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OBJECTIVES: We investigated hysterectomy prevalence among Hispanic women. METHODS: We obtained data from 4684 Hispanic women and 20 604 non-Hispanic White women from the 1998-1999 National Health Interview Survey. We calculated nationally representative odds ratios of previous hysterectomy, controlling for confounders. RESULTS: Compared with non-Hispanic White women, the odds ratio for hysterectomy was 0.36 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.30, 0.44) for Hispanic women with no high school diploma, 0.57 (95% CI = 0.44, 0.74) for high school graduates, and 0.67 (95% CI = 0.42, 0.87) for college attenders. Country of origin had little influence on hysterectomy prevalence. Hysterectomy was positively associated with acculturation. CONCLUSIONS: Hispanic women undergo fewer hysterectomies than do non-Hispanic White women. The reasons for this, as well as information on ethnicity-specific appropriateness of hysterectomy, should be explored.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Research has shown that Hispanic women who speak mostly English have higher smoking rates than those who speak mostly another language. It is unknown how differences in smoking by English language use among adult Hispanic women in California have changed in recent years. METHODS: We compared current daily (100 or more cigarettes in lifetime, now smokes daily) and current nondaily (100 or more cigarettes in lifetime, now smokes some days) smoking prevalence for adult Hispanic women by English language use at home from population-based, random-digit-dialed California Tobacco Surveys in 1996 (n = 1406, 74% response rate [RR]); 1999 (n = 1379, 69% RR), and 2002 (n = 2912, 64% RR). RESULTS: Current smoking prevalence was at least twice as high among those who speak mostly English compared to those who speak mostly another language in every survey year (1996: 14.7% vs 6.1%; 1999: 14.6% vs 6.1%; 2002: 11.7% vs 4.9%) with the ratio staying constant (2.4:1). There was a decline in current nondaily smoking among those who speak mostly English by 2002 (1996 and 1999 prevalence: approximately 6%, 2002: approximately 4%), but no declines in current daily smoking for either language-use group. CONCLUSIONS: There has been no reduction in the English-language-use gap in smoking among Hispanic women in California. There has been a significant decline in current nondaily smoking prevalence among women who speak mostly English, but no significant reduction in current daily smoking for either language-use group. It appears that not much progress has been made in California in reducing daily smoking prevalence among Hispanic women at the population level. Smoking prevention and cessation efforts among Hispanic women remain a priority.  相似文献   

  目的  调查公众对抗生素的使用知识及态度的现状,分析主要影响因素,并探索两者间的关系。  方法   2016年9 — 12月,在浙江省杭州市抽取438名18周岁常住居民进行问卷调查,采用χ2检验法分析杭州市公众人口学特征与抗生素使用的知识、态度的关系,通过二分类logistic回归分析抗生素使用的知识和态度的主要影响因素。  结果   被调查居民关于抗生素使用的知识平均分为(9.60 ± 3.39)分,对抗生素使用的态度平均分为(3.80 ± 1.73)分;年龄、文化程度和职业与抗生素使用知识有关(P < 0.05);年龄、职业、抗生素使用的知识分数与抗生素使用态度之间存在相关关系(P < 0.05);二分类logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄18~39岁的居民抗生素正确认知是 ≥ 60岁居民的2.805倍(P < 0.01),本科及以上文化程度的居民对抗生素的正确认知是初中及以下文化程度的4.155倍(P < 0.01),抗生素使用的知识分数越高的居民其抗生素使用的态度越好(OR = 1.156,P < 0.01)。  结论  公众对抗生素的使用存在误解,尤其是在合理使用抗生素、抗生素耐药性的理解上;男性、高龄、低学历、抗生素使用知识水平低的居民抗生素使用的态度比较差。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Higher rates of unwanted pregnancies and lower rates of contraceptive use have been reported among Hispanic women than among non-Hispanic whites. Despite these differences, it is unclear how these groups differ with respect to various psychosocial factors that are associated with contraceptive decision making, including contraceptive knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and social support. METHODS: A total of 443 sexually active, nonpregnant, low-income women (137 non-Hispanic whites, 74 US-born Hispanics and 231 non-US-born Hispanics) were surveyed at two publicly funded clinics. RESULTS: The greatest number of barriers to the effective use of contraception was seen among non-US-born Hispanic women. Fewer differences emerged between US-born Hispanics and whites, although differences continued to exist between the two groups in certain key areas. As compared to non-Hispanic whites, US-born Hispanic women had lower levels of social support for and self-efficacy in contraceptive use, desired larger families, had more religious objections to using birth control and were more those likely to believe that birth control use is the responsibility of women. As compared to whites, both US and non-US-born Hispanic women had significantly lower rates of ever-use of contraceptives that are highly effective in preventing pregnancy or in preventing disease transmission, and higher rates of unintended pregnancies. All associations were independent of known confounders. CONCLUSION: Despite improvements in contraceptive knowledge and attitude, birth control and disease-preventive practices did not improve significantly among Hispanics who were born in the United States. Hispanic women are at higher risk for unintended pregnancy than are non-Hispanic whites, irrespective of their US nativity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the rising influx of Hispanics to the United States, there is an ongoing need to promote health and wellness care to this non-English-speaking, minority population group. Programs, specifically developed to address the unique cultural mores of Hispanics, need to focus on increasing knowledge about health issues, particularly in the area of reproductive health. A study was conducted in Memphis, TN, to examine the differences between low-income Hispanic immigrants' and low-income non-Hispanics' (1) contraceptive use; (2) reproduction and contraception knowledge; as well as (3) the demographic and knowledge factors associated with their choice of contraceptive, in order to better formulate successful educational programs for area Hispanics. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey of 226 women, recruited through a federal assistance program in Tennessee, was performed over a 5-month period in 2000 to 2001. Women, between the ages of 18 and 42, were individually interviewed to learn more about their reproduction knowledge and method of contraception. RESULTS: This study found that knowledge about reproduction and contraceptive use was significantly lower among Hispanics than non-Hispanics. Furthermore, contraceptive use was significantly lower among Hispanics than among non-Hispanics. Hispanics were less likely to use the oral contraceptive or have a tubal ligation, preferring injectable contraceptive. Non-Hispanics, who were more likely to use contraceptive methods, were less likely to use injectables, preferring the oral contraceptive. Among Hispanics, knowledge about contraceptives, number of children and marital status were associated with contraceptive use. Among non-Hispanics, only education was associated with contraceptive use. CONCLUSION: Interventions targeting Hispanic immigrants should be developed to increase their knowledge about contraceptive methods.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Under the fee-for-service system, the overuse and misuse of perioperative antibiotics have become serious concerns in Japan. The objective of the present study is to investigate practice variations of perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis between and within hospitals, and to identify any opportunities for improvement. METHODS: We polled 319 surgeons in six specialties employed by 11 teaching hospitals in Japan. We developed questionnaires with vignettes, asking physicians about their practice of antimicrobial prophylaxis in six surgical procedures (gastrectomy, hysterectomy, cataract surgery, clipping of cerebral aneurysm, hip fracture surgery, and coronary artery bypass graft) and utilization of institutional clinical pathways. RESULTS: Average durations of prophylaxis varied by procedure, from 1.6 days for cataract surgery to 5.8 days for clipping surgery. Variation was also observed between institutions for the same procedure, e.g. institutional averages for the duration of prophylaxis for gastrectomy ranged from 2.3 to 7 days. Large intra-institutional variation in prophylaxis duration and inconsistent use of clinical pathways were observed in the cases of gastrectomy, hip fracture surgery, and clipping surgery. At one hospital, 20% of physicians performing gastrectomy indicated the use of an institutional clinical pathway, and prophylaxis duration ranged from 3 to 6 days. For cataract surgery and hysterectomy, clinical pathways were universally applied and intra-institutional practice variation was small, yet prophylaxis duration varied widely between hospitals and third-generation cephalosporins were used extensively. Average length of prophylaxis for hysterectomy ranged from 1.8 to 6 days and 43% of respondents prescribed third-generation cephalosporins. CONCLUSIONS: In Japan, perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis lacks standardization. Efforts to strengthen an evidence-based approach to antimicrobial prophylaxis need to be made a priority at both the national and institutional levels.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the factor structure of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) in the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (Hispanic HANES). The Hispanic HANES provides a unique opportunity to examine the patterning of depressive symptoms among the three major Hispanic groups in the U.S. and to compare the factor structures that emerge from the analysis to other studies using this approach. Different factor structures emerged for the Hispanic groups as compared to previous analyses of the CES-D with non-Hispanic populations. We also found significant intra-group differences among Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Cuban-Americans which were strongly influenced by the gender of the respondent and the language in which the person was interviewed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We investigated fatal occupational injury rates in the United States by race and Hispanic ethnicity during the period 1990-1996. METHODS: Fatalities were identified by means of the national traumatic occupational fatalities surveillance system. Fatal occupational injury rates were calculated by race/ethnicity and region using US-census-based workforce estimates. RESULTS: Non-Hispanic Black men in the South had the highest fatal occupational injury rate (8.5 per 100000 worker-years), followed by Hispanic men in the South (7.9 per 100000 worker-years). Fatal injury rates for Hispanic men increased over the study period, exceeding rates for non-Hispanic Black men in the latter years of observation. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest a change in the demographics of fatal occupational injuries in the United States. Hispanic men in the South appear to be emerging as the group with the nation's highest unintentional fatal occupational injury rate.  相似文献   

