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BACKGROUND: Evaluation of relationships between assisted reproduction technologies (ART), fertility problems and disorders caused by disturbed genetic imprinting such as Angelman syndrome (AS) and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). METHODS: A nation-wide questionnaire survey was performed regarding ART in families with a child with AS, BWS or Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) including questions on fertility. Molecular data on the genetic disorder in affected children were gathered. RESULTS: Of the 220 affected children in this study, 14 (6.4%) were born following any form of ART compared with 83 818 (2.1%) in the Dutch population. Of AS, PWS or BWS children 15 (6.8%) were born after a fertility problem (Time To Pregnancy > 12 months, no forms of ART) compared to 141,340 (3.5%) in the Dutch population. Maternal age in the individual syndromes was higher than in the Dutch population. Families with affected children were three times more likely to experience fertility problems than the general population. All three syndromes were also individually associated with increased fertility problems in the families. CONCLUSIONS: After correction for the increased fertility problems of the parents, there is no increased incidence of ART related birth of AS, PWS or BWS children. ART does not seem to have a direct effect on the increase of imprinted diseases.  相似文献   

Neurological sequelae and multiple birth defects have been observed in children conceived by IVF and ICSI. Multiple pregnancy is the most important risk factor. These health problems challenge the responsible practice of medicine. The core values of medicine and the deontology of the profession have been reviewed to define the responsible conduct of research and clinical practice. Professional associations have proposed guidelines to reduce health problems in assisted reproductive technology. Although these health problems could have been prevented, this response by the medical community is nonetheless an important step towards improving responsible medical practices that have become questionable over the years. Professional associations must find out means, not only to implement their guidelines, but also to prevent the recurrence of such episodes in the history of medicine.  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified a new class of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) patients who have biparental inheritance, but neither the typical deletion nor uniparental disomy (UPD) or translocation. However, these patients have uniparental DNA methylation throughout 15q11-q13, and thus appear to have a mutation in the imprinting process for this region. Here we describe detailed clinical findings of five AS imprinting mutation patients (three families) and two PWS imprinting mutation patients (one new family). All these patients have essentially the classical clinical phenotype for the respective syndrome, except that the incidence of microcephaly is lower in imprinting mutation AS patients than in deletion AS patients. Furthermore, imprinting mutation AS and PWS patients do not typically have hypopigmentation, which is commonly found in patients with the usual large deletion. Molecular diagnosis of these cases is initially achieved by DNA methylation analyses of the DN34/ZNF127, PW71 (D15S63), and SNRPN loci. The latter two probes have clear advantages in the simple molecular diagnostic analysis of PWS and AS patients with an imprinting mutation, as has been found for typical deletion or UPD PWS and AS cases. With the recent finding of inherited microdeletions in PWS and AS imprinting mutation families, our studies define a new class of these two syndromes. The clinical and molecular identification of these PWS and AS patients has important genetic counseling consequences. Am. J. Med. Genet. 68:195–206, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process in which allele-specific gene expression is dependent on the parental inheritance. Although only a minority of human genes are imprinted, those that have been identified to date have been preferentially implicated in prenatal growth and neurodevelopment. Mutations or epimutations in imprinted genes or imprinting control centres are associated with imprinting disorders such as Angelman syndrome (AS) and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). Recently, an increased frequency of assisted reproductive technology (ART) conceptions has been reported in children with BWS and AS. However, the risk of imprinting disorders in ART children is unknown. METHODS: We undertook a survey of 2492 children born after ART in the Republic of Ireland and Central England with the aim of detecting cases (both clinically diagnosed and previously unrecognized) of BWS and AS in this cohort. The response rate to an initial questionnaire was 61%, corresponding to data for 1524 children. After evaluation of the questionnaire, 70 children were invited for a detailed clinical assessment, and 47 accepted (response rate of 67%). RESULTS: In this entire cohort, we detected one case of BWS and no cases of AS. We did not find evidence that there exists a significant group of ART children with unrecognized milder forms of AS or BWS. CONCLUSIONS: Although previous studies have suggested an increased relative risk of BWS and AS after ART, our findings suggest that the absolute risk of imprinting disorders in children conceived by ART is small (<1%). Precise risk estimates of risk are difficult to define because of the rarity of the conditions and incomplete response rates to the questionnaire and clinical examination invitations. Hence further investigations are indicated to (i) refine the absolute and relative risks of imprinting disorders after ART and (ii) ensure that changes in ART protocols are not associated with increased frequencies of epigenetic changes and imprinting disorders in children born after ART.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Surveys have shown opposition to human reproductive cloning (HRC) in many countries. Views of identical (monozygotic, MZ) twins are of particular interest, as they naturally share 100% of their genes. We investigated attitudes of British twins towards HRC in the context of assisted reproduction technologies (ART) and gene selection. METHODS: About 4651 identical and non-identical (dizygotic, DZ) twins expressed their degree of agreement or disagreement to nine statements relating to ART, gene selection and HRC in a self-completion questionnaire. RESULTS: Most subjects (70% and 78% respectively) did not regard the use of medical technologies to treat infertility as interfering with either nature or God's will, despite believing that infertility is not a disease (54%). Attitudes to gene selection and HRC were context dependent, with more favourable views towards preventing serious diseases than towards enhancing traits. About 44% supported a permanent ban of HRC. MZ twins were significantly more likely to agree that HRC should be allowed for medical purposes, such as saving a sibling's life, than were DZ twins. Increasing religiosity generally correlated with more negative attitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Many attitudes are context dependent. More positive views of MZ twins towards HRC could be linked to their experience with being genetically identical.  相似文献   

