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Endogenous opioid peptides tonically inhibit LH by acting on hypothalamic mechanisms which regulate LHRH secretion. Opiates increase hypothalamic serotonin turnover but the involvement of the serotoninergic system in the opioid mechanisms regulating LH secretion in man is not clear at present. This study was designed to evaluate whether the tonic inhibitory effect on LH secretion induced by opiates involves the serotoninergic system. We have studied 10 healthy young men (aged 20-28 years). Five subjects were infused with naloxone (10 mg/h for 3 h) before and 120 min after fenfluramine administration (60 mg orally) on two different occasions. In five other subjects naloxone was infused before and after metergoline pretreatment (8 mg on first and second day and 4 mg on the third day, orally, at 0 time of naloxone infusion). After fenfluramine, naloxone infusion failed to induce any increase in LH plasma levels; metergoline pretreatment significantly enhanced the naloxone-induced LH increase. These data suggest that in man a hypothalamic serotoninergic system may be involved in the opioid mechanisms regulating LH secretion.  相似文献   

The effects of serotoninergic blockade on prolactin and thyrotrophin secretion in man was evaluated by determining the basal and TRH-stimulated serum prolactin and TSH concentrations in normal volunteers before and after a 3 days course of cyproheptadine or methergoline administration. Cyproheptadine, a serotonin antagonist with antihistaminic, anticholinergic and antidopaminergic properties as well, did not affect prolactin secretion, while it reduced the serum TSH response to TRH; methergoline, a specific blocker of central serotonin receptors, decreased basal and TRH-induced serum prolactin levels, without affecting TSH secretion. These results support the existence of serotoninergic stimulatory influences on human prolactin release, while suggesting that human TSH secretion is not modulated by serotoninergic inputs.  相似文献   

Serum prolactin, TSH and GH levels were measured in thirty healthy volunteers in fasting conditions and following oral administration of 200 mg nomifensine. In addition, the effect of the drug on serum prolactin and TSH response to synthetic TRH was studied in twenty normal subjects. Inhibition of endogenous catecholamine reuptake by nomifensine significantly inhibited prolactin release whereas it had no effect on TSH and GH levels. Nomifensine administration had no appreciable effect on the TRH-induced release of TSH and prolactin.  相似文献   

The physiological regulation of PRL secretion seems to involve the central serotonin system, since plasma PRL levels are enhanced by serotoninergic agonists and serotonin re-uptake blockers. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the influence of oestrogens on PRL is mediated by the hypothalamic serotonin system. The PRL response to fenfluramine, a serotonin agonist that releases the amine and inhibits its re-uptake, was assessed in 10 normal men (aged 18-25 years) and in six castrated men (aged 18-24 years). In both groups, the effect of fenfluramine on PRL secretion was also evaluated on the sixth day after receiving clomiphene citrate, an oestrogen antagonist and partial agonist. In castrated men, fenfluramine administration was also performed on the seventh day after the last dose of testosterone enanthate (200 mg i.m. every 3 weeks for 4 months). Our results demonstrate that in normal men fenfluramine treatment significantly enhances plasma PRL levels, and clomiphene citrate treatment significantly reduces this effect. In castrated men, fenfluramine is also able to enhance PRL secretion but to a lesser extent; after clomiphene citrate treatment the increase of plasma PRL levels induced by fenfluramine rises to the normal range. We therefore suggest that in man oestrogens and aromatizable androgens influence PRL secretion at least in part by involving the activation of the hypothalamic serotonin system.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) secretion has been studied in two patients with the carcinoid syndrome during glucose loading and growth hormone-release inhibiting hormone (GHRIH, somatostatin) infusion. Both patients had elevated fasting GH levels which were not suppressed by glucose; GH levels fell rapidly during GHRIH infusion. One patient also had hyperprolactinaemia with galactorrhoea and the prolactin (PRL) levels were unaltered by GHRIH. The association between carcinoid tumours and abnormalities of GH and PRL secretion is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine whether human calcitonin inhibits GH secretion in man, as has been described for salmon calcitonin, the effect of an i.v. bolus of human calcitonin or saline on GH release after either insulin-induced hypoglycaemia or the administration of GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) or saline was studied. After the injection of calcitonin, no spontaneous GH surges were seen; the GH response to hypoglycaemia was diminished and the response to GHRH almost completely suppressed. Administration of calcitonin also caused a small and transient rise in plasma PRL and TSH but not LH levels, and no change in the integrated PRL or TSH response. Calcium and magnesium levels did not change. It is concluded that human calcitonin suppresses GH secretion in man, but not by suppressing GHRH and probably not by increasing somatostatin release. In addition, calcitonin has limited PRL and TSH-releasing activity.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify the sites at which cimetidine stimulates prolactin release, the drug was administered intravenously (6 mg/kg body weight) to healthy subjects under basal conditions, during dopamine infusion (1 microgram/Kg-min for 120 min) and after pretreatment with L-dopa plus carbidopa (250 plus 25 mg every 6 for 1 day). The serum prolactin response to cimetidine was abolished by dopamine infusion and almost completely suppressed by L-dopa plus carbidopa administration. These findings suggest that the drug acts on the central nervous system to stimulate prolactin release. Although the mechanism of this action is unclear, it does not seem to depend on an antidopaminergic effect and may be related to blackade of brain H2 histamine receptors.  相似文献   

