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新时期病原生物学研究生培养模式改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于生源不足,目前我国多数院校病原生物学研究生招生困难,导致培养出的研究生不能完全满足寄生虫病防治的要求。在近年来的研究生培养过程中,对传统的研究生培养模式进行了初步改革和探讨,重点讨论了如何在生源不足的情况下提高研究生的培养质量,希望能为新时期病原生物学研究生培养模式改革的探索提供依据。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断发展,传统教育模式已不能满足社会发展的需求,如何在传统教育模式基础上,健全教育机制,培养人文、德育、创新等综合素质的医学研究生已成为迫在眉睫的任务。本文根据医学研究生目前存在的问题,分析培养综合素质医学研究生的必要性和意义,为今后培养高素质研究生培养提供依据。  相似文献   

研究生的培养制度和模式是对研究生培养过程的一种合理的、有效的设计和安排,是实现研究生教育目标的重要保障措施,也是保证和提高研究生培养质量的关键所在。改进培养制度和模式就是根据社会发展对不同人才的需要,及时调整培养目标,及时为社会培养出高质量的高层次急需人才,从而适应国际社会竞争的需要。1明确不同层次和不同类型医学研究生的培养目标目前,医学研究生教育是我国培养医学高层次人才的最高层次教育,培养层次分为博士、硕士两个相对独立的层次。医学博士研究生的培养以攻读学术型为主,其目标在于知识创新和通过科学研究取得创…  相似文献   

临床专业学位硕士研究生培养是一种有别于以往科学学位研究生培养的新型人才培养模式,目的是培养高层次临床医学人才.肿瘤外科临床专业学位硕士研究生培养,应以综合能力培养为目标,侧重临床工作能力的培养,同时结合临床实际,培养临床科研能力,并将职业道德与素质培养贯穿于整个研究生培养全过程.  相似文献   

随着新时期教育改革的深入,本科生导师制成为了一种重要的本科生教育培养模式。本文作者从属学院2012年始实行本科生导师制,分析本科生导师制的作用和意义,目前本科生导师制实行过程中存在一些问题,需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

医学学术型研究生体系是我国培养高层次医学创新人才的重要举措,是提升国家医学研究水平和医疗保障能力的核心要素。与医学专业型研究生培养体系不同,国家对学术型研究生的科研能力培养有着更高的要求和定位。因此,亟需完善和提高相关的培养模式,以期满足国家和社会对学术型研究人才的需求。分子生物学是一门在分子水平探究生命现象的科学,是认识生命基本过程继而探索疾病病理生理规律的基础性学科。提高医学学术型研究生的分子生物学理论功底、思维能力和实践技能将为其创新能力的培养起到积极的促进作用。本文拟从阐述分子生物学在医学学术型研究生创新能力培养中的重要意义入手,深入剖析目前此方面的培养现状,并针对性地提出相关解决措施和方法,以期提升分子生物学教学在医学学术型研究生创新能力培养中的作用。  相似文献   

梁世雄 《内科》2012,7(1):69-70
近年来,随着社会需求的改变,如今大部分科研型研究生毕业后主要是到医疗机构就业,而以往科研型研究生多注重科研能力的培养,而忽视了临床能力的培养,这样就出现了学生在毕业后临床技能薄弱的问题,从而影响了学生的就业竞争力.因此,寻求合理的科研型研究生培养模式,提高科研型医学研究生的临床能力以及培养符合社会需求的科研型医学研究生成为急需解决的问题.  相似文献   

