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A single injection of estradiol valerate induces a form of cystic ovary resembling some aspects of the human polycystic ovarian syndrome. Preceding the development of follicular cysts, there is an increase in intraovarian synthesis of nerve growth factor (NGF) and the low affinity NGF receptor (p75 NGFR). Selective blockade of NGF actions and p75 NGFR synthesis in the ovary restored estrous cyclicity and ovulatory capacity in estradiol valerate-treated rats, suggesting that an increase in NGF-dependent, p75 NGFR-mediated actions within the ovary contributes to the development of cystic ovarian disease. We have tested this hypothesis by grafting NGF-producing neural progenitor cells into the ovary of juvenile rats that have been induced to ovulate precociously by a single injection of PMSG. The NGF-producing cells, detected by their content of immunoreactive p75 NGFR material, were found scattered throughout the ovary with some of them infiltrating the granulosa cell compartment of large, precystic follicles. Ovarian NGF content was 2-fold higher than in the ovary of rats receiving control cells. Estrous cyclicity was disrupted, with the animals showing prolonged periods of persistent estrus, and an almost continuous background of vaginal cornified cells at other phases of the estrous cycle. Morphometric analysis revealed that the presence of NGF-producing cells neither reduced the total number of corpora lutea per ovary nor significantly increased the formation of follicular cysts. However, the ovaries receiving these cells showed an increased incidence of precystic, type III follicles, accompanied by a reduced number of healthy antral follicles, and an increased size of both healthy and atretic follicles. These changes in follicular dynamics were accompanied by a selective increase in serum androstenedione levels. The results show that an abnormally elevated production of NGF within the ovary suffices to initiate several of the structural and functional alterations associated with the development of follicular cysts in the rat ovary.  相似文献   

Bilger M  Heger S  Brann DW  Paredes A  Ojeda SR 《Endocrinology》2001,142(5):2102-2114
Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter controlling LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) secretion in the mammalian hypothalamus. Whether alterations in GABA homeostasis within discrete regions of the neuroendocrine brain known to be targets of GABA action, such as the median eminence, can disrupt the ability of the LHRH releasing system to maintain reproductive cyclicity is not known but amenable to experimental scrutiny. The present experiments were undertaken to examine this issue. Immortalized BAS-8.1 astroglial cells were genetically modified by infection with a regulatable retroviral vector to express the gene encoding the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase-67 (GAD-67) under the control of a tetracycline (tet) controlled gene expression system. In this system, expression of the gene of interest is repressed by tet and activated in the absence of the antibiotic. BAS-8.1 cells carrying this regulatory cassette, and cultured in the absence of tet ("GAD on"), expressed abundant levels of GAD-67 messenger RNA and GAD enzymatic activity, and released GABA when challenged with glutamate. All of these responses were inhibited within 24 h of exposure to tet ("GAD off"). Grafting "GAD on" cells into the median eminence of late juvenile female rats, near LHRH nerve terminals, did not affect the age at vaginal opening, but greatly disrupted subsequent estrous cyclicity. These animals exhibiting long periods of persistent estrus, interrupted by occasional days in proestrus and diestrus, suggesting the occurrence of irregular ovulatory episodes. Administration of the tetracycline analog doxycycline (DOXY) in the drinking water inhibited GAD-67synthesis and restored estrous cyclicity to a pattern indistinguishable from that of control rats grafted with native BAS-8.1 cells. Animals carrying "GAD on" cells showed a small increase in serum LH and estradiol levels, and a marked elevation in serum androstenedione, all of which were obliterated by turning GAD-67 synthesis off in the grafted cells. Morphometric analysis of the ovaries revealed that both groups grafted with GABA-producing cells had an increased incidence of large antral follicles (>500 micrometer) compared with animals grafted with native BAS-8.1 cells, but that within this category the incidence of steroidogenically more active follicles (i.e. larger than 600 micrometer) was greater in "GAD on" than in "GAD off" rats. These results indicate that a regionally discrete, temporally controlled increase in GABA availability to LHRH nerve terminals in the median eminence of the hypothalamus suffices to disrupt estrous cyclicity in the rat, and raise the possibility that similar local alterations in GABA homeostasis may contribute to the pathology of hypothalamic amenorrhea/oligomenorrhea in humans.  相似文献   

