom use negotiated experiences through technology [CuNET]) scale.MethodsUsing peer network sampling, 242 forcibly displaced adolescents (aged 16-19 years) living in Kampala’s slums were recruited for participation between January and March 2018. A subscale (embarrassment to negotiate condom use) of the Multidimensional Condom Attitudes Scale was adapted to incorporate sexting, yielding CuNET. Participants were randomly assigned to calibration and validation subsamples to conduct exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to establish and validate the scale. CuNET measured participants’ support levels for texting-based condom negotiation via sexting based on gender, and multivariable logistic regression was used to explore its associations with sexual health outcomes (recent consistent condom use, access to sexual and reproductive health services, and lifetime sexually transmitted infection testing).ResultsThe one-factor CuNET with the validation sample was valid (χ24=5.3; P=.26; root mean square error of approximation=0.05, 90% CI 0.00-0.16; comparative fit index=0.99; Tucker-Lewis index=0.99; standardized root mean square residual=0.006), and reliability (Cronbach α=.98). Adolescent girls showed significantly lower levels of support for using sexting to negotiate condom use (mean 13.60, SE 0.70 vs mean 21.48, SE 1.23; P=.001). In multivariable analyses, a 1-point increase in the CuNET score was associated with increased odds of recent consistent condom use (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 1.73, 95% CI 1.24-2.41) but not with access to sexual and reproductive health services (aOR 1.51, 95% CI 0.99-2.30) or lifetime sexually transmitted infection testing (aOR 0.90, 95% CI 0.64-1.26).ConclusionsThe unidimensional CuNET scale is valid and reliable for forcibly displaced adolescents living in slums in Kampala, gender-sensitive, and relevant for predicting consistent condom use among urban displaced and refugee adolescents. Further development of this scale will enable a better understanding of how adolescents use digital tools for condom negotiation.  相似文献   



Areca nut is the seed of fruit oriental palm known as Areca catechu. Many adverse effects of nut chewing have been well documented in the medical literature. As these nuts are mixed with some other substances like tobacco and flavouring agents, it has been hypothesized that it might also cause some dependency symptoms among its users. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate dependency syndrome among areca nut users with and without tobacco additives and compare it with dependency associated with cigarette smoking among the male Pakistani population.


This was an observational cross sectional study carried out on healthy individuals, who were users of any one of the three products (areca nut only, areca nut with tobacco additives, cigarette smokers). Participants were selected by convenience sampling of people coming to hospital to seek a free oral check up. Information was collected about the socio-demographic profile, pattern of use and symptoms of dependency using the DSM-IV criteria for substance dependence. We carried out multiple logistic regressions to investigate association between socio-demographic profile, pattern of substance use and dependency syndrome.


We carried out final analysis on 851 individuals, of which 36.8% (n = 314) were areca nut users, 28.4% (n = 242) were the chewers of areca with tobacco additives and 34.7% (n = 295) were regular cigarette smokers. Multivariate analyses showed that individuals using areca nut with tobacco additives were significantly more likely to have dependency syndrome (OR = 2.17, 95% CI 1.39-3.40) while cigarette smokers were eight times more likely to have dependency syndrome as compared to areca nut only users.


Areca nut use with and without tobacco additives was significantly associated with dependency syndrome. In comparison to exclusive areca nut users, the smokers were eight times more likely to develop dependence while areca nut users with tobacco additives were also significantly more likely to suffer from the dependence.  相似文献   

Context  Interprofessional learning activities in health care are being gradually introduced on an international basis and therefore cross-cultural and internationally collaborative research into the outcomes of these activities is needed. Hence, it is necessary not only to translate research instruments into the language of the culture in which they are to be used, but also to adapt them culturally if they are to fulfil the testing purposes for which they are intended. It is also necessary to test a translated instrument in order to ensure that it retains its intended psychometric properties.
Methods  In the present study, the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) was adapted for use in a Swedish student population. Cross-cultural adaptation was performed according to recommended guidelines. The Swedish version was tested on a group of students from various health care professions ( n  = 214). Cronbach's alpha coefficient was adopted to ensure internal consistency.
Results  Minor discrepancies during the different translation processes were identified and corrected. Confirmatory factor analysis suggests that the model had an acceptable fit, implying that the factor structure of the scale did not undergo any significant changes by being subjected to translation. The psychometric qualities of the instrument were comparable with those of the English-language version.
Conclusions  This study presents the cross-cultural adaptation of the RIPLS and demonstrates that its subscale Teamwork and Collaboration is the only reliable subscale. The other 2 subscales (Professional Identity, and Roles and Responsibilities) probably require further scrutiny and development, at least in the Swedish population.  相似文献   

