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The development of multivalent conjugate and protein-based meningococcal vaccines may make global control of meningococcal disease possible. However, achieving control of meningococcal disease in low and middle income countries will be challenging. In low income countries whose vaccination programmes receive financial support from the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation, the main challenge is lack of sufficient epidemiological information to allow rational decisions on vaccine introduction to be made and, in these countries, enhanced surveillance is needed. In middle income countries, financial challenges predominate. These could be met by demonstration of the cost effectiveness of new meningococcal vaccines and through the introduction of a tiered-pricing system.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that, especially in countries with high per capita income, there is an independent effect of income distribution on the health of individuals. One source of evidence in support of this relative income hypothesis is the analysis of aggregate cross-section data on population health, per capita income and income inequality. We examine the empirical robustness of cross-section analyses by using a new data set to replicate and extend the methodology in a frequently cited paper. The estimated relationship between income inequality and population health is not significant in any of our estimated models. We also argue there are serious conceptual difficulties in using aggregate cross-sections as a means of testing hypotheses about the effect of income, and its distribution, on the health of individuals.  相似文献   

What can be done about the private health sector in low-income countries?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A very large private health sector exists in low-income countries. It consists of a great variety of providers and is used by a wide cross-section of the population. There are substantial concerns about the quality of care given, especially at the more informal end of the range of providers. This is particularly true for diseases of public health importance such as tuberculosis, malaria, and sexually transmitted infections. How can the activities of the private sector in these countries be influenced so that they help to meet national health objectives? Although the evidence base is not good, there is a fair amount of information on the types of intervention that are most successful in directly influencing the behaviour of providers and on what might be the necessary conditions for success. There is much less evidence, however, of effective approaches to interventions on the demand side and policies that involve strengthening the purchasing and regulatory roles of governments.  相似文献   

Income produces health, and sickness negatively affects earnings. These two factors likely explain the income gradient in health, but each has very different policy implications. In this paper, I examine graphical trends in mortality risk between low-income and higher-income people by age and gender. These trends suggest that forward causality (income affecting health) is more important than reverse causality (health affecting income) in the income-health gradient. However, there is some evidence to suggest that reverse causality plays an important role for younger men.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the development and application of standards for the health care to both promote quality assurance but also to improve the processes by which health services are held accountable to the public. This paper maps the development of organisational accreditation systems in the USA, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. In the USA, accreditation, which began as a means of ensuring the correct environment for clinical practice has developed into a form of public regulation. In the United Kingdom, many different approaches to the setting of standards and their assessment has created a variety of accreditation systems. The case studies demonstrate that as the concept of accreditation diffuses into the health care systems of different countries, it is being adapted to meet the wider policy needs of different national circumstances.  相似文献   

In this paper global differences in health between the 12 countries of the European Union are compared and related to variations in so-called determinants of health, especially socio-economic and life style factors and characteristics of the health care system in each country. This leads to two main conclusions. The first conclusion is that the health differences that exist within the European Union can only be partially explained by variations in determinants of health. Still, the comparison offers intriguing clues for improving health, containing cost and further research in the European Union. The second conclusion is that considerable data on health and determinants of health are collected in each country, but that international comparability is still limited. The ongoing activities in the standardization of European data collection need our full support.  相似文献   

Weaknesses in health systems contribute to a failure to improve health outcomes in developing countries, despite increased official development assistance. Changes in the demands on health systems, as well as their scope to respond, mean that the situation is likely to become more problematic in the future. Diverse global initiatives seek to strengthen health systems, but progress will require better coordination between them, use of strategies based on the best available evidence obtained especially from evaluation of large scale programs, and improved global aid architecture that supports these processes. This paper sets out the case for global leadership to support health systems investments and help ensure the synergies between vertical and horizontal programs that are essential for effective functioning of health systems. At national level, it is essential to increase capacity to manage and deliver services, situate interventions firmly within national strategies, ensure effective implementation, and co-ordinate external support with local resources. Health systems performance should be monitored, with clear lines of accountability, and reforms should build on evidence of what works in what circumstances.  相似文献   

The rising costs of pharmaceutical expenditures are a common problem for policy makers in most European countries. In two countries, budget systems for pharmaceutical spending exist(ed). In Great Britain, between 1991 and 1999 GP fundholders were responsible for prescribing costs, and in Germany an overall expenditure cap for pharmaceutical prescribing has been used since 1993. These two examples are analysed in order to identify the conditions that are needed for successfully implementing budget systems for prescribing costs in other countries. It is argued, that a good budget system balances the provision of enough information for budget holders to monitor their expenditures on the one hand, against an explosive increase of transaction costs on the other hand. Apart from that, it makes doctors responsible only for expenditures that they themselves can actually control, and does not provide them with an incentive to use that discretionary power by shifting expenditures to other health care sectors. A good information infrastructure is needed for the implementation of budget systems in general. For the introduction of fundholding, a number of additional criteria need to be met, such as having gate-keeping GPs with personal lists and having a single-payer system.  相似文献   