Reproductive function involves an interaction of three regulatory levels: hypothalamus, pituitary, and gonad. The primary drive upon this system comes from hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurosecretory cells, which receive afferent inputs from other neurotransmitter systems in the central nervous system to result in the proper coordination of reproduction and the environment. Here, we hypothesized that the recreational drug (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; 'ecstasy'), which acts through several of the neurotransmitter systems that affect GnRH neurons, suppresses the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal reproductive axis of male rats. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats self-administered saline or MDMA either once (acute) or for 20 days (chronic) and were euthanized 7 days following the last administration. We quantified hypothalamic GnRH mRNA, serum luteinizing hormone concentrations, and serum testosterone levels as indices of hypothalamic, pituitary, and gonadal functions, respectively. The results indicate that the hypothalamic and gonadal levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are significantly altered by MDMA, with GnRH mRNA and serum testosterone levels suppressed in rats administered MDMA compared to saline. Furthermore, our finding that hypothalamic GnRH mRNA levels are suppressed in the context of low testosterone concentrations suggests that the central GnRH neurosecretory system may be a primary target of inhibitory regulation by MDMA usage.  相似文献   

Galanin stimulates the neuroendocrine reproductive axis in the rat, but whether galanin acts similarly in primate species is unknown. To test the hypothesis that galanin acts within the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis to stimulate luteinizing hormone (LH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion in the primate, galanin was administered either systemically or directly into the arcuate nucleus-median eminence of ovariectomized macaques (pigtailed or rhesus, respectively) that were maintained on estradiol. The mean plasma levels of LH were significantly elevated in pigtailed macaques after peripheral injection of galanin (2 mg) as compared with vehicle treatment. In rhesus monkeys, galanin (80 microM) administered by push-pull perfusion into the arcuate nucleus-median eminence did not significantly alter either GnRH or LH release. To determine whether in the monkey, as in the rat, subpopulations of medial forebrain GnRH neurons coexpress galanin mRNA, we used single- and double-label in situ hybridization and computerized imaging techniques. GnRH mRNA-containing cells were identified in both the medial and lateral forebrain of the female pigtailed macaque. No galanin mRNA expression was detectable in GnRH neurons located in either the medial preoptic area or mediobasal hypothalamus; however, within the substantia innominata a subset of GnRH mRNA-expressing neurons did coexpress galanin mRNA. Taken together, these results suggest that galanin induces LH release in primates, but galanin may not act directly on hypothalamic GnRH neurons. Presently, we have confirmed in another primate species the existence of GnRH gene expression in the lateral forebrain and discovered that a small subset of these neurons coexpress galanin. These particular cells may have a unique and as of yet undefined physiological function that is distinct from those GnRH neurons serving a hypophysiotropic function.  相似文献   

Previously, it has been shown that parasitic infections are able to alter the normal mammal physiology, at several extents. Thus, we investigated the effects on estrous cycle and sexual behavior induced by intraperitoneal infection with Taenia crassiceps in female host mice. Along the weeks of infection, parasites were collected from the peritoneal cavity of female mice, showing the maximum parasite load at 16 weeks. No parasites were found outside peritoneal cavity. Vaginal estrous cycle was monitored daily for 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks of infection, and results compared against age-matched female mice. Female sexual behavior (FSB) tests were performed, one test per week. Immediately after the last behavioral test, blood was collected by cardiac puncture for steroid determinations. First of all, there was a strong tissular damage in the female reproductive tract in all infected females. The phases of the estrous cycle were interrupted at 12 and 16 weeks, with increased leukocytes and the presence of a few cornified epithelial cells and nucleated epithelial cells. The FSB decreased starting 6 weeks post infection. On the 16th week, all infected female mice ceased to exhibit sexual responses, and estradiol levels showed a significant decrease. Control mice continued showing FSB and the different phases of the estrous cycle throughout the observation period. Our results strength the notion that parasites may be considered as an evolutionary force in the reproductive ability of mammals.  相似文献   