The obstetric outcome of 1941 in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and 1436 gamete intra-Fallopian transfer (GIFT) pregnancies reported from 25 units in Australia and New Zealand have been reviewed. Recently, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) have replaced clomiphene as part of many ovarian stimulation protocols. Clinical abortion rates after clomiphene (24.4% for IVF; 23.0% for GIFT) were not significantly higher than after GnRHa (20.7% for IVF; 17.9% for GIFT) when IVF and GIFT data were considered separately. However, the abortion rate for combined IVF and GIFT was significantly higher after clomiphene than after GnRHa. This pattern was found for most maternal age groups and causes of infertility although differences were not significant in all categories. The combined IVF and GIFT ectopic pregnancy rate of 6.7% for clomiphene was significantly higher than 4.1% for GnRHa. Because the mechanism of action of clomiphene for oocyte recruitment during folliculogenesis means that GnRHa cannot be used with clomiphene, luteinizing hormone (LH) levels are higher in clomiphene cycles than in GnRHa cycles. Clomiphene itself could cause the increase in pregnancy wastage or increased levels of LH during follicule genesis associated with the use of clomiphene may cause the observed pregnancy failures.  相似文献   

In a retrospective analysis of 637 cycles of ovarian stimulation and transvaginal follicular aspiration for various assisted reproductive technologies, severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (SOH) occurred in six (0.94%) cycles. The patients at a high risk of developing SOH in cycles of assisted reproduction were those who had excessive serum oestradiol levels on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration (oestradiol greater than 6000 pg/ml; 38% SOH) and a high number of oocytes obtained (greater than 30 oocytes; 23% SOH). In those patients with both oestradiol greater than 6000 pg/ml on the day of HCG administration and greater than 30 eggs retrieved, the chance of developing SOH was 80%. The higher the serum oestradiol levels and the more eggs retrieved, the higher the pregnancy rates observed. High oestradiol level did not appear to have a detrimental effect on pregnancy rates and outcome. Furthermore, our results are not consistent with suggestions that the addition of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist to ovarian stimulation protocols, follicular aspiration and/or luteal support with progesterone may reduce the incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To investigate whether second trimester serum inhibin levels differ in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproduction technology (ART). METHODS: In Israel, serum samples from twin pregnancies were obtained for inhibin testing from women either referred for routine ultrasound monitoring, follow up after multi-fetal reduction or amniocentesis, largely for advanced maternal age. In the UK, inhibin had been tested prospectively in singleton and twin pregnancies of women having routine Down's syndrome (DS) screening. Results were available from 207 ART pregnancies: 170 singletons and 37 twins. This includes 15 twins from Israel, known to have been reduced from triplets to twins. Comparison was made with 4384 spontaneous pregnancies: 4334 singletons and 50 twins. Results were expressed in multiples of the gestation-specific median (MoM) for normal spontaneous pregnancies. RESULTS: In ART singletons, the median maternal inhibin level was higher (1.11 MoM) than in spontaneous singletons (0.99 MoM, P < 0.001, two-tail Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test). In twins, there was no material difference between ART and spontaneous pregnancies with medians of 1.98 and 2.18 MoM, respectively (P = 0.62). There was no effect of multi-fetal reduction, with medians of 1.76 and 1.81 MoM in reduced and non-reduced twins, respectively (P = 0.46). CONCLUSION: It appears that serum inhibin levels are increased on average in ART singletons but not in ART twin pregnancies. More data will be needed before deciding whether risk calculation parameters need to be altered when using inhibin for DS screening in pregnancy.  相似文献   

