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The purpose of the present study was to explore identity development in late adolescent (18–20) years. Three areas were examined: (a) self-concept, (b) existential questions; content and communication patterns, and (c), connections between (a) and (b). The population consisted of 44 Swedish college students. Three methods were used: a questionnaire, the writing of a short essay and a self-evaluation test, Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB). The results demonstrated a positive and stable self-concept for the majority of the group, and that questions of life mainly concerned questions of future. The quality of the self-concept (positivevs. negative) was significantly related to how subjects experienced adults' interest in their existential questions. Several issues are discussed: the importance of the social environment for identity development not only during early childhood but also during adolescence, the use of the SASB method in this age group and the need for placing processes of integration into focus in research concerning late adolescence.  相似文献   

Psychological growth proceeds through emotional attachment and separation processes. Inhibition of emotional separation in late adolescence can result in delayed psychological differentiation and sometimes identity diffusion. Three cases of analytic psychotherapy are described, in which nonfunctional identifications and idealizations are treated, and delayed maturation resumes through the formation of new, recombinant identifications.  相似文献   

White matter development has been well described using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), but the microstructural processes driving development remain unclear due to methodological limitations. Here, using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI), inhomogeneous magnetization transfer (ihMT), and multicomponent driven equilibrium single‐pulse observation of T1/T2 (mcDESPOT), we describe white matter development at the microstructural level in a longitudinal cohort of healthy 6–15 year olds. We evaluated age and gender‐related trends in fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), neurite density index (NDI), orientation dispersion index (ODI), quantitative ihMT (qihMT), myelin volume fraction (VFm), and g‐ratio. We found age‐related increases of VFm in most regions, showing ongoing myelination in vivo during late childhood and adolescence for the first time. No relationship was observed between qihMT and age, suggesting myelin volume increases are driven by increased water content. Age‐related increases were observed for NDI, suggesting axonal packing is also occurring during this time. g‐ratio decreased with age in the uncinate fasciculus, implying changes in communication efficiency are ongoing in this region. FA increased and MD decreased with age in most regions. Gender effects were present in the left cingulum for FA, and an age‐by‐gender interaction was found for MD in the left uncinate fasciculus. These findings suggest that FA and MD remain useful markers of gender‐related processes, and gender differences are likely driven by factors other than myelin. We conclude that white matter development during late childhood and adolescence is driven by a combination of axonal packing and myelin volume increases.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a critical period of development, in which the increasing social and cognitive demands of independence need to be met by enhanced self-regulatory abilities. The cultivation of mindfulness has been associated with improved self-regulation in adult populations, and it is theorized that one neurodevelopmental mechanism that supports this capacity is the development of the prefrontal cortex. The current study examined the neurodevelopmental mechanisms associated with dispositional mindfulness in adolescence. Using a longitudinal within-persons design, 82 participants underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessments at approximately ages 16 and 19, and also completed self-reported measurements of mindfulness at age 19. It was hypothesized that adolescents who demonstrated greater thinning of frontal cortical regions between the age of 16 and 19 would exhibit higher dispositional mindfulness levels at age 19. Results indicated that, contrary to predictions, adolescents with higher levels of mindfulness demonstrated less thinning in the left anterior insula. By contrast, higher IQ was associated with greater thinning of the right caudal middle frontal and right superior frontal regions. The involvement of insula development in mindfulness is consistent with a direct role for this structure in managing self-regulation, and in doing so concords with recent models of self-referential interoceptive awareness.  相似文献   

Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy in late adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Adolescence is an unusual psychologic time. A recent psychodevelopmental approach to psychosis attempted to show how psychotic signs might arise from typical features of adolescence; for example, delusions appear to reflect common adolescent themes of attachment and autonomy. This psychodevelopmental approach emphasizes how normal adolescents grow out of a natural egocentricity and idealism through learning about others; this theory converges with more recent neurologic theories. (Such neurologic theories agree that mentalizing-for others abilities are a crucial mechanism whereby the suspected neurologic problems of psychosis translate into the symptoms.) A psychodevelopmental account implies a therapeutic priority would be reattaching psychosis sufferers with their peer group, perhaps through work placement schemes. It also recommends cognitive work directing self-consciousness into understanding other people. Psychodevelopmental approaches offer a useful theoretic background for psychologic interventions with young “at risk” people.  相似文献   