Negative energy balance and insufficient adipose energy stores decrease the production of leptin, thereby diminishing the leptin-supported secretion of GnRH from the hypothalamus and promoting decreased reproductive function. Leptin acts via its receptor (LepRb) to support the neuroendocrine reproductive axis, but the nature and location of the relevant LepRb neurons remain poorly understood. Possibilities include the direct or indirect action of leptin on hypothalamic GnRH neurons, or on kisspeptin (Kiss1) neurons that are major regulators of GnRH neurons. To evaluate these potential mechanisms, we employed immunohistochemical analysis of the female brain from various molecular mouse models and sheep. Our analysis revealed no LepRb in GnRH neurons or in anteroventral periventricular Kiss1 neurons, and very limited (0-6%) colocalization with arcuate nucleus Kiss1 cells, suggesting that leptin does not modulate reproduction by direct action on any of these neural populations. LepRb neurons, primarily in the hypothalamic ventral premammillary nucleus and a subregion of the preoptic area, lie in close contact with GnRH neurons, however. Furthermore, an unidentified population or populations of LepRb neurons lie in close contact with arcuate nucleus and anteroventral periventricular Kiss1 neurons. Taken together, these findings suggest that leptin communicates with the neuroendocrine reproductive axis via multiple populations of LepRb neurons that lie afferent to both Kiss1 and GnRH neurons.  相似文献   

Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA; 5 micrograms/g body wt) or norethisterone oenanthate (NET-OEN; 4 micrograms/g body wt) was given to lactating female rats by subcutaneous injection 1 day after parturition. Each female suckled ten female pups which had been randomly allocated to her and at 21 days of age the pups were weaned. In this way female pups were exposed to either MPA or NET-OEN via milk during suckling. The patterns of LH and progesterone secretion at pro-oestrus were investigated using radioimmunoassay. When these pups reached adulthood it was found that neonatal exposure to MPA via milk significantly reduced the pro-oestrous LH peak by 45% as well as the total amount (by 27%) of LH secreted during pro-oestrus. Neonatal exposure via milk to NET-OEN had no effect on LH secretion during pro-oestrus. Pro-oestrous progesterone secretion was unaffected by either MPA or NET-OEN treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ethanol exposure impairs mammalian reproductive function. However, the mechanisms are not fully understood. METHODS: Adult female rats were given an ethanol or a calorically matched control diet. A third group was given a liquid nonethanol diet. Half the animals were killed at 2 weeks (short chronic) and the other half at 2 months (long chronic), all on the day of proestrous on the basis of daily vaginal smears. RESULTS: The major effect of ethanol feeding was disruption in the estrous cycle. Although all of the pair-fed animals continued to cycle, 40% of the ethanol rats in the short chronic study had disruption of their cycles. In the long chronic study, 83% of the ethanol animals had abnormal cycling, in contrast to 16% of the pair-fed controls. The nature of the cycle disruption was prolongation of diestrous, with an increased time interval between proestrous surges. In four ethanol-fed rats, there was complete cessation of the estrous cycle. However, ethanol did not decrease ovarian or uterine weight. Ethanol significantly increased serum estradiol in the short chronic but not long chronic study, whereas progesterone was unchanged. Ethanol did cause a significant reduction in circulating insulin-like growth factor. CONCLUSIONS: The major effect of both short chronic and long chronic ethanol exposure was disruption of the estrous regularity, leading to a decreased number of proestrous surges. Part of the mechanism of this disruption might be a transient estrogen increase or a decrease in circulating insulin-like growth factor.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest that chronic adult diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, can be programmed during fetal and early postnatal life. The nervous system regions governing vegetative functions and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis are particularly sensitive to the perinatal nutritional status. Despite recent reports demonstrating that the activity of the sympathoadrenal system can be altered by early life events, the effects of maternal nutrient restriction on the adrenal medulla remain unknown. Using a rat model of maternal perinatal 50% food restriction (FR50) from the second week of gestation until weaning, immunohistochemical experiments revealed alterations in chromaffin cell aggregation and in nerve fiber fasciculation in the adrenal medulla of FR50 pups. These morphological changes were associated with enhanced circulating levels of catecholamines after decapitation (epinephrine by 55% and norepinephrine by 41%). Using macroarrays, we identified several genes whose expression was affected by maternal nutrient restriction. Semiquantitative RT-PCR confirmed the overexpression of four genes involved in neuroendocrine differentiation and neuronal plasticity (chromogranin B, growth-associated protein 43, neurofilament 3, and Slit2) in the adrenal glands of FR50 rats. Using in situ hybridization, we showed that these genes are solely expressed in the adrenal medulla. Together, our results suggest that perinatal maternal undernutrition markedly alters the differentiation of the adrenal medulla during postnatal life, resulting in enhanced activity of chromaffin cells at weaning. These alterations may persist in adulthood and participate to the programming of chronic adult diseases.  相似文献   

