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翟菲菲  朱以诚 《中国卒中杂志》2015,10(12):1020-1025
脑大、小血管共同构成了脑的血管树,它们在结构和功能上有一定的相关性。近年来,脑 大血管病变与脑小血管病之间相关关系的研究逐渐受到重视。大动脉粥样硬化、动脉延长扩张及管 壁僵硬度增大从不同侧面反映了大血管病变的特点,脑白质高信号是脑小血管病重要的影像学表现。 本文对动脉粥样硬化、动脉延长扩张及僵硬度增大与脑白质高信号之间的相关性进行综述,以探讨 脑大血管病变与脑小血管病的关系。  相似文献   

脑小血管病(cerebral small vessel disease,CSVD)是临床上常见的一类与年龄相关的脑血管 疾病。脑白质高信号(white matter hypertensities,WMH)是CSVD的影像标志物之一。WMH患病率极高, 与认知障碍的发生发展密切相关,但其影像表现及临床症状的异质性为早期发现、早期诊断带来了 困难。本文从病理学、影像学及生物学3方面对WMH发生发展及其导致认知障碍的机制研究现况进 行综述,同时总结目前的治疗策略,提出了接下来的研究目标及方向:能够反映预后的标志物及预测 模型的研究,WMH发生发展的病理生理学机制研究,针对早期干预、药物开发的潜在靶点的研究等。  相似文献   

目的 探讨人血浆脂蛋白相关磷脂酶A2(Lp-PLA2)与脑白质病变(WML)的相关性.方法 分析267例自2019年3月至2020年1月在南京医科大学第一附属医院住院的行头颅磁共振(MRI)检查的患者,分为WML组(195例)和非WML组(72例),收集患者一般临床资料和检验、检查指标进行比较分析.将WML组患者按Fa...  相似文献   

脑小血管病是导致认知功能减退、步态情感障碍和痴呆的重要脑血管疾病,脑白质弥漫 性损伤是该病的重要影像学特征。结合国内外近年来相关研究内容,本文对不同的脑小血管病白质 损伤动物模型制作进行了系统性回顾,包括单一型动物模型如双侧颈总动脉狭窄模型、脑淀粉样血 管病模型、Notch3 转基因小鼠模型、自发性高血压大鼠模型、易卒中型肾血管性高血压大鼠模型,以 及由两个或两个以上单一型动物模型组合而成的复合型动物模型等。  相似文献   

目的 探究脑小血管病(CSVD)患者血清神经丝轻链蛋白(NFL)与脑白质高信号(WMH)和血管性认知损害(VCI)的相关性。方法 纳入2021年6月至2022年6月在新乡医学院第一附属医院神经内科住院的151例血管源性WMH患者作为研究对象,依据简易智能评估量表(MMSE)、蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)分为血管性认知损害69例(VCI组)和无血管性认知损害82例(N-VCI组)。比较两组患者的一般资料,采用酶联免疫吸附法检测两组血清NFL水平,并使用Fazekas量表对WMH严重程度进行评分。结果 VCI组血清NFL水平为(54.56±7.95)pg·mL-1,显著高于N-VCI组(35.09±6.73)pg·mL-1,VCI组Fazekas评分[M(IQR)]为[5(4,6)]明显高于N-VCI[2(1,2)],差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析示血清NFL水平是VCI的影响因素(OR=1.493,95%CI:1.301~1.713,P=0.001)。相关分析结果显示:血清NFL水平与MoCA评分呈负相...  相似文献   

