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目的 探讨猪辅助性部分原位肝移植模型建立及其术中麻醉处理特点。方法 选10头健康3月龄猪,在气管插管全麻下进行静脉-静脉转流,建立辅助性部分原位肝移植模型;经颈内动,静脉置管监测ABP,CVP;于无肝其,再灌注期抽取血气,血生化,观察血流动力学,内环境变化。结果 实验5例,成活4例;无肝期,再灌注期血流动力学波动明显,并伴有代酸;再灌注期血钾升高明显,体温下降明显,结论(1)本模型成功率高,可为临床应用提供理论依据。值得推广;(2)即使在良好的静脉转流下,无肝期,再灌注期血流动力学,内环境变化仍明显。  相似文献   

猪原位辅助性部分肝移植术中血流动力学变化的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立一种新的猪辅助性部分原位肝移植模型,并对其血流动力学变化进行观察。方法:选用健康良种幼猪16只,随机配成8对,基础麻醉加气管插管静脉复合麻醉。手术方法:切去供肝左叶,将留存之右叶供肝作移植肝。切除受体之肝左外叶,将右叶供肝肝上、下腔静脉与受肝肝上、下腔静脉行端侧吻合,供肝门静脉与受肝门静脉行端侧吻合,受体脾动脉在结肠后与供体肝动脉行端端吻合,胆总管置管外引流。术中热缺血时间为0min,冷缺血时间为(58±4.0)min。切肝前10min、全肝阻断后10min、供肝植入开放门静脉后10min分别取血检测电解质和全血缓冲碱(BB)及标准碳酸氢根浓度(SB),并观察各个时期的心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)和中心静脉压(CVP)。术后常规处理,未用抗排斥药。部分存活猪在术后5d彩超观察门静脉血流,同时行病理切片检查。结果用均数±标准差表示,采用方差分析和q检验。结果:手术成功率87.5%。术中、术后血流动力学和生化指标均告平稳。术后5d,部分猪彩超结果显示门静脉无血栓形成,仅见移植肝断面有少量包裹性积液,移植肝门静脉最大流速为42.2cm/s,受体肝及移植肝门静脉血流均告通畅。活杀大体及病理切片观察,移植肝形态色泽正常,各吻合口无扭曲、漏血和血栓形成,门静脉无血栓形成。术后5d,活杀取受体肝及移植肝  相似文献   

猪辅助性异位部分肝移植术的三种模式对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨猪辅助性异位部分肝移植术最佳模式。方法:28头幼猪随机分成供体组和受体组,分A、B、C三种模式进行异位部分肝移植。结果:C组模式从解剖学、血流动力学角度均优于A、B两组。结论:C组模式优于A组和B组模式。  相似文献   

原位辅助性部分肝移植作为多模式肝移植的一种分支,以其对患者创伤较小、符合生理、无无肝期等优势日益受到关注,但目前临床尚未较大规模地开展和应用,且原肝和供肝肝细胞再生和门静脉血流之间的功能竞争等问题仍然令人迷惑,尚需更多的临床实践和动物实验来不断地丰富该领域的理论和实践。  相似文献   

辅助性部分原位肝移植 (APOL T)是多模式肝移植中的一个重要分支。近年来 ,随着实验及临床研究的不断深入 ,APOL T的适应证及手术方法已趋明确 ,对术后移植肝与宿主肝的功能竞争问题及肝功能评估的研究也有较大进展。  相似文献   

目的建立长白小家猪到恒河猴异位辅助性肝移植模型,总结手术操作要点。方法以健康雄性长白小家猪和健康恒河猴各5只建立猪到猴异位辅助性肝移植模型。以长白小家猪作为肝移植供体,以恒河猴作为受体。保留长白小家猪的右后叶和部分右前叶作为供肝,移植到受体的左肾窝和左结肠旁沟处。短暂阻断受体的腹主动脉和下腔静脉血流后,将移植肝的门静脉和肝下下腔静脉分别与受体的腹主动脉和下腔静脉行端侧吻合。结扎移植肝的肝动脉,不予重建。术后观察受体的一般情况和生存时间。结果成功建立4对肝移植模型,供肝切取时间24~35min、(30±5)min,供肝修整时间31~51min、(40±10)min,受体下腔静脉阻断时间23~36min、(30±6)min,受体腹主动脉阻断时间22~38min、(30±8)min,肝移植手术时间130~310min、(220±80)min,术中失血35~48mL、(42±6)mL。术后均无吻合口血栓形成及胆漏发生。4只受体分别于术后48、54、88及96h死亡,死亡原因均为排斥反应及术中失血过多。结论猪到猴异位辅助性肝移植模型的可重复性强、手术易操作、移植器官灌注良好,可用于猪到非人类灵长类动物肝移植的进一步研究。  相似文献   