The effects of neoplasia-induced hypercalcemia on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis of the Fischer rat were determined by measuring the responses of TSH to TRH, PRL to TRH and haloperidol, and LH to LHRH in 3 groups of 8 rats prior to and at 4 and 8 days after transplantation of a Leydig cell tumor. The mean serum calcium was 8.2 ± 0.2 mg/dl in 8 Fischer rats pretransplantation; had risen at 4 days posttransplantation to 9.8 ± 0.2 mg/dl; and at 8 days was 11.2 ± 0.1 mg/dl. TSH response to TRH was greater in the pretransplant rats than in the groups studied at 4 and 8 days posttransplant. Basal PRL levels and PRL responses to TRH and haloperidol were less in the groups studied at 4 and 8 days posttransplant. Basal LH values were similar in all 3 groups, but the LH response to LHRH was less for the posttransplant groups. The TSH response to TRH, PRL responses to TRH and haloperidol, and LH responses to LHRH were less in the 8 days posttransplants than in the groups studied at 4 days posttransplantation. There were significant negative correlations between TSH (r = ?0.79) and PRL (r = ?0.80) responses to TRH, PRL responses (r = ?0.94) to haloperidol and LH responses (r = ?0.91) to LHRH and the serum calcium. The results indicate that increasing levels of serum calcium following Leydig cell tumor transplantation are associated with suppression of adenohypophysial release of TSH, PRL, and LH; the degree of suppression is related to the magnitude of hypercalcemia achieved in this model.  相似文献   

Teenage drinking continues to be a major problem in the United States as well as abroad. A significant depression in serum testosterone in adolescents who consume EtOH has been well described. In the male rodent model, a similar fall in testosterone has been reported, and prevention with the opiate blocker naltrexone has been demonstrated. To explore further the impact of chronic EtOH exposure on the reproductive axis in peripubertal rats, we designed this study specifically to define whether or not there was recovery after abstinence by examining reproductive hormones and their genes during and after EtOH exposure. Peripubertal male rats 35 d old were fed an EtOH-containing diet or a calorically matched control diet for 60 d. A third group was fed the control liquid diet ab libitum. EtOH was then withdrawn and all animals were fed standard rat chow and water ad libitum for an additional 3 mo. The EtOH-imbibing animals were found consistently to weigh less than their pair-fed mates and liquid diet ad libitum animals. Serum testosterone levels and testicular weights were significantly decreased by EtOH whereas serum estradiol levels were higher, suggesting enhanced peripheral conversion by EtOH. Spermatogenesis, assessed by histological parameters, was unaltered by EtOH. Serum luteinizing hormone levels were not different among the groups. Hypothalamic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone mRNA levels were unaffected by EtOH. During the 3-mo recovery period, all the changes reversed, with a significant increase noted in testosterone. All other parameters remained the same among the groups. Thus, although chronic EtOH exposure in the peripubertal age period results in significant reproductive alterations, there is complete recovery on withdrawal.  相似文献   

