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FOr theh馆h刁ose group,18 000 IU/kgwith a total dose lessthan 1 500 000 IU,a印irin300 mg/d ay and subCutaneous hep-arin 7 500 U Q 12h were given;while for the low一dose group 14000 IU/kg with a total dose less than 1 000 000 IU,aspirin 300mg/day and heparin 3 000 U iv bofus before thrombolytie thera-py,thensu阮utaneous he哪rin 7 500 IU Q12h were given.Theprimary end卯int for the eomparison between the thrombolytieand eontrofgroups eons达ted of mortality and AMI within 50days of enrollme…  相似文献   

门.eantly assoeiated with HBV DNA rebound in those who re-eeived Tal Plus FCV.Conelusion:Mutations in FCV一treatedpatients resulting in amino aeid ehanges mainly eluster in the‘B domain’of polymerase gene rather than in YMDD motif·The Presenee of mutations 15 signifieantly assoeiated with HBVDNA rebound during treatment. (Authors)2.1.Dr.g treatment2000638 B domainm“tations in the POlumera‘e gene of he卜at川5 B virusd.ringcombl臼at亩ont加era盯w扭t加t血y.osinalandf姗clelovir五n …  相似文献   

1 .1 Drug treat刃。ent2001255 PantoPrazole in the treatment of aetive PeP·ticulcer.CliniealStudyGroupofPantoprazoleinShang-hai,Shanghai 200040 .Chin J Digest 2001;21(1):22一24. objeetive:To study the effieaey and safety of panto-prazole in treatment of a…  相似文献   

1 .1 AeuPuneture2001369 Clinieal eomParative study on differentaeuPuneture methods for Prevention and treatment oftoxie and side·effeets in ehemotheraPy of malignant tu-mor.FAN Yu(范任),et al.Huashan Hosp,Med Coll,Fudan Univ,Shanghai 200040 . Chin AeuPun…  相似文献   

1 .1.Physieal method of diagnosisCTP 15 an effeetive imaging modality in deteeting and diagnos-ing peritoneal metastases and 15 superior to plain CT.(Authors)2000432 Pulm呱ary thr帅boemboljsm:diagnosis with eon-吸rast一enhaneed吐h代e一dimens应onal MRp比lmonary angiography·Ll Songbai(李松柏),et al.Dept Radiol,lst Affili Hosp,ChinaMed Univ,Shenyang,110001.ChinJRadiolZ000;34(4):231一234. objeetive:To evaluate the ability of eontrast一enhaneedthree一dimensional MR pulmonary angiography(3…  相似文献   

World Journal of Hepatology(World J Hepatol,WJH,online ISSN 1948-5182,DOI:10.4254),is a monthly,open access(OA),peer-reviewed journal supported by an editorial board of 573 experts in hepatology from 46 countries. The biggest advantage of the OA model is that  相似文献   

<正>World Jour nal of Cardiolog y(World J Cardiol,WJC,online ISSN1949-8462,DOI:10.4330)is a peer-reviewed open access(OA)academic journal that aims to guide clinical practice and improve diagnostic and therapeutic skills of clinicians.Aim and scope WJC covers topics concerning arrhythmia,heart failure,vascular disease,stroke,hypertension,prevention and epidemiology,dyslipidemia and metabolic disorders,cardiac imaging,pediatrics,nursing,  相似文献   

1 .1.Physical method of diagnosis2000634 Evaluation of tr.e一FISP TZ一weighted MR imaging in.iver.YANG Zhenhan(杨正汉),et al.oept Radiol3,d Hosp,Beijing Med Univ,Beijing 100083.Chin J Radiol 2000;34(7):448一451. objeetive:To evaluate the applieation of true一FISP TZ-weighted imaging in foeal liver lesions.Metheds:True一FISPTZ一weighted imaging was measured in 452 patients with a 1.5TMRIseanner.Ofwhieh68easeswith163provenhePatiele-sions were evaluated for signal一noise ratio(SN…  相似文献   

1 .1 Physical method of diagnosisand infraeardiae tyPe in 1 ease resPeetively,only one of them wasdemonstrated by eehocardiography,Conelusion:EBCT has 519-nifieant value in dia,0515 of anotnafous pulmonary venous eon-neetion whieh may not be deteetable with eehocardiography oreven eardiovaseular angiography. (Authors)亡考2000001 MRI diagnosls of radiation myeloeneePhalie neer卜515.WANG Xuejian(王学建),et al.Dept Radiol,Affili Hosp,Guiyang Med Coll,Guiyang,550004.Chin J Radiol 1999;33…  相似文献   

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