Variation in GP referral rates: what can we learn from the literature?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
BACKGROUND: Variations in referral rates exist, at GP and practice level. Although the National Institute for Clinical Excellence is to produce referral guidelines, it is unclear if this variation requires regulation. A critical review of the literature on variation in referral rates was undertaken to see if existing evidence could inform the debate. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe the variation in referral rates; to identify likely explanatory variables; and to describe the effect of GPs' decision making on the referral process. METHODS: Six bibliographic databases, the Cochrane Library, the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, and the National Research Register were searched. RESULTS: Patient characteristics explain <40% of the observed variation; practice and GP characteristics <10%. The availability of specialist care does affect referral rates, but its influence on the observed variation of referral rates is not known. Intrinsic psychological variables are important. GPs who are less tolerant of uncertainty or who perceive serious disease to be a more frequent event may refer more patients. There is a lack of consensus about what constitutes an appropriate referral, and the use of guidelines has had only limited success in altering referral behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: Variation in referral rates remains largely unexplained. Targeting high or low referrers through clinical guidelines may not be the issue. Rather, activity should concentrate on increasing the number of appropriate referrals, regardless of the referral rate. Pressure on GPs to review their referral behaviour through the use of guidelines may reduce their willingness to tolerate uncertainty and manage problems in primary care, resulting in an increase in referrals to secondary care. The use of referral rates to stimulate dialogue and joint working between primary and secondary care may be more appropriate.  相似文献   

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy - This paper examines the construction of maternal responsibility in transgenerational epigenetics and its implications for pregnant women. Transgenerational...  相似文献   

The health systems of Japan and the Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan), and the recent reforms to them, provide many potentially valuable lessons to East Asia's developing countries. All five systems have managed to keep a check on health spending despite their different approaches to financing and delivery. These differences are reflected in the progressivity of health finance, but the precise degree of progressivity of individual sources and the extent to which households are vulnerable to catastrophic health payments depend on the design features of the system - the height of any ceilings on social insurance contributions, the fraction of health spending covered by the benefit package, the extent to which the poor face reduced copayments, whether there are caps on copayments, and so on. On the delivery side, too, Japan and the Tigers offer some interesting lessons. Singapore's experience with corporatizing public hospitals - rapid cost and price inflation, a race for the best technology, and so on - illustrates the difficulties of corporatization. Korea's experience with a narrow benefit package illustrates the danger of providers shifting demand from insured services with regulated prices to uninsured services with unregulated prices. Japan, in its approach to rate setting for insured services, has managed to combine careful cost control with fine-tuning of profit margins on different types of care. Experiences with DRGs in Korea and Taiwan point to cost-savings but also to possible knock-on effects on service volume and total health spending. Korea and Taiwan both offer important lessons for the separation of prescribing and dispensing, including the risks of compensation costs outweighing the cost savings caused by more 'rational' prescribing, and cost-savings never being realized because of other concessions to providers, such as allowing them to have onsite pharmacists.  相似文献   

Within the domain of public health, commonalities exist between the sanitation and cookstove sectors. Despite these commonalities and the grounds established for cross-learning between both sectors, however, there has not been much evidence of knowledge exchange across them to date. Our paper frames this as a missed opportunity for the cookstove sector, given the capacity for user-centred innovation and multi-scale approaches demonstrated in the sanitation sector. The paper highlights points of convergence and divergence in the approaches used in both sectors, with particular focus on behaviour change approaches that go beyond the level of the individual. The analysis highlights the importance of the enabling environment, community-focused approaches and locally specific contextual factors in promoting behavioural change in the sanitation sector. Our paper makes a case for the application of such approaches to cookstove interventions, especially in light of their ability to drive sustained change by matching demand-side motivations with supply-side opportunities.

Abbreviation: DALY: Disability-adjusted life year; CHC: Community Health Club; CLTS: Community-Led Total Sanitation; HAP: Household air pollution; BM-WASH: Integrated Behavioural Model for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; ICS: Improved cookstove; LPG: Liquefied petroleum gas; NBA: Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan; NGO: Non:governmental organisation; OD: Open defecation; ODF: Open defecation free; HAST: Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation; RANAS: Risks, Attitudes, Norms, Abilities and Self–regulation RCT: Randomised controlled trial; (Sani) FOAM: Focus, Opportunity, Ability and Motivation; SBM: Swachh Bharat Mission; TSC: Total Sanitation Campaign; WASH: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene  相似文献   

