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Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a naturally occurring peptide found in the central nervous system that plays a role in somatosensory processing and activation of protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC). Because activation of PKA or PKC results in reactivation of HSV-1 from latently infected embryonic neuronal cells, PACAP was used to evaluate HSV-1 activation from quiescently infected (QIF)-PC12 cells. Our studies demonstrate that physiologically relevant concentrations of PACAP38 and PACAP27 induce HSV-1 activation from QIF-PC12 cell cultures in a dose-dependent fashion. PACAP-induced activation of virus was significantly impaired by the PKA-inhibitor, H-89 (20 microM), whereas treatment with the PKC-inhibitor, GF109203X (1 microM), was without affect. Additionally, direct activation of PKA with cAMP analogs, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)- and dibutyryl-cAMP, only partially mimicked the effect of PACAP on virus activation. Taken together, PACAP induced HSV-1 activation from QIF-PC12 cells involves the PKA and possibly cAMP-independent pathways. This report is the first to demonstrate that PACAP induces HSV-1 activation from a quiescent state and that this in vitro cell model is useful for studying early inductive events that lead to virus production from quiescence.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3G (APOBEC3G) has recently been identified as a potent antiviral protein. Here, we examined the expression and regulation of APOBEC3G in human brain tissues and the cells of central nervous system (CNS). Similar to the immune cells, human brain tissue and the CNS cells expressed APOBEC3G at both mRNA and protein levels. The expression of APOBEC3G could be up-regulated in human neuronal cells (NT2-N) and astrocytes (U87-MG) by interferons (IFN-α, β and γ), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and tumor necrosis factor. Other cytokines (IL-4, IL-6 and transforming growth factor beta1) and CC-chemokines (CCL3, 4 and 5), however, had little impact on the expression of APOBEC3G. In addition, pseudotyped HIV-1 infection and cytokine/chemokine-enriched supernatants from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophage cultures induced APOBEC3G expression in NT2-N cells. APOBEC3G expressed in the neuronal cells and astrocytes was biologically functional, as the suppression of APOBEC3G expression by the specific siRNA led to increase of pseudotyped HIV-1 replication in these cells. These findings provide direct and compelling evidence that there is intracellular expression and regulation of functional APOBEC3G in the neuronal cells, which may be one of innate defense mechanisms involved in the neuronal protection in the CNS.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) is a gammaherpesvirus with no clear disease association. Although BoHV-4 is not considered a neurotropic virus, it has been detected in peripheral and/or central nervous system tissues during persistent infection (Lopez et al, 1996, Microb Pathogen 21: 47–58; Yamamoto et al, 2000, Arch Virol 145: 2363–2370; Asano et al, 2003, J Vet Med Sci 65: 87–93). However, the direct interaction between BoHV-4 and neurons has not been studied so far. The authors investigated the interaction of BoHV-4 with N2a (neuroblastoma cell line) cells through the use of two recombinant viruses (BoHV-4/26A3neo and BoHV-4EGFPΔTK). Because of the unique biological characteristics of N2a cells, which differentiate in neuron-like cells producing dendrites, axon, and specific neuronal markers, the authors found that BoHV-4 infects differentiated N2a cells and a persistent infection can be established. BoHV-4 persistently infected N2a cells produce infectious viral particles, which do not interfere with cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

G P Dietz  E Kilic  M B?hr  S Isenmann 《Neuroreport》2001,12(15):3353-3356
Axotomy of the optic nerve in rodents induces the majority of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) to undergo apoptosis: Only 10-15% survive 14 days past lesion. The molecular mechanism allowing this survival is not known. To test whether expression of the anti-apoptotic proto-oncogene bcl-2 gene is required in those RGCs, we examined the effect of optic nerve axotomy in bcl-2-/- mice. 7 days and 14 days post-lesion, the same number of surviving RGCs was detected in mutant and wild type retinas. Thus, the bcl-2 gene is not necessary for the survival of the subpopulation of retinal ganglion cells resisting axotomy-induced apoptosis in adult mice, nor does its normal expression delay retinal ganglion cell degeneration.  相似文献   

