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华人与德人各自阅读本国文字材料的眼动型式非常相似,阅读德语材料的眼动型式几乎一样。但是,汉语系的德国大学生阅读简单中文材料的眼动型式却与不谙中文的德人看一遍他们并不认识的中文材料的眼动相似,而显著不同于华人。研究结果提示,原来学习表意文字(表音文字)的人在转而学习另一种文字时很可能还是运用阅读原来文字的语言手段。对内容一致的横排体中文和直排体中文的阅读眼动参数并无明显区别。  相似文献   

Spontaneous saccadic eye movements were recorded in seven head-restrained pigmented rats by means of a phase detection search coil system, both in the light and in the dark. In an illuminated environment, all the rats made numerous spontaneous saccades with an average amplitude of 13.2 deg (+/- 2.2 SD) and a maximal amplitude of 35 deg. In the dark, mean saccadic amplitude was significantly reduced to 9.2 deg (+/- 2.0 SD). Saccadic peak velocity increased linearly as a function of saccadic size, with no saturation at high amplitude values. In the light, peak velocity increase was 32.7 deg/s/deg (+/- 3.5 SD). This value is higher than that described in many other species including man and is similar to that of the monkey. Also saccadic duration increased linearly as a function of size at a rate of 1 ms/deg, which is closer to that of monkey than to that of other species including man. Both peak velocity and duration were not significantly different in the dark from those measured in the light. In the light, following a saccadic gaze shift, the rats were able to maintain a steady eye position for long periods, also at large orbital eccentricities. In the dark, on the contrary, the eye presented a drift towards the central position in the orbit. Such a drift had an exponential-like time course with a time constant of 1567 ms (+/- 829 SD), a value which is much shorter than that of cat and primates. This indicates that in the absence of a visual input, the rat has a poor gaze holding ability compared to other species.  相似文献   

The cerebellum is involved in sensorimotor operations, cognitive tasks and affective processes. Here, we revisit the concept of the cerebellar syndrome in the light of recent advances in our understanding of cerebellar operations. The key symptoms and signs of cerebellar dysfunction, often grouped under the generic term of ataxia, are discussed. Vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance are associated with lesions of the vestibulo-cerebellar, vestibulo-spinal, or cerebellar ocular motor systems. The cerebellum plays a major role in the online to long-term control of eye movements (control of calibration, reduction of eye instability, maintenance of ocular alignment). Ocular instability, nystagmus, saccadic intrusions, impaired smooth pursuit, impaired vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), and ocular misalignment are at the core of oculomotor cerebellar deficits. As a motor speech disorder, ataxic dysarthria is highly suggestive of cerebellar pathology. Regarding motor control of limbs, hypotonia, a- or dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria, grasping deficits and various tremor phenomenologies are observed in cerebellar disorders to varying degrees. There is clear evidence that the cerebellum participates in force perception and proprioceptive sense during active movements. Gait is staggering with a wide base, and tandem gait is very often impaired in cerebellar disorders. In terms of cognitive and affective operations, impairments are found in executive functions, visual-spatial processing, linguistic function, and affective regulation (Schmahmann’s syndrome). Nonmotor linguistic deficits including disruption of articulatory and graphomotor planning, language dynamics, verbal fluency, phonological, and semantic word retrieval, expressive and receptive syntax, and various aspects of reading and writing may be impaired after cerebellar damage. The cerebellum is organized into (a) a primary sensorimotor region in the anterior lobe and adjacent part of lobule VI, (b) a second sensorimotor region in lobule VIII, and (c) cognitive and limbic regions located in the posterior lobe (lobule VI, lobule VIIA which includes crus I and crus II, and lobule VIIB). The limbic cerebellum is mainly represented in the posterior vermis. The cortico-ponto-cerebellar and cerebello-thalamo-cortical loops establish close functional connections between the cerebellum and the supratentorial motor, paralimbic and association cortices, and cerebellar symptoms are associated with a disruption of these loops.  相似文献   