Administration of estradiol valerate (EV) to adult rats leads to anovulation and cystic ovarian morphology. Sympathetic ovarian nerve denervation (SONX) overcomes this disruption. In this study, we determined whether EV administration to juvenile rats prevents achievement of reproductive competence, disrupts cyclicity, and whether this programming is facilitated via activation of the sympathetic nerve input to the ovary. Prepubertal rats were administered 2 mg EV in corn oil or corn oil alone. One half of the animals from each group underwent SONX on d 71 of life. Rats were euthanized on d 91 for determination of serum gonadotropins, progesterone, Delta4 androstenedione, and estradiol concentrations, ovarian norepinephrine (NE), and 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) activities and ovarian dynamics. Results revealed that EV administration during juvenile period advanced pubertal onset, suppressed circulating LH, FSH, and Delta4 androstenedione, increased ovarian NE, estradiol, and 3beta-HSD activities, disrupted ovarian dynamics evidenced as absent corpus luteum and presence of ovarian cysts and culminated in anovulation. SONX restored cyclicity in these animals, normalized LH, estradiol, ovarian 3beta-HSD activities, and ovarian dynamics as evidenced by the disappearance of ovarian cysts and appearance of corpus luteum and restored corpus luteum function. These findings provide evidence that EV exposure during juvenile life leads to long-lasting deleterious reproductive consequences via activation of the sympathetic ovarian nerve.  相似文献   

J K Lu  P S LaPolt  T E Nass  D W Matt  H L Judd 《Endocrinology》1985,116(5):1953-1959
The progressive cessation of regular ovulatory function in aging female rats is preceded by a significant decrease in the magnitude of the proestrous LH surge during regular estrous cycles. However, our recent study has demonstrated that normal LH secretion and regular estrous cycles can be maintained for an extended period of time in aging females housed with fertile males and allowed to undergo repeated pregnancies. Since progesterone (P) secretion is persistently increased in pregnant rats, the present study examined whether repeated increases in circulating progesterone accounted for these results. Starting at 8 months of age and continuing to 13 months, multiparous rats were grouped and treated as follows: controls: females were housed five per cage; mated: five females were housed with one fertile male and allowed to undergo repeated pregnancies; and P-implanted: females were housed five per cage and implanted sc with Silastic capsules containing P for 3 of every 4 weeks. During the 4.5 months of study, serum concentrations of estradiol (E2) in the P-implanted rats remained between 13 and 27 pg/ml, similar to levels in pregnant females (8-26 pg/ml) of the mated group. These E2 values were less than the preovulatory increase in serum E2 on proestrus (mean +/- SE, 56 +/- 10 pg/ml) in cyclic control females. In contrast, serum P values were persistently elevated in both the pregnant and the P-implanted rats, although the values in the latter (27-55 ng/ml) were about one third to one half of those in the former group (117-125 ng/ ml). All treatments were stopped at 13 months of age, and estrous cycle patterns were determined thereafter. Between 13 and 17 months of age, the percentages of regularly cycling rats were significantly (P less than 0.01) greater in the mated group (50%, 36%, and 15% at 13, 15, and 17 months, respectively) than in the control group (23%, 20%, and 9%, respectively). During this same period, 50% of the females from the P-implanted group continued to display regular cycles. By the age of 11 months, 8 of 21 untreated retired breeder females exhibited attenuated LH surges on proestrus and subsequently ceased to display regular estrous cycles within 2 months, whereas the other 13 rats showed normal LH and FSH surges and continued to maintain regular cycles. In contrast to these, aged female rats from the previously mated (15-month-old) and the P-implanted (19-month-old) groups exhibited normal profiles of proestrous LH and FSH surges during regular estrous cycles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ovulation is caused by a sequence of neuroendocrine events: GnRH and LH surges that are induced by positive feedback action of estrogen secreted by the mature ovarian follicles. The central mechanism of positive feedback action of estrogen on GnRH/LH secretion, however, is not fully understood yet. The present study examined whether metastin, the product of metastasis suppressor gene KiSS-1, is a central neuropeptide regulating GnRH/LH surge and then estrous cyclicity in the female rat. Metastin had a profound stimulation on LH secretion by acting on the preoptic area (POA), where most GnRH neurons projecting to the median eminence are located, because injection of metastin into the third ventricle or POA increased plasma LH concentrations in estrogen-primed ovariectomized rats. Metastin neurons were immunohistochemically found in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) to be colocalized with estrogen receptors with some fibers in the preoptic area (POA) in close apposition with