The somatosensory barrel cortex in the rodent forms during the first postnatal week setting up a periphery related map with each whisker represented as a bundle of thalamocortical axons (TCAs) in layer IV. The centers of each barrel (hollows) contain the densely packed TCAs, while the areas between each barrel (septa) form a boundary between each barrel. NG2 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) expressing cells (NG2 cells, polydendrocytes) make up a unique population of glial cells that receive synaptic like input and form close contacts with growing axons. In the present study we investigated the developmental distribution of NG2 cells in the barrel cortex to determine if they display preferential septa distribution similar to other extracellular and cell surface CSPGs. Immunohistochemistry for NG2 and platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα) in NG2DsRedBAC transgenic mice showed uniform distribution of NG2 cells and processes in barrel hollows and septa at postnatal (P) days 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, and 30. Changes in the barrel pattern formation caused by cauterization of one row of whiskers at P1 resulted in corresponding changes in extracellular and cell surface CSPG distribution at P7 but no detectable changes in NG2 cell bodies and processes. Furthermore, no abnormalities in barrel formation or reorganization were detected in NG2 knockout mice. These observations suggest that NG2 cells are unlikely to play an inhibitory boundary role on TCA growth and that NG2 expression is not necessary for normal barrel formation.  相似文献   

The anterograde spread of herpesvirus in the visual system subsequent to retinitis has been observed clinically. We compared the ability of two well-studied Herpes simplex virus (HSV) strains to be transported in the anterograde direction in the hamster visual system: strain McIntyre, representing HSV-1, and strain 186, representing HSV-2. Intravitreal injection of HSV-2 labeled more retinorecipient neurons than did HSV-1, suggesting important type differences in the ability of HSV to infect retinorecipient neurons after intravitreal injection. The most likely explanation for our results is that HSV-2 is more efficiently adsorbed than HSV-1 in the retinal ganglion cells. Our results also suggest that HSV may be useful as an anterograde transneuronal tracer for neuroanatomical studies of the visual system.  相似文献   

Filamentous alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn) aggregates form Lewy bodies (LBs), the neuropathologic hallmarks of Parkinson disease and related alpha-synucleinopathies. To model Lewy body-associated neurodegeneration, we generated transfectant 3D5 of human neuronal-type in which expression of human wild-type alpha-syn is regulated by the tetracycline off (TetOff)-inducible mechanism. Retinoic acid-elicited differentiation promoted assembly of alpha-syn aggregates after TetOff induction in 3D5 cells. The aggregates accumulated 14 days after TetOff induction were primarily soluble and showed augmented thioflavin affinity with concomitant phosphorylation and nitration of alpha-syn. Extension of the induction led to the formation of sarkosyl-insoluble aggregates that appeared concurrently with thioflavin-positive inclusions. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the inclusions consist of dense bundles of 8- to 12-nm alpha-syn fibrils that congregate in the perikarya and resemble Lewy bodies. Most importantly, accumulation of soluble and insoluble aggregates after TetOff induction for 14 and 28 days was reversible and did not compromise the viability of the cells or their subsequent survival. Thus, this chemically defined culture paradigm provides a useful means to elucidate how oxidative injuries and other insults that are associated with aging promote alpha-syn to self-assemble or interact with other molecules leading to neuronal degeneration in alpha-synucleinopathies.  相似文献   