Disparities in early and adequate prenatal care and infant/maternal outcomes still exist between white and nonwhite populations. Although Medicaid expansions were intended to improve outcomes, eligible women often delay enrollment and access barriers remain. This study examines racial disparities among pregnant women in Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, and Texas. The disproportionate location of minorities enrolled in Medicaid in urban areas with greater physician supply was not found to increase office-based prenatal care among blacks. More local physicians, especially foreign medical graduates, sometimes increased access, largely for Hispanics. The presence and use of safety net providers did increase prenatal care use among minorities. This evidence lends support to policies to maintain safety net providers, which are perhaps better equipped than others to serve low-income populations. However, policies should encourage participation extending to all racial/ethnic groups by office-based physicians. The role of foreign medical graduates, who are more likely to participate in Medicaid, should be considered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study was twofold: (1) to determine whether adolescents who self-identify as multiracial have more adverse health behaviors than their monoracial counterparts, and (2) to examine whether the health behaviors of adolescents who are multiracial and Hispanic are more similar to those who identify as monoracial Hispanic or those who are multiracial and non-Hispanic. METHODS: Secondary analyses of data in a subsample from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey of 3,704 (27.2%) adolescents who identified as Hispanic/Latino only, multiracial Hispanic, or multiracial non-Hispanic were conducted. Regression analyses were conducted using SUDAAN for the complex sampling to test for differences in health behaviors (i.e., smoking, exercise, substance abuse, and suicide risk) among the three ethnicity/race groups. RESULTS: Each health behavior scale yielded significant between-group differences according to ethnic/racial identity: Hispanic/Latino adolescents scored significantly lower than both multiracial groups on the measure of cigarette smoking, lower than multiracial Hispanic adolescents on the substance abuse scale, and lower than multiracial non-Hispanic adolescents on the measure of exercise. The multiracial Hispanic group was also at marginally increased risk for suicide compared to the Hispanic/Latino group. CONCLUSIONS: The results support the hypothesis that multiracial Hispanic adolescents have more behavioral health problems than monoracial Hispanic adolescents. The second hypothesis--that multiracial Hispanic adolescents are more similar to multiracial non-Hispanic adolescents--was also supported. The implications of these findings for the classification of Hispanic adolescents in terms of ethnicity and race in relation to health behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine access to and use of HIV highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) by race/ethnicity in Medicaid and the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) in 1998 in four states. METHODS: The authors analyzed reimbursement claims and AIDS surveillance data in California, Florida, New York, and Texas. Study subjects were identified using diagnostic or medication codes specific to HIV. The race/ethnicity of program enrollees was compared to representation in the HIV epidemic to examine access. Claims for antiretroviral (ARV) use were compared to U.S. Public Health Service treatment guidelines to assess HAART use. RESULTS: The authors identified 151,000 HIV-infected individuals in these two programs in the four states. Evidence of AIDS or symptomatic HIV was present in 78%-88% of enrollees in Medicaid, versus 31%-48% in ADAP. African Americans participated in Medicaid 10%-53% above and in ADAP 17%-31% below representation in the epidemic. Non-Latino whites exhibited the opposite pattern, being in Medicaid 5%-38% below and in ADAP 9%-65% above epidemic representation. Latinos participated more in ADAP (7%-31%), except in New York. HAART use over 90 days (July-September) ranged from 38% to 76% by program and state. Differences by race/ethnicity were inconsistent and small: African Americans had lower HAART use by 6%-14% in California and Florida Medicaid, and Latinos had higher HAART use by 2%-11% in ADAP and in Texas Medicaid. CONCLUSIONS: African Americans were more likely to access HIV drugs through Medicaid than through ADAP, which may reflect differences in program eligibility criteria as well as care seeking later in HIV disease. Differences in the use of HAART by race/ethnicity within state programs were small.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess tobacco use and the awareness of and attitudes towards tobacco and its control in the adult population of Tunisia. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 1996 of a representative national sample of 5696 subjects aged 25 and over. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire in Arabic. FINDINGS: Tobacco use was reported by 30.4% of the respondents, of whom 24.6% smoked cigarettes and 5.8% consumed traditional tobacco, i.e. snuff, chewing tobacco and/or water pipe tobacco. Whereas 55.6% of men used tobacco, only 5.2% of women did so. Among men the proportion of tobacco users diminished with age as the rate of cessation increased. Among women, smoking peaked in the 35-54 age group. The proportion of men consuming traditional tobacco alone increased from 2.4% in the 25-34 age group to 20.4% in the 55+ age group; the corresponding values for women were 0.1% and 14.3%. Tobacco use was more widespread in rural than in urban areas and was relatively high among poorly educated men from economically deprived backgrounds. The use of tobacco was believed to be harmful to health by 98.6% of the respondents. Over 90% of the interviewees were aware that tobacco played a part in the development of heart disease. However, there were some gaps in awareness. A fear of cancer was expressed by 85% of the respondents, whereas only 5.6% were fearful of accidents. CONCLUSIONS: Informational and educational campaigns relating to tobacco control should be directed at individuals and communities, taking into account the gaps in awareness of the effects of tobacco on health.