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目的:通过比较相关数据,评价医药分家改革对社区卫生服务机构、患者和医药销售公司的影响。结果:北湖中心月门诊量、医疗服务收入增长率达到21.50%、560.00%,临床常用药品价格下降了19.54%~74.07%。结论:医药分家有利于社区卫生服务机构改善生存条件,降低群众就医负担。  相似文献   

我国新医改方案中提出要逐步推进医药分开,积极探索多种有效方式逐步改革以药补医机制,其中改革公立医院补偿机制中很重要的一条就是设立药事服务费。本文集中总结了澳大利亚、加拿大、美国、南非、日本、英国和台湾等国家和地区的经验,界定药事服务费的性质和内涵,介绍国外药事服务费的支付方式、实施情况、监管和配套措施,为我国药事服务费的设立和实施提供一些参考信息。  相似文献   

Policy makers around the world seek to encourage generic substitution. In this paper, the importance of prescribing physicians’ imperfect agency is tested using the fact that some Swiss jurisdictions allow physicians to dispense drugs on their own account (physician dispensing, PD) while others disallow it. We estimate a model of physician drug choice with the help of drug claim data, finding a significant positive association between PD and the use of generics. While this points to imperfect agency, generics are prescribed more often to patients with high copayments or low incomes.  相似文献   

In Spain pharmaceutical distribution is carried out mainly thorugh the 20,000 independent pharmacies located throughout the country. This situation contrasts with that in other countries where other health care providers play a major role in drug dispensation or where pharmacies form part of industrial conglomerates or commercial chains.We describe the pharmaceutical distribution chain in Spain wholesale and through the pharmacies and place particular emphasis on five aspects of relevance when considering alternatives: ownership of the pharmacy and norms of professional service, criteria for setting up a pharmacy, monopoly on dispensing, automatic ageement with the Spanish national health system and reimbursement system. Several alternatives found in comparable countries are described: mail order and on-line distribution, sale of over-the counter pharmaceutical products in establishments other than pharmacies, the estabilishment of pharmaceutical chains, dispensing by providers, the repercussions of electronic prescribing and the possibilities of the still-emerging Pharmacuetical Care. The characteristics of pharmacy reimbursement systems are also reviewed.We recommend modification of limitations on ownership of pharmacies, the establishment of optional agreements between pharmacies and the Spanish national health system and the authorization of alternative or complementary channels of distribution for some products. We propose a mixed model of reimbursement that would include: a) a ficed price for dispensing; b) almost total return of the cost of the product; c) reimbursement for services explicity defined by the financer, and d) the possibility of a selective fixed payment for certain situations depending on the agreed services or a guaranteed minimum income.  相似文献   

运用市场手段实现医药自然分开的理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了韩国、我国台湾和大陆实行医药分开改革的过程,认为我国以往的相关改革陷入了“管制”的思维误区。认为通过制度设计,创造医疗机构门诊处方自由流动的环境,依靠市场竞争形成处方流向结构多元化,可以实现医药自然分开状态。提出了“医药自然分开”、“处方流向结构”和“处方分散度”等新概念。  相似文献   



This review was conducted to document published literature related to physicians’ knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of generic medicines in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and to compare the findings with high-income countries.


A systematic search of articles published in peer-reviewed journals from January 2001 to February 2013 was performed. The search comprised nine electronic databases. The search strategy involved using Boolean operators for combinations of the following terms: generic medicines, generic medications, generic drugs, generic, generic substitution, generic prescribing, international non-proprietary, prescribers, doctors, general practitioners, physicians, and specialists.


Sixteen articles were included in this review. The majority (n = 11) were from high income countries and five from LMICs. The main difference between high income countries and LMICs is that physicians from high income countries generally have positive views whereas those from LMICs tend to have mixed views regarding generic medicines. Few similarities were identified among different country income groups namely low level of physicians’ knowledge of the basis of bioequivalence testing, cost of generic medicines as an encouraging factor for generic medicine prescribing, physicians’ concerns towards safety and quality of generic medicines and effect of pharmaceutical sales representative on generic medicine prescribing.