辅助性肝移植研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅助性肝移植足指住保留受体自身全部或部分肝脏的情况下,将供肝植入受体体内.根据供肝植入部位不同,可分为异位辅助性肝移植和原位辅助性肝移植;根据植入肝体积的多少,可分为全肝辅助性肝移植和部分肝辅助性肝移植;供肝可来源于脑死亡供体也可以来源于活体供体.山于原位辅助性肝移植只能移植部分肝脏,故通常称为原位辅助性部分肝移植.辅助性肝移植伴随着肝移植的发展而不断发展,虽然还存在许多尚待解决的问题,但辅助性肝移植独特的优势再次引起肝移植界的广泛关注.  相似文献   

目的观察小体积肝移植和辅助性原位小体积肝移植治疗猪急性肝功能衰竭的近期疗效。方法急性肝功能衰竭猪随机分为3组接受肝移植治疗:A组行全肝移植(n=5);B组行小体积肝移植(n=5);C组行辅助性原位小体积肝移植(n=5)。各组动物开腹后即刻、切脾后即刻和再灌注后30 min分别监测门静脉压力,并观察术后生化指标变化、病理改变和1周生存率。结果A、B和C三组的移植肝重量与受体体重之比分别为(2.44±0.30)%、(0.76±0.02)%和(0.75±0.03)%。再灌注后30 min,B组移植肝门静脉压力显著高于其它两组(A:B:C=13.3:17.5:12.2 cmH2O, P<0.01),C组原肝门静脉压力显著高于移植肝门静脉压力(14.3:12.2 cmH2O,P<0.05)。A组和C组术后第2天起血清天冬氨酸转氨酶、总胆红素、凝血酶原时间、乳酸和血氨水平明显下降,术后第7天基本恢复至正常水平。B组术后上述生化指标一直维持在较高的水平,术后第2~4天明显高于其它两组(P<0.01)。A组、B组和C组1周生存率分别为100%、20%和80%,B组明显低于其它两组(P<0.05)。结论辅助性原位小体积肝移植治疗急性肝功能衰竭近期疗效优于小体积肝移植,术中不必干预原肝门静脉。  相似文献   

辅助性部分原位肝移植的临床研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅助性部分原位肝移植主要用于治疗爆发性肝功能衰竭、非肝硬化的先天性代谢性疾病以及小体积供肝肝移植,与经典原位全肝移植相比,具有避免终身服用免疫抑制剂、适用于活体肝移植、扩大供肝来源等优点.本文就辅助性部分原位肝移植的临床研究现状作一综述.  相似文献   

目的体外观察幼猪供肝的解剖学特点,总结辅助性部分肝移植供肝修整分割经验。方法16头幼猪供肝灌洗取出后于体外进行解剖学观察,借用探针条探查肝动脉和胆管,用刮扒水洗法切除左半肝,断面管道仔细结扎,余下右半肝作为供肝。结果幼猪肝脏质地脆嫩,分为左外侧叶、左中叶、右中叶、右外侧叶和尾状叶等5叶。其各部分体积、质量与其体质量呈正相关。肝中裂较浅,但其间少有门静脉交通支存在。肝固有动脉可有变异。肝静脉均于肝内汇入下腔静脉,左半肝回流静脉多有共干(14/16)。肝上、肝下下腔静脉均短,肝内下腔静脉下段肝实质较薄。16例供肝修整分割均顺利完成,断面管道显露清晰,复流后充盈良好,肝断面出血少。结论根据幼猪体重可估计其肝脏各部体积和质量;刮扒水洗法行供肝体外分割简便实用;获得的右半肝作为供肝,其肝上下腔静脉易于与受体肝内下腔静脉端侧吻合。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨急性缺血性肝衰模型的制备、辅助性异位部分肝移植的作用. 方法: 用家猪配对开展辅助性异位部分肝移植.分三组,A组:受体肝脏和肝动脉保持原状,其门静脉缩窄;供肝植入受体右肝下,仅建立门静脉血供,不建立动脉血供.B组:受体肝动脉结扎,其他手术内容与A组相同.C组:受体肝动脉结扎,供肝动脉和门静脉血供均建立,其他手术内容与A组相同.监测各组受体存活情况,肝功能和肝脏血流情况,病理及供肝胆汁分泌情况. 结果: A组、C组受体3 d以上成活率显著高于B组.A组、C组手术前后胆红素无显著改变,B组术后胆红素显著高于术前,术后第二天B组胆红素显著高于A组、C组.C组供肝胆汁分泌和血供良好,肝细胞存活并有活跃的代偿性增生;A组、B组供肝无或仅有少量胆汁分泌,肝细胞大片坏死. 结论: 受体肝动脉结扎、门静脉缩窄足以造成急性肝衰模型;保留受体肝脏动脉血供、减少门静脉血供对受体肝脏功能无严重影响;辅助性异位部分肝移植能取得良好的效果,足以纠正急性肝衰.  相似文献   

