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拥有一头亮丽秀发对于现代人极为重要,靓人先靓发。如何获取人见人爱的秀发?你需要特别掌握以下的知识—— 发梳的选用 你每日的美发工具——发梳的选用大有学问。粗齿梳适于梳湿发,天生或是烫过的浓密卷发;带柄发梳适于清除一股股头发中的杂质;齿长短不一的专用发枕适于隆发,细柄便于挑出一束束头发,最后使发型光滑;牛角梳较贵,但对头发特别养护;鬃发梳刷对增加头发光泽颇有益处,尤其适用于平直长发和干性头发;圆型发梳  相似文献   

扎辫子太紧会对头发产生持续性拉拽,致使头发断裂,毛囊受损,严重时甚至会导致脱发。一些短发女孩想要体验长发飘飘的感觉,却又不愿耐心等待、一头发生长,为此求助于美发师进行接发。头发倒是变长了,  相似文献   

近十几年来,测定头发中所含的各种金属成分作为接触该物质的指标,已陆续有些报导,有人提出将发铅含量作为诊断急性铅中毒的一个指标。我们测定了上海市一般居民和铅作业工人头发中的含铅量,试图了解发铅含量水平与铅接触程度的关系。一、测定方法: 1.头发的收集:为收集方便,采用理发时的末端头发作为样本。2.头发的清洗:为去除头发表面的污物,尤其是污染的铅,先将发样用热肥皂水浸洗2~3次,再用热水及自来水多次冲洗,直至无肥皂泡沫。用1%热硝酸溶液浸泡3  相似文献   

雨桥 《医药与保健》2003,11(12):10-11
不论长发或短发,一把柔顺光泽的头发绝对可以令你神采飞扬。倘若你不幸拥有一把“枯”发,也不要灰心,只要针对原因,悉心照料,“枯木”绝对可以“逢春”,光彩一定可以再现!“枯草”特征*颜色偏向茶褐色*头发容易折断,比较脆弱*头发质感较粗糙*欠缺光泽和弹性枯发原因晒太多太阳 长期受到太阳紫外线照射,头发表层的水分会流失,因而呈现枯干现象,发色也会变浅。经常到泳池游泳 泳池水含氯气,会伤害发质表皮层及皮质层,若游泳后不好好清洗,头发便容易干枯。经常用喷发剂和吹发 喷发剂含化学成分,用得太多会容易破坏头发组织;而吹发时的温度太…  相似文献   

<正>我家宝宝为什么不长头发?为什么宝宝头发一直那么黄?为什么我家宝宝总掉头发?这么小的宝宝长白发是遗传病吗?头发状况及表现不长头发:宝宝头发一直生长缓慢,几乎不长头发。发稀:宝宝头发稀疏,头发又少又软。枕秃:宝宝后脑勺骨头突出的地方,横的一圈掉头发,其他部分则不明显。少白头:刚出生的宝宝额头有几根白头发。  相似文献   

洗头发后,湿漉漉的头发总把衣服弄湿一大片,用电吹风吹干,头发又容易变黄干枯,所以,不少人都准备了吸水效果强的干发毛巾。不过,可别长时间一直用干发巾裹着湿头发,一来没有吸干的效果,干发毛巾只是吸干头发表  相似文献   

为了弄清第二松花江流域的环境现状,在第二松花江下游的松原市区搜集了113名居民的头发样品,用冷蒸气原子吸收法测定头发样品中的总汞含量。头发样品中总汞含量为0.07~39.6 mg/kg,平均为1.081mg/kg。在113份样品中,有17人头发中总汞含量超过了美国环保局制定的1 mg/kg的限值,占总人数的15%,说明在松原市地区仍有人群汞中毒的风险。在影响发汞含量的因素中,经常吃鱼人群的发汞含量大于不常吃鱼人群的发汞含量;吸烟、饮酒、染发人群的发汞含量分别高于不吸烟、不饮酒、未染发人群的发汞含量,居民的年龄和性别对发汞水平没有显著影响。  相似文献   