The relationship of the mouse nervous system specific band 1 protein to the putative high molecular weight component of the Na+ channel was investigated using antibody to band 1. Morphologic differentiation of cultured neuroblastoma cells has been reported to increase the quantity of the putative Na+ channel high molecular weight component. Morphologically differentiated clone NB2a neuroblastoma cells have 2-3 times the amount of band 1 and 1.5 times the relative rate of synthesis of band 1 as undifferentiated cells. The anti-band 1 serum reacts with both adult mouse and rat brain but not 3 cultured rat neuronal lines known to have active Na+ channels. Thus either band 1 is not a component of the Na+ channel or individual cultured murine neuronal lines has distinct macromolecular Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Acute or chronic brain ischemia induces a cascade of pathobiochemical reactions that finally result in the development of focal neurological deficit, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, or the death of a patient. We studied the effects of ischemia at different time points, including 1, 6, 24, 48, 72, and 120 h, and 21 days. During the period of the strongest ischemia-induced disturbances (24–72 h), we found lactate over-production associated with inhibition of hexokinase, an enzyme that catalyzes the first “trigger” reaction of glycolysis. An increase in the malate content associated with increasing activities of mitochondrial and cytosolic malate dehydrogenases within the first hours of cerebral ischemia indicates the activation of the malateaspartate shuttle, which is responsible for the transportation of reduced equivalents to mitochondria. The inhibition of malate production and activity of NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase correlates with a decrease in the contents of ATP, HSP70, and hypoxia-induced factor-1a (HIF-1a) and the severity of neurological disturbances. We believe that in response to brain ischemia, HIF-1a is expressed, which induces compensatory mechanisms of energy production.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESC) and the epiblast share a similar gene expression profile and an attenuated cell cycle, making them an accessible and tractable model system to study lineage choice at gastrulation. Differentiation of the epiblast and ESC to the mesendodermal lineage has been shown to rely on Wnt/β-catenin signaling; which counterintuitively, is also required to inhibit differentiation and maintain pluripotency. To examine these seemingly contradictory roles, we developed a mouse ESC (ESC) line that inducibly expresses a dominant negative Tcf4 (dnTcf4) protein to block canonical Wnt signaling. Cells expressing the dnTcf4 protein differentiated largely to Sox3 positive neural precursors but were unable to progress to βIII tubulin positive neurons unless Wnt signaling was derepressed, demonstrating a sequential requirement for Wnt signaling in lineage differentiation. To determine if Wnt/β-catenin signaling is similarily required at sequential stages of neural differentiation in the intact embryo, we delivered shRNA targeting β-catenin to pregnant mice on E5.5 of development. Blocking canonical Wnt signaling during post-implantation development increased the number of neural precursors which failed to differentiate to mature neurons, and produced defects of embryonic axis elongation, neurulation and neural tube closure that phenocopy the β-catenin null embryo. These results demonstrate that lineage differentiation relies on sequential repression and derepression of critical signaling pathways involved in maintaining pluripotency versus differentiation.  相似文献   

Visual activity governs the functional maturation of the mammalian visual cortex. We report here, that visual experience is required for stabilizing the phenotype of a subset of cortical interneurons. Neurons expressing neuropeptide Y mRNA (NPY neurons) display a transiently higher expression in the early postnatal visual areas 18a and 17 that is followed by a phenotype restriction during the second postnatal month: about 50% of the NPY neurons in supragranular and infragranular layers of area 18a, and in infragranular layers of area 17 gradually stop the NPY expression. In contrast, the expression remains unchanged in supragranular layers of area 17. Dark rearing rats from birth to up to 100 days does neither prevent the developmental onset of NPY mRNA expression, nor does it prevent the phenotype restriction from occurring. In contrast, in dark reared animals NPY neurons in supragranular layers of area 17 now also undergo a phenotype restriction. Returning animals to light after variable periods of darkness results in an upregulation of NPY mRNA expression selectively in neurons in supragranular layers of area 17. These neurons acquire a constitutive expression during the second postnatal month. This suggests that the phenotypic specification of a distinct subset of cortical interneurons is regulated by visual experience which thus influences on the maturation of the neurochemical architecture of area 17.  相似文献   

The family of Shank scaffolding molecules (comprising Shank1, 2 and 3) are core components of the postsynaptic density (PSD) in neuronal synapses. Shanks link surface receptors to other scaffolding molecules within the PSD, as well as to the actin cytoskeleton. However, determining the function of Shank proteins in neurons has been complicated because the different Shank isoforms share a very high degree of sequence and domain homology. Therefore, to control Shank content while minimizing potential compensatory effects, a miRNA‐based knockdown strategy was developed to reduce the expression of all synaptically targeted Shank isoforms simultaneously in rat hippocampal neurons. Using this approach, a strong (>75%) reduction in total Shank protein levels was achieved at individual dendritic spines, prompting an approximately 40% decrease in mushroom spine density. Furthermore, Shank knockdown reduced spine actin levels and increased sensitivity to the actin depolymerizing agent Latrunculin A. A SHANK2 mutant lacking the proline‐rich cortactin‐binding motif (SHANK2‐ΔPRO) was unable to rescue these defects. Furthermore, Shank knockdown reduced cortactin levels in spines and increased the mobility of spine cortactin as measured by single‐molecule tracking photoactivated localization microscopy, suggesting that Shank proteins recruit and stabilize cortactin at the synapse. Furthermore, it was found that Shank knockdown significantly reduced spontaneous remodelling of synapse morphology that could not be rescued by the SHANK2‐ΔPRO mutant. It was concluded that Shank proteins are key intermediates between the synapse and the spine interior that, via cortactin, permit the actin cytoskeleton to dynamically regulate synapse morphology and function.  相似文献   