本文为培养病原学研究生创新意识、创新性思维和动手实践能力,从选才、培养和成才三个方面建立了创新性人才培养模式。  相似文献   

高等教育的导师制概念最早起源于英国,由14世纪创办牛津大学新学院的温切斯特主教威廉·威克姆提出并实践.直至19世纪末,导师制才首先在牛津大学、剑桥大学被运用于本科教育.近年来,我国的本科医学教育发展迅速,办学规模逐渐扩大,并稳定在一个较高水平,随着我国高等教育迈入大众化时代,其质量问题始终是各方关注的焦点.如何培养高素质、具有较强竞争能力的创造性人才,是高等教育面临的新课题.近年来,教育主管部门不断出台政策措施,以稳定和提高本科教育质量,各个高校也结合自身的特点和优势,积极改革创新人才培养模式.高等医学院校的实验教学是培养学生创新能力的重要环节,它对于全面提高医学生的综合素质,培养学生的实践能力与创新精神具有特殊作用.但随着现代科学与医学科学的迅猛发展,传统的实验教学方法已不能满足现代医学教学的需要,制约着医学教育质量的提高.在教育发展的新形势下,我们课题组尝试开展了“项目-导师制”实验教学模式,为培养高素质创新性人才探索新的教学方式,促进我院实验教学的发展.  相似文献   

随着我国进入老龄化社会,建立一支为之服务的老年医学医师队伍是保证老年人医疗健康服务的基础.但如何培养并建立起这支既能满足老年社会的基本医疗需求又能兼顾老年医学学科发展的队伍是摆在我们面前的重要任务.从内科高年住院医师中选拔高素质人才,进行现代老年医学相关专科培训,同时建立一支多学科老年医学临床工作团队,从临床上培养老年医学专科医师是一种可行的培养模式;另外建立导师制,从科研与个人职业发展方向两方面给予指导是培养高层次老年医学领军人才的可借鉴模式;将这些培养模式与社区医师培养相结合,使老年医学专科人才资源延伸到社区是快速培养我国老年医学医师队伍的可能方式.  相似文献   

医学研究生AIDS知识、态度调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年8~12月,在北京和河北地区各选择一所面向全国招生的医学院校,对其一年级研究生有关HIV/AIDS的知识及态度进行调查。结果表明,76.6%~89.1%的学生对AIDS的三种传播途径有正确的认识,38.6%~66.8%的学生认为日常生活等途径不会传播AIDS,对避孕套的保护作用认识模糊,医学研究生对于AIDS的了解不够,反映出目前在中国对AIDS的宣传有待加强。  相似文献   

美国老年医学专科医生必须经过一整套正规和系统的培训,包括4年大学本科和4年医学院的医学教育及3年内科(或家庭医学科)住院医生培训和1~3年老年医学专科培训.老年医学专科医生的资格认证和水平考核也很严格,除了全美统一的医师执照考试(3步)和各州政府医师执照的审批外,还有非政府性的老年医学专科医生的资格认证和水平考核.后者是一个很专业化的过程,包括自学、书面考试和患者调查等,其证书需要每10年更新1次.这一整套正规和系统的培训和专科资格认证考核确保了老年医学专科医生的高专业水平,同时,也避免各地老年医学专科医生专业水平参差不齐.希望通过我们的介绍能促进我国老年医学专科医生培训以及资格认证和水平考核正规化、系统化.  相似文献   


This article describes in a firsthand perspective the process of creating a Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI). What was to become a University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute began in 2002 as a project for a small group of undergraduate students and one graduate student. This article describes the year of start-up leading to the first semester of a new lifelong learning program.  相似文献   

There are substantial problems with the clinical training provided to medical students and with the assessment procedure used by medical schools to ensure that students have acquired the clinical skills necessary for graduate medical education. These skills are not evaluated carefully nor systematically at any point in training or licensure. This article describes the use of standardized patients to help resolve some of these shortcomings. Standardized patients are non-physicians highly trained to function in the multiple roles of patient, teacher, and evaluator while realistically replicating a patient encounter. They are effective teachers of interviewing and physical examination skills. They can help to provide a controlled exposure to common ambulatory and difficult patient communication situations. Initial studies indicate the promise of this approach for ensuring the competence of medical school graduates.  相似文献   

This perspective attempts to bring graduate medical offices, residency programs and medical students interested in categorical internal medicine (CIM) a brief update on the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and the National Registry for Medical Programs (NRMP) changes for the past 3–5 years in the United States (US). The US model for certification and recertification may serve as a homogenous example for other countries. This model will be described so that there is an understanding of the importance of such changes in the American system and its effect on resident education. This is critical knowledge for both teachers and learners in internal medicine in preparation for a lifetime career and requirements for certification/credentialing for both programs and their residents/fellows. Data from the review indicate a small increase in the number of applicants but a concordant decrease in ABIM initial certification exams. Programs should well be aware of the new focus on outcomes via the Next Accreditation System (NAS) being put forth by the ACGME.  相似文献   