人人都希望自己有一头乌黑发亮而又稠密的头发,但如果稀发缺陷已经形成,懊恼是无用的。对于女性来说,巧妙梳妆可解除稀发的烦恼。 头发稀少的女子,最适宜的是短发型。头顶的头发剪成分层,头顶两层,两侧发稍长,背后更长,发脚平剪以示丰满。 烫发时,头发分界不要呈直线,  相似文献   

崔然玉 《健康向导》2009,15(4):60-60
头发到了秋季就变得异常脆弱。在这个季节里,干燥会带走头发的水分,使发质变干、变脆、枯黄发涩、失去光泽,甚至分叉断裂。因此秋季应特别加强对头发的护理。  相似文献   

发质的不同,发型就应有所区别。了解你的发质,为自己打造一款最合适的发型。 l直硬的头发。拥有该种发质的妇女在美发时,发式应尽量避免复杂的花样,而应以修剪技巧为主,做出较简单而又能表现出高雅华丽的发型。 2柔软的头发。这种发质比较容易整理,所以无论梳哪一种发型,都极为方便。由于柔软的头发比较服贴,因此梳俏丽的短发极为适合。 3服贴的头发。这种发质的特点是头发不多不少,相当服贴。对此只要能巧妙地加以修饰,就能使头发的线条以极美的形态表现出来。 4自然的卷发。这就是我们通常说的自来卷。这种发质如果将头发剪…  相似文献   

Using electron micrographs of human hairs, we measured the minor axis and density of melanin granules by an image analyser. The melanin density of the outer hair cortex was higher than that of the inner hair cortex, and significant differences were evident especially in the minor axis and density of melanin granules among individuals. These quantitative analyses as to the minor axis and density of hair melanin granules are a reliable tool for the measurement of hair color.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of research of hair in the endemic arsenism area where water with arsenic content is 0.58 mg/L in Kuitun district, Xinjiang. In the area of endemic arsenism, the content of hair arsenic with arsenism patients is higher than that of subjects without arsenism. Hair arsenic content among residents was also higher than those of control areas. The stretch and relative strength of hair of subjects living in the area of endemic arsenism were lower than those of the areas of control. The ultrastructure of hair surface has obvious pathologic changes by scanning electron microscope examination. By using a hygienic standard (the arsenic content of water being 0.03 mg/L) to improve the drinking water for two years, the content of hair arsenic has reduced, approaching 95% upper confidence limit for normal hair (1.5 micrograms/g). The stretch and relative strength of hair have distinctly increased. The ultrastructure of hair surface has returned to near normal. The results of our investigation show that we should pay attention to the latent harm to residents in the high-arsenic-content area. The authors consider that hair arsenic content, stretch and relative strength of hair are sensitive and objective indexes to monitor the effects of improving water quality in area of endemic arsenism.  相似文献   


Loss of hair (alopecia) is one of the most common symptoms of aging in men. The most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenic or androgenetic alopecia, often referred to as male-pattern baldness. Current treatments include two drugs, Rogaine and Propecia, which have been shown effective for hair regrowth and prevention of further hair loss; surgical hair transplantation; and cosmetic options. Many patients turn to the Internet for health information, and Web sites dedicated to hair loss products and clinics abound. Consumer health sites, pharmaceutical sites, and professional organizational sites dealing with hair loss are reviewed, including sites that are appropriate for physicians and health care providers, as well as consumers.  相似文献   

对人体发样中微量元素锌进行测定,比较了7种常用国产洗涤剂对测定前发样的洗涤效果,确定了一种操作简便、测定结果准确的发样洗涤方法赤  相似文献   

The total mercury (Hg) in hair and blood of 45 young healthy adult female Macaque fascicularis given 0, 50, 70, or 90 micrograms MeHg/kg body wt orally in apple juice daily revealed a close and constant ratio between blood Hg and hair. The amount of hair Hg does not increase with time (maximum period of observation 490 days) at a given dose level. Also the ratio was unchanged between background and subtoxic dose levels. Individuals at a given dose level with a higher-than-average blood level had a proportionately higher hair level. The Macaque blood/hair ratio is markedly lower than that reported for humans. Pregnancy did not have an appreciable effect on the hair mercury level. Review of the known variables in human and Macaque hair growth and structure does not provide an explanation for the difference. We suggest that an as yet unidentified biological variable(s), possibly circumfollicular blood flow, could account for the difference. This ratio difference notwithstanding, controlled studies on Macaque hair such as this add support for the validity of terminal hair as a trace metal exposure indicator.  相似文献   