Ethical and legal aspects of assisted reproduction practice in Asia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This report describes the ethical and legal aspects of assistedreproduction technology (ART) that have been instituted in Asiancountries. The data were collected by a questionnaire circulatedto ART units in Asia. These are Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Indonesia,Thailand, Japan, Iran, India, Jordan, Malaysia, China, Israel,Hong Kong, Pakistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Persian Gulfcountries. According to the survey, there are approximately260 ART centers in Asia (half of which are in Japan). On a globalbasis each ART centre in Asia serves an average population of13 million people. On the other hand, in those Asian countrieswhere the standards of living are relatively high, the availabilityof ART services, including the more sophisticated and costlyART procedures like micromanipulation, is similar to that inthe Western world. In most of the Asian countries practisingART, however, no state registry exists. Taiwan is the only countrythat has specific legislation, and in six other countries somekind of ministerial regulations are practised. We conclude thatART is now practised in 20 countries in Asia. The prevailingrules and cultural heritage in many of these Asian countrieshas a major influence on the implementation of ART in Asia.However, in view of the complicated and sensitive issues involved,and as no supervision on ART clinics exists in most of theseAsian countries, we advocate that some kind of quality controlshould be urgently instituted in all centres practising ART.In this way, it is hoped that the highest standards be attainedfor all parties concerned.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fluctuations in spontaneous pregnancy rates have been observed in the general population. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether pregnancy rates fluctuate over time in a homogeneous assisted reproduction treatment unit. METHODS: The study sample consisted of 3522 consecutive assisted reproduction cycles conducted from January 1996 to December 1999. Only fresh cycles in women <41 years old were included. All pertinent clinical data were prospectively collected on a computerized database and analysed at the end of the study. RESULTS: Throughout the 4 years of the study, monthly pregnancy rates fluctuated between 10.5 and 34.1% (mean 21.4%) per cycle, and between 13.6 and 41% (mean 27.26%) per transfer. These fluctuations did not follow any specific seasonal pattern. CONCLUSION: During routine work in an assisted reproduction treatment unit, there are random fluctuations in the pregnancy rate. This factor should be considered in studies performed in a specific time-period.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been increasing number of pregnancies following assisted reproductive technology treatment and their survival is understandably a matter of interest. The relative risk of spontaneous abortion in these pregnancies remains unclear. The objectives of this study were to quantify the relative risk in assisted reproductive technology pregnancies in relation to two cohorts of naturally conceived pregnancies and to assess the possible risk factors for spontaneous abortion among assisted reproductive technology pregnancies. METHODS: Three cohorts of pregnancies, 1945 pregnancies conceived following assisted reproductive technology treatment in a tertiary infertility clinic, 549 natural pregnancies in a prospective study of lifestyle and pregnancy (the Ford cohort), and 4265 pregnancies from another cohort (the Treloar cohort), were used in the study. RESULTS: After adjusting for age, the relative risk of spontaneous abortion was 1.20 (95% CI 1.03-1.46) in the assisted reproductive technology cohort in comparison with the Ford cohort. Within the assisted reproductive technology cohort, a history of spontaneous abortion predicted increased risk, while a low level of ovarian stimulation seemed to be related to a reduced risk. CONCLUSIONS: The study showed that the risk of spontaneous abortion was slightly increased in the assisted reproductive technology pregnancies after adjusting for maternal age and previous spontaneous abortion. Within the assisted reproductive technology cohort, several variables, including the level of stimulation, appeared to be linked with the risk of spontaneous abortion.  相似文献   

