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海洛因依赖者人格特征分析及与首次吸毒年龄的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析海洛因依赖者与正常人群的人格特征的不同特点,探讨人格特征与首次吸毒年龄的关系。方法:采用气质性格问卷(Temperament and character inventory,TCI)分别对100例海洛因依赖者与88例正常对照者进行人格评定。结果:①与正常对照组相比,海洛因依赖组的探求新奇性和伤害回避性得分高于对照组(P<0.05),而海洛因依赖组合作性、自我定向维度得分均数低于对照组(P<0.01)。②海洛因依赖者的TCI问卷不同维度的得分与首吸年龄无相关性,P>0.05。结论:①寻求刺激、冲动、探索、看事情悲观、害怕不确定、易疲劳等是海洛因依赖的易感人格特征。②首次吸毒年龄与TCI的不同人格维度之间无相关性。  相似文献   

Klorman et al. (1975) found that mutilation-fearful persons reacted with heart rate speeding to mutilation slides and to neutral stimuli. The within-subject design of that study suggested that these paradoxical reactions to neutral slides may have been due to subjects' anticipation of phobic materials. In the present work, 84 female subjects, categorized by a standardized questionnaire as high or low in fear of mutilation, viewed one of three types of slides: 1) mutilated bodies; 2) persons and objects in incongruous or humorous poses; or 3) standard photographs of persons, objects, and landscapes. Mutilation materials evoked cardiac acceleration and high subjective tension in fearful subjects vs bradycardia and moderate tension in low-fear subjects. Neutral and incongruous slides prompted similar reactions from both fear groups: heart rate deceleration and low tension. Low-fear subjects shown mutilation slides tended to exceed the groups receiving nonaversive stimulation in magnitude of cardiac deceleration. Extensive analyses of respiratory activity showed that these differential heart rate reactions were not attributable to breathing. Mutilation stimuli evoked greater skin conductance responses than nonaversive slides, but there were no electrodermal differences as a function of fear relevance. The lawful relationship uncovered in the present research between cardiac reactions and individual differences in fear supports our suggestion that anticipation may have played a role in our earlier work.  相似文献   

In this study the relationship between autonomic and behavioral susceptibility to stimulation was investigated in 27 patients with different levels of coma due to drug overdose. The degree of impairment was determined with the Munich Coma Scale (MCS). During presentation of four stimuli (optical, acoustic, tactile, electrical) behavioral responses as well as changes in heart rate, finger pulse amplitude, and electrodermal activity were studied. Heart rate responses were closely related to behavioral changes in severely comatose patients; however, this linkage was not as obvious in less severe cases. Finger pulse responses almost invariably accompanied behavioral reactions at all coma levels. Sensitivity to stimulation and correlation with behavioral reactivity was lowest for electrodermal responses.  相似文献   

The relationship between phase of normal respiration and reaction time (RT) was studied. Ss were required to respond by pressing a switch each time a simple auditory signal was presented. Averages of response times were calculated for signals occurring during each of three identifiable phases of normal respiration. It was found that mean RT for signals presented during the inhalation phase of respiration was significantly less than for signals presented during either the exhalation phase or the pause between exhalation and inhalation.  相似文献   