This study examines panic attacks and substance use in a sample of incoming college freshman (n = 399 ) using questionnaires. Panickers (n = 47 ) were significantly more likely than nonpanickers (n = 290) to report having ever used sedatives, stimulants, opiods, and other drugs, but not tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, or hallucinogens. Gender and race did not substantially moderate the associations between substance use and panic attacks. Sedative, stimulant, opiod, and other drug use was not associated with panic attack frequency or the occurrence of unexpected attacks. The relationships of anxiety and depression with substance use were larger for panickers than nonpanickers. These results are consistent with the idea that self-medication and symptom exacerbation play a role in the development of co-occurring substance use disorders and mood and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Transformations in affective and social behaviors, many of which involve amygdalar circuits, are hallmarks of adolescence in many mammalian species. In this study, using the rat as a model, we provide the first evidence that afferents of the basal amygdala (BA) undergo significant structural remodeling during adolescence. We used quantitative tract‐tracing and gene expression profiling methods to characterize changes in the medial prefrontal cortical (mPFC) inputs to the BA across ages analogous to the late juvenile period [postnatal day (P) 25], late adolescence (P45), and adulthood (P90) in the rat. As assessed after deposition of Fluorogold into the BA, the number of BA‐projecting neurons in the mPFC remained stable between P25 and P45 but decreased by about 50% between P45 and P90. Anterograde tract tracing with biotin dextran amine deposits centered in the ventral prelimbic cortex revealed that, during this period, the density of mPFC‐derived axon terminals in the BA also decrease significantly, an effect particularly evident in the dorsal basolateral nucleus. Within the BA, there were also highly significant changes in gene expression indicative of neurite or synaptic plasticity, most notably in the Ras/GTPase superfamily, and in pathways that regulate cytoskeletal dynamics and steroid synthesis/lipid metabolism. These data provide convergent evidence that mPFC inputs to the BA are pruned during late adolescence or early adulthood. Moreover, the structural remodeling within these afferents may be accompanied by significant changes in neurite plasticity within the BA. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:2693–2709, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pathological attachment and attachment style in late adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Attachment theory is frequently invoked to account for patterns of adaptation within relationships. West and Sheldon derived a measure of dysfunctional adult attachment from Bowlby's theory. Four patterns are identified: compulsive self-reliance; caregiving; care-seeking; and angry withdrawal. The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of this promising measure, and to assess its ability to predict symptomatology relative to measures of attachment style. Participants included 209 late adolescents who were involved in committed relationships. They responded to categorical and continuous measures of attachment style and various measures of symptomatology and college adjustment. The four dimensions of pathological attachment showed strong internal consistency and few gender differences. Compulsive care-seeking, angry withdrawal and compulsive self-reliance were particularly strong predictors of psychiatric symptomatology and insecure attachment style. Attachment pathology and insecure attachment style predicted symptomatology similarly, though variations were evident depending on how style was assessed. This study is the first to provide evidence of convergent, discriminant and predictive validity for this measure. Directions for future research are noted.  相似文献   

The transition from late adolescence to young adulthood is marked by anatomical maturation of various brain regions. In parallel, defining life changes take place, such as entrance into college. Up till now research has not focused on functional brain differences during this particular developmental stage. The current cross-sectional fMRI study investigates age differences in cognitive control by comparing late adolescents, 18–19 years old, with young adults, 23–25 years old. Seventy-four male and female medical students carried out a combined cognitive and emotional Stroop task. Overall, lateral frontoparietal and medial parietal activation was observed during cognitive interference resolution. Young adults showed stronger activation in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, left inferior frontal gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus and middle cingulate, compared to late adolescents. During emotional interference resolution, the left precentral and postcentral gyrus were involved across age and sex. The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and precuneus were activated more in young adults than in late adolescents. No sex-related differences were found in this homogeneous sample. The results suggest that the neural bases of cognitive control continue to change between late adolescence and young adulthood.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the incidence, correlates, course and family history of bipolar disorder (BD) and subthreshold BD in adolescents. METHOD: Structured diagnostic interviews were conducted with a large community sample of adolescents and their first-degree relatives, and the adolescents were re-evaluated as young adults. RESULTS: The first lifetime onset of BD and subthreshold BD almost always occurred in adolescence. Adolescent BD and subthreshold BD were associated with elevated impairment, comorbidity, and suicide attempts. Adolescents with BD were at increased risk for BD, and adolescents with subthreshold BD were at increased risk for major depressive disorder (MDD) in young adulthood. Relatives of BD adolescents had elevated rates of subthreshold BD and MDD, and relatives of subthreshold BD adolescents had elevated rates of BD and MDD. CONCLUSION: 'Classical' BD clearly exists in adolescence, but there is also a spectrum of milder bipolar conditions. Remediating and preventing BD in adolescents should be a high public health priority.  相似文献   