A broad spectrum of assisted reproductive technologies has become available for couples with fertility problems. Follow-up studies of children born as a result of assisted reproduction have shown that neonatal outcome and malformation rates are not different from those of the general population, except for a low birthweight and a slight increase in chromosomal abnormalities. The safety aspect of assisted reproduction at the epigenetic level has not been well studied. Epigenetics refers to phenomena where modifications of DNA methylation and/or chromatin structure underlie changes in gene expression and phenotype characteristics. This article intends to analyse epigenetic risks related to assisted reproduction on the basis of an overview of epigenetic reprogramming events in the gamete and early embryo. Two epigenetic modifications, methylation and imprinting, are considered in more detail. The interference of in-vitro embryo culture, immature sperm cells and nuclear transfer with epigenetic reprogramming is discussed, as well as the possibility of epigenetic inheritance.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting, an inherently epigenetic phenomenon defined by parent of origin-dependent gene expression, is observed in mammals and flowering plants. Genome-scale surveys of imprinted expression and the underlying differential epigenetic marks have led to the discovery of hundreds of imprinted plant genes and confirmed DNA and histone methylation as key regulators of plant imprinting. However, the biological roles of the vast majority of imprinted plant genes are unknown, and the evolutionary forces shaping plant imprinting remain rather opaque. Here, we review the mechanisms of plant genomic imprinting and discuss theories of imprinting evolution and biological significance in light of recent findings.  相似文献   

The recent availability of recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH), with its high level of purity and batch-to-batch consistency has made it an attractive alternative to urinary FSH (uFSH) for ovarian stimulation. Several trials have compared the two preparations, but none had sufficient power to detect a clinically meaningful difference in pregnancy rates. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical pregnancy rates per started cycle by pooling data from randomized trials which compared the use of rFSH and uFSH in treatment cycles using in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). A thorough search of the literature identified 12 trials which met the inclusion criteria. In four trials, both IVF and ICSI were performed, in seven trials only IVF was performed and in one trial only ICSI was performed. Data were extracted and pooled using the principles of meta-analysis. There was no significant heterogeneity of treatment effect across the trials. The common odds ratio and the risk difference (and their 95% confidence intervals), obtained by pooling the data using a fixed effects model, were 1.20 (1.02-1.42) and 3.7% (0.5-6.9%) respectively, in favour of rFSH. The pregnancy rate with the alpha preparation of rFSH was statistically significantly higher than with uFSH in IVF cycles. The overall conclusion from this meta-analysis is that the use of rFSH in assisted reproduction is preferred over uFSH.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In France, assisted reproductive technologies involving a hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected man requires the cryopreservation of potentially infected semen (in order to establish the presence of HCV), hence the need for a safe and secure storage system. We evaluated the safety of high-security straws for the conservation of semen containing HCV RNA under routine conditions. METHODS: Ionomeric resin (IR) straws were filled with seminal plasma spiked with different concentrations of HCV RNA and sealed using a thermo-solder. After a 4% sodium hypochlorite treatment and/or cryopreservation for 7 days in liquid nitrogen, the outside ends of each straw were rinsed with RNAse-free water. RESULTS: No HCV RNA could be detected in any of the water samples. Additional samples included the rinsing water from straws sealed by thermo-solder and from the heating wire used to cut the end of straws containing HCV-positive semen. The latter samples were found positive for both HCV RNA and the protamine-2 gene expressed by spermatozoa. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the safety of IR straws, the filling system and the thermo-solder for cryopreservation of semen containing HCV in liquid nitrogen. Decontamination of the straw after sealing and the use of disposable scissors to open the straws are strongly recommended.  相似文献   