Heart rate (HR) variability and arterial blood pressure (BP) variability were analysed as functions of foetal breathing movements (FBMs) by means of power spectral analysis in seven foetal lambs during the third trimester of gestation. No evidence of FBM-related changes, either in mean HR, mean systolic or diastolic arterial pressures, were found. Mean arterial pulse pressure, HR variability, and BP variability increased during FBMs. The increase in BP variability occurred at frequencies higher than 0.35 Hz, i.e. those of FBMs. The increase in HR variability occurred at 0.07-1.0 Hz, i.e. at every frequency band except the lowest one. Thus, the increase in HR variability was not frequency-specifically related to FBMs. During FBMs the periodic variability of HR at frequencies > 0.35 Hz was only 10% of total HR variability. We suggest that the FBM-related changes of BP variability may be mediated by direct peripheral, hydraulic mechanisms. HR changes involve autonomic control systems: the vagal component of baroreflex seems to be relatively insensitive, whereas the very slow vasomotor component of HR variability is dominant.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Bernal & Miller, 1970), striking differences were found between schizophrenic and normal children in the magnitude of their galvanic skin responses (GSRs) to simple sensory stimuli. However, the Lang and Hnatiow (1962) measure of cardiac response failed to demonstrate these GSR group differences. The present paper is a followup of the Bernal and Miller study and its purpose was to evaluate the use of various measures of heart rate (HR) in discriminating between clinical and normal groups of children. The cardiac data were converted to measures that were (1) independent of and dependent upon prestimulus HR level, and (2) based upon individually and group derived decelerative trough in HR. The main results of the analyses of variance for repeated measurements were: (1) no single HR measure was found to delineate the cardiac response reliably across stimulus conditions or between groups of Ss, and (2) individually-determined HR deceleration, especially when corrected via covariance analysis for prestimulus level, was superior to a group-determined decelerative HR measure in demonstrating both habituation and group effects.  相似文献   

Eysenck's (1967) hypotheses concerning Extraversion, Neuroticism, and physiological reactivity were tested in relation to habituation. A factorial design, varying Extraversion (three levels) and Neuroticism (two levels) was employed: 60 subjects, 10 per cell. Both tonic and response measures of electrodermal activity (skin conductance) were recorded. The results showed: (1) High Neurotics were more reactive than Low Neurotics (for two measures of habituation and total number of responses); (2) Extraversion was inversely related to spontaneous activity; (3) Latency of first response was moderately related (10% level only) both to Neuroticism (inversely) and to Extra-version (directly); (4) Tonic conductance measures failed to discriminate between groups; (5) Measures which discriminated between personality groups were inter-correlated. Since the measures taken were related to both Extraversion and Neuroticism, the findings do not support Eysenck's prediction that these measures are related to Extraversion alone.  相似文献   

BackgroundAdverse drug reactions (ADRs) to first-line anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs are common; however, there have been few reports of nationwide epidemiologic studies on ADRs to anti-TB drugs in Korea. This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics of various ADRs to first-line anti-TB drugs using a nationwide database of ADRs.MethodsWe used the Korea Adverse Event Reporting System (KAERS) database (2009–2018). The study subjects were selected using the Korean Standard Classification of Diseases codes for pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB and electronic data interchange codes for isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RIF), ethambutol (ETB), and pyrazinamide (PZA). The causality assessment of “possible,” “probable,” or “certain” by World Health Organization-Uppsala Monitoring Center System causality category was selected.ResultsA total of 1,562,024 ADRs were reported in the KIDS-KAERS database from 2009 to 2018, where ADRs to first-line anti-TB drugs were 17,843 cases (1.14%). The most common causative drugs were RIF (28.7%), INH (24.0%), ETB (23.4%), and PZA (23.9%) in that order. 48.5% of cases were reported in the older patients (≥ 60 years). According to organ system, gastro-intestinal system disorder was most common (32.0%), followed by skin and appendage (25.9%), liver and biliary system (14.2%). Nausea was the most common ADR (14.6%), followed by hepatic enzyme elevation (14.2%), rash (11.7%), pruritus (9.1%), vomiting (8.9%), and urticaria (4.2%). Most ADRs appeared within 1 month, but ADRs such as neuropathy, paresthesia, hematologic abnormalities, renal function abnormalities and liver enzyme abnormality were also often reported after 2 months.ConclusionOur data are clinically informative for recognizing and coping with ADRs of anti-TB drugs.  相似文献   

The study showed that within a modified delayed conditioning paradigm the shape of the anticipatory cardiac response to shock can be modified by changing the CS duration. When the tone (CS) duration was only 4 sec, there was a significant HR acceleration. With the CS duration increasing stepwise, from 4 to 12 sec, the anticipatory cardiac response to the UCS became biphasic. The acceleratory component of this response was bound to the CS and time locked, and, on the average, reached its peak within 5 sec after the onset of the CS. The deceleratory component was directly related to the length of the time interval between the onset of the CS and the UCS: there was no anticipatory deceleration when the tone duration was 4, 5, or 6 sec; the most pronounced deceleration was observed during the 10 sec interval. Instructional sets did not significantly affect cardiac activity by themselves, but did influence responses in interaction with the individual difference variable of field dependence; this was found to be the case only on the first trial. Field dependence was also a meaningful variable, and accounted for some of the differences in the patterns of HR responding in anticipation of shock.  相似文献   