The present literature review revealed that physicians from LMICs tend to have mixed views regarding generic medicines. This may be due to differences in the health care system and pharmaceutical funding system, medicine policies, the level of educational interventions, and drug information sources in countries of different income levels.  相似文献   

When both physicians and pharmacists in Taiwan prescribed and dispensed drugs, many elderly people considered the two types of health care providers more or less synonymous (i.e., close substitutes). Two policies mandated in the 1990s changed this perception: National Health Insurance (NHI), which provides insurance coverage to all citizens, and a separation policy (SP) that forbids physicians from dispensing and pharmacists from prescribing drugs. The author finds that by providing an economic incentive to the previously uninsured elderly, NHI raised the probability that they would visit physicians, relative to their continuously insured counterparts. In particular, some previously uninsured elderly who once only visited pharmacists were more likely to also visit physicians after NHI was implemented. Following this, the SP made it more likely that all elderly patients would only visit physicians and buy drugs from on-site pharmacists hired by physicians—a result different than its policy goal.   相似文献   

The rapid rise in pharmaceutical costs in France has been driven by new technologies and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases as well as considerable prescribing freedom and choice of physician among patients. This has led to the introduction of a number of reforms and initiatives in an attempt to moderate expenditure whilst ensuring universal coverage and rewarding innovation. These reforms include accelerating access to and granting average European prices for new innovative drugs, delisting drugs where there are concerns over their value and instigating rebates for excessive prescribing. Alongside this, ongoing initiatives to improve the quality and efficiency of prescribing include programmes to enhance generic prescribing and dispensing as well as to reduce antibacterial and anxiolytic/hypnotic prescribing. However, there have been few publications documenting the impact of specific reforms on the overall costs and quality of care, which have been exacerbated by compartmentalization of budgets. Estimates suggest savings of over €27 million/year by decreasing antibacterial prescribing, €450 million/year by not reimbursing ineffective drugs, €670 million/year from pharmaceutical company rebates and approximately €1 billion/year from increased prescribing and dispensing of generics (year 2003–7 values). Additional savings of at least €1.5 billion/year are seen as being possible from increased use of generics such as generic proton pump inhibitors, statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) and ACE inhibitors instead of current branded products such as angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonists (angiotensin receptor blockers [ARBs]). Delisting drugs when there are concerns about their value provides an example to other countries with currently limited demand-side measures. Other possible examples include price : volume agreements and multifaceted campaigns to enhance generic prescribing and dispensing and reduce antibacterial prescribing. Possible future initiatives could include adopting more stringent criteria for categorizing new drugs as innovative as well as further reductions in the prices of generics. Other initiatives could include further enhancement of the quality and efficiency of prescribing, including formal auditing of physician prescribing, as well as increasing efforts to monitor the risk : benefit ratio of new drugs post-launch in real-world practice.  相似文献   

Efforts to control the rising costs of drug budgets has centered primarily on the use of "closed formularies"--systems in which a set of drug products are pre-approved for dispensing to those eligible for expense coverage. Controversy, however, has surrounded these systems with respect to their effectiveness in controlling costs and their impacts on the quality of care for recipients. This study examined California physician attitudes towards the California Medicaid program's use of a closed formulary and treatment authorizations which must be obtained in order to dispense drugs not on the Medi-Cal pre-approved list. A survey of physicians focused on the extent to which they sought to use non-formulary medications, their experience with formulary products that were not their drugs of choice, and the extent to which the overall system impacted their practices. Results of the survey indicated that the closed formularly discouraged physicians from dispensing drugs of choice. Furthermore, physicians often experienced adverse or sub-therapeutic results with formulary medications that they would not have expected had they dispensed their preferred medications.  相似文献   

Within less than a decade the World Bank has become the largest single source of finance (loans) for health in low and middle income countries as well as a major player in the field of pharmaceuticals. Often 20-50% of the recurrent government health budget in developing countries is used to procure drugs. Drugs are among the most salient and cost-effective elements of health care and often a key factor for the success of a health sector reform. However, pharmaceuticals are frequently being used irrationally, mainly due to market imperfections in health care, such as information asymmetries, leading to serious health problems and a heavy financial burden on the health system. Lending priorities set by the World Bank could be used to promote public health sector reform, leading to the rational use of affordable and available drugs of good quality in developing countries. This report provides the first analysis of World Bank activity in the pharmaceutical sector worldwide. The analysis of 77 staff appraisal reports, describing the planning phase of World Bank country projects, shows that 16% of the total World Bank health, nutrition and population budget, or approximately US$1.3 billion, has been committed to loans or credits supporting pharmaceutical activities in the programme countries between 1989-95. Roughly US$1.05 billion has been committed to procurement of drugs and medical equipment. Only 5% of the total pharmaceutical sector lending is committed to software components such as drug policy work and rational use of drugs. No more than 45% of the projects were developed in collaboration with pharmaceutical expertise. The World Bank is recommended to improve its pharmaceutical sector involvement by promoting drug policy research and development including national and international dialogue on pharmaceutical issues to ensure rational use of both drugs and loans. In this, the World Bank has an advantage given its experience from working with both the private and the public sector, its in-house expertise in health economics, and lastly its ability to be listened to by governments through its power.  相似文献   

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