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Background:COPD is a major worldwide problem with a rising prevalence. Despite its importance, there is a lack of information regarding underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis of COPD in different countries. As part of the Proyecto Latinoamericano de Investigación en Obstrucción Pulmonar study, we examined the relationship between prior diagnostic label and airway obstruction in the metropolitan areas of five Latin American cities (São Paulo, Santiago, Mexico City, Montevideo, and Caracas).Methods:A two-stage sampling strategy was used in each of the five areas to obtain probability samples of adults aged ≥ 40 years. Participants completed a questionnaire that included questions on prior diagnoses, and prebronchodilator and postbronchodilator spirometry. A study diagnosis of COPD was based on airway obstruction, defined as a postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 0.70.Results:Valid spirometry and prior diagnosis information was obtained for 5,303 participants; 758 subjects had a study diagnosis of COPD, of which 672 cases (88.7%) had not been previously diagnosed. The prevalence of undiagnosed COPD was 12.7%, ranging from 6.9% in Mexico City to 18.2% in Montevideo. Among 237 subjects with a prior COPD diagnosis, only 86 subjects (36.3%) had postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 0.7, while 151 subjects (63.7%) had normal spirometric values. In the same group of 237 subjects, only 34% reported ever undergoing spirometry prior to our study.Conclusions:Inaccurate diagnostic labeling of COPD represents an important health problem in Latin America. One possible explanation is the low rate of spirometry for COPD diagnosis.  相似文献   

ObjectiveDetermine the prevalence of metabolic abnormalities (MA) and estimate the 10-year risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) among Latin American HIV-infected patients receiving highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART).MethodsA cohort study to evaluate MA and treatment practices to reduce CVD has been conducted in seven Latin American countries. Adult HIV-infected patients with at least one month of HAART were enrolled. Baseline data are presented in this analysis.ResultsA total of 4,010 patients were enrolled. Mean age (SD) was 41.9 (10) years; median duration of HAART was 35 (IQR: 10-51) months, 44% received protease inhibitors. The prevalence of dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome was 80.2% and 20.2%, respectively. The overall 10-year risk of CVD, as measured by the Framingham risk score (FRF), was 10.4 (24.7). Longer exposure to HAART was documented in patients with dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The FRF score increased with duration of HAART. Male patients had more dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, smoking habit and higher 10-year CVD than females.ConclusionsTraditional risk factors for CVD are prevalent in this setting leading to intermediate 10-year risk of CVD. Modification of these risk factors through education and intervention programs are needed to reduce CVD.  相似文献   

Since 1950 all countries of the Latin-American subcontinent have experienced very important changes in several health indicators, in the demographic, epidemiological, socio-cultural and way of living profiles. The proportion of the population over 65 years old tend to be low in the Latin American countries in contrast to developed countries. Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in most of the Latin American countries at a similar rate to that of the developed world. As infectious diseases are reduced, cardiovascular diseases takes their place as the main cause of death in Latin American countries. Prevalence of hypertension in different reports show variations from 40 to 8% in the adult population, but on average 20 to 23% of the adult population have elevated blood pressure. This prevalence is similar to reports in the developed world. However there is considerable variability in each country and its regions so it is important that local studies of prevalence and local factors in the development of hypertension are investigated. The degree of awareness, treatment and control of hypertension is lower than that reported in the developed world, and it is important to establish programmes to attend to this public health problem, from prevention to treatment, from primary care to higher levels of attention.  相似文献   

Aims Cardiovascular risk is increased with glucose metabolism abnormalities. Prevalence data can support public health initiatives required to address this risk. The Cardiovascular Risk Factor Multiple Evaluation in Latin America (CARMELA) study was designed to estimate the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes, impaired fasting glucose and related risk factors in seven urban Latin American populations. Methods CARMELA was a cross‐sectional, population‐based study of 11 550 adults 25–64 years of age. With a multi‐stage sample design of a probabilistic nature, approximately 1600 subjects were randomly selected in each city. Results Overall, the prevalence of diabetes was 7.0% (95% confidence intervals 6.5–7.6%). The prevalence of individuals with diabetes or impaired fasting glucose increased with increasing age. In the oldest age category, 55–64 years of age, prevalence of diabetes ranged from 9 to 22% and prevalence of impaired fasting glucose ranged from 3 to 6%. Only 16.3% of people with prior diagnosis of diabetes and who were receiving pharmacologic treatment, were in good glycaemic control (fasting glucose < 6.1 mmol/l). The prevalence of diabetes in individuals with abdominal obesity was approximately twofold higher. Participants with hypertension, elevated serum triglycerides and increased common carotid artery intima‐media thickness were also more likely to have diabetes. Conclusions The prevalence of diabetes and impaired fasting glucose is high in seven major Latin American cities; intervention is needed to avoid substantial medical and socio‐economic consequences. CARMELA supports the associations of abdominal obesity, hypertension, elevated serum triglycerides and carotid intima‐media thickness with diabetes.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in the United States. Healthcare expenditures have been principally allocated toward treatment of CVD at the end of the health/disease continuum, rather than toward health promotion and disease prevention. A focused effort on both primordial and primary prevention can promote cardiovascular health and reduce the burden of CVD. Risk‐factor assessment for predicting atherosclerotic CVD events serves as the foundation of preventive cardiology and has been driven by population‐based scoring algorithms based on traditional risk factors. Incorporating individual nontraditional risk factors, biomarkers, and selective use of noninvasive measures may help identify more at‐risk patients as well as truly low‐risk individuals, allowing for better targeting of treatment intensity. Using a combination of validated population‐based atherosclerotic CVD risk‐assessment tools, nontraditional risk factors, social health determinants, and novel markers of atherosclerotic disease, we should be able to improve our ability to assess CVD risk. Through scientific evidence, clinical judgment, and discussion between the patient and clinician, we can implement an effective evidence‐based strategy to assess and reduce CVD risk.  相似文献   

