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Camurati-Engelmann disease, progressive diaphyseal dysplasia, or diaphyseal dysplasia Camurati-Engelmann is a rare, autosomal dominantly inherited bone disease, characterised by progressive cortical expansion and sclerosis mainly affecting the diaphyses of the long bones associated with cranial hyperostosis. The main clinical features are severe pain in the legs, muscular weakness, and a waddling gait. The underlying cause of this condition remains unknown.In order to localise the disease causing gene, we performed a linkage study in a large Jewish-Iraqi family with 18 affected subjects in four generations. A genome wide search with highly polymorphic markers showed linkage with several markers at chromosome 19q13. A maximum lod score of 4.9 (theta=0) was obtained with markers D19S425 (58.7 cM, 19q13.1) and D19S900 (67.1 cM, 19q13. 2). The disease causing gene is located in a candidate region of approximately 32 cM, flanked by markers D19S868 (55.9 cM, 19q13.1) and D19S571 (87.7 cM, 19q13.4).  相似文献   

Localization of a gene for otosclerosis to chromosome 15q25-q26   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Among white adults otosclerosis is the single most common cause of hearing impairment. Although the genetics of this disease are controversial, the majority of studies indicate autosomal dominant inheritance with reduced penetrance. We studied a large multi- generational family in which otosclerosis has been inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. Five of16 affected persons have surgically confirmed otosclerosis; the remaining nine have a conductive hearing loss but have not undergone corrective surgery. To locate the disease- causing gene we completed genetic linkage analysis using short tandem repeat polymorphisms (STRPs) distributed over the entire genome. Multipoint linkage analysis showed that only one genomic region, on chromosome 15q, generated a lod score >2.0. Additional STRPs were typed in this area, resulting in a lod score of 3.4. STRPs FES (centromeric) and D15S657 (telomeric) flank the 14. 5 cM region that contains an otosclerosis gene.   相似文献   

We report here, the localization of a new recessive non-syndromal deafness gene (DFNB12) to 10q21-22 by linkage analysis, of a Sunni family. Affected individuals suffer from congenital profound sensorineural hearing loss. A maximum LOD score of 6.40 (theta = 0.00) was obtained with locus D10S535. Analysis of patients carrying recombinations mapped the gene distal to D10S529 and proximal to D10S532, delineating an interval between 11 and 15 cM. Three deaf mouse mutants Jackson circler (jc), Waltzer (v) and Ames waltzer (av) have been localized to the homologous murine region on chromosome 10. Each of these mouse mutants is a candidate mouse model for the DFNB12- associated hearing impairment.   相似文献   

Autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing impairment (ARNSHI) segregating in three unrelated, large consanguineous Pakistani families (PKDF528, PKDF859 and PKDF326) is linked to markers on chromosome 12q14.2-q15. This novel locus is designated DFNB74 . Maximum two-point limit of detection (LOD) scores of 5.6, 5.7 and 2.6 were estimated for markers D 12 S 313, D 12 S 83 and D 12 S 75 at θ = 0 for recessive deafness segregating in these three families. Haplotype analyses identified a critical linkage interval of 5.35 cM (5.36 Mb) defined by D 12 S 329 at 74.58 cM and D 12 S 313 at 79.93 cM. DFNB74 is the second ARNSHI locus mapped to chromosome 12, but the physical intervals do not overlap with one another. A locus contributing to the early onset, rapidly progressing hearing loss of A/J mice ( ahl4 , age-related hearing loss 4) was reported to map to chromosome 10 in a region of conserved synteny to DFNB74 , suggesting that ahl4 and DFNB74 may be due to mutations of the same gene in these two species.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) is the most common form of prelingual inherited hearing impairment. A small consanguineous family with this disorder was ascertained through the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences in Madras, India. Conditions such as rubella, prematurity, drug use during pregnancy, perinatal trauma, and meningitis were eliminated by history. Audiometry was performed to confirm severe-to-profound hearing impairment in affected persons. After excluding linkage to known DFNB genes, two genomic DNA pools, one from the affected persons and the other from their non-affected siblings and the parents, were used to screen 165 polymorphic markers evenly spaced across the autosomal human genome. Two regions showing homozygosity-by-descent in the affected siblings were identified on chromosomes 3q21.3-q25.2 and 19p13.3-p13.1, identifying one (or possibly both) as the site of a novel ARNSHL gene. Am. J. Med. Genet. 71:467–471, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this report we describe an apparently new MCA-MR syndrome with Dandy-Walker malformation in three severely mentally retarded siblings born to normal, non-consanguineous parents. In addition, they presented macrocephaly, facial dysmorphism, extreme myopia and brachytelephalangy with short and broad finger-nails.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment (CI) is one of the most challenging referrals to the clinical genetics service. The different algorithms proposed to assist in the molecular diagnosis of CI rest largely on the distinction between syndromic and non-syndromic forms. We have identified what appears to be a novel syndromic form of CI, the variable phenotype of which comprises severe CI, hirsutism, dysmorphic facies and skeletal abnormalities, and have mapped it to a single locus on chromosome 17q21.31-17q22 spanning 12.2 Mb. Two candidate genes, HOXB6 and PPP1R9B were sequenced but no pathogenic alterations were identified. This report adds to the growing list of autosomal recessive syndromic CI conditions and defines a linkage interval harboring a gene which probably plays a vital role in brain development.  相似文献   