Targets of communication during adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the study was to investigate targets of communication during adolescence. Turkish high school students between the ages of 12 and 18 were asked to rank order a maximum of five people with whom (a) they enjoyed talking with the most, (b) they were most intimate with, and (c) they talked with the most frequently. It was found that the same sex friend and the mother were the preferred targets of communication for both sexes. Also, with increasing age, more friends and less family were cited by both sexes, but the trend was more prevalent for males.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior is associated with body image, but the directionality of this association is unclear. This study used longitudinal data from a sample of previously abstinent college students (N = 100, 45% female, 49% European American, 26% Latino American, 25% African American) to test whether satisfaction with appearance changed after first intercourse. Male students were more satisfied with their appearance after first intercourse, whereas female students became slightly less satisfied with their appearance. These findings demonstrate that first intercourse can lead to changes in well-being, even if the transition takes places in late adolescence. In addition, they suggest that gendered cultural expectations regarding sexual behavior are associated with differing psychological outcomes for male and female adolescents.  相似文献   

Identity formation is a dynamic process of person-context interactions, and part of this context are parents, even in late adolescence. Several theories on parent-adolescent relationships share the idea that parents influence the process of identity formation. However, up to now, empirical evidence, particularly longitudinal evidence for this link is limited. Therefore, this study aims to examine short-term changes in parenting and identity formation during late adolescence and to test the transactional process involved. Moreover, we focused on gender differences. Late adolescents were measured twice with a 1-year interval. Analyses using latent change models largely showed that parenting predicted the explorative phases of identity formation (i.e., exploration in breadth and commitment making), while evaluative phases of identity formation (i.e., exploration in depth and commitment identification) predicted more supportive parenting. Gender differences emerged, with respect to both parents' and adolescents' gender. These results clearly show that parenting and identity formation are dynamically interlinked, and underscore that parents keep being an important source of socialization for their developing children, even in late adolescence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Data from a community-based longitudinal study were used to investigate the association between childhood adversities, interpersonal difficulties during adolescence, and suicide attempts during late adolescence or early adulthood. METHODS: A community sample of 659 families from Upstate New York was interviewed in 1975, 1983, 1985 to 1986, and 1991 to 1993. During the 1991-1993 interview, the mean age of the offspring was 22 years. RESULTS: Maladaptive parenting and childhood maltreatment were associated with an elevated risk for interpersonal difficulties during middle adolescence and for suicide attempts during late adolescence or early adulthood after age, sex, psychiatric symptoms during childhood and early adolescence, and parental psychiatric symptoms were controlled statistically. A wide range of interpersonal difficulties during middle adolescence were associated with risk for suicidal behavior after the covariates were controlled. Profound interpersonal difficulties during middle adolescence mediated the association between maladaptive parenting or childhood maltreatment and suicide attempts during late adolescence or early adulthood. CONCLUSIONS: Maladaptive parenting and childhood maltreatment may be associated with a risk for severe interpersonal difficulties during adolescence. These interpersonal difficulties may play a pivotal role in the development of suicidal behavior. Youths who are at an elevated risk for suicide may tend to be in need of mental health services that can help them to cope with an extensive history of profound interpersonal difficulties, beginning in childhood and continuing through adolescence.  相似文献   

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