One of the most important challenges facing modern preventative medicine is the problem of how best to identify and treat those at highest risk of developing cardiovascular disease, for whom appropriate management (ranging from lifestyle modification to therapeutic regimens) can improve both duration and quality of life. The use of risk assessment can contribute greatly to identifying those individuals who will benefit from risk-reducing interventions. However, assessment tools must always be used with care because some are not sufficiently accurate, while most systems are subject to an ageist bias because they do not take into account the benefits of long-term treatment or risk. Nonetheless, assessment techniques can provide a more logical approach to patient management, predict short-term benefits, and provide accurate data to substantiate a physician's clinical judgement.  相似文献   

BackgroundAcute bronchodilator responsiveness is an area of discussion in COPD. No information exists regarding this aspect of the disease from an unselected COPD population. We assessed acute bronchodilator responsiveness and factors influencing it in subjects with and without airway obstruction in an epidemiologic sample.MethodsCOPD was defined by GOLD criteria (post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 0.70). In this analysis, subjects with pre-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC <0.70 but ≥0.70 post-bronchodilator were considered to have reversible obstruction. Bronchodilator responsiveness after albuterol 200 μg was assessed using three definitions: a) FVC and/or FEV1 increment ≥12% plus ≥200 mL over baseline; b) FEV1  15% increase over baseline; and c) FEV1 increase ≥10% of predicted value.ResultsThere were 756 healthy respiratory subjects, 481 subjects with reversible obstruction and 759 COPD subjects. Depending on the criterion used the proportion of person with acute bronchodilator responsiveness ranged between 15.0–28.2% in COPD, 11.4–21.6% in reversible obstructed and 2.7–7.2% in respiratory healthy. FEV1 changes were lower (110.6 ± 7.40 vs. 164.7 ± 11.8 mL) and FVC higher (146.5 ± 14.2 mL vs. ?131.0 ± 19.6 mL) in COPD subjects compared with reversible obstructed. Substantial overlap in FEV1 and FVC changes was observed among the groups. Acute bronchodilator responsiveness in COPD persons was associated with less obstruction and never smoking.ConclusionsOver two-thirds of persons with COPD did not demonstrate acute bronchodilator responsiveness. The overall response was small and less than that considered as significant by ATS criteria. The overlap in FEV1 and FVC changes after bronchodilator among the groups makes it difficult to determine a threshold for separating them.  相似文献   

心脑血管疾病危险评估方法学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心脑血管疾病是严重威胁人类健康的一类疾病,据美国心脏病、学会调查结果显示,美国冠心病、脑卒中、心力衰竭的死亡人数分别占总体死亡人数的1/5、1/8、1/8[1].有学者预测,到2020年,全球缺血性心脏病死亡将从1990年的630万增到1100万,30年内缺血性心脏病死亡将增加74.6%[2].自上世纪60年代,以Framingham为代表的研究小组就开始对冠心病的危险因素进行研究,运用回归、判别和生存分析等方法,通过大规模前瞻性的队列研究发现:吸烟、总胆固醇水平、血压、心电图异常、体能锻炼、心理因素、女性停经、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、左心室肥大等对心血管疾病的发病有重大影响,是心脑血管疾病发病的危险因素,并在此基础上建立了冠心病预测模型,开发出了更适于临床应用的简易评估工具.国家中心环境预报(NCEP)、美国高血压教育计划(NHBPEP)也把控制血脂、血压水平作为预防冠心病的一个目标,并根据Framingham的绝对危险度调整了临床治疗指南[3-4].目前大多数研究结果都集中对危险因素水平和数量的调整,而现代计算机技术和数据统计水平的提升,使预测方法学改进成为可能.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of socioeconomic status (SES) on the obesity knowledge of adolescents in six Latin American cities. DESIGN: Data were collected using an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire consisting of demographic questions and a 25-item multiple-choice obesity knowledge test. Test items were clustered under five topics: the fat and calorie content of foods and beverages; weight loss methods; energy expenditure; food preparation methods; and the relationship between obesity and health. SUBJECTS: A total of 1272 ninth grade students from higher and lower SES families were recruited at schools in Buenos Aires, Argentina (n=195); Guatemala City, Guatemala (n=212); Havana, Cuba (n=213); Lima, Peru (n=218); Panama City, Panama (n=195); and Santiago, Chile (n=239). RESULTS: Mean test scores reflected a low level of obesity knowledge among adolescents from higher and lower SES groups in all six cities. Nevertheless, a trend for higher scores emerged in favor of adolescents from wealthier families. This income effect persisted after controlling for gender and weight status. The weakest knowledge areas among youth from the higher SES groups were food preparation methods and the relationship between obesity and health while those for adolescents from the lower SES groups were the fat and calorie content of foods and beverages and the relationship between obesity and health. Classroom instruction about obesity was generally more available to students from the higher SES groups. The majority of adolescents from both SES groups were interested in learning more about weight loss methods, energy expenditure, and the fat and calorie content of foods and beverages. The topic of least interest was the relationship between obesity and health. CONCLUSION: These preliminary findings suggest a need for more obesity education programs for adolescents, especially for those living in poverty.  相似文献   

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