Mapping of an autosomal dominant gene for Dupuytren's contracture to chromosome 16q in a Swedish family.Dupuytren's contracture (DC) (OMIM 126900) is the most common connective tissue disease of mankind and has both heritable and sporadic forms. The inherited form is most frequently observed among the xanthochroi peoples of Northern Europe where its most common manifestations are thickening of the palmar fascia and contracture of the fingers. We ascertained a five-generation Swedish family in which DC is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with high, but incomplete, penetrance by the end of the fifth decade. Blood was collected from all affected and informative unaffected family members for the performance of a genome-wide scan at a resolution of approximately 8 cM for all autosomes. Linkage was established to a single 6 cM region between markers D16S419 and D16S3032 on chromosome 16. A maximal two-point logarithm of odds (LOD) score of 3.18 was achieved at microsatellite marker D16S415 with four other markers in the region producing LODs of >1.5.  相似文献   

We report four members of a Lebanese Druze family with the syndrome of lens dislocation, spontaneous filtering blebs, anterior segment abnormalities, and a distinctive facial appearance. The constellation of clinical abnormalities in these patients is not suggestive of the Marfan syndrome or other connective tissue disorders associated with ectopia lentis. We previously described this syndrome in another presumably unrelated and highly inbred Druze family from the mountains of Lebanon. We postulated autosomal recessive inheritance in a pseudo-dominant pedigree. A few isolated reports of similar cases are scattered in the world literature. We now confirm that this is a distinct autosomal recessive syndrome whose gene mutation is enriched in the Lebanese Druze community.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease (CMT4)is a complex group of severe childhood motor and sensory neuropathies,characterized by an early age of onset with rapidly progressivedistal limb weakness and atrophy. One subgroup designated CMT4type A (CMT4A) was selected from a series of Tunisian CMT4 familiesaccording to the following electrophysiological and pathologicalcriteria: slow motor nerve conduction velocity (MCV), severehypomyelination upon nerve biopsy with basal lamina onion bulbsand no myeiin outfolding. In an attempt to localize the CMT4Alocus, we studied four inbred families with 13 affected patients.Significant evidence for linkage was found for several markersfrom chromosome 8q13–21.1 (D8S279, D8S164, D8S286, D8S84,D8S275 and D8S167). An overall two point peak lod score of z(  相似文献   