Four subjects who were given exteroceptive, auditory and visual feedback, and were asked to raise and to lower their heart rate on signal, were able to produce large magnitude changes in both directions. The fact that some of these changes occurred immediately suggests that feedback may not be as important as some authors have suggested. Respiratory changes and changes in muscle tension did not appear to be mediators.  相似文献   

Although the spatial and temporal distributions of cellular NAD(P)H concentrations have been theoretically predicted as typical patterns of the metabolism in living cells, so far such a pattern was observed only in neutrophils. In this work, the dynamic NAD(P)H distributions in rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-2H3) and human hepatocellular carcinoma (Hep G2) cells were studied by imaging the autofluorescence of cellular NAD(P)H with a sensitive CCD detector in a confocal microscope. The typical pattern of the cytoplasmic NAD(P)H wave traveling along the long axis of the elongated cell with a velocity of 2.2±0.6?μm/s was detected in RBL-2H3 cells. While in the case of Hep G2 cells, only the oscillation of the mitochondrial NAD(P)H was observed because the NAD(P)H mainly localized in mitochondria of Hep G2 cells. These results confirm the metabolic pattern of NAD(P)H in living cells and suggest that the expression of the metabolic pattern probably differs in different cell lines.  相似文献   

Body Movements in Sleep During 30-Day Exposure to Tone Pulse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Body movements during sleep stages 2 and REM were measured using an artifact method to determine the effects of a tone pulse given every 22 sec, 24 hrs a day, over a period of 30 consecutive days in 10 Navy recruits, aged 19 to 23. The tone pulse produced no significant increase in the number of body movements during stage 2, but it increased body movements in REM sleep to a significant but small (3 movement increase per night) extent. The percentages of body movements observed in the first 7 sec after the tone pulse in sleep stages 2 and REM were significantly higher than those observed during the epochs 8–14 and 15–21 sec, and those observed to the pseudostimulus. The tone pulse used in this study redistributed or regulated the appearance of the body movements to the proximity of the noise, but did not increase the total number of body movements which appeared to be under endogenous control.  相似文献   

《Annals of human biology》2013,40(3):378-381
Background: Ferroportin is a transmembrane protein responsible for iron export from enterocytes and macrophages. Mutation c.744G → T (Q248H), located in exon 6 of the ferroportin gene SLC40A1, is found as a polymorphism in populations of African origin. This mutation has been extensively analysed in African-Americans, but poorly studied in native African populations.

Aim: To increase information about Q248H mutation frequency in native sub-Saharan populations examining three West African populations.

Subjects and methods: Samples from S. Tomé e Príncipe (n = 115), Angola (n = 156) and Republic of Guinea (n = 170) were analysed for Q248H mutation and for two polymorphisms, IVS1( ? 24)G → C and microsatellite (CGG)n, using standard molecular methodology.

Results: The estimated frequencies of Q248H allele were 2.2% in S. Tomé e Príncipe, 3.5% in Angola and 4.1% in Republic of Guinea. Analysis of polymorphisms IVS1( ? 24)G → C and (CGG)n showed mutation allele c.744T to be strongly associated with haplotype IVS1( ? 24)G/(CGG)7.