Normal human development involves a delicate interplay of gene expression in specific tissues at narrow windows of time. Temporally and spatially regulated gene expression is controlled both by gene-specific factors and chromatin-specific factors. Genomic imprinting is the expression of specific genes primarily from only one allele at particular times during development, and is one mechanism implicated in the intricate control of gene expression. Two human genetic disorders, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS, MIM 176270) and Angelman syndrome (AS, MIM 105830), result from rearrangements of chromosome 15q11-q13, an imprinted region of the human genome. Despite their rarity, disorders such as PWS and AS can give focused insight into the role of genomic imprinting and imprinted genes in human development.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the organelles responsible for producing the majority of a cell's ATP and also play an essential role in gamete maturation and embryo development. ATP production within the mitochondria is dependent on proteins encoded by both the nuclear and the mitochondrial genomes, therefore co-ordination between the two genomes is vital for cell survival. To assist with this co-ordination, cells normally contain only one type of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) termed homoplasmy. Occasionally, however, two or more types of mtDNA are present termed heteroplasmy. This can result from a combination of mutant and wild-type mtDNA molecules or from a combination of wild-type mtDNA variants. As heteroplasmy can result in mitochondrial disease, various mechanisms exist in the natural fertilization process to ensure the maternal-only transmission of mtDNA and the maintenance of homoplasmy in future generations. However, there is now an increasing use of invasive oocyte reconstruction protocols, which tend to bypass mechanisms for the maintenance of homoplasmy, potentially resulting in the transmission of either form of mtDNA heteroplasmy. Indeed, heteroplasmy caused by combinations of wild-type variants has been reported following cytoplasmic transfer (CT) in the human and following nuclear transfer (NT) in various animal species. Other techniques, such as germinal vesicle transfer and pronuclei transfer, have been proposed as methods of preventing transmission of mitochondrial diseases to future generations. However, resulting embryos and offspring may contain mtDNA heteroplasmy, which itself could result in mitochondrial disease. It is therefore essential that uniparental transmission of mtDNA is ensured before these techniques are used therapeutically.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increasing use of assisted reproductive technology treatments has been associated with the current rise in multiple births in the USA. Embryo cryopreservation and subsequent thawed embryo transfer may favourably impact the multiple-birth risk by relieving some pressure that patients and providers may feel to transfer several embryos in a single cycle. The study objective was to examine both live-birth rates and multiple-birth risk in thawed cycles. METHODS: The authors used a population-based sample of 21 555 assisted reproductive technology procedures performed in US clinics in 1999 and 2000 that used thawed embryos derived from the patient's oocytes. RESULTS: Both patient age and the number of embryos transferred were independent predictors of live birth. Even among women aged 20-29 years, the transfer of three embryos resulted in an increase in the live-birth rate compared with cycles in which one or two embryos were transferred. This increase in success was accompanied by an increased multiple-birth risk. In all age groups up to 40 years, the transfer of just two embryos resulted in a multiple-birth risk of 16-17%. The multiple-birth risk increased with the number of embryos transferred. CONCLUSIONS: Patient age and the number of embryos transferred significantly affect live-birth and multiple-birth rates among women who use thawed embryos.  相似文献   

巨大舌-脐膨出综合征与基因组印记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因组印记(genomic imprinting)是不符合孟德尔遗传定律的特殊遗传现象,巨大舌-脐膨出综合征(Beckwith-Wiedemann symdrone,BWS)的致病基因位于印记基因聚集的11p15.5,并且其发病与基因组印记的机理有关,印记基因p57^KIP2、IGF2/H19、LIT1在BWS时出现了变异或印记丢失(loss of imprinting,LOI)。作者对最近几年国内外在这方面的最新研究进展进行了综述,这些研究结果为最终阐述BWS的发病机理和基因组印记的遗传学特征与生物学意义提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

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