We aimed to assess brain regional glucose uptake (rGlcU) changes in children with isolated cerebellar cortical dysplasia (CCD) using 18-fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). Six children aged 9 months to 11 years at the time of diagnosis, carrying isolated CCD (with no other associated posterior fossa or supratentorial malformation) underwent a brain FDG-PET and a subsequent 3DT1-weighted MRI for coregistration. The MRIs acquired previously at the time of diagnosis were reviewed to record the cerebellar dysplastic features and classify the patients as having minor, moderate, or severe CCD. The individual rGlcU was assessed qualitatively on coregistrated FDG maps. Clinical data from birth, including neurological and neuropsychological (verbal and motor skills) disturbances, were recorded. We found rGlcU changes within the cerebellum of four patients matching with the location and extent of structural abnormalities: hypometabolism in three patients with severe CCD involving the vermis and both cerebellar hemispheres and focal hypermetabolism in one patient with moderate CCD associated with a nodular heterotopic gray matter. No obvious rGlcU changes were found in the two patients with minor CCD involving the vermis only. Supratentorial rGlcU changes found commonly involved the basal ganglia bilaterally. Coregistrated FDG-PET/MRI technique is useful in detecting cerebellar cell dysfunction associated with isolated CCD. Our results enhance the need for multimodal and quantitative studies to better evaluate local and remote functional disturbances caused by CCD.  相似文献   

We investigated the visual strategy of a subject without eye movements (AI), comparing her with normal subjects on the ‘real-life’ task of making a cup of tea. Differences in overall performance were surprisingly few. She took no more time than the controls to complete the tea-making task and the division of the task into object-related actions was essentially similar. However, the way AI look in visual information was very different from the normal subjects who used a typical ‘saccade and fixate’ strategy when moving between and scrutinizing objects. AI made saccades with the head, which were on average 1.5 times larger than the eye-head saccades of the controls and lasted four times as long, meaning that AI would have had impaired vision for more of the time than the controls. She also made only approximately one-third as many saccades as normals during the same task. However, she had another strategy, ‘slow drift’, in which she allowed her eyes to move smoothly across the scene at speeds of up to 30°/s. Such movements were never seen in the controls, and we assume that AI used them to offset the cost in time of the slow head saccades, even though they had their own cost in terms of reduced resolution. We demonstrate that these differences have a minimal effect on the timings of events during an object-related action. We discuss supervisory checking operations within actions, and consider what information is needed for appropriate gaze control during object-related actions.  相似文献   

Time is a fundamental and critical factor in daily life. Millisecond timing, which is the underlying temporal processing for speaking, dancing, and other activities, is reported to rely on the cerebellum. In this review, we discuss the cerebellar spike-coding mechanisms for temporal processing. Although the contribution of the cerebellum to both classical conditioning and voluntary movements is well known, the difference of the mechanisms for temporal processing between classical conditioning and voluntary movements is not clear. Therefore, we review the evidence of cerebellar temporal processing in studies of classical conditioning and voluntary movements and report the similarities and differences between them. From some studies, which used tasks that can change some of the temporal properties (e.g., the duration of interstimulus intervals) with keeping identical movements, we concluded that classical conditioning and voluntary movements may share a common spike-coding mechanism because simple spikes in Purkinje cells decrease at predicted times for responses regardless of the intervals between responses or stimulation.  相似文献   