Conclusions: This study confirmed the presence of Q248H mutation at polymorphic frequencies in three native sub-Saharan populations. Analysis of two additional markers in the same gene support a single origin of the mutant allele c.744T in the haplotype background IVS1( ? 24)G/(CGG)7.  相似文献   

John G.  Varm  Hans O.  Doerr  Jill R.  Varni 《Psychophysiology》1975,12(2):179-181
Bilateral differences in Ionic skin conductance were found to be related to lateral body awareness. The side of the body reported by the subject to be the side of greater awareness as tested by the Fisher Body Focus (Questionnaire) was also the side of greater tonic skin conductance for those subjects showing statistically reliable bilateral differences in Both skin conductance and body awareness.  相似文献   

目的:研究GTP酶激活蛋白(Src同源结构域3)结合蛋白1[Ras-GTPase activating protein(Src homology domain 3)binding protein 1,G3BP1]在乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231体外迁移过程中的作用.方法:人乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231培养于RPMI1640培养基中;Western blot检测无表皮生长因子(Epidermal growth factor,EGF)刺激,以及10 ng/ml EGF分别刺激30秒、1分钟、2分钟和5分钟条件下乳腺癌细胞内G3BP1、蛋白激酶Cζ(Protein kinase Cζ,PKCζ)、Akt、pPKCζThin410/403及pAktSer473的表达水平;免疫共沉淀法检测乳腺癌细胞内G3BP1与PKCζ的相互作用;转染小干扰RNA抑制内源性G3BP1的表达;趋化实验和侵袭实验分别检测G3BP1抑制前后MDA-MB-231细胞穿过10 μm聚碳酸酯膜及人工基底膜的细胞数.结果:Western blot检测显示G3BP1在MDA-MB-231细胞内过表达;无EGF刺激时MDA-MB-231细胞内G3BP1,PKCζ与Akt均过表达,pPKCζThe410/403及pAktSer473不表达或低于Western blot检测下限;10 ng/ml EGF刺激后G3BP1、PKCζ与Akt表达水平不变,pPKCζThr410/403及pAktSer473的表达刺激时间增加而升高,至5分钟时达到峰值;在乳腺癌细胞内G3BP1与PKCζ具有相互作用;G3BP1表达抑制后乳腺癌细胞的趋化能力和侵袭能力均显著下降(P <0.05,P<0.05).结论:G3 BP1通过与PKCζ相互作用,在乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231的体外迁移过程中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

NAD(P)H oxidase plays an important role in hypertension and its complication in aldosterone-salt rat. We questioned whether NAD(P)H oxidase subunit expression and activity are modulated by aldosterone and whether this is associated with target-organ damage. Rats were infused with aldosterone (0.75 µg/hr/day) for 6 weeks and were given 0.9% NaCl±losartan (30 mg/kg/day), spironolactone (200 mg/kg/day), and apocynin (1.5 mM/L). Aldosterone-salt hypertension was prevented completely by spironolactone and modestly by losartan and apocynin. Aldosterone increased aortic NAD(P)H oxidase activity by 34% and spironolactone and losartan inhibited the activity. Aortic expression of the subunits p47phox, gp91phox, and p22phox increased in aldosterone-infused rats by 5.5, 4.7, and 3.2-fold, respectively, which was decreased completely by spironolactone and partially by losartan and apocynin. Therefore, the increased expression of NAD(P)H oxidase may contribute to cardiovascular damage in aldosterone-salt hypertension through the increased expression of each subunit.  相似文献   

Resistance to oseltamivir in pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza A virus is linked to an amino acid change from histidine (H) to tyrosine (Y) at position 275 in the neuraminidase protein (NA). A real-time one step RT-PCR assay using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) probes was developed to detect this mutation in respiratory specimens. The limit of detection was 47.6 copies/reaction for wild-type H275 RNA and 52.9 copies/reaction for the mutant H275Y RNA. The assay did not cross-react with other respiratory pathogens. The clinical sensitivity and specificity of the assay was compared to the gold standard Sanger sequencing method using 25 sensitive, 15 resistant and 20 negative samples. The sensitivity and specificity was 88.0% and 100% respectively with the SOIV_Osel_SEN probe designed to detect the H275 allele and 100% for the SOIV_Osel_RES probe detecting the 275Y allele. The sensitivity of the assay using nine admixtures of sensitive and resistant alleles was 88.9% and 77.8% with the SOIV_Osel_SEN probe and SOIV_Osel_RES probe respectively. The presence of mixed sensitive and resistant alleles in patient samples and mixtures of in vitro RNA were detected reproducibly. This assay can be used for screening of original samples for oseltamivir resistance without the need for culture and phenotypic testing.  相似文献   

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