Human hair has unique advantages in monitoring environmental exposures to methylmercury. Using newborn Balb/c mice as a model system, the incorporation of methylmercury into the hair was studied and compared with methylmercury distributions in other tissues. Newborn mice were given intraperitoneal injections of 203Hg-labeled methylmercury at designated times according to hair growth stages of the mouse. Animals were sacrificed 2 days after dosing. Distribution of mercury in pelt and other tissues was measured. The level of mercury in pelt was found to correlate with hair growth. The amount of mercury in pelt peaked when hair growth was most rapid and the total amount of mercury in pelt was significantly higher than that in other tissues, constituting 40% of the whole body burden. However, when the hair ceased growing, the amount of mercury in pelt dramatically dropped to 4% of whole body burden and mercury concentrations in other tissues except brain were elevated. Autoradiographic studies with tritium-labeled methylmercury demonstrated that methylmercury concentrated in hair follicles in the skin. Within hair follicles and hairs, methylmercury accumulated in regions that are rich in high-sulfur proteins. The uptake of inorganic mercury (administered as HgCl2) by pelt was also compared with that of methylmercury. The amount of inorganic mercury found in pelt was less than one-half that of methylmercury in animals with growing hair. Cessation of hair growth did not decrease the inorganic mercury level in pelt to the same extent as in the case of methylmercury.  相似文献   

贫硒地区一自然村居民高血压与硒水平关系动态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解甘肃省贫硒地区13年间农村居民发硒水平与高血压检出率之间的关系。方法选择历史低硒地区的一个自然村作为发硒和血压监测现场,连续13年跟踪。用荧光分光光度法对人群发硒含量进行测定。结果13年间人群发硒含量在判定贫硒标准的200ng/g水平上下波动;18岁以上全人群、18~35岁和〉35岁人群中高血压检出率增长速度分别为240.00%、577.38%和119.51%.18岁以上全人群高血压检出率总的增长速度高于全国同期农村15岁以上人群水平;〉35岁人群的高血压年平均检出率高于18~35岁人群的5.23%,相差4.30倍,但女性与男性之间无显著差异。高血压患者增长迅速,发硒含量增长缓慢。结论该自然村人群发硒含量维持在贫硒水平边缘,高血压检出率增长迅猛,提示应进一步研究硒与高血压病和硒与其他高血压致病因素之间的关系。  相似文献   

Hair analysis is used to assess exposure to heavy metals in patients presenting with nonspecific symptoms and is a commonly used procedure in patients referred to our clinic. We are frequently called on to evaluate patients who have health-related concerns as a result of hair analysis. Three patients first presented to outside physicians with nonspecific, multisystemic symptoms. A panel of analytes was measured in hair, and one or more values were interpreted as elevated. As a result of the hair analysis and other unconventional diagnostic tests, the patients presented to us believing they suffered from metal toxicity. In this paper we review the clinical efficacy of this procedure within the context of a patient population with somatic disorders and no clear risk factors for metal intoxication. We also review limitations of hair analysis in this setting; these limitations include patient factors such as low pretest probability of disease and test factors such as the lack of validation of analytic techniques, the inability to discern between exogenous contaminants and endogenous toxicants in hair, the variability of analytic procedures, low interlaboratory reliability, and the increased likelihood of false positive test results in the measurement of panels of analytes.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of several factors on cadmium (Cd) concentrations in the hair of 474 pre-school children was examined. The study was performed in an industrial (Duisburg) and rural area (Westfalen) of the (FRG). Season, sex, hair color, and place of residence were found to be the main factors influencing Cd levels in hair. Concentrations of Cd in samples obtained during summer were on the average nearly twice as high as those sampled during winter (geometric means: 116.1 vs. 63.7ng/g). Boys had more Cd in their hair than girls (111.5 vs.74.0 ng/g). Cd levels in hair decreased from red to blond, to brown, and black hair. Children living in Duisburg had more Cd in their hair than those from rural areas (103.9 vs.77.Ong/g). Cd content in hair was inversely related to age.  相似文献   

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