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were (1) to describe and examine the development of young children's reading and writing behaviors and (2) to examine young children's oral and written language awareness development. This study has shown that young children ages from 3 to 5 years have several preconventional reading and writing behaviors. They cannot fully discriminate between oral and written language, so that they use mixed forms of oral and written languages. The following findings support Sulzby's (1985) claim that literacy develops only in a certain sociocultural context: (1) the contents of the message being delivered influence the use of oral and written language and (2) the age factor is significant for the level of reading and writing development and the degree of decontextuali-zation. On the other hand, young children experience more difficulty in using written language in the task situation of constructing messages for themselves in block building than in the task situation of delivering messages from a book. These phenomena suggest that written language development is not only the result of simple imitations in a sociocultural context but also the result of cognitive development.  相似文献   


This paper explores the intersection of sexuality and ethnicity in the lives of a group of South-East Asian gay men. Data derive from an exploratory study conducted in Manila involving semi-structured face-to-face in-depth interviews with self-identified homosexual Chinese Filipino men. Findings suggest that the men shared a strong sense of being Chinese while also being conscious of their double marginalization as homosexual and as part of an ethnic minority. Ethnicity was found to play a key role with respect to sexual partnership, influencing choice of partners and age and class status of their ideal mates. Chinese gay men's use of Fukkien was identified as a key marker of their identity both as gays and as Chinese Filipinos. Further research is needed to explore further the relationship between sexuality and ethnicity, as well as how class and age influence present and prospective sexual relationships.  相似文献   

The prevalence rates of diabetes in communities of color are higher than in Caucasian populations. Social marketing can be an effective approach to educating communities and encouraging visits to health care providers. This article describes Thunder and Lightning and Rain, a diabetes media awareness campaign implemented in a 5-county area in central Washington State with a large Latino/Hispanic population. The Washington State Department of Health's Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, along with national and community partners and focus groups, used a social marketing model to reach those with uncontrolled diabetes. A telephone survey-based evaluation, conducted in Spanish, provided data on demographics, media access, calls to a toll-free information line, provider visits, and recall of the campaign's central message: "Control your diabetes. For Life."  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to estimate the incidence of Parkinson's disease by age, gender, and ethnicity. Newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease cases in 1994-1995 were identified among members of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program of Northern California, a large health maintenance organization. Each case met modified standardized criteria/Hughes diagnostic criteria as applied by a movement disorder specialist. Incidence rates per 100,000 person-years were calculated using the Kaiser Permanente membership information as the denominator and adjusted for age and/or gender using the direct method of standardization. A total of 588 newly diagnosed (incident) cases of Parkinson's disease were identified, which gave an overall annualized age- and gender-adjusted incidence rate of 13.4 per 100,000 (95% confidence interval (CI): 11.4, 15.5). The incidence rapidly increased over the age of 60 years, with only 4% of the cases being under the age of 50 years. The rate for men (19.0 per 100,000, 95% CI: 16.1, 21.8) was 91% higher than that for women (9.9 per 100,000, 95% CI: 7.6, 12.2). The age- and gender-adjusted rate per 100,000 was highest among Hispanics (16.6, 95% CI: 12.0, 21.3), followed by non-Hispanic Whites (13.6, 95% CI: 11.5, 15.7), Asians (11.3, 95% CI: 7.2, 15.3), and Blacks (10.2, 95% CI: 6.4, 14.0). These data suggest that the incidence of Parkinson's disease varies by race/ethnicity.  相似文献   

This paper used data obtained from Santa Clara County, California, to study the costs and use of public mental health services among ethnic populations (Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites). The study had access to 12,436 unduplicated users of services. The study found Whites had the highest per capita costs, while Asians incurred the lowest. However, after controlling for other demographic characteristics, Asians incurred higher costs than Whites. This reversal of Whites and Asians occurred because cost distributions are more skewed for Whites than Asians. Asians had the highest median costs and Hispanics the lowest. The top 5% of users incurred about 50% of the total public mental health costs. All are associated with the Center for Research on the Organization and Financing of Care for the Severely Mentally Ill, the Western Consortium for Public Health. This study was supported by Grant MHR01-44753 from the National Institute of Mental Health. The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone, not of the authors’ affiliations.  相似文献   

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