Most commonly, lessons derived from comparisons of international health sector reform can only be generalized in a limited way to similar countries. However, there is little guidance as to what constitutes "similarity" in this respect. We propose that a framework for assessing similarity could be derived from the performance of individual policies in different contexts, and from the cause and effect processes related to the policies. We demonstrate this process by considering research evidence in the "public-private mix", and propose variables for an initial framework that we believe determine private involvement in the public health sector. The most influential model of public leadership places the private role in a contracting framework. Research in countries that have adopted this model suggests an additional list of variables to add to the framework. The variables can be grouped under the headings "demand factors", "supply factors", and "strength of the public sector". These illustrate the nature of a framework that could emerge, and which would help countries aiming to learn from international experience.  相似文献   



Health services can only be responsive if they are designed to service the needs of the population at hand. In many low and middle income countries, the rate of urbanisation can leave the profile of the rural population quite different from the urban population. As a consequence, the kinds of services required for an urban population may be quite different from that required for a rural population. This is examined using data from the South East Asia Community Observatory in rural Malaysia and contrasting it with the national Malaysia population profile.


Census data were collected from 10,373 household and the sex and age of household members was recorded. Approximate Malaysian national age and sex profiles were downloaded from the US Census Bureau. The population pyramids, and the dependency and support ratios for the whole population and the SEACO sub-district population are compared.


Based on the population profiles and the dependency ratios, the rural sub-district shows need for health services in the under 14 age group similar to that required nationally. In the older age group, however, the rural sub-district shows twice the need for services as the national data indicate.


The health services needs of an older population will tend towards chronic conditions, rather than the typically acute conditions of childhood. The relatively greater number of older people in the rural population suggest a very different health services mix need. Community based population monitoring provides critical information to inform health systems.

Physicians, once only responsible for patient care, now are responsible for their organization's management. Although this paradigm shift occasioned much opposition, most aspects of this change are improving as the rules are reevaluated and reconsidered. Physician managers have difficult tasks for which medical school provides no preparation. Employees must be individually evaluated, so their unique talents can be properly exploited and appropriately compensated. Each person's weaknesses must be improved upon with delicacy, while his or her strengths are given greater and greater focus. This is especially true with regards to billing and coding because the financial health of all healthcare businesses requires organizational competence in this arena. It is vital to have an understanding of each staff member's skills, talents, and knowledge, and a proper deployment of each person into the appropriate job. The goal of any manager is a group of satisfied employees who enjoy their work and make appropriately recognized contributions.  相似文献   

The health sectors in many low- and middle-income countries have been characterized in recent years by extensive private sector activity. This has been complemented by increasing public-private linkages, such as the contracting-out of selected services or facilities, development of new purchasing arrangements, franchising and the introduction of vouchers. Increasingly, however, experience with the private sector has indicated a number of problems with the quality, price and distribution of private health services, and thus led to a growing focus on the role of government in regulation. This paper presents the existing network of regulations governing private activity in the health sectors of Tanzania and Zimbabwe, and their appropriateness in the context of emerging market realities. It draws on a comparative mapping exercise reviewing the complexity of the variables currently being regulated, the level of the health system at which they apply, and the specific instruments being used. Findings indicate that much of the existing regulation occurs through legislation. There is still very much a focus on the 'social' rather than 'economic' aspects of regulation within the health sector. Recent changes have attempted to address aspects of private health provision, but some very key gaps remain. In particular, current regulations in Tanzania and Zimbabwe: (1) focus on individual inputs rather than health system organizations; (2) aim to control entry and quality rather than explicitly quantity, price or distribution; and (3) fail to address the market-level problems of anti-competitive practices and lack of patient rights. This highlights the need for additional measures to promote consumer protection and address the development of new private markets such as for health insurance or laboratory and other ancillary services.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Most low and middle income countries (LMICs) are currently not on track to reach the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). One way to accelerate progress would be through the large-scale implementation of evidence-based health tools and interventions. This study aimed to: (a) explore the barriers that have impeded such scale-up in LMICs, and (b) lay out an "implementation research agenda"--a series of key research questions that need to be addressed in order to help overcome such barriers. METHODS: Interviews were conducted with fourteen key informants, all of whom are academic leaders in the field of implementation science, who were purposively selected for their expertise in scaling up in LMICs. Interviews were transcribed by hand and manually coded to look for emerging themes related to the two study aims. Barriers to scaling up, and unanswered research questions, were organized into six categories, representing different components of the scaling up process: attributes of the intervention; attributes of the implementers; scale-up approach; attributes of the adopting community; socio-political, fiscal, and cultural context; and research context. RESULTS: Factors impeding the success of scale-up that emerged from the key informant interviews, and which are areas for future investigation, include: complexity of the intervention and lack of technical consensus; limited human resource, leadership, management, and health systems capacity; poor application of proven diffusion techniques; lack of engagement of local implementers and of the adopting community; and inadequate integration of research into scale-up efforts. CONCLUSIONS: Key steps in expanding the evidence base on implementation in LMICs include studying how to: simplify interventions; train "scale-up leaders" and health workers dedicated to scale-up; reach and engage communities; match the best delivery strategy to the specific health problem and context; and raise the low profile of implementation science.  相似文献   

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