Patients with Gaucher disease have been classified as type 1 nonneuronopathic, type 2 acute neuronopathic, and type 3 chronic neuronopathic phenotypes. Increased quantities of glucocerebroside and glucosylsphingosine (glucopsychosine) are present in the brain of type 2 and type 3 Gaucher patients. Galactosylsphingosine has previously been shown to be neurotoxic in globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease). To determine whether glucosylsphingosine is also neurotoxic, we examined its effect on cultured cholinergic neuron-like LA-N-2 cells. When these cells were exposed to 1, 5, or 10 microM glucosylsphingosine for a period of 18 h, they became shriveled, neurite outgrowth was suppressed, and the activities of the lysosomal enzymes glucocerebrosidase, sphingomyelinase, and beta-galactosidase were reduced in a dose-dependent manner. Acetylcholine in cells exposed to glucosylsphingosine also declined. Cells switched to glucosylsphingosine-free medium partially recovered. The data suggest that accumulation of glucosylsphingosine contributes to neuronal dysfunction and destruction in patients with neuronopathic Gaucher disease.  相似文献   

Zheng W  Zhao Q 《Brain research》2001,897(1-2):175-179
Our previous studies show that manganese (Mn) exposure inhibits aconitase, an enzyme regulating the proteins responsible for cellular iron (Fe) equilibrium. This study was performed to investigate whether Mn intoxication leads to an altered cellular Fe homeostasis in cultured neuronal or neuroglial cells as a result of disrupted Fe regulation. Our results reveal a significant increase in the expression of transferrin receptor (TfR) mRNAs and a corresponding increase in cellular 59Fe net uptake by PC12 cells, but not astrocytes, following Mn exposure. These findings suggest that alteration by Mn of cellular Fe homeostasis may contribute to Mn-induced neuronal cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Cui W  Allen ND  Skynner M  Gusterson B  Clark AJ 《Glia》2001,34(4):272-282
To study the function of astrocytes in the adult brain, we have targeted the expression of E. coli nitroreductase (NTR) to the astrocytes of transgenic mice under the control of the GFAP promoter. The astrocytes expressing NTR were selectively ablated after administration of the prodrug CB1954, resulting in motor discoordination. Histological examination showed that the region most affected in the brain was the cerebellum, in which the Bergmann glia were eliminated and the granular neurons had degenerated. Specific effects were also noted on the dendrites of the Purkinje cells, and the junction between these neurons and granular layer was disrupted. Astrocyte ablation was associated with a dramatic decrease in the expression of glutamate transporters, which may account for the degeneration of granular neurons since the excitotoxic effects of glutamate result in a similar phenotype. These results provide the first evidence that astrocytes are important for the survival of neurons in the adult brain in vivo.  相似文献   

The proto-oncogene product Bcl-2 is unique in that it inhibits apoptosis rather than promoting cell proliferation. In the present study, we encountered a new possible role of Bcl-2 in the neuronal differentiation. Rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells have been known as the model of neuronal differentiation by the stimulation of NGF. Bcl-2 transfected PC12 (MB2) cells showed the accelerated neuronal differentiation, as compared with control PC12 (V4) cells. In addition, chemotherapeutic agents Taxol which has been known as neurotoxic compound, induced the acute neuronal cell atrophy and suppressed neuronal differentiation. This neuronal cell atrophy and suppression of neuronal differentiation were not due to apoptotic cell death. Interestingly, Bcl-2 rescued PC12 cells from both neuronal cell atrophy and suppression of neuronal differentiation. Taxol suppressed polymerization between neurofilament light and heavy (NF-L and NF-H), and MB2 cell extract rescued it. We, therefore, suggest the acceleration of polymerization between NF-L and NF-H as the new possible role of Bcl-2.  相似文献   

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