We have investigated the relationship between the plasma PRL concentrations of 98 untreated acromegalic patients and the GH levels during basal and dynamic conditions. Hyperprolactinaemia was present in 27 patients. In patients with marked hyperprolactinaemia (PRL greater than 80 ng/ml or greater than 1600 mU/l), basal plasma PRL and the TRH-induced response correlated with basal plasma GH (correlation coefficients of 0.9, P less than 0.001 and 0.74, P less than 0.02, respectively). The PRL response to TRH also correlated with GH response to TRH (r = 0.38, P less than 0.01). In contrast, in patients with moderately elevated PRL (20 to 80 ng/ml), and in those with normal plasma PRL (less than 20 ng/ml or less than 400 mU/l), no such correlations were found. Immunostaining for PRL was positive in 24 out of 25 adenomas of patients with hyperprolactinaemia, while no PRL was found in the tumour tissue of 10 normoprolactinaemic patients. In conclusion, our data suggest the existence of two populations of acromegalic patients with hyperprolactinaemia, one group with correlations between GH and PRL secretion, and the other without.  相似文献   

Endogenous opioid peptides are involved in feeding regulation, and alterations in opioidergic regulation have been implicated in the pathophysiology of eating disorders. To investigate further this hypothesis, we conducted a placebo-controlled study of the effect of the opiate alkaloid morphine on cortisol and prolactin secretion in six patients with anorexia nervosa and six age-matched healthy volunteers, and compared the results with those obtained in nine depressed patients. Basal cortisol but not basal prolactin levels were elevated in patients with anorexia nervosa and patients with depression. Following the administration of morphine plasma concentrations of cortisol levels declined progressively and at a similar rate in all three groups. The prolactin response to morphine was attenuated significantly in patients with depression. Neither the cortisol and prolactin response to morphine in the anorectic patients nor the cortisol response in the depressed patients we observed in this study suggests altered opiate receptor sensitivity. However, the decreased prolactin response to morphine in depressed patients remains compatible with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

We studied a young woman with surgical hypoparathyroidism who, on her usual maintenance dose of calcitriol, developed hypercalcaemia 9 d postpartum when lactation was established. Serum values of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) values were very high (127 pg/ml). The patient remained without exogenous calcitriol treatment for 40 d, during which time serum 1,25(OH)2D3 levels remained within the normal range and serum calcium fell with a half-time of 27 d. The requirements for calcitriol increased to antepartum levels when lactation had ceased. There was a close negative correlation between requirements for calcitriol and serum PRL values. After weaning, an episode of hypercalcaemia was induced by increasing the dose of calcitriol. On stopping calcitriol the serum 1,25(OH)2D3 fell to low values (4 pg/ml) within 2 d and serum calcium fell with a half-time of 3 d, necessitating the early reintroduction of calcitriol. We conclude that in hypoparathyroidism exogenous vitamin D requirements fall during lactation because of enhanced endogenous production of 1,25(OH)2D3. The lactation-associated increase in circulating 1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations thus results from a parathyroid hormone-independent mechanism, possibly by an effect of PRL on the 1 alpha-hydroxylase.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the effect of the administration of galanin (Gal), a newly identified hypothalamic peptide, on baseline and GHRH-induced GH rise in five obese children and in seven controls. The GH response to GHRH (hpGRF(1-29), 1 microgram/kg i.v.), and to Gal (15 micrograms/kg/h for 1 h), evaluated both as the maximum GH peak and as integrated area under the curve (AUC), was significantly lower in the obese children than in the controls. Simultaneous administration of Gal plus GHRH significantly increased the GH response to GHRH in all the obese subjects, so that their mean peak GH levels and AUC after Gal plus GHRH were similar to those of the control children after GHRH. Also, in control children Gal caused a significant augmentation of the GH response to GHRH. Mean peak GH levels and mean AUC after Gal plus GHRH were significantly higher in the controls than in the obese children given the same treatment. Our data indicate that obese children have a blunted GH response to Gal, which, however, is able to enhance the GH response to GHRH. This observation strengthens the view that the mechanism of action of Gal involves modulation of endogenous somatostatin (SRIH) release. In addition, similarity between the effects of Gal and pyridostigmine on baseline and GHRH-stimulated GH release in obese children may indicate the existence of a cholinergic link in the action of Gal.  相似文献   

Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of two hormones of similar molecular size, pituitary prolactin (PRL) and human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS), and of the bigger hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) were measured in six pregnant women without pituitary disease. For all three hormones, the plasma and CSF levels were closely correlated. The plasma/CSF concentration ratio for hCG (571 ± 378, mean ± SD) was significantly different (P < 0.01) from the hCS ratio (24.6 ± 6.1); the hCS ratio was significantly different (P < 0.005) from the PRL ratio (7.2 ± 1.5). We conclude that (1) the CSF concentration of a protein hormone depends on the plasma concentration and on its molecular size, and (2) pituitary hormones reach the CSF not only via filtration of peripheral blood at the choroid plexuses, but also more directly via retrograde transport from the pituitary to the brain.  相似文献   

We have previously reported increased testosterone and androstenedione concentrations and decreased sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) concentrations in the plasma of massively obese women. We now report that these plasma hormone concentrations return to normal in twelve of the same women after substantial weight reduction and these changes are associated with more normal menstrual cycles. We conclude that body weight and fat are important determinants of sex steroid secretion and binding and thus influence menstrual function.  相似文献   

In normal women, intravenous injection of the H2-antihistamine, cimetidine, provoked a 3–4 fold rise in serum prolactin, without changes in serum growth hormone, thyrotrophin, or gonadotrophins. Hyperprolactinaemic patients with pituitary tumours, idiopathic hyperprolactinaemia or hypothalamic lesions demonstrated little or no rise in serum prolactin (expressed as a percentage increment) in response to cimetidine; these responses were significantly more blunted than the prolactin responses to intravenous TRH in the same subjects. Post-partum women also demonstrated blunted percentage prolactin responses to cimetidine, although responses to TRH were, in most patients, normal. Dynamic testing of prolactin secretion with cimetidine is no more useful than TRH in distinguishing tumourous from non-tumourous hyperprolactinaemia.  相似文献   