目的 建立稳定的大鼠部分肝移植模型 ,研究冷保存对部分肝移植后肝再生的影响。方法 采用雄性SD大鼠 ,双袖套法行部分肝移植 ,观察不同冷保存时间受体生存状况以及各组手术情况。结果 各组移植肝平均体积为 62 % -64 % ,无肝期为 14 -15min。长时间冷保存后大鼠 7d存活率明显下降 ,生存分析显示各组间差异有显著性。 8h冷保存后大鼠 7d存活率为 40 % ,与临床辟裂式肝移植 1年生存率相似。结论  8h保存大鼠部分肝移植模型是研究冷保存对部分肝移植肝再生影响的较好模型  相似文献   

Native hepatectomy after auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In countries where a living donor is the only source of the graft, the limited size of the graft is of serious concern when considering extending the procedure to adult recipients. In order to overcome this problem, auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation (APOLT) was applied to the concept that the residual native liver would support the graft function until the graft expanded enough to work by itself. We herein report on a 20-year-old woman with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), who received a small-size liver graft by APOLT. Computed tomography and scintigraphy showed that the graft had regenerated sufficiently 1 month after the operation. The diseased residual native liver is potentially carcinogenetic. Therefore, second-stage native hepatectomy was done 35 days after the first operation. Histopathologic examination of the resected native liver revealed biliary cirrhosis with PSC but no evidence of cholangiocarcinoma. Second-stage native hepatectomy after APOLT seems to be a curative treatment for chronic end-stage liver disease with graft size mismatch that may be as good as orthotopic liver transplantation. Received: 22 October 1998 Received after revision: 15 January 1999 Accepted: 26 February 1999  相似文献   

We compared blood loss and hemostasis in pigs which had undergone either orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) (group A, n=12) or auxiliary heterotopic partial liver transplantation (APLT) (group B, n=11). Blood samples were taken at regular intervals during and after the operations. In both groups, nine animals survived longer than 24 h and data from these animals were used for analysis. Median (range) intraoperative blood loss was 825 ml (250–1500 ml) in OLT and 425 ml (300–750) in APLT (P<0.01). Routine clotting times, as the activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time and thrombin time, showed no major intraoperative changes in either group. Fibrinogen levels decreased in both groups, but no significant difference was found between the two groups. The only significant difference between group A and B was a more sustained increase in fibrinolytic activity after graft recirculation in group A. Post-operatively, restoration of fibrinogen, antithrombin-III and 2-antiplasmin levels was slightly faster in group B, resulting in significantly higher levels during the first day. We conclude that, in this animal model, APLT is associated with significantly lower blood loss and less severe fibrinolytic activity, than OLT. This difference might result from the lack of an anhepatic period and the reduced surgical trauma in auxiliary heterotopic liver transplantation.  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种新的大鼠辅助性肝 -小肠联合移植模型。方法 整块切取全部小肠和6 0 %的肝脏。同时切取腹腔动脉及肠系膜上动脉的动脉段以确保移植器官的血供。供体小肠的静脉血通过供体完整的门静脉回流。将供体左肾静脉水平肝下下腔静脉斜形切断吻合于受体两肾静脉之间的下腔静脉 ,供体腹主动脉和受体腹主动脉端侧吻合。切除受体的小肠 ,通过小肠端 -端吻合重建肠道。结果 整个手术时间平均为 130min。 3个月的生存率为 8% (16 2 0 )。移植后 90d ,对 3只大鼠行剖腹探查及组织学检查 ,观察到移植物的形态及功能均正常。观察移植后 12个月的 5只大鼠 ,肝功能正常 ,移植肝及小肠均呈正常的组织学结构。结论 大白鼠辅助性肝 -小肠联合移植是可行的。  相似文献   

Fulminant hepatic failure is usually fatal without liver transplantation; however, orthotopic liver transplantation is often difficult to perform due to the high risk of coagulopathy and the development of multiple organ failure. Auxiliary heterotopic partial liver transplantation (APLT), however, has the potential to provide an effective hepatic support system considering that the host liver is left in situ and the surgical procedure is less invasive. In this report, we describe the beneficial effects of performing 60% APLT on the hepatic function and survival of pigs with acute hepatic failure induced by hepatic artery ligation. The pigs were divided into a control group of nine animals (group 1) that had portal vein and hepatic artery ligation with a side-to-side portacaval shunt, and an APLT group of seven animals (group 2) that had portal vein and hepatic artery ligation with APLT. The two left lateral lobes of the donor liver were resected, reducing the liver weight to about 60%, and the graft was placed in the right subhepatic space. No deaths occurred intraoperatively. In group 1, eight pigs died of massive liver necrosis within 48 h and one died between 48 and 72 h (median surivival 23 h). In group 2, two pigs died within 72 h due to preservation or anesthetic problems, but five survived for more than 3 days (median survival 13.4 days), with a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). One animal was killed 30 days after APLT and excellent graft function was demonstrated by the synthesis of clotting factors, ammonia detoxification, and glucohomeostasis. Moreover, evidence of hepatic regeneration was found in the transplanted livers. These results indicate that APLT provides metabolic support and improves survival in animals with induced acute liver failure.  相似文献   

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