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放松训练对脑电、心率变异及情绪的影响   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
目的:观察放松训练对受试者脑电、心率变异、情绪、肌电和皮肤末梢循环的影响,以及以上各因素之间的关系,探讨放松训练对抗精神紧张、改善心身健康的心理生理机制。方法:将60名大学生分为实验组和对照组;实验组集体接受放松训练2个月,对照组不接受任何放松训练;两组实验期间同时经历考试应激过程。比较实验前后两组的心率变异,并用心理测验量表(SCL-90、SRHMS和PSQI)对其情绪进行评估,同时测定2个月后两组的脑电变化。最后,以脑电指标中的额α指数为因变量,进行回归分析。结果:2个月后,与对照组比较,实验组的脑电α指数及脑电相干函数增高、心率变异中低频/高频比值降低(P<0.05)、RR间期散点图形状得分升高(P<0.01),SCL-90总分降低(P<0.01)。结论:放松训练对大学生精神紧张有一定缓解作用。  相似文献   

控制睡眠行为配合放松训练治疗失眠症临床观察   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
目的 :验证控制睡眠行为配合放松训练治疗失眠症的效果。方法 :对 44例门诊的失眠症采用控制睡眠行为配合放松训练进行治疗 ,疗程 8周。以作者自制的睡眠情况评定表来判断失眠者的睡眠效率、实际睡眠时间和失眠者的睡眠满意评分。结果 :实际睡眠时间于治疗后第 3周增加明显 (P <0 0 1) ,治疗后第 4、 6、 8周的实际睡眠时间进一步增加 ,均较治疗前 1周显著延长 (P均 <0 0 1) ,睡眠满意评分于治疗后第 4、 6、 8周睡眠较满意率与疗前 1周比增加较为明显 (P均 <0 0 1) ,睡眠较满意率从疗前一周的 2 2 7%增加到第 8周的 86 1%。 44例失眠症有 36例 ( 81 82 % )坚持治疗 8周。结论 :控制睡眠行为配合放松训练法对于治疗失眠症有显著的效果  相似文献   

目的:探讨应对技能训练对提高大学生心理健康水平和应对能力的作用。方法:42名应对方式较消极同时焦虑程度也较高的大学生参加训练,训练分三组,一组进行以认知重构为主的训练,一组进行生物反馈放松训练,一组作对照组,不参加训练。训练历时1个月共8次,每次100分钟左右。结果:以认知重构为主的训练能有效地降低大学生的焦虑水平,同时使大学生的应对方式更加积极;生物反馈放松训练则只对状态焦虑有一定的缓解作用,对应对技能的改善作用不明显。结论:以认知重构为主的应对技能训练对提高大学生的心理健康水平和应对能力是有效的。  相似文献   

徐冬梅  刘华 《医学信息》2019,(17):95-96
目的 研究肌电反馈功能性电刺激治疗急性期脑梗死手功能障碍的临床效果。方法 抽取新余市人民医院康复医学科2017年8月~2018年2月内接诊的急性期脑梗死手功能障碍患者90例,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组45例。对照组给予常规康复治疗,观察组加用肌电反馈功能性电刺激治疗,比较两组治疗前及治疗后不同时间点上肢运动功能评分变化、日常生活能力评分变化以及10s抓握测试情况。结果 观察组治疗2、4、8周后上肢运动功能评分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组日常生活能力评分均有所上升,观察组患者评分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者10s抓握测试次数高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 肌电反馈功能性电刺激治疗急性期脑梗死手功能障碍疾病有助于提高患者上肢运动功能和日常生活能力,增加10s抓握测试次数,促进恢复。  相似文献   

目的:研制可用于神经损伤治疗的肌电反馈磁场治疗仪器。方法:采用自动控制理论和电磁场理论将肌电传感器采集磁场作用后的人体肌电信号作为反馈信号,利用单片机进行磁场强度以及波形的自动调整。结果:对所研制的肌电反馈式磁场治疗仪进行测试,可产生磁感应强度0~50mT、频率1—100Hz的正弦、方波和三角波;已经用于刺激动物神经的实验研究,得到了许多有意义的研究结果。结论:肌电反馈磁场治疗仪的研制将提供患者个体差异的自适应治疗,确保了最佳的临床治疗效果。  相似文献   