This study examined how condom use attitude, self-efficacy, and partner intimacy related to five stages of consistent condom use. Interview data were collected from sexually active, heterosexual, African-American crack cocaine smokers (N = 366). Dependent measures assessed both the participants’ own responses and their perceptions about their last sex partner’s own personal condom use attitude and participants’ condom use self-efficacy expectations. Partner intimacy was assessed both as a continuous attitudinal and as a discrete relationship measure. Less than 10% were classified as consistent condom users. Two thirds of inconsistent users were in the Precontemplation (PC) stage. The contemplation (C) and preparation (P) stages were equal among the remainder of the inconsistent condom users. Higher partner intimacy reduced modestly readiness for consistent condom use. The stage but not the intimacy group was related to the condom use attitudes and self-efficacy measures. Last partners’ perceived own negative attitudes were significantly related to the stages of consistent condom use and was especially low in the action (A) and maintenance (M) stages. Participants’ own negative attitudes were unrelated to the stages. Of the self-efficacy measures, both participants’ performance and situational condom use self-efficacies increased significantly after the PC stage and were highest in the P, A, and M stages. However, situational self-efficacy accounted for most of performance self-efficacy variance. In sum, consistent condom use was rare. A partner’s attitudes and the participants’ own situational self-efficacy expectations, rather than intimacy, determined the readiness to adopt consistent condom use.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to objectively and quantitatively assess individual skill level of male condom use. This study developed a reliable and face valid assessment of correct male condom use based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria. Participants (N=163) were recruited from persons in treatment for cocaine addiction. Condom use was assessed on the basis of correct completion of eight discrete steps. An overall score of 40 correct condom use indicated the need for training in this sample. Assessment showed training needs especially related to steps involving reduction of ejaculate leakage and steps related to potential hazards of nonoxynol-9 use. Frequency of condom use was also assessed; there was no correlation between frequency of condom use and condom use skill. Drug addiction treatment programs are encouraged to incorporate HIV risk reduction programs that teach condom use skills and use the CUDOS as an empirical measure of condom skill acquisition.  相似文献   

Poor walking performance is predictive of heart disease and osteoporosis and increases the risk of death in the elderly. Gait and vision have been identified as the most valuable physical functions according to multiple sclerosis patients' perceptions. The objective of this study was to perform a translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS-12) into Brazilian Portuguese. A study of cross-cultural adaptation was conducted in ten steps. Participation in the study included four translators, two back-translators, twelve medical experts, twelve patients, twelve healthy subjects, and a Portuguese language expert. Only the question "Did standing make it more difficult to do things?" posed difficulty in the translation process. Maximum time for completion was less than three minutes (171 seconds). Internal consistency analyses showed high reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.94). The content validation and internal consistency stages were completed satisfactorily.  相似文献   

Social and economic inequalities in condom use by adolescents have been reported previously. Also, condom use has declined during the last decade. The aim of the study was to describe trends in the use of condoms in our setting, and how these trends may differ between socioeconomic groups in boys, and separately in girls, aged 17-19 years attending school in Barcelona between 2004 and 2012. We analyzed data from three annual surveys on risk factors in secondary students, which included a representative sample of the city’s population; individuals who had previously had sexual intercourse (n = 1570) were included in the study. We calculated adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) and their confidence intervals (95 % CI) using robust Poisson regression models. The prevalence of condom use among boys was 87.0 % in 2004 and 76.2 % in 2012, and 76.7 and 64.7 % among girls, respectively. This decrease was greater in adolescents with a low socioeconomic level, both in boys (aPR = 0.80) and girls (aPR = 0.84). The observed increase of socioeconomic inequalities in condom use in adolescents highlights a possible deterioration in good sexual practices and policies during the studied period.  相似文献   

目的:了解人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者和人类获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者的避孕套使用情况及其影响因素,为艾滋病的防治提供相应的对策和建议。方法:采取定量和定性结合的研究方法,通过结构式问卷调查和个人深入访谈的形式,深入了解中国5省市的HIV+/AIDS患者的社会、心理、医疗服务等方面的需求及避孕套使用现状。结果:本研究共调查HIV+/AIDS患者111例,其中HIV感染者55例,艾滋病患者56例。吸毒静脉注射感染45例,占40.54%;有偿献血或输血感染31例,占27.93%;性接触感染35例,占31.53%。感染前后最近3次性生活中HIV+/AIDS患者避孕套使用比例相对都较低,感染前111例HIV+/AIDS患者中仅有19.82%使用避孕套,感染后该比例为24.32%,75%左右的对象感染前后均未使用避孕套。多因素统计分析显示:感染后个人年收入5000元以上和血液途径感染的HIV+/AIDS患者更倾向在性生活中使用避孕套。结论:HIV+/AIDS患者的避孕套使用率较低,应采取有效措施提高其使用率,从而有效控制HIV传播。  相似文献   