With the current focus on reducing the federal budget deficit, funding for graduate medical education (GME) has come under scrutiny, particularly those monies labeled as indirect medical education payments; these are intended to cover ill-defined costs inherent to training programs, such as increased lengths of stay, additional testing, and patients with more complex conditions. Although there are cogent arguments that indirect medical education expenses have decreased over the past 25 years, there is also a reasonable expectation that direct medical education expenses, such as those related to resident salaries, faculty involvement, administration of programs, and overhead costs, have increased. Our current system of GME financing is complex and cumbersome and relies almost exclusively on government support. This article examines the adequacy of current funding, focusing on the economics of the entire system rather than individual hospitals, states, or regions. It also recommends reexamining GME financing and considering options that ensure appropriate levels of government support and participation of other health care insurers to adequately fund GME.  相似文献   

The number of foreign national medical graduates entering internal medicine residency training programs in the United States has doubled since 1986. A rigorous, standardized preresidency evaluation of the basic clinical skills and language abilities of international medical graduates should be implemented. Those found to have significant deficits should undertake a preparatory curriculum designed to meet special educational needs before entry into the formal training program. A relevant curriculum might include formal lectures, reading assignments, physical diagnosis sessions, language classes, patient encounter sessions, and a tutorial on U.S medical culture that includes medical ethics and the basics of the our health care system. All or only some of these may be required for any given individual. The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) could provide many of the methods needed for an evaluation program and work collaboratively with program directors. This new approach to training of international medical graduates will require an evaluation system to to measure its effectiveness. Important questions about the funding of graduate medical education for international medical graduates must also be addressed.  相似文献   

While the number of female medical students is increasing in Japan, gender differences in medical school performance have not been studied extensively. This study aimed to compare gender differences in repeat-year experience, Clinical Clerkship (CC) performance, and related examinations in Japanese medical students. We retrospectively analyzed the number of repeat-year students and years to graduation for male and female medical students, and assessed gender differences in performance on computer-based testing (CBT) before CC, CC as evaluated by clinical teachers, the CC integrative test, and the graduation examination in 2018-2020 graduates from our medical school. Subgroup analyses excluding repeat-year students were also performed. From 2018 to 2020, 328 medical students graduated from our medical school. There were significantly fewer repeat-year female students compared to male students (P = .010), and the average number of years to graduate was significantly higher for male students than female students (P < .001). Female students showed higher scores and performance in all integrative tests and CC (P < .05, each). In analysis excluding repeat-year students, there were no significant gender difference in performance on the CBT, and CC integrative test, although female students significantly outperformed male students on the CC and graduation examination. Female medical students had a fewer number of repeat-years and performed better in the CC and graduation examination compared to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

Graduate-entry medical programmes have been introduced in many Australian states. This has coincided with the introduction of learner-centred, problem-orientated medical courses and has resulted in a need to develop new selection pathways. Medical schools have complemented their primary selection tool of academic performance with tests of personal attributes considered important in future doctors. Schools with graduate-entry programmes now employ a combination of the results of the applicant's undergraduate degree, a semistructured interview and a psychometric test (the Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test) to select students. Rationale for the change to graduate entry and the outcomes of this change will be discussed.  相似文献   

The graduate medical education (GME) process in the United States is considered the most respected model for high-quality education of graduate physicians in the world. With substantial funding through government and private insurers and through structured educational accreditation standards, the American Board of Medical Specialists–certified physicians are recognized for their expertise in delivering high-quality medical care. However, under fiscal constraints and changing social expectations, questions are continually posed about the process of funding and whether the “physician outcomes” are sufficient to continue with the investment. This article reviews the history of postgraduate physician education, the multiple funding pathways, disruptions to a placid educational system and changing social expectations. The ultimate issues involve the core goals of GME and how much GME should shoulder responsibility for changing the healthcare system.  相似文献   

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