放松训练对脑电、情绪的影响及与人格特征的关系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的:探讨放松训练对脑电、情绪的影响以及与受试者人格、行为类型的关系.方法:68名医科大学生集体进行放松训练2个月,比较训练前后的焦虑自评量表(SAS)和匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)得分,评估训练前后脑电、肌电、皮肤温度的变化,以及脑电指标改善程度与受试者个性特征的关系.结果:放松训练后受试者SAS、PSQI得分降低,与训练前相比差异有极显著性意义(t=3.7及5.2,P均<0.01).脑电、肌电、皮肤温度改善,脑电指标改善程度与艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)的N纬度得分、A型行为类型问卷的TH分、总分呈正相关(r=0.25~0.46).结论:放松训练可以改善大学生的生理、心理状况,脑电指标改善程度与受试者的人格特征和行为类型相关.  相似文献   

肌电刺激原理及TH型肌力训练与康复仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

放松训练对抑郁症的康复效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨放松训练技术对抑郁症病人康复的效果。方法样本为在我院住院的抑郁症患者60例,随机分成实验组和对照组各30例,两组在接受常规治疗和护理的同时,实验组进行2个月的放松训练,采用HAMD和自编患者问卷调查表评定其效果。结果治疗2个月后,实验组HAMD评分均低于对照组(P〈0.01),实验组疗效明显优于对照组。结论放松训练技术能缓解紧张焦虑,促进抑郁症患者的康复。  相似文献   

目的 观察膝关节术后发生股四头肌伸肌滞后的患者运用伸肌训练与电刺激治疗效果。方法 将30例膝关节术后发生伸肌滞后患者随机分为两组,伸肌训练组(A组)与联合运用伸肌训练与神经肌肉电刺激组(B组),两组都接受常规康复治疗。训练前及训练2周后评定伸肌滞后角度。结果 A组伸肌滞后角度治疗前14.5°±7.33°,治疗后8.4°±6.75°;B组伸肌滞后角度治疗前13.9°±9.15°,治疗后3.9°±3.56°。两组治疗前后均有显著改善,P<0.05;A、B两组改善程度亦有显著差异,P<0.05。结论 与电刺激联合运用相比,伸肌训练可有效改善股四头肌的伸肌滞后。  相似文献   

目的探讨放松训练对舰艇军人焦虑情绪的影响。方法通过整群随机抽样的原则,抽取618名某水面舰艇军人,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)筛查出41名有焦虑症状的军人作为研究对象,随机分为干预组(n=21)和对照组(n=20),干预组采用心理疏导结合放松训练指导;对照组单独采用心理疏导。监测两组军人在每次干预前、后的心率及血压值,并在实验结束时用Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)对其情绪进行评估。结果干预组和对照组在干预后焦虑水平分别较干预前下降,但干预组干预前后焦虑得分差异具有显著性(t=6.097;P=0.000);而对照组差异无显著性(t=1.692;P=0.107);比较两组干预前后焦虑得分差值也有显著性(t=3.060;P=0.004);干预组每次干预后的心率较干预前有一定的下降,且在第7次自身配对比较差异具有显著性(t=2.341;P=0.030),对照组每次干预前后心率水平变化升降不一,自身配对比较均未见显著性;干预后两组血压值比较差异无显著性。结论采用心理疏导结合放松训练指导比单独进行心理疏导效果好,且可以有效缓解或减轻舰艇军人的焦虑情绪。  相似文献   