目的 研究脑小血管病(CSVD)患者血清沉默信息调节因子1(SIRT1)水平与脑白质病变严重程度及认知障碍的相关性。方法 选择CSVD患者209例,ELISA法检测入院次日血清SIRT1水平。使用Fazekas量表对入组患者脑白质病变进行评分,并评估CSVD患者的腔隙性梗死、脑微出血和血管周围间隙增大。为评估SIRT1和CSVD疾病进展之间的关系,对CSVD的每个影像学标志物的负荷进行评分,并根据Fazekas量表评分将脑白质病变分为轻度无症状WMH组与中重度WMH组。分析入组患者血清SIRT1表达水平与不同程度的脑白质病变是否相关,以及血清SIRT1表达水平与患者认知功能之间的相关性。结果 在多变量logistic回归分析中,校正了其他混杂因素后,SIRT1仍然是中重度WMH(OR=1.25,95%CI=1.034~1.512,P=0.021)的独立预测因素,血清SIRT1表达水平与腔隙性脑梗死(OR=0.979,95%CI=0.817~1.173,P=0.819),脑微出血(OR=0.996,95%CI=0.860~1.153,P=0.958)和中重度EPVS(OR=1.147,9...  相似文献   

目的系统评价脑白质疏松在卒中复发风险预测中的价值。方法计算机检索Pub Med、Web of science、Embase及维普、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国知网等数据库截止2019年3月15日收录的关于脑白质疏松及卒中复发关系的文献。提取资料进行质量评价并进行meta分析,利用Begg’s漏斗图和Egger’s检验评估发表偏倚。结果最终纳入33篇文献,共34444例。meta分析显示,当结局指标为任何类型复发性卒中时,中重度组与轻度或无组比较(RR=1. 71,95%CI:1. 44~2. 04),I~2=55. 69%;有脑白质疏松组与无脑白质疏松组比较(RR=1. 79,95%CI:1. 43~2. 25),I~2=56. 26%;连续性分析组(RR=1. 81,95%CI:1. 47~2. 23),I~2=34. 63%。当结局指标为缺血性卒中时,中重度组与轻度或无脑白质疏松组比较(RR=1. 82,95%CI:1. 36~2. 42),I~2=48. 43%;有脑白质疏松组与无脑白质疏松组比较(RR=2. 13,95%CI:1. 37~3. 32),I~2=70. 64%;连续性分析组(RR=2. 01,95%CI:1. 13~3. 58),I~2=69. 78%。亚组分析结果显示脑白质疏松对于远期复发性卒中的预测价值更高。通过Begg’s漏斗图和Egger’s检验,仅当结局指标为任何类型复发性卒中时,中重度组与轻度或无脑白质疏松组比较有显著性发表偏倚,经剪补法校正后仍提示相关性。结论脑白质疏松对于复发性卒中具有预测价值。  相似文献   

目的 评估小血管病患者脑白质病变程度与认知功能的相关性。 方法 通过对浙江大学医学院附属第一医院神经内科门诊患者进行老年人认知功能下降知情者问 卷(informant questionnaire on cognitive decline in the elderly,IQCODE)、简易智能状态检查量表(minimental state examination,MMSE)、临床痴呆评定量表(clinical dementia rating,CDR)评分以及相关认 知功能评估,结合头颅磁共振成像(magnatic resonance imaging,MRI)检查及临床资料,筛选小血管病 变患者,并通过相关统计分析计算不同部位脑白质病变的程度及其对认知功能的影响。 结果 本研究共纳入患者147例,其中小血管病变(cerebral small vessel disease,SVD)患者33例,SVD患 者记忆力(z =-3.36)、定向力(z=-3.14)、处理判断力(z =-3.38)以及社会事物能力(z =-3.22)较 正常者都明显下降(P =0.00)。脑室周围病变与MMSE分数(r =0.82)、CDR总分(r =0.62)、CDR记忆分 (r =0.82)显著相关(P值均=0.00),皮质下病变与MMSE分数(r =0.51,P =0.01)、CDR记忆分(r =0.49, P =0.02)中度相关。 结论 在脑小血管病患者,MMSE评分、CDR评分对于脑白质病变特别是脑室旁病变的进展可能具有 一定的预测价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨脑微出血(cerebral microbleeds,CMBs)与脑白质病变(white matter lesions,WML)及腔隙性 梗死(lacunar infarcts,LI)的关系。 方法 连续纳入2010年2月至2012年2月解放军总医院南楼神经内科病房根据病史及头颅影像学检 查确诊患有脑血管病或具有高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症等脑血管病危险因素者217例。采用GE公司 1.5T磁共振成像行头颅常规序列及T2 *血管加权成像(T2 star weighted angiography,SWAN)序列扫 描。记录深部及皮层部位CMBs病灶数,按照Fazekas评分和Scheltens改良量表将脑室旁白质高信号 (peri-ventricular hyperintensities,PVH)和深部白质高信号(deep white m atter hyperintensities,DWMH) 分别评分,根据病灶数量评估LI的严重程度分析CMBs与PVH、DWMH及LI的关系。 结果 随着PVH和DWMH评分的升高,CMBs的检出率分别由41.8%(PVH=1)及40.8%(DWMH=1)升高 至68.8%(PVH=3)及76.9%(DWMH=3);随着LI数量的增加,CMBs的检出率由46.3%升高至75%。深 部CMBs与PVH及DWMH的严重程度有较强相关性(rs =0.345,P<0.001;rs =0.346,P<0.001),与LI 亦显 著相关(r s =0.281,P<0.001);而皮层CMBs与PVH及DWMH严重程度仅呈弱相关(r s =0.219,P =0.001; rs =0.189,P =0.005),与LI无显著相关性。 结论 深部CMBs与脑室旁及深部脑白质病变、LI相关。  相似文献   