目的:了解人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者和人类获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者的避 孕套使用情况及其影响因素,为艾滋病的防治提供相应的对策和建议。方法:采取定量和定性结合的研究 方法,通过结构式问卷调查和个人深入访谈的形式,深入了解中国5 省市的HIV+/AIDS 患者的社会、心 理、医疗服务等方面的需求及避孕套使用现状。结果:本研究共调查HIV+/AIDS 患者111 例,其中HIV 感 染者55 例,艾滋病患者56 例。吸毒静脉注射感染45 例,占40.54%;有偿献血或输血感染31 例,占 27.93%;性接触感染35 例,占31.53%。感染前后最近3 次性生活中HIV+/AIDS 患者避孕套使用比例相对 都较低,感染前111 例HIV+/AIDS 患者中仅有19.82%使用避孕套,感染后该比例为24.32%,75%左右的 对象感染前后均未使用避孕套。多因素统计分析显示:感染后个人年收入5 000 元以上和血液途径感染的 HIV+/AIDS 患者更倾向在性生活中使用避孕套。结论:HIV+/AIDS 患者的避孕套使用率较低,应采取有效 措施提高其使用率,从而有效控制HIV 传播。  相似文献   

目的 为进一步针对男同性恋者开展的防治艾滋病健康教育活动提供依据.方法 对582名2地男同性恋者采用方便抽样法和"滚雪球"法,调查不同类型男性性伴侣肛交使用安全套频率,用趋势卡方检验3种类型男性性伴侣肛交使用安全套增加趋势.结果 84.8%的被调查人群在最近6个月中与同性伴侣有过肛交行为,其中与不付费固定男伴坚持使用安全套比率仅为15.8%,与不付费非固定男伴肛交坚持使用安全套比率也仅为16.3%,商业男性性伴侣坚持使用安全套肛交的人群为31.7%.结论 男-男性行为者肛交时使用安全套率较低,对非固定男性伴侣(包括付费男性伴侣)使用安全套进行肛交的意识不足,应积极开展倡导男同性恋者安全套使用的健康教育活动,增强男同性恋者防治艾滋病意识.  相似文献   

Background: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) estimated that women represent 24% of HIV diagnoses in the United States, with most infections resulting from heterosexual contact. However, consistent condom use is highly effective in preventing the spread of HIV. The current study examined women's attitudes toward condom use and potential inconsistencies related to the conceptualization and measurement of attitudes. Method: Data were collected from October 2009 through March 2010. Researchers included 556 female undergraduate students from the Southeast region of the United States. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to determine whether women's condom use attitudes were composed of an affective and a cognitive component. Results: Evidence for a two-factor model of condom use attitudes consisting of an affective and cognitive component was found, with participants reporting slightly negative feelings toward condom use but favorable beliefs about using condoms. Affect accounted for more variance (42%) than cognition (8%) in condom use attitudes. Notably, affect and cognition were differentially associated with past behavior and intentions to use condoms. Conclusion: Understanding the structure of women's attitudes toward using condoms can aid in the creation of appropriate HIV prevention and condom use messaging targeted toward promoting positive attitudes and normative change. Changing women's attitudes in this manner could enhance the effectiveness of condom use interventions.  相似文献   

User Acceptability of a Female Condom (Reality) in Shanghai   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty married couples evaluated the Reality female condom on questionnaires about its acceptability for 300 acts of coitus (10 per couple). An analysis of the summary questionnaires showed: 90% of couples considered the female condom an acceptable method and 87% felt it was a good contraceptive device; the majority of couples (87%) found it easy to use; and 80% of females and 73% of males reported that, in comparison with the male condom, the effect on sexual pleasure was either improved or no different. A little more than half of the couples (55%) preferred it to male condoms. To look at the learning curve effect, an additional analysis was completed by pooling the first 5 applications of each user and comparing the results with the pooled results of the second 5 uses. All the findings suggest that a certain proportion of couples of child-bearing age will choose the Reality female condom for contraception if it enters into the Chinese market. As a new contraceptive barrier device, the female condom may require a certain amount of education and awareness before it will be fully recognized as an important option to help prevent pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted infections.  相似文献   

目的:了解安徽省芜湖市商业性性服务小姐对艾滋病(AIDS)知识的掌握、行为特征及其安全套使用情况,为艾滋病健康教育和加强防控提供参考.方法:采用分层方便抽样方法对安徽省芜湖市市区75家中低档娱乐场所有女性商业性工作者使用自行设计的调查问卷,就预防艾滋病相关知识、行为特征及安全套使用情况进行调查.结果:共调查女性商业性工作者500人,其中本省267人占53.40%,外省233人,占46.60%;中档场所432人,占84.60%,低档场所68人,占13.60%;不同省份、不同档次场所的女性商业性工作者基本上了解艾滋病预防相关知识(正确知晓率为74.68%);女性商业性工作者安全套使用情况,最近一次使用率为82.20%(但省内略高于省外),最近一个月每次均使用率为53.00%(但中档场所明显高于低档场所).仍与配偶或同居男友发生性关系的277人中,最近一次性关系安全套使用率33.90%,最近一个月性关系每次都使用安全套的比率为19.10%.结论:不同省份、档次娱乐场所的女性商业性工作者虽基本上了解艾滋病预防相关知识及安全套正确使用知识,但每次性行为均使用安全套比率较低,加强商业性工作者安全套使用知识的宣传教育,提高其安全套的全程正确使用率,应作为今后干预工作的重点.  相似文献   

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