During training to relax the frontalis muscle, continuous biofeedback (BF) was compared to discrete verbal feedback (VF) delivered immediately after each trial. Both feedback modalities were based on frontalis electromyographic (EMG) activity. Training consisted of 3 consecutive daily session-each comprised of 3 baseline (nonfeedback) trials followed by 10 training trials of 128 see. The presence or absence of the two informationally positive feedback modalities were combined factorially to define four training conditions: BF + VF, NO BF + VF, BF + NO VF, and NO BF + NO VF. Results indicated that while VF alone facilitated muscle relaxation, BF was clearly prepotent ill effecting consistent decreases in EMG activity both across trials and days of training. Additionally, the facilitating effect of BF transferred to nonfeedback trials while VF did not affect performance on nonfeedback trials. Finally, accuracy of self-evaluations of performance on a trial by trial basis was markedly improved by BF, while VF improved accuracy only for trials having a very large absolute difference between levels of EMG activity. Ss receiving no feedback neither reduced muscle tension during training not were able to evaluate their performance accurately even when large absolute differences occurred between trials in frontalis EMG activity.  相似文献   

In response to an earlier review by Silver and Blanchard, caution is urged in reaching premature conclusions about the relative efficacy of biofeedback vs. relaxation training in the treatment of tension headaches. Additional points are raised concerning subject and procedural variables, data interpretation, and choice of dependent measures in assessing treatment outcome. The need for continued study of this question is emphasized.  相似文献   

团体辅导对网络依赖大学生的干预效果   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:探索大学生网络依赖的团体辅导干预方式及效果。方法:以北京清华大学和吉利大学的24名网络依赖大学生作为实验组,24名同质学生作为对照组,对其网络依赖行为进行团体辅导干预。在团体辅导前、结束及结束后6周时施测修订后的中文网络成瘾量表(CIAS-R)。结果:团体辅导前实验组与对照组CIAS得分无显著差异,在辅导结束(39.5±8.1/46.4±6.0,F=11.38,P<0.01)及结束后6周(39.6±7.7/47.1±4.5,F=16.97,P<0.01),实验组网络使用得分显著低于对照组;实验组内干预前、后及6周追踪测试CIAS-R得分有显著差异(49.7±9.7/39.5±8.1/39.6±7.7,F=11.31,P<0.001),对照组内三时间段CIAS-R得分无显著差异。结论:团体辅导对网络依赖大学生有明显的干预效果。  相似文献   

This study compared the efficacy of auditory and visual feedback in electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback assisted relaxation training of the frontalis muscle.Twenty-eight subjects, divided into 4 groups matched on baseline frontalis EMG levels and trait anxiety, received 7 training sessions each under one of the following conditions: (1) auditory feedback-eyes closed; (2) auditory feedback-eyes open; (3) visual feedback; or (4) no feedback-eyes closed. The group who received auditory feedback with the eyes closed manifested significant lowering of EMG over session compared to no significant reduction in EMG for the other three groups. EMG changes failed to correlate significantly with changes in self reports of subjective relaxation derived from pre-to-post session state anxiety test data. The possibility that the ineffectiveness of visual feedback in this study may be specific to the frontalis muscle was discussed and the need for further research in several areas was stressed.  相似文献   

Awareness of muscle tension, as estimated by a modification of the Kinsman et al. (1975) procedure for determining probability of correct estimation (P(c)) of absolute differences in muscle tension between adjacent trials, was examined before and after volunteer subjects underwent 4 sessions of either: 1) EMG biofeedback (BF) training, 2) progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) training, or 3) a placebo-control (MC) procedure which involved listening to music as an alleged guide for relaxation. The subjects were 30 females (mean age = 28.3 yrs) responding to an offering of experimental treatment for anxiety and tension. Measurements of frontalis muscle tension (EMG) and P(c) were made before and after training. The results showed that EMG was significantly reduced by BF and PMR training but not by the MC procedure. Increases in P(c) after training were significantly greater for BF than for PMR or MC training. There were no group differences for subjective report of tension. Correlations between pre- to post-training EMG and P(c) change scores were significant only for the BF group and the combined group of BF and PMR subjects. These results suggest that: 1) both BF and PMR training were effective in producing frontalis EMG reductions, 2) the following relationship may exist among training groups in terms of relative influence upon awareness of tension—BF training > PMR training > MC training, and 3) awareness of tension appears to be related to the ability to reduce EMG although the exact nature of this relationship remains unclear.  相似文献   