GnRH neuronal cell bodies or fibers. Quantitative RT-PCR has revealed that KiSS-1 and GPR54 mRNAs were expressed in the ARC and POA, respectively. The blockade of local metastin action in the POA with a specific monoclonal antibody to rat metastin completely abolished proestrous LH surge and inhibited estrous cyclicity. Metastin-immunoreactive cell bodies in the ARC showed a marked increase and c-Fos expression in the early proestrus afternoon compared with the day of diestrus. Thus, metastin released in the POA is involved in inducing the preovulatory LH surge and regulating estrous cyclicity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role that the dorsal raphe (DR)-median eminence (ME) serotonergic projection may have in the proestrous gonadotropin and prolactin (PRL) release. DR electrolytic lesions were performed in cycling rats during the first day of diestrus. The effect of DR lesions after 48-72 h of survival (short-term lesioned animals) or after 35-40 days of survival (long-term lesioned animals) on estrous cyclicity, preovulatory gonadotropin and PRL releasing pattern, ovulation and serotonin (5-HT) content of the ME were studied. Following DR lesions the estrous cycle became irregular, remaining in the diestrus phase for several days. Preovulatory gonadotropin release in short-term lesioned animals was increased; on the contrary, in long-term lesioned rats a delay in the surge of these two hormones and a decrease in LH secretion were detected. Long-term lesioned animals also showed a diminished secretion of PRL. The number of ova did not differ between control and lesioned animals. DR lesions in both short- and long-term lesioned rats reduced 5-HT levels in the ME by about 50% and nullified the normal 5-HT decline during the afternoon of proestrus. Our results suggest that the DR exerts a stimulatory influence on the preovulatory gonadotropin release by means of its 5-HT projection to the ME. As the pattern of hormonal secretion in lesioned animals remains similar to that of controls, it may be suggested that this pathway acts as a fine modulator of the mechanisms involved in the regulation of LH and FSH release in cycling rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine (1) if the acute in vivo administration of cocaine and the cocaine metabolite ecgonine methyl ester (EME) activates the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and alters cardiovascular function during pregnancy and (2) whether heart function is decreased in rabbits chronically exposed to cocaine or EME in vivo. The acute in vivo effects on plasma renin activity (PRA) were examined when cocaine (2 mg/kg) or EME (2 mg/kg) was administered intravenously. Arterial blood samples were withdrawn for hormonal analysis. Arterial pressure was measured using a COBE CDX III transducer and a Micro-Med 100 blood pressure analyzer. Hematocrit was measured using a microcapillary technique and serum protein was analyzed using refractometry. In chronic cocaine and EME studies, cardiovascular function was monitored in rabbits that were chronically exposed to cocaine or EME via Alzet osmotic pumps (1.66 μg/h for 14 d) implanted subcutaneously. On d 14, the animal was euthanized, and the heart was removed and exposed to 15 min of global ischemia using the Langendorff method. Coronary flow and leftventricular pressure (LVP) were assessed. The acute administration of cocaine or EME increased PRA and mean arterial pressure (MAP) in pregnant rabbits within 5 min. Coronary flow and LVP were significantly lower in the cocaine- and EME-treated rabbits than in vehicle female rabbits.  相似文献   

Neurokinin B signalling in the human reproductive axis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent human genetic studies have established that neurokinin B (NKB) signalling via the neurokinin 3 receptor (NK3R) is required for normal developmental activation of pulsatile GnRH secretion from the hypothalamus. As increasing numbers of patients with loss-of-function mutations have been described, evidence has emerged that peripheral NKB is not necessary for normal pregnancy despite high placental expression and high plasma levels of NKB in late gestation. Nevertheless many key questions about the role of NKB in the function of the GnRH pulse generator remain to be answered. Differences in requirement for NKB/NK3R for hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) maturation amongst different species, and their varied responses to stimulation with NKB represent a challenge for higher resolution studies. Neuroanatomical investigation has, however, identified key "KNDy" (Kisspeptin, Neurokinin B, Dynorphin) arcuate neurones that are conserved amongst different species and that are intimately connected both to each other and to the GnRH nerve termini. Several lines of evidence suggest that these may be the core of the GnRH pulse generator, and with experimental tools now in place in humans, monkeys and other experimental animals to pursue the function of these interconnected neurones and the functional hierarchy of their neuroendocrine inputs, understanding of the enigmatic GnRH pulse generator may at last be within reach.  相似文献   

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