To define the cerebellar contribution in modulating the otolithic signals, we investigated the otolithic function in 27 patients with acute unilateral cerebellar infarctions in the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA, n?=?17, 63 %), combined PICA and superior cerebellar artery (SCA) (n?=?7, 30 %), SCA (n?=?2, 7 %), and anterior inferior cerebellar artery (n?=?1, 4 %) from 2010 to 2012. The patients had evaluation of the ocular tilt reaction [head tilt, ocular torsion (OT), and skew deviation], tilt of the subjective visual vertical (SVV), cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) in response to air conducted tone bursts, and ocular VEMPs induced by tapping the head at AFz. The evaluation was completed within 2 weeks after symptom onset. Patients often showed OT or SVV tilt (15/27, 55.6 %) that was either ipsi- (n?=?6) or contraversive (n?=?9). Overall, there were no differences in the amplitudes and latencies of cervical and ocular VEMPs between the ipsi- and contralesional sides. However, individual analyses revealed frequent abnormalities of cervical (11/27, 41 %) and/or ocular (9/27, 33 %) VEMPs. While 11 (73 %) of the 15 patients with the OTR/SVV tilt showed abnormalities of cervical (n?=?9) and/or ocular (n?=?7) VEMP responses, only three (25 %) of the 12 patients without the OTR/SVV tilt had abnormal cervical (n?=?2) and/or ocular (n?=?2) VEMPs (73 % vs. 25 %, Fisher’s exact test, p?=?0.021). The concordance rate in the results of cervical and ocular VEMPs was marginally significant (19/27, 70 %, p?=?0.052, binominal). Unilateral cerebellar lesions may generate otolithic imbalances, as evidenced by the OTR/SVV tilt and asymmetric ocular or cervical VEMP responses, but without directionality according to the lesion side. Patients with the OTR/SVV tilt had abnormal VEMPs more often than those without.  相似文献   


Two Japanese patients with pure alexia, SH and YH, who showed right homonymous hemianopia following a left occipital lobe lesion, demonstrated letter-by-letter (LBL) reading in pronouncing Japanese kana words and nonwords. In contrast to alphabetic letters, each Japanese kana character has an invariant and identical pronunciation whether it appears in isolation or as a component of any word and nonword string. It is important to investigate the eye movements as well as reading latency and duration in Japanese-speaking LBL readers. Relative to normal controls, these patients demonstrated a more robust string-length effect, which was characterized by larger increases in reading latency and duration as well as in the number of fixations as the string length increased. We propose that in pure alexia, parallel activation of orthographic representations is abnormally delayed but not completely abolished.  相似文献   

In his commentary on my article comparing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with animal magnetism therapy (McNally, 1999a), Greenwald (this issue) expresses several criticisms. Unable to refute a single factual statement, he resorts to attacking my rhetorical style. The purpose of this reply is to rebut his critique.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to demonstrate the involvement of the human cerebellum in the classically conditioned lower limb withdrawal reflex in standing subjects. Electromyographic activity was recorded from the main muscle groups of both legs of eight patients with cerebellar disease (CBL) and eight control subjects (CTRL). The unconditioned stimulus (US) consisted of electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve at the medial malleolus. The conditioning stimulus (CS) was an auditory signal given via headphones. Experiments started with 70 paired conditioning stimulus–unconditioned stimulus(CSUS) trials followed by 50 US-alone trials. The general reaction consisted of lifting and flexing the stimulated (stepping) leg with accompanying activation of the contralateral (supporting) leg. In CTRL, the ipsilateral (side of stimulation) flexor and contralateral extensor muscles were activated characteristically. In CBL, the magnitudes of ipsilateral flexor and contralateral extensor muscle activation were reduced comparably. In CTRL, the conditioning process increased the incidence of conditioned responses (CR), following a typical learning curve, while CBL showed a clearly lower CR incidence with a marginal increase, albeit, at a shorter latency. Conditioning processes also modified temporal parameters by shortening unconditioned response (UR) onset latencies and UR times to peak and, more importantly in CBL, also the sequence of activation of muscles, which became similar to that of CTRL. The expression of this reflex in standing subjects showed characteristic differences in the groups tested with the underlying associative processes not being restricted exclusively to the CR but also modifying parameters of the innate UR.  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性脑梗死(ACI)患者血清C反应蛋白(CRP)的含量变化及其临床意义.方法 随机选择80例急性脑梗死患者,采用液相免疫沉淀散射比浊法对患者检测血清CRP水平,按梗死灶大小分组观察,并对其神经功能缺损进行标准评分.结果 急性脑梗死不同梗死灶组比较,大小梗死组卒中后5 ~ 7 d水平最高,随后逐渐下降,两组均较腔梗组为高(P<0.01);不同临床分型组间比较,重型组明显高于中型、轻型组、(均P<0.01).结论 血清CRP水平增高与急性脑梗死发生、梗死灶大小和严重程度关系密切,CRP可考虑作为急性脑梗死患者评估病情的指标之一.  相似文献   

Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease (CJD) is characterized by bilateral basal ganglia hyperintensities on T2W and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, consistent with its extrapyramidal neurological manifestations. MRI is diagnostically uninformative about the cerebellar symptoms, equally prominent in CJD. This study was undertaken to explain this apparent paradox. Eleven CJD patients with definite cerebellar or brain stem symptoms were selected from a large prospective study, as well as 11 healthy controls matched for age and gender. All subjects participated in a standardized MRI protocol, including SPGR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), DWI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). All subjects underwent detailed examination by a neurologist blinded to the radiological findings, who predicted the expected site of cerebral abnormalities. MRI showed good sensitivity for the abnormalities predicted in the cortex (80–90%) and basal ganglia (100%). None of the standard MRI sequences, including DWI, DTI, and FLAIR, revealed any tissue abnormalities in cerebellum or brain stem. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values, however, were substantially and significantly elevated in several cerebellar structures, where also the volumetric (VBM) analysis revealed elevated cerebrospinal fluid volume, suggesting focal cerebellar atrophy in these CJD patients. In patients with CJD, DWI appears sensitive to the reduced diffusivity in cortex and basal ganglia but insensitive to cerebellar involvement. We propose that the radiological hallmark of cerebellar pathology in CJD is atrophy, revealed quantitatively by both VBM and elevated diffusivity, which is identifiable on ADC maps but poorly visualized in nonquantitative DWI images.  相似文献   

The effect of tilt-suppression on post-rotatory vestibular nystagmus was investigated to assess the function of the caudal cerebellar vermis (lobules IX and X, or nodulus and uvula) in 13 school-age children with high-functioning autism (HFA) and 10 normal controls. Tilt-suppression of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) refers to the decreasing of the duration of post-rotatory vestibular nystagmus that occurs when the head is moved out of the plane in which it was located during the previous sustained constant-velocity rotation. The participant is rotated in a vestibular chair with the head upright and then the head is tilted forward just after the chair stops rotating. Such tilt-suppression is impaired with lesions of the cerebellar nodulus and portions of the uvula. Results show that children with HFA have normal post-rotatory nystasmus with the head upright and normal attenuation of post-rotatory nystagmus induced by head tilt. These behavioral findings suggest that lobules IX and X of the cerebellum are spared in high-functioning autism.  相似文献   

Abstract: It has been hypothesized that a saccade control dysfunction is one cause of a smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) dysfunction in schizophrenia. We studied the voluntary control of saccades in schizophrenic patients with the SPEM dysfunction using an antisaccade task. The mean error rate in the antisaccade task was significantly higher in the two schizophrenic groups with and without a SPEM dysfunction than in the normal control group. Furthermore, the schizophrenic group with the SPEM dysfunction showed significantly more errors than the schizophrenic group without the SPEM dysfunction. These findings seem to suggest a close relationship between the SPEM dysfunction and the appearance of errors which indicates an inability to inhibit reflexive saccades voluntarily in the antisaccade task. However, 4 of 10 subjects with the SPEM dysfunction showed an error rate less than the mean error rate of the schizophrenic group without the SPEM dysfunction. So, a voluntary control disorder of saccades as the main cause of the SPEM dysfunction appeared to be unlikely. An interesting finding of this study was that many schizophrenic subjects with the SPEM dysfunction showed errors with the latencies similar to those in express saccades2, particularly in the rightward direction. This finding may suggest a close relationship between the SPEM dysfunction in schizophrenic patients and some pathological conditions of express saccades such as disinhibition of express saccades.  相似文献   

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