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The history of modern plastic surgery starts when a young, restless ENT man, Dr M. Coelst, started a training in Plastic Surgery with Sebileau in Paris and Joseph in Berlin. This man of vision and far-sighted imagination realized that the separated efforts and publications of so many pioneers, scaterred all over the world, would be lost if not gathered in a scientific journal only devoted to plastic surgery for the benefit of all. This brought him to the idea of establishing, in 1931, at his own initiative, the first international Journal of Plastic Surgery ever published, the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique, fifteen years before the USA Journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and sixteen years before the British Journal of Plastic Surgery. The name of the journal was changed in 1935 to the Revue de Chirurgie Structive. Coelst' Revue was promptly accepted as the leading Journal of Plastic Surgery and all the internationally known plastic Surgeons contributed to it by scientific papers of great value, even today.  相似文献   

矫正股骨近端先天性或获得性病变所采取的转子间或转子下截骨术,可采用的置入物种类较多,如角钢板、动态加压钢板、锁定加压钢板和外固定架等,但愈后都存在一定的并发症,尤其是角钢板,更易松动和发生股骨头缺血性坏死.新型儿童锁定加压髋钢板(locking compression pediatric hip plate,LCPHP或PHP)增加了该类手术的安全度,同时可以减少损伤.本文着重描述、分析手术技术和评价关键步骤.首先介绍儿童锁定加压髋钢板,钢板厚度分为3种,2.7mm厚:适应于3岁体重15 kg以内的患儿;3.5 mm厚:适应于3~8岁、35 kg以内的儿童;5mm厚:适应于青春期患者.钢板类型包括适应于内翻矫形至100°~ 110°,外翻矫形至140°以及适应于股骨颈骨折或进行旋转截骨的120°~ 130°钢板.钢板近端3孔为锁定孔,其近端两孔为横向平行孔.远端3孔,可以加压或锁定.  相似文献   

The author emphasizes the close cooperation between United States plastic surgeons and the first international journal devoted entirely to plastic surgery, the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique (from 1931 to 1934) later to become the Revue de Chirurgie Structive (from 1935 to 1938) published under the editorship of Maurice Coelst, M.D., from Brussels. By the accurate recording of original articles, book reviews, proceedings of their annual meetings, and summaries in three different languages (English, French, German), the author stressed the intense scientific dynamism and the achievements made by the U.S. pioneers of this new specialty which really started during World War I. Received: 24 July 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   

In 1931, Maurice Coelst, M.D. from Brussels started the publication of the first international journal of plastic surgery ever published: the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique (1931-1934), which eventually became the Revue de Chirurgie Structive (1935-1938). In 1936, he established the first European Society of Structive Surgery, which held its first congress in Brussels. Further congresses were held in London in 1937 and in Milan in 1938. It is the collaboration and the participation of British plastic surgeons in this Society, this journal, and these meetings that I want to stress, because I am firmly convinced that these documents fill a gap in the history of Plastic Surgery in Great Britain, since--as far as I know--no detailed information concerning this period was ever published in Plastic Surgery literature.  相似文献   

Sans résumé  相似文献   

The author emphasizes the close cooperation between U.S. plastic surgeons and the first international journal entirely devoted to plastic surgery, the Revue de Chirurgie Plastique (1931-1934) later to become the Revue de Chirurgie Structive (1935-1938) published under the editorship of Maurice Coelst, M.D. from Brussels. By the accurate recording of original articles, book reviews, proceedings of their annual meetings and summaries in three different languages (English, French, German), the author stresses the intense scientific dynamism and the achievements made by the U.S. pioneers of this new speciality, which really started during World War I.  相似文献   

Conclusion The saga of the Society—from Kocher to Allgöwer-rings with true accomplishment. As we near the end of our first complete century, we can look back with a sense of satisfaction. At the same time we must recognize that there still is much to do.I wish to paraphrase the words of Kocher's 1905 inaugural address:Presidential address to the opening of the Scientific Program of the International Society of Surgery/Société Internationale Chirurgie (ISS/SIC), August 23, 1993, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

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