Twenty-two normal adults participated in an electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback experiment designed to test if the feedback stimulus is necessary in obtaining EMG reductions during typical laboratory procedures, and if prior training on one muscle facilitates the training of a second muscle. One group of subjects received forearm feedback training followed by frontalis training. A second group received training in the reverse order. Two control groups relaxed first on their own followed by either forearm or frontalis training. Attention was directed toward motivating control subjects to perform maximally during relaxation without feedback. Heart and respiration rates and skin conductance and temperature were also recorded. Both trained and untrained subjects produced significant EMG reductions but did not differ from each other; nor did a transfer of training effect emerge. No differences resulted between feedback and non-feedback conditions for the other physiological measures or for changes in state anxiety. These data compromise somewhat the previous demonstrations of EMG biofeedback “learning,” and are unsupportive of EMG biofeedback as a general relaxation training technique.  相似文献   



Alcohol consumption in the student population continues to be cause for concern. Building on the established evidence base for traditional brief interventions, interventions using the Internet as a mode of delivery are being developed. Published evidence of replication of initial findings and ongoing development and modification of Web-based personalized feedback interventions for student alcohol use is relatively rare. The current paper reports on the replication of the initial Unitcheck feasibility trial.


To evaluate the effectiveness of Unitcheck, a Web-based intervention that provides instant personalized feedback on alcohol consumption. It was hypothesized that use of Unitcheck would be associated with a reduction in alcohol consumption.


A randomized control trial with two arms (control=assessment only; intervention=fully automated personalized feedback delivered using a Web-based intervention). The intervention was available week 1 through to week 15. Students at a UK university who were completing a university-wide annual student union electronic survey were invited to participate in the current study. Participants (n=1618) were stratified by sex, age group, year of study, self-reported alcohol consumption, then randomly assigned to one of the two arms, and invited to participate in the current trial. Participants were not blind to allocation. In total, n=1478 (n=723 intervention, n=755 control) participants accepted the invitation. Of these, 70% were female, the age ranged from 17-50 years old, and 88% were white/white British. Data were collected electronically via two websites: one for each treatment arm. Participants completed assessments at weeks 1, 16, and 34. Assessment included CAGE, a 7-day retrospective drinking diary, and drinks consumed per drinking occasion.


The regression model predicted a monitoring effect, with participants who completed assessments reducing alcohol consumption over the final week. Further reductions were predicted for those allocated to receive the intervention, and additional reductions were predicted as the number of visits to the intervention website increased.


Unitcheck can reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, and the reduction can be sustained in the medium term (ie, 19 weeks after intervention was withdrawn). The findings suggest self-monitoring is an active ingredient to Web-based personalized feedback.  相似文献   

During the training phase, 96 subjects were given one of four types of relaxation instructions (single instructions, repeated instructions, relaxation training, no instructions) and in addition either did or did not receive frontal EMG biofeedback training. Results indicated that each of the instructions and biofeedback procedures were equally effective in reducing frontal EMG, but that none of these procedures had any effect on subjective anxiety or autonomic indices of arousal (pulse rate, skin temperature, and finger pulse volume). During the generalization/stress phase, subjects were threatened with electric shock and were told to apply the relaxation techniques they learned during the training phase even though no additional instructions and/ or biofeedback training would be provided. To assess the effectiveness of the shock manipulation, a no-threat control group was included. Results indicated that: a) the shock manipulation was effective in increasing arousal, b) previous instructions and/or biofeedback were equally effective in reducing frontal EMG levels, but that c) only relaxation training was consistently effective in reducing subjective and autonomic indices of arousal. These findings: a) suggest that in stressful situations, relaxation training may be more effective than either EMG biofeedback or simple relaxation instructions in producing a general relaxation effect as opposed to a specific EMG effect; and b) indicate the importance of assessing the effectiveness of relaxation procedures during stressful situations during which subjects’ levels of arousal are elevated above resting baseline levels.  相似文献   

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