目的 建立智能白质高信号(WMH)分割算法,分析脑小血管病(CSVD)患者WMH总体积和不同脑区WMH体积,并探讨其与认知功能的相关性.方法 建立智能WMH分割算法,对CSVD患者头颅MRI显示的WMH分别进行智能WMH分割算法及人工勾画方法分析.采用Dice相似系数比较两种方案的一致性.采用神经心理量表多维度联合评估...  相似文献   


Background and purpose

Visual rating scales have limited capacities to depict the regional distribution of cerebral white matter hyperintensities (WMH). We present a regional-zonal volumetric analysis alongside a visualization tool to compare and deconstruct visual rating scales.

Materials and methods

3D T1-weighted, T2-weighted spin-echo and FLAIR images were acquired on a 3 T system, from 82 elderly participants in a population-based study. Images were automatically segmented for WMH. Lobar boundaries and distance to ventricular surface were used to define white matter regions. Regional-zonal WMH loads were displayed using bullseye plots. Four raters assessed all images applying three scales. Correlations between visual scales and regional WMH as well as inter and intra-rater variability were assessed. A multinomial ordinal regression model was used to predict scores based on regional volumes and global WMH burdens.


On average, the bullseye plot depicted a right-left symmetry in the distribution and concentration of damage in the periventricular zone, especially in frontal regions. WMH loads correlated well with the average visual rating scores (e.g. Kendall's tau [Volume, Scheltens] = 0.59 CI = [0.53 0.62]). Local correlations allowed comparison of loading patterns between scales and between raters. Regional measurements had more predictive power than global WMH burden (e.g. frontal caps prediction with local features: ICC = 0.67 CI = [0.53 0.77], global volume = 0.50 CI = [0.32 0.65], intra-rater = 0.44 CI = [0.23 0.60]).


Regional-zonal representation of WMH burden highlights similarities and differences between visual rating scales and raters. The bullseye infographic tool provides a simple visual representation of regional lesion load that can be used for rater calibration and training.  相似文献   