The manner by which dopaminergic and TRH mechanisms interact to control PRL release is not known. Whilst dopamine receptor antagonists and TRH both release PRL, it is not known if the PRL released by these two mechanisms reflects similar aspects of physiological control, or if PRL responses to these mechanisms of release can be dissociated. We addressed this question by studying the PRL responses to maximal stimulatory dose of TRH and domperidone (a DA receptor antagonist), which were administered sequentially, simultaneously or separately on different occasions. Six normal volunteers undertook three sets of studies: (1) standard PRL stimulation tests to 400 micrograms TRH, 5 mg domperidone or simultaneous TRH/domperidone administration, (2) domperidone bolus-infusion study in which either 5 mg domperidone or 400 micrograms TRH was administered i.v. at 120 min during a 240 min infusion of domperidone (50 micrograms/min) which was preceded by a 5 mg i.v. bolus of the drug, and (3) TRH bolus-infusion study in which domperidone or TRH was administered i.v. at 120 min during a 240 min infusion of TRH (0.4 micrograms/min) which was preceded by a 400 micrograms i.v. bolus of the drug. In Study 1, simultaneous TRH/domperidone administration induced an incremental rise in PRL (5195 +/- 940 mIU/l) which was significantly greater (P less than 0.0005) than with either domperidone (3730 +/- 825 mIU/l) or TRH (1335 +/- 300 mIU/l) alone. In study 2, TRH administration at 120 min resulted in a significant rise (P less than 0.01) in PRL (delta PRL 960 +/- 232 mIU/l) whilst the second dose of domperidone did not, thus suggesting that the initial bolus and subsequent infusion had resulted in complete DA receptor blockade. In Study 3, domperidone administered at 120 min induced a marked rise in PRL (delta PRL 3609 +/- 963 mIU/l). In contrast, the corresponding TRH stimulus resulted in a small rise (delta PRL 142 +/- 32 mIU/l) suggesting that the PRL release induced by the initial bolus and subsequent infusion had been near maximal. Thus, TRH is able to induce significant PRL release in the presence of maximal DA receptor blockade, and domperidone, in the presence of maximal TRH stimulation, is also capable of inducing significant PRL release. These observations together with the ability of TRH/domperidone to induce a greater PRL response than either agent alone, suggest that each stimulus has a specific releasing action on a fraction of intracellular PRL which is not accessible to the other.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of L-dopa (0·50 g, orally) on serum aldosterone, cortisol and potassium levels, plasma renin activity, and on urinary aldosterone excretion has been studied in normotensive subjects, before and after dexamethasone-induced ACTH suppression. L-dopa caused a further reduction in the levels of aldosterone but not cortisol, in the dexamethasone treated subjects. It is therefore suggested that the inhibitory action of L-dopa on aldosterone secretion is mediated by the dopaminergic system.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) infused at pharmacological doses in man inhibits thyrotrophin (TSH) secretion, although the physiological significance of this observation is unclear. The effect of low-dose DA infusion (0.1 microgram/kg/min) on TSH and prolactin (PRL) concentrations during stimulation with thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) in normal male subjects is reported. Six subjects were given intravenous DA or placebo infusions for 165 min on separate days. A bolus of TRH (7.5 micrograms) was given at + 90 min, followed by infusion of the tripeptide (750 ng/min) for 45 min during both DA and placebo studies. In all subjects TRH administration caused a small rise in TSH which was partially inhibited by DA (peak 5.73 +/- 0.85 mU/l vs 4.58 +/- 1.09, P less than 0.05). PRL response to TRH was almost totally inhibited by DA (620 +/- 164 mU/l vs 234 +/- 96, P less than 0.05); integrated TSH and PRL responses to TRH were similarly inhibited by DA. Circulating plasma DA concentration during infusion of the catecholamine was 3.46 +/- 1.00 ng/ml, which is within the range reported in pituitary stalk plasma of other species. These data support the hypothesis that DA is a physiological modulator of TSH secretion in normal man. Major differences in the time course of TSH and PRL responses to TRH, and in the suppressive effect of DA on these responses suggest that there are fundamental differences in stimulus-secretion coupling for TRH and the lactotroph and thyrotroph.  相似文献   

Thyroidal secretion of 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (reverse T3, rT3) and its control by TSH was assessed by measuring (1) arterio-venous hormone gradients in patients undergoing surgery, (2) changes of hormone concentrations after induction of anaesthesia, and (3) changes induced by TRH administration. In ten patients in whom thyroid activity was under TSH control (parathyroidectomy and non-toxic goitre) increased thyroid vein/carotid artery ratios (TV/CA) for rT3 (mean TV/CA ratio 2.53) were found when compared to six patients with non-toxic goitre on suppressive doses of T4 (mean TV/CA ratio, 1.27) (P less than 0.05). The mean calculated operative secretion rate of rT3 was 12.5 microgram/day but only 2.4 microgram/day in patients receiving T4. In thirteen patients undergoing elective surgery induction of anaesthesia significantly increased rT3 levels. In nine euthyroid adults intravenous TRH (200 microgram) increased peripheral venous rT3 levels between 3 h (P less than 0.005) and 8 h (P less than 0.05) after the injection. It is concluded that significant amounts of rT3 are secreted by the thyroid gland at operation and this is, in part, under TSH control.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of central alpha-1 adrenoceptor mechanisms which stimulate cortisol secretion throughout the 24 h period in man. Six normal subjects were given 24 h i.v. infusions of the alpha-1 adrenoceptor agonist methoxamine, the alpha-1 antagonist thymoxamine, and saline under double-blind conditions. The only cardiovascular effects of these adrenergic manipulations was a slight bradycardia accompanying the methoxamine infusion. The methoxamine infusion was accompanied by higher concentrations of cortisol than the saline infusion during waking hours and the food related secretory surges were exaggerated, while the converse held with thymoxamine. In contrast, the nocturnal surge of cortisol secretion was unaffected by these adrenergic manipulations. These findings suggest that an alpha-1 adrenoceptor mechanism contributes to the maintenance of cortisol secretion during waking hours, but not at night.  相似文献   

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