The limb-girdle muscular dystrophies are a clinically and geneticallyheterogeneous group of disorders. We have ostudied two largeinbred families of different ethnic origin and excluded linkageto LGMD2 on chromosome 15q and SCARMD on chromosome 13. Proceedingto a genomic linkage search, we have now identified linkageto markers D2S134 and D2S136 on chromosome 2p (maximum lod score3.57 at zero recombination). The phenotype in the two familieswas similar, with onset in the pelvic girdle musculature inthe late teens and usually relatively slow progression. Thiswork Identifies a second locus for autosomal recessive limb-girdlemuscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Prepubertal periodontitis (PPP) is a rare and rapidly progressive disease of young children that results in destruction of the periodontal support of the primary dentition. The condition may occur as part of a recognised syndrome or may occur as an isolated finding. Both autosomal dominant and recessive forms of Mendelian transmission have been reported for PPP. We report a consanguineous Jordanian family with four members affected by PPP in two nuclear sibships. The parents of the affected subjects are first cousins. We have localised a gene of major effect for PPP in this kindred (Zmax=3.55 for D11S901 at θ=0.00) to a 14 cM genetic interval on chromosome 11q14 flanked by D11S916 and D11S1367. This PPP candidate interval overlaps the region of chromosome 11q14 that contains the cathepsin C gene responsible for Papillon-Lefèvre and Haim-Munk syndromes. Sequence analysis of the cathepsin C gene from PPP affected subjects from this Jordanian family indicated that all were homozygous for a missense mutation (1040A→G) that changes a tyrosine to a cysteine. All four parents were heterozygous carriers of this Tyr347Cys cathepsin C mutation. None of the family members who were heterozygous carriers for this mutation showed any clinical findings of PPP. None of the 50 controls tested were found to have this Tyr347Cys mutation. This is the first reported gene mutation for non-syndromic periodontitis and shows that non-syndromic PPP is an allelic variant of the type IV palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasias.

Keywords: prepubertal periodontitis; periodontal disease; cathepsin C; linkage  相似文献   

Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) in childhood is characterizedby massive proteinuria and minimal glomerular changes. Mostpatients with INS respond to steroid therapy. INS is generallyregarded as a sporadic disease with favorable outcome. We investigateda distinct subgroup of nephrosis—the familial form ofsteroid resistant INS (SRN). These patients always progressto end-stage renal failure within a few years and show absenceof recurrence of the disease after renal transplantation. Theoccurrence of the disorder in siblings and the high incidenceof inbreeding in these families made an autosomal recessivemode of inheritance very likely. We performed whole genome linkageanalysis in nine multiplex families of European or NorthernAfrican origin. Our results allowed us to assign a disease locus(SRN1) to a defined chromosomal region on 1q25–1q31, thusconfirming the existence of a distinct entity of autosomal recessivenephrosis. Exclusion of linkage to the entire region in onefamily proves genetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is the most frequent inherited peripheral motor and sensory neuropathy characterised by chronic distal weakness with progressive muscular atrophy and sensory loss of the distal extremities. The dominant form of the disease is genetically heterogeneous but only one locus has been identified on chromosome 8q13- q21.1 for autosomal recessive CMT. By homozygosity mapping in a large Algerian kindred, we have assigned a second locus for autosomal recessive CMT to chromosome 5q23-33. Linkage analysis demonstrated that the same locus is involved in a second Algerian family with a demyelinating CMT. Haplotype reconstruction and determination of the minimal region of homozygosity restricts the candidate region to a 4 cM interval.   相似文献   

Hearing impairment is the most common inherited human sensory defect. Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment (NSHI) is the most genetically heterogeneous trait known. Over 70 loci have been mapped and a total of 19 genes have been identified. We report here a novel locus (DFNA 30) for autosomal dominant NSHI that we mapped to chromosome 15q25-26 in an Italian four-generation family. The haplotype analysis has identified a critical interval of 18 cM between markers D15S151 and D15S130. This region does not overlap with DFNB16 locus but partially coincides with the otosclerosis (OTS) locus. Localisation of the locus DFNA30 is a first step towards the identification of the gene.  相似文献   

We report the genomic localization by homozygosity mapping and the identification of a gene for a new form of non-syndromic autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis. The phenotype usually presents as non-bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma with fine whitish scaling on an erythrodermal background; larger brownish scales are present on the buttocks, neck and legs. A few patients presented a more generalized lamellar ichthyosis. Palmoplantar keratoderma was present in all cases, whereas only 60% of the patients were born as collodion babies. Six homozygous mutations including one nonsense and five missense mutations were identified in a new gene, ichthyin, on chromosome 5q33 in 23 patients from 14 consanguineous families from Algeria, Colombia, Syria and Turkey. Ichthyin encodes a protein with several transmembrane domains which belongs to a new family of proteins of unknown function localized in the plasma membrane (PFAM: DUF803), with homologies to both transporters and G-protein coupled receptors. This family includes NIPA1, in which a mutation was recently described in a dominant form of spastic paraplegia (SPG6). We propose that ichthyin and NIPA1 are membrane receptors for ligands (trioxilins A3 and B3) from the hepoxilin pathway.  相似文献   

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