Several reports have noted an increase in white matter hyperintensities (WMH) on MRI scans of adult patients with bipolar disorder. We investigated whether this increase was also evident in a group of adolescent patients with bipolar disorder. The sample consisted of 15 bipolar patients, 19 patients with schizophrenia and 16 healthy comparison subjects. All subjects were adolescents. WMH were blindly rated on T2-weighted and PD-weighted MRI scans using our own scale with documented inter-rater reliability. WMH were present in 10 of 15 bipolar patients (67%), seven of 19 patients with schizophrenia (37%) and five of 16 comparison subjects (31%). The bipolar adolescent group had a statistically significant increased presence of WMH compared both with healthy comparison subjects and the schizophrenic group. The association between WMH and bipolar disorder appears to extend to the adolescent years.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides detailed images of brain anatomy, with especially clear definition of gray and white matter structures. Several brain MRI studies have suggested that adults with bipolar disorder (BD) are more likely to have "white matter hyperintensities" (WMH) than adults without BD. The disproportionately greater frequency of these lesions in otherwise physically healthy patients suggests that the illness itself, or treatments used to control the illness, may be risk factors for the development of white matter changes. Similarly, WMH may be an etiological factor for some types of BD. In addition to reviewing the relevant literature, this research study attempted to determine whether lithium treatment is associated with an increased prevalence of WMH in young adults with psychiatric illness. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated over 600 brain MRI scans from inpatients at McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts. We controlled for possible confounding variables such as age, vascular disease, substance abuse, and markers of illness severity. We found that individuals with BD were no more likely to have WMH than other psychiatric patients. Lithium use was nonsignificantly associated with the presence of WMH. A multivariate regression model for the presence of WMH showed that heart disease, female gender, and multiple psychiatric admissions were significant predictors of WMH. This study does not support previous findings that BD, compared to other psychiatric illnesses, was associated with increased risk of WMH. Lithium use may be subtly associated with WMH. Our results are consistent with previous research that found an association between cardiovascular disease, advanced age, and the presence of WMH, though our analysis appears to be unique in its inclusion of cardiovascular disease as a risk factor in young adults with psychiatric illness.  相似文献   

Low cerebral blood flow velocity and risk of white matter hyperintensities   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cerebral blood flow velocity (CBF-V) measured by transcranial doppler was assessed in 628 elderly individuals who had cerebral magnetic resonance imaging performed as part of a population-based study on vascular aging. Cerebral white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) were associated with low CBF-V, such as the adjusted odds ratios of severe WMHs from highest (referent) to lowest quartile of mean CBF-V were 1.0, 1.7, 3.7, and 4.3 (p = 0.001). Further, CBF-V was found to be a stronger risk factor for WMHs than high blood pressure. These findings suggest that the assessment of CBF-V might be a powerful tool in future studies on WMHs.  相似文献   

White matter hyperintensities(WMHs) that arise with age and/or atherosclerosis constitute a heterogeneous disorder in the white matter of the brain. However, the relationship between age-related risk factors and the prevalence of WMHs is still obscure. More clinical data is needed to confirm the relationship between age and the prevalence of WMHs. We collected 836 patients, who were treated in the Renmin Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, China from January 2015 to February 2016, for a case-controlled retrospective analysis. According to T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging results, all patients were divided into a WMHs group(n = 333) and a non-WMHs group(n = 503). The WMHs group contained 159 males and 174 females. The prevalence of WMHs increased with age and was associated with age-related risk factors, such as cardiovascular diseases, smoking, drinking, diabetes, hypertension and history of cerebral infarction. There was no significant difference in sex, education level, hyperlipidemia and hyperhomocysteinemia among the different age ranges. These findings confirm that age is an independent risk factor for the prevalence and severity of WMHs. The age-related risk factors enhance the occurrence of WMHs.  相似文献   



Migraine is a recognised cause of brain white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However radiological characteristics of those in migraine are not well defined. We sought to study the radiological characteristics and factors associated with WMH in migraine.


Migraine patients who were investigated with MRI of the brain in the outpatient clinic were studied retrospectively. Two groups were delineated based on the presence or absence of WMH in MRI scans. The clinical and demographic characteristics between the two groups were compared to delineate the associations of WMH.


Forty four patients were studied, out of which 19 demonstrated WMH on MRI. Frontal lobe was involved in all subjects with WMH. Infratentorial hyperintensities were not seen in any. Subcortical and deep white matter was the commonest distribution while callosal and subcallosal lesions were very rare. Family history of migraine, increasing age, and increasing headache frequency emerged as significant associations of WMH in multivariable analysis.


There are characteristic radiological features and clinical associations of WMH in migraine.  相似文献   

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